《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 81


So sorry for the extreme lateness for this update. Took the time off for exams, and because of writers block, but I guess the more I didn't write, the more extreme the writer block became, oops. But here it is, hope you enjoy this chapter!

Oh and feel free to recap before reading, wouldn't be surprised if some of y'all forgotten anything after almost two months lol.


After the busy day we had today, I snoozed off to sleep right after crashing into bed in just a tank and the elf bottoms. Luca had went off to drop Matt off, but not even an hour later my beautiful sleep was ruined by loud knocking from the door.

I groan as my droopy eyes peel open, as I move over to my side. That must be him back then.

I sit up on bed, my eyes landing on the clock that showed it was only three in the morning.

He's pretty early considering all the lengthy father meetings he has with Matt's father, who's actually made a surprise visit home for a couple of days, so I don't blame him.

As I'm descending the stairs I almost jump out of my skin when the door busts open, my heart practically lunging in my throat as a splitting scream escapes from my lips.

I hear a grunt at the door before silent greets me.

"...Luca?" I take another step down and gasp when my eyes land on who it is.


His eyes are narrowed on me, tinted with anger and question as they trail up and down my rigid form, I didn't have time to feel embarrassed about what I was wearing.

Because as my eyes trail from his bloodied lip, to the scattered red blotches on his jeans and shirt- my heart begins to beat faster all over again.

I finish descending the stair as I open my mouth and say. "What happened?"

He responds with a grunt as he begins to pull his blazer off, dropping it to the ground, my eyes following his movements until they land on his bloodied knuckles.

He got into a fight.

Seriously? Even on Christmas day?

I sigh, shaking my head. "The first aid kit is..." I trail off when a whiff of beer enters my nose. My eyes go up, meeting his slightly glazed eyes.


"Shouldn't you be asleep?" He just cuts me off, his voice gruff.

I blink a few times, frowning. "You literally broke the door open, how can you expect me to sleep through that?"

"From what I recall, you tend to sleep through anything." He pushes past me, causing me to stumble to the side.

I roll my eyes, sighing as I run a hand over my tired face.

I begin to ascend the stairs, as I head into Luca's room but to my dismay I find it empty.

Where is he?

I narrow my eyes, shaking my head as I pull my phone out from my pocket, taking a seat on his bed as I begin to dial his number but it goes straight to voicemail.

I release a grunt digging my hands into my hair, as my bloodshot eyes fall shut.

Soon I hear light footstep come toward me and I open my eyes, lazily. Only to be greeted with Layla's small form, a first aid box in her hands.

Her sleepy grey eyes meet mine, a look of cautious across her swollen and flushed face as her eyes dart to my injured lip, to the blood on my trousers.


My eyes drift from her bed hair to the faint lipstick on her pouty lips that was smudged over her chin. I look at her attire, before meeting her innocent eyes again.

My mind drifts to Vinnie's disgusting threats towards her and I clench my jaw, gritting my teeth.

She clearly notices my angry state, as she gulps visibly. "I'll leave this here and uh, go to bed." She says, tightly. As she places the box onto the bed before turning.

Before she can move, I grab onto her arm and pull her back, a gasp releases from her mouth, her feet almost tripping over each other.

"Let go of me!" She hissed, her cheeks flaming red. As she tries to tug away.

"Please, I don't want to talk to you like this. Y-You're drunk." Her voice was laced with fear.

I pull her closer to me, sighing. "I'm not going to hurt you Layla, relax."

When her movements still, she looks into my eyes again with a frown.

"When are you planning to go back to England?" I then ask, after some silence.

She gives me a confused look. "A couple of years, maybe. Why?" She says and I grunt, kissing my teeth.

"What?" She frowns.

It was definitely not safe for her to stay here for that long. Who knows what could happen.

"I think it's best for you to leave within three days." I then state, watching as her eyes fill with shock.

My gaze drops to the aid box, as I pull it onto my lap, clicking it open.

"N-No." She stammers out after a while and my eyes snap over to hers. "I'm not, I can't-"

"I'm afraid you have no choice." I cut her off, firmly, my hand raising up to my lip as I force away the bloodied lip rip off my wounded lip.

Anger flames up in her eyes, her jaw clenching.

