《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 77


A few weeks pass by and it's nearly Matt's twentieth birthday.

And I was making him a handmade special birthday card using glitter and stickers.

I'm never too old for that.

And this is the second time I'm making a twentieth birthday card. First one being Killian.

I draw a stickman Matt with a donkey face and a speech bubble next to his head saying 'I need women! -.-'

I snicker as I write some notes inside.

I hear the door slam open downstairs and jump slightly.

"WAGWAAN FELLAS!" I hear Matt yell, and I roll my eyes, getting up and putting the card in one of my drawers.

"Keep your voice down." I hear Luca scold him as I exit my room and head downstairs, entering the living room.

"Sorry bossman." Matt shrugs and Luca shakes his head as he begins to work on his computer again.

Matt turns to me, eying me up and down. "Why hello, hot stuff." He winks and I scoff.


He smirks at me and I stick my tongue out at him as I head to the kitchen.

I grab some sweet and salty popcorn and pour it into a bowl as I head back to the living room, licking my lips.

"Can y'all do me a favour?" Matt asks as I sit next to Luca and I cock a brow, stuffing my face with popcorn.

Matt looks down at my bowl, licking his lips and I cover it with my arm, glaring.


"It's my birthday in a few days." He states. "I was wondering if I could host a small party here." He shrugs and I frown.

"A party?"

"Yep." He crosses his arms. "You know, a thing you do to celebrate-"

I throw a popcorn at him and he immediately catches it with his mouth. "Why thank you." He smirks and I scowl.

"I know what a party is." I state. "And why can't you have it at yours?"

"Dad won't let me." He scowls and I snort, holding back a laugh.

He's a grown immature man (like me, minus the man part) who lives with his parents and they always say 'As long as you stay here you follow by our rules.'

Which Matt always complains about in which I just tell him to suck it up or move out. Simple as that.

"I wonder why."

"Shut up." He rolls his eyes. "So can I?"

"I don't know." I look at Luca, raising a brow.

"Sure." He shrugs still focused on the laptop.

"Neat!" He whoops his fist up and I roll my eyes.

"How many people?"

"About twenty or so."

"That's a lot." I frown.

"...Said an introvert." He smirks. "It's actually quite less for a party though to be honest. So it'll be fine."

"Hm." My mind drifts off as I nod.

"What food will there be?" I lick my lips.

"Pizza." He winks and my mouth waters. "Fries, burgers, chips (crisps), punch, alcohol-"

"No alcohol." Luca cuts him off and Matt pouts.



"Damn." Matt mutters as I busy myself by clipping my toenails. I glance up at him, raising a brow.

"Your feet are so damn small."

I furrow my brows. "Did you expect me to have big feet in this small body?" I question. "Like a clown."

"Nah not really." He shrugs. "But they're so tiny and cute." He smirks.


"Back off, creep." I scoff and he chuckles

"What size are they?"

"None of your biz." I turn my back on him, continuing my clipping.

"Hmm.." I hear Matt. "Two and a half I see. UK size." He chuckles.

I whip my head to him, and see one of my flats in his hand, his eyes staring at the back of it.

"Freak." I sneer, finishing my clipping and head to him snatching it off his hand.

"Says the girl with toenail clippings in her hair."

"So what?" I shake my hair watching a few fly out. "I'm going to have a shower." I state, turning around.

"Cute butt."

"Oh, fuck off."


"Hey, baby." Matt flirts through the phone while I sit here wishing I was elsewhere.

"Yeah, you heard correct." He chuckles, smirking to himself. "Party's at my mates house. I'll text you the address." And then there's a pause.

"Oh, I like the sound of that." He chuckles again and I almost puke.

"Yeah? Alright, see ya, babe." He pulls away and hangs up letting out a satisfied sigh.

"You alright, doll?" Matt turns to me.

"I don't think I want to come to the party anymore." I state. "I don't think I can handle any more dirty stuff."

He laughs loudly.

