《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 78


I continue to stand here, my eyes glued on him.

His ashy blonde hair was a mess on top of his head as he continuously ran a hand through it. (every guys habit?)

He looked stressed and a little pissed as he spoke to Luca about something and my eyes trail down his body. He had on a navy suit with a silver tie on.

Few minutes later I see Luca stand up and walk somewhere else. I use the chance and begin to make my way to Killian who pulls out a cigarette from his pocket, a lighter with it and I frown.

He lights it up and puts it in his mouth, as he pulls his phone out, breathing out the smoke.

As I come closer to him, stopping in front of him, his eyes snap towards me, surprise filling them. He blows his final smoke before blunting the cigarette out.

His blue eyes stare through mine, intently and I almost faint from the beauty of them.

"H-Hi." I slur out, my eyes running over his body as I lick my lips.

I see him tense up a bit, his eyes filling with confusion as he clears his throat. "Uh hey." He responds and my eyes widen.

Is it just me or has his voice deepened?!

"You alright?" He asks me and I snap out of my daze, realising I was staring.

"Um, yes." I respond after a minute, nodding, my eyes dropping to his tie.

"It's-It's just that I didn't know you were coming here." I slur.

When he doesn't respond I look up at him, to see him staring at his phone with a frown, typing something.

"Do you remember?" I slur. "Me." My speech was all over the place. How much did you drink? Screamed my inner mind.

"I don't know!"

Killian's eyes flicker to mine again, looking at me with a questioning look, as he scratches his jaw. "Are you drunk?" He then asks with amusement.

I frown and after a moment, I shake my head. "B-Because it sounds like you d-don't remember me." I then slur out.

"...Huh?" He furrows his brows as his lips curl in confusion.

He doesn't remember me. "My name is Layla!" I shout, getting frustrated.

He stares at me for a moment, his cheeks puffing up, as he releases a breath.

"Try drinking some water, love." He shakes his head, dropping his gaze to his phone.

"Why don't you remember?" My cheeks tint red with drunken rage and he looks at me as if I grew two heads.

"And when did I say I didn't?"

I look down at her, raising a brow as I cross my arms and lean back against my seat, she takes a step forward.

Her big grey eyes were glazed in a glassy sheen. Her cheeks bright red as she glared at me.

How much exactly, did she drink?

My eyes trail down her petite form and I smirk at her. Still as gorgeous as ever.

And cute.

"Because you didn't answer me." She slurs out, angrily.

I stare at her for another moment, rolling my eyes. "That's not what I asked."

Her nostrils flare, as she struggles to find words, her lips twitching untill she finally blurts. "Your voice sounds like a dinosaur."

I chuckle in response. "Not a vampire?" I cock a brow and her eyes widen, as she stammers.

"Y-You remember this?"

I just stare at her in amusement. Then my phone pings. I lift it up, and see a message pop up from Kian.


Wats hapnd to Mike? + y's he bck so early?

I scoff as I begin to type.

Like always, he was being a dickhead. Tell him to get to work.

I suddenly feel a hand on my thigh and I snap my gaze to it. Layla's small hand meeting my sight as she pets it with a smile.

"I miss you." She slurs, as she comes closer to me, a little in-between my legs as she looks at me with a sad look.

Her drunken thoughts. I sigh.

After a silent moment, I run a hand over my face.

"You shouldn't be telling me this."

Her eyes fill with confusion. "Why? I-I want to tell you this."

"Because you're drunk." I state. "You don't mean it." My gaze drops to my phone as another message pops up.

You still at Matt's thing right?

As I type my response, I feel Layla come even closer to me. Close enough for her scent to fill my nose and my gaze flickers to hers again.

"I swear I'm not drunk, I'm telling the truth." She slurs out frustratedly, some drool escaping her lips as she quickly wipes it.

I sigh.

When there's silence she looks into my eyes again. "You missed me as well?" She asks, her hand still laying on my thigh and I shift a little, letting out a groan as I gently remove her hand from me.

"Have some water." I state, standing up, as I slip my phone in my pocket. "I'm gonna have to go now."

She looks up at me and I notice how she had grown a bit, just merely reaching above my chest now.

Her eyes being to fill with hurt as her drunken mind finally comprehends my words, but she quickly covers it up.

