《Atama ✓ tk》


Some weeks later


The said man looked up from the painting he was working on and looked at his son who was gazing outside. The boy's eyebrows were furrowed and a small pout was evident on his lips. Taehyung was able to stand up now since his cast had been removed only a couple of days ago. He was staring out of the big window, almost in search of something, or someone, and his father already knew what the boy wanted to ask.

"He became ill", he responded though he hadn't been asked the question yet. Taehyung's head immediately snapped to his father, his eyes wide with panic.

"He only has a minor fever, don't worry son", his father smiled softly, "I didn't want to let him work in that condition".

Taehyung's mouth formed a straight line as he imagined a sick Jungkook stuck in bed because of a fever.

"He still hasn't gotten his paycheck from this month though since I wanted to give it to him last week-"

The brunette's face lit up and he jumped up and down, "Oh oh oh! Can I go visit and give it to him?"

Taehyung's father though for a little bit but complied. He got the paycheck out of his desk and handed it over to his son who seemed excited to go on his little adventure. Jungkook's address was written on the back and he quickly realized he lived somewhere in the little town to the southeast of here.

"I'll be going then!", Taehyung smiled happily and skipped out of the room, holding the paycheck against his chest. His father chuckled at the sight of the jolly boy and soon started painting again.

Taehyung took his bike out of the shed and waved the maids who were cleaning the windows goodbye. The road wasn't all that good since they lived on the country side. Lots of pebbles and sand were in the way but nothing stopped Taehyung's enthusiasm on visiting Jungkook. He took the road to the right and saw the town's church appearing from far. Soon he arrived in town and asked people for directions.


The town's folk didn't see Taehyung much, since the boy lived far away and the maids did the shopping. Since he was homeschooled he never really got befriended with anybody, so that's why people were always surprised when they saw the boy.

"You're Kim Taehyung right? From Kim's mansion?", an old lady asked and the brunette quickly nodded, "Have you come looking for a friend?"

"Our gardener Jeon Jungkook is sick and I'm paying him a visit", Taehyung replied, making the elderly lady smile.

"How thoughtful of you. The Jeon's live in that rowhouse over there".

She pointed at a fairly big house and the boy quickly said his thanks before running over the house with his bike on his side.

He placed the bike against the side of the fence and ran up to the front door. He hadn't even rung the bell for five seconds yet when the door already opened. A small child looked at him with big eyes. Before the kid could say something a girl in her twenties scooped the child into her arm. They both had pitch black hair and dark brown eyes, the same ones Jungkook had.

"Hello there", the girl smiled.

"H-hi", Taehyung mumbled, suddenly very shy. He hadn't thought about the fact Jungkook maybe didn't live alone. He was old enough to have a girlfriend or a wife.

"Who's there?", a higher voice yelled which made the girl roll her eyes. Footsteps came from the stairs and suddenly an older lady appeared in the doorway. She, too, had black hair and brown eyes and Taehyung wondered if this woman was Jungkook's mother.

"You look familiar", the lady spoke as she ran her eyes up and down Taehyung's body. The boy cleared his throat in awkwardness. "Are you a Kim?"

Taehyung nodded, "Yes. I'm here to see Jungkook".


The woman sighed and pinched her nose, "Of course. I knew he couldn't last long there. I already found it suspicious he had a job for more than two months. But how dare he send his son to tell Jungkook the news".

Taehyung tilted his head in confusion, not understanding why the woman was acting so strange.

"Can I see Jungkook now?"

The woman glanced back at Taehyung and scoffed.

"Sure", she muttered, "Upstairs, first room to the left".

The girl smiled friendly at Taehyung though her eyes had turned sad now. The little boy just stared at Taehyung while sucking on his pacifier which made the brunette remind just how pathetic he really was for still using it at the age of eighteen.

Taehyung climbed the stairs and was faced with a man who looked in his late twenties. He wore a fancy suit and almost bumped into Taehyung since he was looking at his wrist watch with a frown.

"S-Sorry", Taehyung immediately apologized. The man stopped to stare at him for second. But then proceeded his way, not asking what he was doing here since he was already late for work.

The brunette only shrugged and went to knock on the door which was the first to his left. He heard some sort of reply coming from inside and he quickly peeked through the gap to check if this was really Jungkook's room.

"Young master Taehyung?", Jungkook asked confused once he spotted the brunette boy sheepishly smiling at him, "What are you doing here?"

Taehyung skipped over to the raven haired male who was tucked into bed. His room looked rather boring, Taehyung found, he didn't even have any stuffies.

"First of all, please call me Taehyung. I rather not be called something formal like that. Second, I'm here to see you of course since my father told me you were sick", he replied, sitting down onto the bed, "And third, I have your paycheck here".

He placed the envelop on Jungkook's bedside table and smiled at the surprised expression on the older's face.

"You really didn't have to do that", Jungkook replied but the other just shrugged.

"It's been a while since I visited town".

Sudden shouting was heard from behind the closed door and Taehyung stared at it in worry. He wasn't used to hearing such loud noises in his house.

"That's probably by younger sister running after my little brother", Jungkook sighed.

"There seems to be a lot of people living here", Taehyung answered as he swayed his feet, "I already met three at the front door".

Jungkook stared at the boy though he didn't realize this, "Well you have my mother who created all of us. There's my oldest brother Jung-Hwa who's 27. Then there's my older sister Ji and she's 25 years old. My youngest brother Jum is 3, and you probably met him since he's always first to open the door, and my youngest sister Jin Ae is 8 years old and her twin brother is named Jyung".

"That's a lot of people in one house", Taehyung said in awe, "How is it to have so many sibling?"

Jungkook shrugged, "Busy".

Taehyung chuckled, "I bet it is. Being an only child is anything but that".

"Thank you for visiting me by the way", Jungkook smiled, "I hadn't ever expected it".

Though he knew, Taehyung as a person, was nothing like he had ever expected.

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