"Oh sweet pea. I think you need to get laid." He states, looking like a creep. (like usual.)


"Do you know what that is?"

"I don't want to know." I roll my eyes, stretching my legs out.

"Aw." He coos. "So innocent. So cute."

"Not everyone has to be dirty like you." I glare at him.

I never really focused on these new slang words back in highschool cuz they're just confusing and I couldn't be bothered to memorise most of these weird ass sayings and words. I just focused on the real English which is why I was the top student in my class.

But what I don't get is those people who get triggered when someone else doesn't know a particular slang or dirty word. (I've seen it in social media)

In their dumb heads they automatically think people like me are dumb and stupid just because we don't know these useless words. And in other people's head we're innocent. (Like Matt.)

And I am not and never was innocent. And you'd know that if you met me.

Some people just need to chill out and know that not everyone can be up to their slang/dirty standard.

Matt stares at me with a pedo look.

"Dirty? Me?" He feigns shock, with a smirk. "Never!"


"Guys change of plan!" Matt bursts into the kitchen where me and Luca were having our lunch.

"Plan?" I say with my mouth full, a few crumbs spilling out.

"More like venue." He states stalking towards us. He bends down and picks up one of my bread sticks.

"Hey that's my one!" I snap, spraying his face with crumbs and he flinches.

"That's yours!" I point to his own plate across the table.

I snatch the bread stick off him, shoving it in my mouth.

"What a kid." He grumbles, wiping his face as he heads to his plate.

"Says you." I huff, as I take a sip of some strawberry juice.

"So anyway..." He clears his throat as he casually chews onto the bread stick.

"My mate just offered me to throw the party at the SilverEagle hall. His dad owns the place and he's willing to give us a night for free!" He exclaims and I frown. "And do you know what that means!?"


"...more food?"

"Well yes... but also more people!" He whoops. More girls he means.

"What time will it be?" I ask. Finishing up my lunch.

"Eleven in the night til five in the morning."

I start laughing.

"You're joking."

He raises a brow as I stare at him in confusion.

"...You're being serious?"

"As hell! Luca's coming too, aren't you pal?" He nudges Luca who gives him a look.


"On my birthday, bro." He nudges him again and he throws him another sharp look.

"Quit that. And when's your birthday?" He questions him, tired and grumpy from all the work.

Matt looks offended. "Y-You don't know my birthday?" He asks, now frowning and I snicker.


Few days pass by and it was going to be Matt's birthday in a couple of hours.

I didn't know what to get him so I bought him some Nike trainers since he always wears the same old, scruffy sneakers.

I also bought him a pair of fluffy manly slippers- to keep his feet warm, (obviously)

They were only for three dollars which is a fricking bargain, am I right? I just had to buy them.

And I also bought him some chocolates and a ten dollar gift card for Walmart.

And that's it.

I was currently wrapping them all together, using a ton of sellotape. It takes me about ten minutes to wrap it up perfectly and I let out a breath as I then pick it up from my bed and throw it across the room.

I check the time and see that it's nearly 7pm and sigh.

Four hours left. Enough time for a nap.

I fall asleep on my back and a couple of hours later I get woken up by some yelling.

"MATT IN THE HOUSE!" He cheers and I groan.

I look at the clock and see that it's nearly 10pm and I groan again.

The door opens and I'm greeted by Matt who looks at me with a frown.

"Why aren't you ready?"

"There's over an hour left." I grumble back, closing my eyes.

"It takes an hour to get there idiot. Get your ass up!" He exclaims and I open my eyes, droopily.

"I'm too tired." I complain, closing my eyes again.

"Well me and Luca will be off then. He's already ready, unlike you." My eyes flash open as I hear him close the door.

"Okay fine!" I shout groggily, forcing myself up.

"You got ten minutes!" He shouts and I whimper.

I pull on a crinkled black dress not bothering to iron it, and then take my jeans off, putting on tight black leggings.

I brush my hair lazily, putting on a black bandana and apply some light pink lipstick.

