《7 Minutes in Heaven | YOONMIN FF》4


Jimin stopped eating. He couldn't believe it. The reason that Jin didn't come home last night, was because he slept with Kim Namjoon.

The Kim Namjoon.

"Are you serious! Holy shit wow." Jimin still couldn't fully process what he had just heard.

"Yeah, I woke up and found him next to me. At first, I got scared and I started to panic because yes, I was happy we did it but at the same time was worried because I didn't know what had actually happened in the process and I didn't know what it meant." Jin's expression stiffened a little but managed a smile.

"Well, you won't know unless you talk about it" all of a sudden Jin had a smirk on his face.

"Unless...you already did?" Jimin searched for clues on Jin's face and he had a huge smile plastered on his face. That was all Jimin needed to see to know what happened.

"Well what did he say?" Jimin questioned as he took a sip of his untouched drink.

"Well, I woke up and just started at the ceiling for about an hour trying to recollect my memories from yesterday and after that I remembered most of it. In fact, let me tell you the whole story of what happened after you guys left to look for Tae."

"Ah...okay go ahead we have all the time in the world." Both boys started eating their food and began gossiping because why else would they have gone out to eat?

"So, where was I?" Jin questioned, taking a bite of his food. Jimin stopped to think.

"Ah! You were at the point where you said that you had a few drinks because you knew that you wouldn't be able to face Namjoon just like that!"

"True. Now let me continue. I had been drinking..."

Jin had drank about 5 to 10 shots or more before he decided that he could face Namjoon. He walked through the crowd of people, his eyes searching for the Kim Namjoon. He was beginning to lose hope in finding him until he heard a laugh. That laugh sounded familiar. It sounded faked. Jin looked in that direction to see Namjoon who was surrounded with girls who were purposely shoving their nonexistent cleavage in his face.

"Namjoon did you know that you're cute?" One of the girls said as she took a sip from her red plastic cup. The other girls nodded in agreement to her statement.

"Uh...yes I did....thank you for reminding me!" The girls just giggled in response and gave each other a look.


"Say Namjoon, how about we go upstairs to a room? Just you and me...no one else present..." the girl looked at him licking her lips in the process.

Those are some really thirsty hoes. Jin scoffed at the thought.

Time to introduce myself. Jin walked over trying his best to maintain his balance.

"So is that a yes or a no?" Namjoon just stood there frozen. Does this girl even know that he's gay?

"You know that I'm gay right?" The girl nodded a yes but still continued with her offer.

"Yeah...I know but you know if you come with me, I can make you come back to being straight..." all the girls giggled but the one who was talking made them leave so that it could be just him and her.

"You know that I was never straight to begin with." As he finished his statement, Jin finally arrived and Namjoon was instantly in awe of the older.

"Well hello Namjoon! I just wanted t- to say thatI l-like ..." he was suddenly interrupted by the girl.

"Uh...who are you? Can't you see that me and Namjoon are talking here? Leave before I..."

"I am Jin! I am here trying to tell Namjoonsomething important! It's more important than you being a thirsty hoe asking to have sex with Namjoon who c-clearly doesn't want to because he is gay. You look desperate so why don't you save yourself from embarrassment and leave. Kay?" The girls face turned red.

"You bitch. Shut up! Agh!" The girl turned towards Namjoon and whispered.

"If you change your mind, look for me upstairs in the bedroom that is down the hallway on the left." She blew a kiss to Namjoon and glared at Jin. She then left. Jin just wanted to throw up. Literally. He ran to the nearest garbage can and threw up. When he finished, he glanced up to find Namjoon holding a piece of paper and a water bottle.

"Uh...thanks for helping me out there...I appreciate it." Jin just took the offerings from the younger and smiled.

"It was nothing! I just saw her and noticed that you were uncomfortable so I headed there to help you because I know how uncomfortable that must feel." Namjoon just chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Were you trying to say something back there? Or was it just for the distraction?" Jin just laughed and almost laughed his balance.

"Woah there! Let's get you somewhere safe." Namjoon put Jin's arm around his shoulder and helped him walk. All Jin did was laugh.


"Where are we going?" Jin questioned, the younger struggling to keep him up.