"You said we're going to hang out, remember?" She grabs my hand, stopping me from moving. Her touch still did things to me. I pull my hand away, groaning.

I never said that.

She was clearly delusional and I know these words would never come from her mouth if she was in the right state.

Even if it did, whatever she was thinking, it couldn't happen. What I said before still applies, unfortunately.

I wasn't going to be good for her. I ended it for a reason. Even if I didn't want it. I couldn't be selfish, for her sake.

She looks at me hopefully, her eyes twitching.

"I'll see you around." I smile at her, beginning to walk away, but I hear her steps follow me.

"Killian, please don't go." I hear her slurring voice with a hint of desperation.

I continue walking and soon enter a crowd, I look behind and see that I've lost her and I sigh.

"Damn it." I curse under my breath as I pull out my phone and dial Luca's number.

When he accepts, I tell him where Layla is and make my way towards the back, where I'm supposed to meet Kian.

I had spent over an hour sitting with Luca who was on his laptop, which was quite boring. He only just let me go after I begged the shit out of him.

I was currently walking around, blinking my hazy eyes as I search for no one in particular.

"Hey, BG." I feel a slap on my back and I yelp, turning, as I meet Matt's drunken gaze.

"Seen your ex lover yet?" He nudges me and I wince.

"Why abusing me!?" I punch his arm and he yelps.


"Sorry bro!" He slurs back and I roll my eyeballs.

Wait, ex lover?

"Did you invite Killian?" I look up at him, he looks down at me and raises a brow.

"Yeah he's my cousin, bruh. Why wouldn't I?"

My eyes widen.

"What? You didn't tell!" I exclaim. "Me!"

"You never asked." He shrugs, grinning. "Can you find me a hot chic?"

I glare at him. "Is this a pet store?" He groans in response.

"Seriously!" He punches my arm. Hard.

"Ow!" I release a sob and his eyes widen.

"Shit! I didn't mean to punch that hard–"

I go behind him and give him a big kick in the ass and he screams, stumbling forward and then I burst out laughing, blinking away the tears.

When I'm done I rub my arm, wincing.

"I'm not your friend anymore, Matt." I slur, glaring at him.

"What?!" He slurs back turning to me, as he rubs his butt. "But I didn't mean it!"

"I don't care and you stink as well." I rub my nose as I feign gag and he glares at me.


I stick my tongue out at him, before turning away.

"That was the most pettiest, old school fight ever." I turn my head to see Matt's friends, who stood there, watching us with a smirk and I glare.

You know curly boy and blondie from Matt's shop? That's them.

Their name is Patrick and Scott.

I turn to Patrick who spoke and slur out. "Go under your rock home."

He scoffs, rolling his eyes. "For the hundredth time, it's James. Not Patrick!"

"Well, you look like a Patrick." I stick my tongue out at him and he scoffs.

My eyes then drop to the plate of food in his hand and I lick my lips.

"C'mon Matt let's go to the food table." I grab his arm.

"Kay." He shrugs, following me.


Few hours later

I slurp some punch, and take bites of a raspberry roll. Licking my lips as I reach forward for a chocolate bar, ripping off the wrapper.

"You fat shit." Matt sneers at me "Ready for diabetes are you?" He says through the music.

I blink a few times as I sing with it.

"We got the thunder. And we let it roll!" I scream and he winces.

"How are you still drunk?" His eyes then drop to the punch in my hand and he rolls his eyes.

"You'll have a mega first hangover." He states and I frown.

"I'm not."

"You will."

"I won't!"

"You will!"

"It's just a state of flux!" I scream, slamming the cup onto the table and he gives me a look, then shakes his head.

"Fucking crazy, man." He rolls his eyes, wincing. "Don't shout again, my head's pounding already." He groans, rubbing his temples.

"Sorry." I lift the cup up, drinking it again. "But stop saying I'm having a first hangover cuz I'm not" I slur and he snorts.

"Whatever bro, but you'll see–"

"I don't want the pressure, I don't need a lecture. No thank you honey, god bless ya." I sing.

"Annoying bitch." He mutters under his breath and I close my eyes.

"Maybe I'll never change, but I'm still glad I came. Try again another day, but for now.." I take a sip of my punch. "This is my last Hurrah!"

When I open my eyes, he's not there.

"Matt?" I look around, drunkenly.

