《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 82


I was staring at myself in the mirror, a frown on my face as I swirl my finger around the plastered area, where Killian had pricked me.

Why did he put it in again? Had the other one expired or something?

I wince when I press on it.

My mind moves onto what happened yesterday and I blush from the memory of the kiss he gave me.

Even if he was drunk.

My frown deepens.

Why did he want me to go back to England, if he kissed me? Does he still like me or-

I mentally slap myself, groaning. Not this again.

I then pull my clothes off putting some black cotton underpants, and a random bra, before slipping on a jumper and pair of jeans.

I head out, and downstairs entering the living room. Surprise flashes through me when I see Kian and an angry Mike sat on the sofas.

There eyes land on me and Mike glares at me.

My eyes move onto Kian again, my thoughts immediately going to Heidi.

When he glares at me as well, I roll my eyes, heading to the kitchen.

I gasp when I see about a dozen guns on the counter.

Both Luca and Killian's gaze snap over to me and I notice how Killian's facial expression was nothing but anger too, his cheeks tinted with red and his eyes flaming.

Such a grumpy man.

"Hey, tesoro." Luca gives me a sheepish grin and I look up at him again.

"Hi, um, What's going on?" I ask, warily as I head over to the cereal boxes.

"Nothing much. We're heading back to England in about an hour. Would you want to stay over Matt's tonight?"

"Yes." I frown, remembering Killian's words from last night.

'To put an end to Gareth of course.'

While I warm up the milk, I hear shouts from the living room.

I walk towards the door, the voices getting clearer.

"You can't kill him, Killian. He's my cousin for God's sake!" I hear Mike yell.

"I couldn't give two fucks who he is. You're lucky enough that I'm giving you a chance to see his sorry ass for the last time." Killian snaps back.

"A warning would've been fine. But killing him? Are you insane?!"

"Warning? I hardly ever give warnings, especially in cases like these and you know it. Him being your cousin and related to John isn't going to change a damn thing, do you understand me?"

I take a peek through the door, my eyes widening when I see steam practically coming out of his ears. Along with Mike's.

"After all he did for us, years back?" Mike growls. "Just gonna throw that away just like that over some stupid little mistakes?"

Killian sneers at him.

"He's a rat, Mike. He's been spilling our shit to Vin for years. What part of that don't you understand to not take it so seriously?"

Mike scoffs, shaking his head. "After what you did to him, I can understand why he would do this. And let's just see what dad will have to say about-" just then Killian's fist slams against Mike's face and I gasp.


"I've had enough of you. Get out." Killian grits, while Mike wipes his lip.

"Guys stop." Kian groans, closing the laptop.

Mike stands up, glaring at Killian.

"And if you even try anything I won't hesitate to put another bullet into you. And I could care less if you're John's son."

I remain standing there blinking a few times.

So he was actually going to kill Gareth.

A sudden whiff of something disgusting enters my nose and I wrinkle my nose.

I take another peek through the door but my eyes widen when I see Killian barging through the door.

His angry eyes land on me and he just about stops before he could bump into me.

My breath hitches inside my throat at just how scarily angry he looked.

"I-I'm sorry." I squeak out, my cheeks flushing as I realise he caught me eavesdropping on him.

Being too noisy was part of the reason we broke off after all..

"What's that smell?" Is all he says, in his rasped husky voice. His eyes moving away from mine.

"Shit!" My eyes widen, as I direct my gaze to the milk I was warming up. Steam flowing out of it.

I burnt the milk! If that's even possibly?

I rush over to it and grab the handle, bringing it to the sink where I pour cold water into it. Hearing it sizzle.

I sigh.

"That smells rank." Killian grunts, and I turn to him to see him looking through the guns on the counter and I frown.

"Killian a-are you sure about this?" I ask, and his gaze flickers to mine.

He picks up a small pistol from the counter, heading towards me, and I frown, looking down at it.

"Violence is never the right answer. I don't think you should kill Gareth because..." I trail off when he stops in front of me, my eyes narrowing on the gun.

His rough hand cups my chin, as he tilts it up. "You have no idea, have you?" His flamed eyes stare through mine and I gulp.


He sighs in response, his eyes dropping to my hand.

His other hand then takes a hold of it, as his fingers caress along my palm, and I blush.

"W-What are you doing?"

"Your hands are too small." He tsks, as his eyes move over to the gun in his hand.

"W-What do you mean?" His eyes look down at me as he releases a sigh. The angry tint in his eyes fading.

He then puts the gun into my hand and I flinch.

"Are you crazy!?" I squeak, trying to push the gun back to him.

"Calm down, it's just a gun." He rolls his eyes.

Easy for him to say!

"T-This is illegal!"

"We're in America, sweetheart." He reminds me, wrapping his hand over mine, which is around the barrel of the gun, tilting it in different positions.

"How does it feel?" He cocks a brow. "Too big?"

"It feels weird. I really don't want to touch it." I frown and he rolls his eyes.

"Too bad."


