《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 86


"And what do you want me to do about that?"

The deep voice stirs me from sleep.

I hear his scoff, as my droopy eyes open, and I blink a few times, a frown making it's way to my face as a manly scent enters my nose.

"I don't have to do anything, Nicole. We agreed on one thing, and one thing only. So I suggest you stick to it or the deals off."

My eyes look up at Killian who was sat up against the head board, my body cuddled up to his leg and my eyes widen, a blush coating my cheeks.

What's he doing here?!

He had a grumpy look on his face, his blonde hair messy as he kept running a hand through it, listening on the other end.

He let's out a dry laugh. "Yeah, sure that's it." He says, sarcasm dripping in his voice, as he let's out a breath of annoyance, his eyes moving over to me and I quickly close my eyes shut.

"I'll call you back later." I hear him hang up and then I feel a poke on my nose, my eyes flash open in surprise as they meet a smirking Killian.

"Oh, uh..hey." I rub my eyes. "What are you doing in my bed?" I ask as if I've just woken up. I move a little and groan from the aches around my body.

"Technically this is my bed you're in, love."

I frown, looking around the room. And I furrow my eyebrows. Why are we in the guest room?

My eyes widen, the memories from last night were still a little foggy. Had I drunk too much? I begin to panic.

"Hey, relax. We didn't do anything, if that's what you think." Killian interrupts my thoughts with a smirk and I whip my head to him.

"I never thought that!" I say immediately, blushing even more as he laughs.

The sudden memory of me visiting grandma's grave makes me freeze as all colours drain from my face.


I close my eyes for a moment and think hard about yesterday, well actually today... All the memories slowly seeping in.

The massive fight I had with Luise.

Seeing Killian all cosy cosy with Nicole.

And me making a fool of myself in front of grandma's grave.

"No..." I grip my head, shaking my head. No, God. Kill me now.

"Are you alright?" Killian's deep voice interferes my thoughts.

It wasn't supposed to be like that.

I can't have showed up like that on my first visit.

Drunk and chaotic.

What must she think of me now!

I sob angrily into my hands.

She told me she knew I'd grow up to be a strong woman. She believed in me.

Instead she had to see me all pathetic and weak.

"It's not fair!" I grit. And when I feel his hand reach over to me I shake my head. "No. Don't." I snap.

He sighs agitatedly as he moves his hand away.

I take deep breaths, my nails digging into my cheeks as I try to calm down.

I just could never get over the missed opportunities I had, to see my grandma. Alive.

All because of my pathetic excuse of a dad and Luise.

God, I hated them so much.

After minutes of silence, I finally turn to him.

I want revenge. I need revenge.

I take a deep breath, anger radiating from me.

"What would it take.. for you to assassinate them?"

Surprise flashes through his eyes.



"You heard me." I snap and he glares at me from the tone.

He rubs a hand over his face, shaking his head.

"You're clearly not fully sober so why don't you take a nap while I--" he begins to pull the duvet off when I shout.


I need this. I need this for the gaping whole inside my heart that's there because of them. For taking grandma away. For ruining my life.

He sighs, rubbing his forehead.

I lick my dry lips as I speak again.

"I can give you the money Killian, if that's what you want. Twenty pounds. Right here. Right now."

He runs his tongue along his teeth as he looks at me like I've grown two heads. "Twenty pounds ain't gonna cut it."


He scoffs. "Are we actually talking about this right now." He shakes his head, glancing at the clock that read 6am.

"It's still early and quite obvious that you're still tipsy from all that drinking you did a couple hours ago. Go to sleep Layla."

"No." I glare at him. "You seem to be fine taking orders from others why can't it be for me? You are a professional assassinator--" my voice begins to rise and his hand suddenly clamps my mouth shut, as anger flashes through his eyes.

"You do realise we have neighbours right?" He snaps and I try to move his hand away but he clamps it tighter while I begin to shake with anger.

When he doesn't move his hand I dig my fingers into his skin, using everything in me to take it off. But he doesn't seem fazed as he continues to stare at me blankly.

And after a few moments he says.

"Are you done?" And I glare at him, continuing to pry until he finally removes it.

My lips tremble in rage as he stares at me, rolling his eyes.

"You know they've ruined my life. I had so many opportunities to see my grandma. The only one who actually cared. You don't get it. Nobody gets it." I fist my hands up.

"There's plenty of ways of dealing with things. Killing them is not going to help I hope you know that." He said looking at me like I was being ridiculous.

OH? I laugh to myself. Is that why you killed Gareth?

"However, I do think you're not completely in the right state right now so I'll leave you here to sleep." He stands up pulling a shirt over his head and I release a cold laugh.

"Yeah okay blame it on me it's all my fault isn't it. I'm dealing with this whole mourning thing the wrong way. I'm dealing with my hurt the wrong way. I want justice! WHY IS IT THAT I'M ALWAYS DOING THINGS WRONG ACCORDING TO YOU PEOPLE?" my voice raises as I speak and then I laugh some more.

"But yeah you go and leave. Bet you're dying to see Nicole and kiss her--"

He suddenly bends and puts his face right in front of mine startling me. His icy blue eyes meeting mine.

"I didn't say anything nor imply that it's your fault. I'm just saying it's ridiculous to seek your revenge through a murderous plot." He says in a duh tone and I raise my brows.

"Hah! Oh my God. Could you get any more hypocritical?" I sneer and he narrows his eyebrows, practically daring me to continue as the anger courses through his eyes.


"Because it seems to me that all you ever do in dealing with situations Killian. Is killing people. And you know I'm right."