"I'll see you later, I found a hot chic." I hear him call out from the crowd.

"You slut!" I scream, giggling. "Jokes, don't use it at home kids!" I scream again, looking around the people who give me a weird look.

I'm not weird, they are!

I take another sip of punch but end up feeling sick, putting my hand over my tummy. "Ouch."

"Hey." A pretty, blonde girl appears in front of me and I look up at her to see her smiling at me.

"Hello." I smile. Her eyes drop to my hand on my tummy and her smile widens.

"Are you pregnant?"

I blink a few times, as my mind processes her question.

After a few moments my eyes widen.


She's talking about my food baby!

"Yes." I slur, nodding my head.

"Congrats!" She grins. "I don't think you should be drinking though. It's not good for the baby."

"Don't worry I'm not drunk." I giggle and she laughs with me.

"So, is it a boy or a girl?"

"A boy." I grin.

"Cool! Chosen a name yet?" She looked really interested. I mean, it's just a food baby I'll shit out later!

"Yes, I think I have." I blink a few times. "It's Matt." I was going to shit Matt out.

"Aw cute name." She grins. "I wish I could have a baby." She sighs, dreamily.

"You can! Just eat!" I laugh loud and she giggles.

"I like your humour. What's your name?" She grins.

"Layla, and yours?"

"Zayanah." She grins.

"That's a beautiful name! I've not heard it before." I exclaim in my slurring voice and she laughs.

"Aw thank you! Yeah, it's quite unusual, I don't know what my parents were thinking when they named me." She rolls her eyes and I giggle again, drinking some punch.

"Do you want to be friends with me?" I ask. I was so in need of a girl friend, I've not had one for almost two years!

"Of course, you seem really cool, I'd love to be friends!" She exclaims.

"I've got to go now, but I'll give you my number." She pulls out a pen and paper from her handbag and scribbles down her number, then giving it to me.

"See ya!" She gives me a hug.



I cry into my hands as I release a growl. "I could just kill you right now, Matt!" I shout, sobbing again. And I was not talking to my poop!

"What?" He exclaims in bewilderment.

"You're the one who dropped it!" He pulls out the soaked paper from the punch cup, where my new friends number was written on.

I take the paper from him, which tears up and I sob again. "The numbers gone!"

He rolls his eyes. "You met her for like, what? Five minutes? You'll get over it."

"You don't get it!" I sob. "Me and her connected, we could've been best friends!"

"You're drunk." He deadpans. "You'll Remember nothing about her when you're sober."

I sob even more. "She called me cool!" I rub my nose as I cry even more.

His lips curl, as he rolls his eyes.

"Yeah.. not sure why she said that but okay."

I slowly calm down and glare at him.

"Shut up." I sniffle, picking up the punch, putting it to my lips.

"That's full of ink." He snatches it off me. "And that's enough, you're going to kill yourself. Even I've never had that much."

"Fine." I rub my cheeks with my arm, hiccuping. "What time is it?"

He looks at his watch. "Three in the morning." He says and I nod.

"Is K-Killian still here?" I blush.

"I saw him a while ago, yeah." He runs his hand through his hair as he looks at me with a smirk.

"Do you talk to eachother?" I ask, rolling my nose against my arm.

"Well yeah, here and there we do." He shrugs, releasing a yawn.

"And what did he say?"

"Expect me to remember?"

I grunt in response, my eyes darting around the crowd. "Where is he?" I slur.

"Back somewhere." He waves his hand in the direction, yawning again.

"Ok, bye-bye." I wave at him and he sighs a breath of relief.

"Good riddance. You're a handful when you're drunk." He mutters under his breath and I stick my tongue out at him.

I walk off and begin my quest on searching for Killian.

About ten minutes later I spot him sat at the back, on a couch with a man next to him.

I smile, heading towards him. Once I stop in front of him he tears his gaze off the guy and snaps his head to me.

"Hello." I slur, giving him a toothy grin. He stares at me for a moment, then shakes his head, sighing.

"Hold on." He mutters to the guy, before standing up.

It's clear she's even more intoxicated than before.

I make my way towards the table across and pick up a water bottle and some salty crisps (always helps to sober someone up) Then head back to Layla who stood where I left her, looking around with a frown.

When I appear in front of her she looks up and smiles again, showcasing her dimples. "Hey."