I was about to pull on heels when I decide against it and put some black flats on instead.

I head to the door and open it, Matt greeting my vision.

He looks me up and down. "Hot, but it's my birthday not my funeral." He states with a smirk.

"I just want food." I groan and he rolls his eyes.

"Let's go."

I follow him but stop. "Wait! Your gifts." I head back to my room and he follows me, confused.


"Yeah and a card, I made it myself."

"Oh cool! I normally just get punches on my birthday." He states and I let out a laugh.



We were currently in the car, Luca sat next to me while Matt drove to the venue.

They were both dressed in suits, and Luca was on his phone texting someone with narrowed eyes.

I hear Matt munching on the chocolates I bought him for his bday, and I sit up on my seat.

"Hey, Matt." I say, my eyes dropping to the chocolates, hungrily. "What you got there?"

"Nah, bro. These are mine. Get your own." He moves the pack away and I groan, my stomach rumbling.

"There'll be plenty of junk at the hall." He states looking at me through the rearview mirror with a smirk.

Soon we arrive to the venue and the sky was pitch black.

"Can't believe I'm turning twenty in an hour, man." Matt states with a sigh.

"Lol, okay. Let's go." I say, following Luca to the building it wasn't massive but it was still quite big.

There was lights all around and, OMG. There was a water fountain just at the side!

"Matt, let's go see the fountain." I exclaim turning but he wasn't there and I frown.

"Come on, tesoro." I look up and see Luca at the entrance of the building waiting for me.

I look to the right and see Matt surrounded by boys and girls and I roll my eyes, heading to Luca.

"Ha-Ha, yeah thanks bro." I hear him say. "Ow, quit that, man!" I look and see a guy punching his arm.

"Twenty punches for the birthday boy!" He exclaims punching him hard and I hold back a laugh.

And then me and Luca enter and my eyes widen.

So many people. Is it Matt's wedding or what?

Oh right. He didn't really give invitations out, he put it up on his social medias, and I guess his friends invited their friends and their friends invited their friends and their-


I snap my gaze to Luca and smile at him.

"You okay here? I need to go meet a few people. You can tag along if you want. But I'm sure you'd rather like to have some fun." He smiles at me.

"Oh yeah. I'll just go eat something." (EVERYTHING)

"I'll find Matt afterwards or just make some friends." I nod and he smiles.

"Alright, if you need me I'll be somewhere around there." He points at the end and I nod.

He soon walks away and I look around, my eyes landing on the massive food table.

Oolalah... I lick my lips.


"Knock knock."

"Who is there?" The guy slurs and I giggle, feeling a bit dazed.

I just ate a whole load of food and just drank some punch and now I'm feeling giddy.

"Little old lady."

"Little old lady who?"

I giggle loudly. "Why are you yodelling?" I whack his arm. "Stop yodelling!"

"See you tomorrow." I stand up, waving at him as I stumble towards the table and pour myself some more punch into my glass.

I've drank like five already but it just tastes so good!

I lift the glass up to my lips taking a big gulp, as I stumble towards the crowd to find another friend.

Oh no, I'm a zombie!

A small part of my brain, exclaimed.

"No I'm not." I slur, drinking more punch.

"Hey, doll." Matt suddenly appears in front of me and I blink a few times, looking up at him.


"What's up?" He stares at me, narrowing his eyes as his eyes drop to the punch.

"My middle finger." I lift it up, giggling and he raises a brow.

"You know the punch is alcoholised, right?" He asks and I shake my head, grabbing his hand and tugging.

"I want to dance."

He sighs.

"How much did you drink?"

"Free." I tug, and he rolls his eyes.

"That's not what I asked."

"Dance." I growl. "I want to change the music."

Currently there was a drill song on which was beginning to give me a headache.

"You can't." He pulls his hand away, crossing his arms.

"Yes!" I grab his sleeve. "Come now."

For once, Matt wasn't drunk himself.


