《7 Minutes in Heaven | YOONMIN FF》1


"Hyung hurry up! We're going to be late!" Jungkook was at the door putting on his shoes while Jimin was somewhere in the apartment still getting ready.

"Just a few more minutes! I promise!" Jimin's voice sounded muffled since he was not in sight and in another room.

"Tsk, okay just hurry up! We can't afford to be late once more!" Since Jungkook was already good to go, he decided to go to the kitchen to grab a snack that could pass as breakfast. As he was about to bite into an apple, his phone lit up and started vibrating. Ah Taehyung. Jungkook thought. Jungkook picked up the phone and answered. As he picked it up, Jimin entered the kitchen wearing black skinny jeans, a plain white shirt and some fake glasses.

"Hey Love" Jungkook said as he threw an apple to Jimin and signaled him to head out.

"Hey kookie! I wanted to ask, are you free tonight? I want to take you out today. We haven't been on a date in a while." Jungkook checked the calendar and the amount of homework he had which was not a lot. He could make it.

"Yeah okay! I just checked my schedule and everything is good." Jungkook had already walked out of the apartment and walked towards the car where Jimin was waiting while eating his apple.

"Great! Okay, so I'll pick you up at our usual spot after school?"

"Yeah, that I'll be fine. Okay I have to go I'm about to drive to school see you there!"

"Okay bye sweetie oh by the way, say good morning to Jiminie for me!"

"Mhm okay bye" with that, Jungkook ended the call.

"Who was that? Was that Tae?" Jimin opened the car door.


"Yeah, he wants to take me out today. Also he said good morning." Both boys got in the car and Jungkook turned it on.

"Ah okay!" Jimin put on his seatbelt and took out his phone. Probably gonna text Jin...Jungkook thought. Jin didn't come home last night. The three of them were roommates. They all went to the same college.

"You texting Jin?" Jungkook questioned breaking the silence in the car.

"Yeah he didn't come home last night so I just want to check in to see if he is okay..." last night they all went to the party. Jin had dragged the younger ones to the party even though they didn't want to.


"Jiminie! Kookie! Please let's go to the party! I swear it will be fun! Jungkook and Tae Can spend time together and...oh! Jimin can see Yoongi! Hehe...or should I say your crush?" Jimin blushed a dark shade of pink. Jin and Jungkook were always teasing him saying that he liked Yoongi. Min Yoongi. One of the 3 most popular kids at school. The other 2 were Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok. Jin had a crush on Namjoon the moment he laid eyes on him and the best part was that he was gay. Even though Namjoon was gay, every girl still liked him. Hoseok was straight and so was Yoongi.

"Hyung! I don't like Yoongi! How many times do I have to tell you?"

"Ah...don't lie to us Jiminie we both know you do, so pleaseeeee come to the party." Jimin hesitated and at last gave in. "Fine. Let's go." Jin squealed and ran to his room to get ready. Jungkook went to his room as well. Jimin sighed and went to go do the same. Once they were all ready, they all got in the car and drove to the party. When they arrived, they entered the house and saw a bunch of teenagers drinking and grinding on each other in rhythm to the music. Jimin and Jungkook went to go look for Taehyung and Jin left to who knows where, and that was the last time they saw him that night.





Where are you?

Just checking in since you didn't come home last night. Answer when you see this. Bye ❤️


Good morning

Sorry if I worried you I got drunk and slept over at someone's house. I'll tell you later when I get home. I won't be attending school today so I'll tell you what happened to me at home.

Jimin just sighed. He probably just had sex with a random dude. He usually did that when they went to parties. Jimin lowered the window wanting to feel the fresh breeze from the new day.

"What did he say?" Jungkook asked not leaving his eyes of the road. Jimin looked at him being interrupted from his thoughts.

"He just said that he was sorry if we were worried and that he slept over at someone's house. He won't be coming to school he is going straight home."

"Guess we will see him home." At last, they arrived at school. Yoongi and Hoseok arrived at the same time. Jimin and Jungkook got out of the car and started waking. Jimin would have to walk back home because Jungkook and Taehyung were going on a date.

"Kookie, I'll see you later at home okay?" Jungkook smiled and nodded a yes. He then left and started to head towards his next class.

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