"We are going to my place." Jin immediately stopped laughing.

"What's wrong?" Namjoon stopped.

"I just want to put this out there. I'm gay." Jin was waiting for the response Namjoon would give.

Would it make him happy? Would he have a neutral feeling? Would he not even care at all?

What he didn't know was that in reality, Namjoon was celebrating on the inside. The moment he saw Jin, he didn't care about any other guy that came across his way in the past. He wanted Jin. To himself.

"Better for me." Jin giggled.

"Now let's go. You need to be somewhere safe." Jin nodded and began walking with Namjoon's help.

At last they made it and Namjoon opened the door. When Jin entered, he instantly felt comfortable. He didn't know why but he just felt that way. Namjoon sat him down on the couch and went to his room. Jin explored the room and noticed that there was another room. Namjoon came back and handed him what he could find for the older.

"Here this is what I could find." Jin took the clothes and they touched hands.

"Uh...thanks. Where can I change?" Namjoon signaled his room. After he was done changing, he headed back towards the living room and found that Namjoon had brought a blanket and some extra pillows for him to sleep.

"W-wait wait wait...HE WAS GONNA MAKE YOU SLEEP ON THE COUCH?!?" Jimin blurted out interrupting the story.

"Well yeah, I was a stranger so I don't see what the problem was..." Jimin thought about it and then agreed.

"Oops I forgot." Jin rolled his eyes.

"May I continue?" Jimin took a sip of his drink which was a signal for the older to continue, and so went the story.

"I got you some extra pillows so that you could be more comfortable."

"Ah thank you...uh...so I guess goodnight?" Namjoon awkwardly said his goodnight and left. As Jin lay on the couch, he stared at the ceiling remembering how gentle and perfect Namjoon was. More than he originally thought.

He didn't feel comfortable laying in the couch. It was cold and when he moved his movements were the only sound heard which to him, he disliked. After about 2 hours like this, Jin gave up. He got up, walked over to Namjoon's room and opened the door.

Namjoon woke up because of the noises and noticed that Jin was standing at the entrance.

"Can't sleep?" Namjoon asked, his voice sounding tired. Jin nodded and so Namjoon moved aside and patted the spot next to him. Jin cautiously walked over slowly and laid down. They both faced each other and were locked in each other's gaze.

Silence. Namjoon broke it.

"You know, the moment I saw you I instantly fell for you. I don't know how, but something about you just calls me." The older smiled and was proud that he didn't have to do anything so that Namjoon, one of the 3 most popular kids at school could like him.

"Namjoon, I...I don't know why or how you fell for me because clearly, I'm not the most attractive guy, but I like you as well...that's what I was trying to say back at the party when you were talking with the girl." Namjoon chuckled and smiled which caused his dimples to show.

"If we both like each other, then why don't we just date?" Jin's face turned into pure excitement.

"Jin...would you like to be my boyfriend?" Jin wanted to say yes but the words wouldn't come out. He kissed Namjoon and he gladly accepted it. They kissed each other with tongue introduced.

"So I guess that's a yes?" The younger questioned as Jin gave him a quick peck on the lips and nodded. Namjoon was quick and was on top of Jin. They kissed once more and this time things began to escalate. Namjoon kissed Jin everywhere possible starting at his face, to his neck leaving marks as well...

"WOAH WOAH I DO NOT NEED TO KNOW THAT PART!" At the thought of what happened next made him cringe.

"Okay okay, calm down." Both boys had finished their meals and were waiting for the waiter to bring the check.

"So after that...that thing happened, you woke up and had a boyfriend who is one of the 3 most popular kids at school?!?" Jimin was amazed. He found is pretty amazing that Jin had such a wonderful night, well most of it. At last the waiter came by with check and they paid.

"And~ I found out that Yoongi lives there with him! They are roommates!" Jin smiles proudly for the discovery he had yesterday. Jimin was happy on the inside but he didn't want to show it. He needed a distraction from that topic.

"Jin I think Kookie should be back from his date with Tae! Let's go back and fill him in!" Jimin giggled.

"Okay let's go." Jin grabbed the younger's hand and they left the restaurant and headed back home to fill Jungkook in on the gossip.

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