"Yeah." I nod to the couch. "Sit down." She nods, doing as I say, and I hand her the crisps and water, before pulling out a cigarette.

"Sober up a bit, and I'll give Alfonso a call." I tell her.

In a second she had the crisp packet open and her mouth stuffed with crisps.

I turn to leave, but then I feel her grab my arm, immediately.

"Wait! I want to dance with you." She slurs with her mouth full and I stare at her in bewilderment.

"You look as if you'll pass out any second. Take a break." I scoff, turning and walking to the exit.

"B-But– hey! where you going?" She exclaims, watching me walk away.

"Just outside, I'll be back later."


Ten minutes out here, my phone begins to ring.

"Yeah?" I say, as soon as I accept the call from Kian, blowing out the smoke as I glance around the dark area.

The other end is silent for a moment.

"Uh..." I hear him gulp, and I narrow my eyes.

"What is it?"

"There was... there was someone trying to access our files." His voice is thick with fear and my eyes narrow.

"What the fuck?" I lean off the wall. "Who was it?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out.." he groans and I hear tapping sounds.

"I've secured the files again, but we're going to have to strengthen our security system."

"Find–" I almost jump when a small figure pops up in front of me.

"Killian!" My eyes immediately meet grey ones and I grunt in response.

"–Find out who it is and call me back." I finish.

"Why are you smoking?" Layla slurs and my eyes drop down to hers again, as she glared at the cigarette between my fingers.

Kian responds. "I have been, for the past hour, but everything's coming up blank, but if I find something I'll let you know."

"Alright, just–" Layla suddenly plucks out the cigarette and walks away and I narrow my eyes at her, sighing loudly.

"...Just what?"

"Let the guys know the situation, and to up their system." I grumble then I hang up.

"Let's go see the water fountain." I feel a hand grasp mine, and I drop my gaze to her. My eyes searching for the fag.

She reads my eyes and looks around. "I think I lost it."

She begins to drag me towards the water fountain and drops my hand when we're in front of it.

She puts both her hands in, allowing the sprinkling water from the top, to spray them. Her eyes drop inside and they widen.

"Wow, free money." She pushes her hands down and fists up some coins.

Classic Layla.

"Is anyone looking?" She looks around before shoving them into her dress pocket, a drunken smirk attached to her face and I chuckle, shaking my head.

"Shame they haven't waterproof-ed their notes yet." She shrugs, grabbing some more coins and putting it into her pocket.

She then places her hands back on the edge as she gazes up at the spraying water again, her eyes twinkling with interest.

After a few more moments of staring, she turns to me again.

"Let's go inside." Her wet hand grabs onto mine and I wince, groaning. She drags me back to the hall and enters.

I pull my hand away, wiping it on my trousers as she does the same but with her dress.

"Look, we're doing the same thing!" She laughs loud, startling me.

I look at her, weirdly. "Yes, I see that." I roll my eyes as she continues to giggle, drunkenly.

After a few moments, I fish my phone out from my pocket.

"I'll call Alfonso for you."

"No, wait!" She stops me by grabbing my arm. "We need to dance first."

"No we really don't." I groan, running a hand through my hair. "I have to go sort something out anyway and–"

Her gasp cuts me off. "This is my favourite song, oh my God!" She slurs out in surprise. "It's like they know I'm about to dance with you, c'mon." She grabs my hand and drags me to the dancefloor.

We stop at the middle and she releases my hand, putting her arms in the air, as she sways her hips to the music.

"Oh boogie-woogie yeah!!" She screams.


The fuck.


An hour later I was sat on the couch with Layla's arms wrapped around my neck, as she fiddled with my tie.

I scroll through my texts, running a hand through my hair, tiredly.

"This is mine."

My eyes snap to hers and see her holding my tie, as she wraps it around her own neck, as if it's a scarf.

A small smile forms on my lips, as I shake my head, my eyes dropping to my screen again, as I respond to John's text.

Few minutes later I feel her hand land on my cheek, as she runs it down my jaw. Surprise floods through me and I tense up.

I remove it immediately, giving her a hard look, in which she just smiles at, her cheeks tinting red.

I shake my head, as I continue to type out my text.

I feel her staring at me and soon she has her hands inside my hair, running her fingers through my strands and I groan.

"Stop." I pull her hands out and she frowns, as I give her another look.

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