My frown deepens as I look up at him, his eyes search the counter as he plucks up a smaller one, swapping it with the one in my hand.

"Why are you doing this?"

Killian lets out an exasperated sigh, as he gives me a hard look. "I'm trying to keep you safe."


"Uh.. I am safe?"

"How does this feel?" He then asks ignoring what I said and I scowl.

"Just fine!" I snap.

He narrows his eyes at my tone.

"You keep doing this without any explanations. It's pissing me off!" I grit, with a scowl.

"This wouldn't have happened if you had just kept your damn phone secure." He snaps back.

I open my mouth when his hand suddenly lands on the back of my jeans. He slips his hand into the pocket and pulls my phone out.

"-And didn't get all of our pictures together stolen." He does something on it, and shows me my gallery. The album of us, completely empty.

I remain silent for a while, a heavy weight dropping to my chest.

"W-Where's the pictures?"

"I deleted them." He states. "And-"

"How dare you!" I yell, cutting him off, angrily. "Those were my pictures, you have no right to-"

"-And stored them into your backup." He cuts me off with a glare. "Let me finish, damn it."

My cheeks flame red and I glare at him back.

"How'd you know my password?"

"It doesn't take a genius to find out." He rolls his eyes as he slips it back into my pocket. "Nor access it from a different device."

Someone's hacked into my phone?

A feeling of dread and fear rushes through my body.

"Well who did it?" My voice shakes.

He raises a brow. "Guess."


I sigh in response.

"Go eat something." He says, taking a step back, his scent still lingering around me.

I watch as he raised his hand, fixing the cuff of his sleeve on his arm.

But then my eyes land on something.

A ring.

On his wedding finger.

My heart stops beating as my gaze flickers up to his eyes, he cocks a brow looking down at the ring.

"It's a phoney." He says.

"What do you mean?"

"It doesn't matter." He shakes his head.

"Oh okay." I say. Not like it's my business anyway.


I snap out of my thoughts looking up at him, to see him much closer to me.


"Keep this gun with you." He says, signalling to the gun in my hand, that I just notice I'm still holding. "In case."

In case?

I gulp, looking down at the gun warily.

I look back up at his face, noticing the stress lines on his forehead. His hair looked like it had been run through several times, his eyes tired with bags under them.

"Is someone after me?" I ask.

"I'm dealing with it. So no."

Oh, it must be Gareth.

I sigh, nodding my head.

He then takes a step back and when he's about to turn to the door, I blurt.

"When can I see you again?" But immediately regret it when he turns back to me, frowning.

My cheeks immediately flame red.

"We can't." Is all he says, and disappointment floods through me.

"Oh o-okay." I force a smile, trying to cover up my embarrassment but I'm sure my flaming cheeks said it all.

His eyes search mine, guilt crossing his features before it disappears.

"Killian, let's go." I hear Kian's voice behind the door.

He looks at me, sighing. "Are you okay?" He takes a step forward, brushing his thumb on my burning cheek, causing tingles to spread.

"I'm fine." I push his hand off. "Don't do this when you don't want to see me again."

He just sighs, shaking his head. "You know it's not a good idea."

"I don't care." I say and he looks at me again, narrowing his eyes.

"Is that so?"


We continue to stare at eachother, until his eyes drop to my lips, his eyes glinting with something as he sighs.

After some silence of him contemplating, he talks again.

"Are you going to the new years event?" He asks, and my heart skips a beat.

New year's event?


His eyes look into mine again and he nods. "I'll see you there."

"O-Okay." I push back the smile.

"You guys done yet?" Kian grunts behind the door. And Killian rolls his eyes.

"See you, love." He bends down, placing a soft kiss on my cheek. The feel of his soft lips makes me shudder.

After a while, I feel Killian chuckle against my skin. "I missed this little blush of yours." His thumb traces my bottom lip, and I smile a little.

"No more." I push him away, rubbing my burning cheeks.

He chuckled in response and I hear Kian gag from behind the door.

After saying our goodbyes, both Kian and Killian leave out. And I head upstairs to Luca who was packing some stuff.

"When are you leaving?" I ask, and he turns to me.

"Now." He lifts up his bag, leaving through the door and I follow him.

Soon we arrive to his car, and he shoves his stuff in the back, and I take the passenger seat.

"Luca are you going to an event for new years?" I ask as he begins to drive.

"Yep, why? You wanna come?"

I sigh out in relief, nodding my head.

"For Killian?" He cocks his head, a smile playing his lips and I whip my head to him, blushing.


He just laughs, soon stopping on Matt's curb. "I'll see you tomorrow."

I give him a smile before exiting and walking to the door.

Just when I'm about to knock, the door swings open.

"I've been expecting you." Matt says, smiling wide.

"Uh, what?"

"You're going to that new year's party with me right?" He asks, excitedly.


"Neat! Let me go put my boots on." He says, heading over to the shoe rack.

"Why?" I frown.

"Shopping time!" He exclaims.

I groan.

He's the only guy I know who actually likes shopping.

Which is quite surprising.

Considering he's broke.


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