Oh here we go.

"Who do you think you are?!" She suddenly snaps, as I grab some cotton and begin to dab away the blood from my lip, rolling my eyes.

"It's for your best interest, love. I'm sorry."

"No!" She snaps, stubbornly. "And you can't make me." She then crosses her arms.

My lips tug up into a smirk at her words as I meet her gaze again.

"Is that so?"

She remains silent as a scowl makes way to her face and I chuckle.


Suddenly, I hear my phone ring, and my gaze drops to my pocket where I casually pull it out expecting it to be Luca. When I see it's just Kian, I grunt. Accepting the call.

"Yes?" I say, flatly, running a hand through my messy hair.

"We've got Vinnie on our radars." He says and I hear tapping sounds.

"Okay. Good." I respond. "Have you told them about the plan for tomorrow?"

"What plan?"

I roll my eyes, moving them over to Layla, immediately meeting her large curious eyes.

"To put an end to Keith of course." I reply, bluntly. My eyes still glued to Layla's as a gasp emits from her parted lips. Her eyes filling with shock then replacing with horror.

"I'll tell them now." He says, I nod before hanging up, clicking away from the app. I see Layla take a step back and I chuckle.

"You're not going anywhere, love." I reach over and wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

"Get off me, you murderer!" I shriek, staring at him wide eyed as he continues to look down at his phone, with a smirk.


Who's Keith? My eyes then widen; my mouth opening in horror. Gareth!

"Don't act surprised, love." Is all he says as he begins to tap on his phone.

"It's not the first time I'm killing someone. A bastard at that."

I wince, before shaking my head. The way he can talk about killing someone this easily!

I try to pull his hand off but he tightens his hold.

"Please." I groan, trying to move away again. He gives me a look, before placing his phone to his ear ringing someone.

A few minutes later, annoyance strucks his face as he pulls the phone away, looking at me.

"Where's Luca?" He asks with narrowed eyes.

"Let go of me first." I grab his hand, grunting as I try to pry it away.

"Stop." He takes my hand instead, entwining our fingers together, and immediately my face flushes from the contact and tingle that spreads through my hand.


His hard gaze doesn't waver from mine and I gulp, trying to tug away a scowl on my face.

I notice how is eyes are still a little glazed and I begin to pull away again. "You're drunk, I don't want-"

"I'm not drunk." He says, flatly. "I drank a little. But not that much."

I remain silent as I continue to look at him.

After a while he releases a grunt, running a hand over his face. "Where is he, love?" He says calmly. His eyes showing different.

"He's gone." Is all I say.


My lips begin to twitch. Should I tell him?

"I'm not telling you." I say firmly.

I gasp when suddenly he jerks me forward, enough for me to crash onto his chest with a thump.

"Ow, Killian!" I groan, clutching his shirt as I try to straighten myself up. Not ignoring his familiar masculine scent that enters my nose.

His cold rough hand cups my chin, as he tilts it up. My eyes immediately meeting his icy blue ones.

The way he looked at me made a shiver run down my spine as I swallow hard.

Does he think I'm scared of him?

"I'm not scared of you anymore." I say. "If that's what you're trying to do."

He stares at me for another moment, before his lips tug up into a sly smirk.

"Good to know."

I look at him confused, opening my mouth to say something when suddenly the pad of his thumb moves up to my lips, running a tingly path along my bottom lip. His arm pull me closer.

A deep blush creeps up my cheek, and he notices, his smirk widening.

"Stop." My voice comes out as a whisper, and I clear my throat. Blushing harder.

Why is he doing this after our last encounter? He made it clear he didn't want anything to do with me anymore!

I then gasp inwardly.

Is he just playing with me?!

His thumb continues to caress my lips, as he cocks a brow. His eyes twinkling in amusement as he watches me battle with myself.

I scowl.

That devil.

"Are you going to tell me where Luca is?"

"No." I grab onto his hand trying to pull his hand off my mouth but using his other hand he gently grabs onto my wrist.

"A-And I'm not going back to England either." I state and he hums in response, looking awfully calm like the bipolar ass he is.

What is he thinking?

I narrow my eyes at him.

