《Atama ✓ tk》十八


Jungkook helped the maids with the dishes while Taehyung scurried upstairs to finish his last equations. He was snuggled up in bed, elbows resting on his stuffies while scribbling the final answers. Dressed in blue shorts and a white tee he slowly sank further into the bed, embracing the warmth and coziness the covers provided him with. His tummy was stuffed with pizza and his body felt warm and fuzzy after having dinner. He fought against his falling eyelids with great difficulty as his pencil was slowly slipping out of his grip.

He lost the battle against fatigue and welcomed the arms of sleep at the same time Jungkook washed the last plate. The maids thanked him and he got a cookie from Maid Mary for being such a hardworking young man. He smiled at the women before passing Taehyung's father who was reading the news paper on the couch. After making sure he was done downstairs, he made his way to the second floor, wanting to ask Taehyung something very important.

He knocked on the door, twice, and frowned when he was being ignored. Since he knew Taehyung wasn't a person to ignore people, he opened the door to check inside. His worried face softened once his eyes fell on the bed, where a sleeping Taehyung was located.

Jungkook quickly slid inside of the room and closed the door without making too much noise. Tiptoeing to the edge of the bed, he sat down and smiled at the napping boy.

Taehyung was lying sideways, his one leg draped over the other while his arms were in front of his face. His brown fluffy hair was messy due turning around and his white shirt had slightly ridden up to display his cute pouch Jungkook so goddamn loved.

Jungkook pondered on what to do and decided on cuddling Taehyung until he woke up. He slowly laid down next to the boy who was unaware of anything happening. A hand slowly ran through the brown locks, pushing them out of the younger's boys face. Taking his chances, Jungkook leaned closer to press a short kiss to Taehyung's nose who scrunched it cutely afterwards.


Taehyung whined once he felt a tickling feeling flutter over his tummy. He kicked his feet and heard a grunt coming from next to him. His dream drunken state was confused on why his stuffies were suddenly making noise. Peeking through one eye he recognized the person lying beside him as to be human, and not stuffed.

"You kicked me", Jungkook spoke up, rubbing his leg with a slight scowl on his face.

"Syour own fault for waking me up", the younger boy mumbled before turning on his other side, showing Jungkook his back.

Jungkook's fake scowl disappeared and he wrapped an arm around the other's waist before quickly pulling the younger's back flush against his own chest. A shriek escaped Taehyung's lips and he fought against the arms around him before giving up, feeling the warmth radiating off the strong body.

"You're so warm", Taehyung murmured, "I like it".

Jungkook smiled and traced his fingers over the other's exposed tummy again, feeling Taehyung shudder against him.

As Taehyung was slowly falling asleep again, he remembered something, "You wanted to ask me something right?"

Jungkook's eyes widened and he quickly cleared his throat, "It's nothing important".

Taehyung rolled on his other side and gave the older a stern, but sleepy, look, "Tell me Kook".

"It's a stupid question", he answered, "And embarrassing".

"It can't be that embarrassing. You've seen me talk to toys and sleep with a pacifier. We don't have secrets for each other", Taehyung mumbled, slowly leaning in to tuck his head right underneath Jungkook's chin.

The gardener sighed and nuzzled his nose into the fruity scented hair.

"I wanted to ask you- if you wanted to be my tutor", Jungkook mumbled out, feeling very nervous all of a sudden.

Taehyung frowned before smiling, realizing this meant he could spend more time with Jungkook in the evenings. But why would he want Taehyung as a tutor?


When the only thing that followed was silence, Jungkook felt like explaining himself a bit more.

"I'm stupid. That's what people call me", Jungkook began, his hand running up and down Taehyung's back,"I was too dumb to go to a normal school, so the doctors recommended my mom to take me to a special school, for special children like me. She refused and enrolled me into a normal school where I was bullied and later on expelled from. I never got a normal education since my mother believed I couldn't go to any school anymore. I've been having trouble finding work before your father decided on helping me. That's why I want to try studying again, just on my pace and intelligence".

Taehyung's face had fallen after hearing that explanation and he quickly hugged the older tightly, feeling the arms close around him too.

"Of course I want to help you", Taehyung smiled brightly, facing Jungkook once again, "Is there anything specific you need help with?"

Jungkook sighed, "I guess... Everything?"

"Alrighty", the younger nodded, "Let's start tomorrow. I'll get my old books from upstairs".

Jungkook nodded along and took a swift decision on pecking Taehyung's lips. Pink dusted the younger's cheeks before he too leaned in, deciding on stealing another kiss, this one longer and sweeter. Their lips crashed together and for one moment all worries left their minds as their limbs, hearts and thoughts were entangled with each other.


Such a fluffy book this is ♡

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