《Atama ✓ tk》十七


The ridiculous bright smile on Taehyung's face had been there all day, unable to be wiped off at any circumstance. He even made his homework with the happies fucking grin on his face, humming some random Disney song to himself.

His father stood in the opening of the door, with crossed arms and a smile on his face. Sure, he still wasn't too sure about his son's relationship with the gardener, knowing what kind of history the other had. Sure, he was afraid what kind of influence it would have on his beloved son, but he trusted Jungkook to handle his son with love & care.

His father smiled and left the humming boy who was drawing random scribbles of hearts and flowers on his work sheets. The small boy had finished almost all of his exercises but wasn't really focusing on his homework at the moment, and he wasn't trying either.

He was too dazed in his mind & too happy in his heart to care about school work.

Jungkook had kissed him.

He had kissed him back.

It sounded like a dream, a dream he couldn't wake up from. Because it wasn't! It wasn't a dream!

Taehyung's cheeks turned a cherry red at the thought again and he dropped his head onto the table, his arms catching the fall for his face.

"I can't believe it!", he whisper squealed to himself, "What does this mean!? Are we together now??"

He shrieked again and calmed down his heartbeat before it'd burst out of his chest.

"I need to see him", he told himself, "Or not? What do I do? What would the Disney princesses do in this situation?"

His thoughts immediately went to singing to birds and doing shores around the house.

Okay nevermind, he wasn't a Disney princess and Jungkook wasn't a prince.


Well- Taehyung did saw him like that.

He softly slapped his cheek to wake himself up out of his daydream.

He tapped his fingers against the wooden desk and glanced out of the window where the sun was faintly shining. Evening was getting near and Taehyung still felt giddy & stressed because of earlier events. Rolling backwards in his chair, he decided to take a warm shower to untense his muscles and maybe clear his head so he could finally finish his last exercises.

He skipped to the bathroom that was in the room opposite of his, and immediately stripped out of his clothes. He flung them on the chair that stood in the room and stepped into the shower which was covered with a light curtain. It didn't really hide everything since the young boy's body shape was still visible but it wasn't as if the maids would walk in when they knew the shower was running.

The bathroom fogged up from the warm water and the scent of peaches filled the air. Taehyung liked fruity scents and colorful shampoo bottles, hence why he always smelt so fresh. As he was scrubbing his body, he faintly heard a knock come from the door. He lowered the water pressure and wondered if it was his father, wanting to tell him something.

"Yes?", he yelled out, slightly shivering from the cold since he had lowered the pressure to hear better.

The door opened slowly and in stepped a buff looking guy that Taehyung could only recognize as his one and only Jungkookie. Even though he couldn't see much through the shower curtain, he did recognize the broad chest and tall height only the gardener possessed around this house. Shyly he peeked his head around the shower curtain with rosy cheeks and light brown hair matted against his forehead.


"Yes Jungkookie?", he asked, trying not to stumble over his words.

The gardener seemed embarrassed and was definitely trying not to stare at the outlines of Taehyung's naked figure through the slight see through shower curtain.

"I-uh I- came to get you down for dinner", the older stumbled out awkwardly, "It's pizza today".

This brightened Taehyung's smile and he nodded his head excitedly, "I'll be down in a second!"

The door closed again as Taehyung slid down against the wall, feeling the drops hitting his body as he sighed out of embarrassment. He quickly shut off the shower and jumped out, grabbing a fluffy towel and quickly wrapping it around him. He grabbed his old clothes and walked inside of his bedroom again, already wondering what he was going to wear-

"Jungkook", he almost shrieked, seeing the boy sitting on his bed, reading what looked like his homework.

The said boy looked up and tilted his head in confusion. His eyes swiftly went over Taehyung's figure, the cute tummy with pouch and the tan skin that was on full display now. He turned a little red, and coughed, quickly dropping the homework pages onto the bed.

"What are you doing here?", Taehyung asked, quickly scrambling over to the closet to hide behind the open closet door.

"I-uh nevermind", Jungkook shook his head and got off the bed, "I'll ask later".

He disappeared out of the bedroom, leaving a confused/half naked Taehyung behind.

"Ask what?"

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