His hand moves from my chin, and to my neck. Where he pushes the hair away, pulling me even closer. His lips hovering a little above my lips, his breathing fanning me and I begin to blush even more furiously.

"Killian, please-" I suddenly feel his hand fumbling against my neck, his thumb beginning to rub a small area behind my jaw.

I frown. "What are you-" I cut myself off with a gasp, as I feel a sharp prick.

Tears build up in my eyes, as my lips begin to tremble. I move my hand up to my neck rubbing it, bringing it back to see a drop of blood.

His hand slowly pulls away, and he leans back a little, a plaster (bandaid) in-between his teeth as he rips the back paper from it, while thumbing the end bit, he then tilts my chin up gently sticking it onto the prick.

When his eyes land on mine, he raises a brow.

"Why are you crying?"

She sniffles, a small tear escaping her eyes as she glares at me.

"C-Cuz you h-hurt m-"

"You did say you didn't want to go back to England." I cut her off with a sigh. Almost forgot how sensitive she is.

"W-What? And then you just did this to me!" She says, angrily. Her hand landing on her neck. Her lips trembling, her cheeks looking even more flushed.

"It's a chip." I say, calmly. My gaze flickering down at her as she rubs her sleeve on her nose. Another tear spills down.

"Why did you put it again?" She sobs, angrily.

I roll my eyes. "Don't worry about it." I then cup her heated cheek, tilting her head as I eye her neck. She sniffles again, another tear rolling down.

My lips tug up a little, but I quickly push it down before she sees.

Oh how much I've missed my little drama queen.

I quickly wipe away her tears, before running my thumb in circles along the small area of her plastered neck.

She grunts in response, removing my other hand away from her cheek with two of her small hands.

Her eyes soon zone out, as she doesn't realise the grip she still has on my hand that is now placed on my thigh, as she begins to fiddle with my fingers. I smirk a little, as her eyes begin to droop.


She quickly snaps out of it, releasing my hand with wide eyes. I trail my hand away from her neck and down to waist.

"Did you drug me?" She snaps, her voice sleep-filled and I scoff.

"Definitely not." I entwine both of our hands together a I then place a light kiss to her cheek. "You're just tired."

Her cheeks flush even further, the tears no longer in her eyes. And I smirk.

"I hate you." She growls, blushing furiously.

"Of course you do, love." I chuckle, as I begin to twirl a lock of her hair, between my fingers. She loves it.

After a few moments her eyes begin to droop again.

Small circles and playing with her hair always did the trick on keeping her relaxed. And... Helping her fall asleep too, I guess.

A hum releases from her lips, before she slowly pulls my hand away, her tired eyes opening again and she mutters. "Don't touch me."

And with that she takes a step back and I release her this time, watching her in amusement.

"I'm going to bed." She says, running her hand over her adorable face and hair before heading to the door.

"Night, love." I say watching her walk out.

My thoughts then wander over to Keith and Vinnie.

I run my fingers through my hair, sighing in annoyance, as I put my hand into my pocket pulling out a small bottle of alcohol, before taking a swig.

So Layla going back to England was out of the bag. I couldn't just force her to go, against her will.

I guess her refusal was expected. Which is why I had bought my 3-1 chip with me, which can identify location, sound and signal.

Only for use in case something does happen.

I lift myself off the bed, heading to the door. My eyes land through Layla's room where she was already fast asleep on her stomach, half the duvet covering her body.

I roll my eyes, heading in as I straighten the duvet on her so it's covering her whole body.

I remain in my spot as I continue to watch her peaceful face. And I sigh.

I still cared for her, undoubtedly. I just had a stupid way of showing it.

Oh how I regret bringing her all into this fucked up mess. She doesn't deserve it at all. Not after all the pain she's already been through, which some is on my part.

She couldn't go through it again.

So I'll make sure I'll do whatever it takes to keep Vinnie and his men away from her. Even if it means killing the bastards.

I release a sigh.

I then hear the door from downstairs open, and I snap my gaze to the door.

That must be Luca.

I head to the door, giving one last glance at Layla. "Sweet dreams, love."

And with that I close the door shut.


How was it? Isn't the best chapter I've written. Wrote the ending of this today and I've got a bloody cold so excuse the scruffiness of it. Thanks for sticking with me and see y'all later!😘

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