And if looks could kill... I'm sure I would be six feet under right now from the daggers his gaze was throwing at me.

"That's it." He says and I frown, my eyes following his hand as he shoves it inside the drawer next to him.

What the--

"No! Killian. What are you doing!?" I practically jump on him, grabbing hold of his arm.

He stops and looks at me.

"I am getting my keys." He drags out, giving me a look. "Is that alright with you?" Sarcasm laces his voice.

My cheeks tint red with embarrassment.

My lips twitch as I try to think of something to say but I end up scowling. My hand releasing his arm.

His very muscley arm. Has he been working out?

He sighs.

And after a long silence I feel the back of his warm hand press against my forehead.

"You look exhausted." His eyes scan my face as they jump back to mine again, his concern surprising me after the little argument we've just had.

After feeling my temperature, his hands drops down and that's when my eyes land on the silver ring on his wedding finger and the irritation spikes up in me all over again.

"Shouldn't you be leaving now." I say in a plain voice and his brows fly upwards, watching me as I pull up the duvet over me, as I shuffle away from him and he scoffs.

"Nicole is probably waiting for you with breakfast ready and--"

"Oh here we go again." He cuts me off with a glare and I glare back.

"Don't look at me like that. You know what you're doing is---"

"Have you got memory loss? We talked about this already and I told you I would explain everything--"

"But you haven't! And--"

His loud exasperated sigh cuts me off, as he runs a hand through his hair in annoyance.

"I don't have time for this." He stands up suddenly. His keys in his hand.


My eyes follow his movements as I continue my glare on him. "Good. Leave like you always do best. See if I care."

He lets out a scoff, his jaw clenching tightly, as he begins to wrap his tie around his collar, anger evident as he does so.

And after a while of staring at each other I snap. "Are you just gonna stand here and look at me or are you actually going to--"

"Layla." He snaps, quite loudly as he cuts me off angrily. "My patience is wearing thin with you. So why don't you shut that pretty little mouth of yours and go back to sleep, before I make you."

My brows fly upwards in surprise and then I glare at him.

"So now you're threatening me? What are you gonna do? Drug me again?" I laugh and he comes closer to me and I quickly shuffle away from him, my smirk faltering.

He catches on to the small action and scoffs.

"Brave words from someone who's about to shit their pants."

My eyes widen. "Oh yeah? Typical actions from someone who's a kidnapper and a murderer. And who likes to buy people. I wouldn't be surprised if you use that sleeping drug you put in me before again!"

His tongue runs over his teeth as he releases a dry chuckle his eyes darting to the wall next to us where the neighbours could possibly hear. Anger etching his features.

"Yeah go ahead and throw it all out there just because you're jealous." He glares and my cheeks redden.

"I-I'm not! Why would I be jealous? I don't care that Nicole--"

"Yeah sure let's go with that." He cuts me off as he comes closer to me. He roughly grabs my chin, lifting it up as our glaring eyes connect.

"I don't want to see you downstairs in no less than 2 hours from now. If I do then I won't mind taking up the strategy that you're not so surprised with. Got it?"

My eyes widen as I look at him incredulously. "You can't just threaten me in my own house! I--"

"Watch me." He cuts me off and we have another stare off before I push his hand off me, gritting my teeth.

"Get out!" I snap and he just smirks.


And with that he turns to the door opens it and leaves, slamming it shut.

I glare at the door as I run my hands over my face and through my hair gripping it.

I am not jealous!

My eyes dart to the mirror next to me and I grimace.

I looked and felt like shit. Pure and utter shit.

My eyes were bloodshot with deep bags under them and my hair all over the place.

I tried to push away the heaviness behind my lids not wanting to go back to sleep, rubbing them as I release a tired sigh.

I just couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. The heavy lump in my chest increasing the more I thought.

The angry tears begin to slowly form in my eyes, my lips trembling but i push them back.

Violent images of me attacking Luise form into my mind as the pain and rage inside my temples begin to increase to the point that it felt like exploding.

I suck in a deep breath. Now that would be a pleasurable satisfaction. If I could just give her a taste of her own medicine. Both her and Gerald. I begin to smirk.


I quickly shake my head ridding the thoughts. Behaving like a psychopath will do nothing.

Oh god. What's happening to me?

I bang my head against the headrest behind me, closing my eyes shut.

But the memories from yesterday begin to swarm my mind again and the guilt settles into my chest when it goes back to the image of Killian being the only one there to try and console me at the graveyard and I swallow the lump in my throat.


Now I felt even more shitty from the way I just treated him. Maybe I went a little too far by bringing up the past.

I release a pained groan, banging my head again. As my hands grip my hair tighter, the small pain from my scalp feeling oddly relieving.

But-But it's just that Nicole--

No. No.

My supposed jealousy had spoken enough today.

The pain increases inside my head and I sigh, taking in deep breaths.

All this over-thinking was really starting to poison my mind.

My eyes begin to droop as I slump my whole aching body onto my back. The exhaustion hitting me like a tidal wave.

I stare up at the white ceiling, my gaze then flickering to the empty spot next to me and I sigh. I miss him...

His addictive smell was still present in the room and sheets and I roll over to his side my face burying into his pillow and I sigh in pleasure as I inhale his scent feeling warmth and tingles spread through my stomach. My mind and body beginning to relax as sleep soon takes over.

The thought and image of grandma still running through my mind. And revenge.


Heidi will make an appearance soon and so will Jack in the upcoming chapters. What do you guys expect will happen?

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