"This is my last hurrah! blah blah blah, I ain't gonna start till I go too far. It's okay! I didn't know. Can't wait to be normal in the weekend, yeah!!!" I scream with the music, swinging Matt's arms around.

"I can't wait either, bro." Matt grumbles, which is barely audible from the music.

"This is my last Hurrah! It's okay-"

"Great!" He yells. "You need some water. You've clearly drank too much." He leads me to the table picking up a bottle and uncapping it.

He gives it to me and I take big gulps, pulling it away and letting out a breath. Water dripping from my chin.

The music suddenly stops and I frown, looking around to see a crowd now in front of us.

"Countdown for the birthday boy!" We hear a shout from the speakers, and I look up trying to find it.


People start shouting and I look at the giant clock at the top that shows it's nearly twelve.

Oh! Matt's birthday!


"Happy birthday, Matt!" I shriek. "I said it first, losers!"

"-ONE, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" Everyone cheers, the crowd heading towards him.

"I already said it first!" I scream, wincing when I finally feel just how heavy my bladder is from all the punch I've drank and I groan.

"Piss-o-clock for me, bye Matt!" I slur out, stumbling away.

"Wait a sec-" Matt calls but the drunken zombies grab onto him, dragging him into the crowd.

Never to be seen again...

I giggle again.


I was currently trying to find my way to the toilet when suddenly someone grabs my arm.

"Hey, get off me!" I slur out angrily as I'm pushed against a wall.

"I need the toilet!" I shout, looking up and my eyes widen.


"What are you doing here?" I slur out, more angrily. "You're not invited!"

He rolls his eyes, smirking. "I'm here with Killian, dimwit. I think Luca's looking for you." His eyes trails down my body and my eyes flash with surprise.


"Is it just me, or have you become sexier the past year?" His eyes darken, and I cringe.

"I know I have, but can't say the same for you." I spit, trying to push him.

"Where's Luca?" I groan, and when he doesn't move I pinch his arm. Really hard.

"Ah bitch! The fuck you doing?" He yells and I snort with laughter.

His eyes grow angrier and his hand suddenly wraps around my neck.

He tightens his hold and my eyes widen. "Bitch!" I choke out, scratching his hand when suddenly he gets torn away from me.

I slump back, running my hand against my throat and I growl.

I hear a thump as I begin to shout.

"Shooshpulla, busarah, Koko, puta, kutta-!"

"Tesoro!" Luca's voice cuts off my screaming and I stop moving.

I move my gaze to my right and see Luca emerging towards me.

"Yes?" I turn to him with a smile, blinking a few times to get my vision in order.

"You're heavily drunk." He states, his eyes filled with worry and I giggle.

He sighs. "What are you doing here alone?"

"I thought you saved me."

He looks at me confused. "No, I just came when I heard you scream random words." He frowns.

"What happened?"

I burst out laughing when I realise something.


"Right come with me." He takes my arm as he begins to drag me somewhere.

"I think Mike got dragged!" I exclaim again, laughing more.


After I've had my piss I pull my pants and leggings up and go to the sink, washing my hands.

I look at my reflection, my eyes were glazed and my lipstick was smudged onto my chin.

I giggle. I look like a zombie.

You done, tesoro?" I hear Luca's voice outside.

"Yes." I open the door, stepping out with my wobbly legs.

"I want some punch." I slur.

"You've had over ten cups. I think that's enough." He rolls his eyes and I frown.

"Come sit down." He leads me away and to some couches at the back.

"I want to dance."

"You can. After you've sobered up." He rolls his eyes.


When we've reached we take our seats, and I look around.

After five minutes my bladder suddenly feels heavy again.

"I need to pee." I slur.

Luca looks at me confused. "You literally just went."

I stand up, and nod. "Brb." And then I stumble away hearing him release an annoyed sigh behind me.

After I'm done with the toilet I wash my hands. And when I exit my eyes travel around the people.

As I approach Luca, I stop.

My eyes widen, when I see a man sat next to him.

That man was Killian.


Like always. See you next weekend.❤

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