《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 76


A few days pass and it's Saturday.

I can't help but think about how excited I would be if I was still back in England with my friends.

Saturday's always meant no school for me. But now it's just a regular day like everyday.

Thank God I had done my GCSEs before I was brought here.

I'm well late for my A-Levels though, I just hope they would still consider giving the subjects I want for free for me, even though I'm eighteen now. Sigh.

When I do go back to England and join some college I'll have to join with the younger pupils. Kinda awkward.

I lay in bed with my knees up, my chin resting on top as I release a tired sigh. Donald and them lot are probably in uni right now. God I miss them so much, I hope they're doing well.

And Jack..

I missed him too, but my feelings for him had obviously faded away, its been almost two years since I saw all of them.

I just hope we could be friends again one day, he was such an awesome guy but my heart is fixed with Killian.

I hadn't slept much last night and when I did they were filled with nightmares about my past.

I guess I was going through another one of my suckish days. I don't know how much I spent crying but I ended up not sleeping at all and watched Haters Back Off series by Miranda Sings on Netflix instead.

My mind was still reminiscing Killian, grandma and my friends. And still haunted by my ex family.

I rub my bloodshot eyes as Luca enters the room and when he sees me he frowns.

I got used to my bad days. They were normal to me, I guess.

When I said I was stronger I meant it. Not the average strength a normal person perhaps would call it.

But for me I had definitely improved mentally. From getting upset every single day, to only a few times a month was a mass improvement.

When I used to get called a crybaby I believed that it was true and that crying was a bad thing. That I was weak.

But now as I grow up I realise I am not weak, maybe in other people's eyes but not mine and surely not the ones I'm close to. The rest are just irrelevant to me.

I don't give a fuck if others have a problem with my tears anymore, like I did when that bitch Nicole used to insult me about it all the time.

I accepted that there are many (way too many) bullying idiots in this world so there was no point trying to please anybody. Haters are always gonna hate.

I accepted that crying however times I do doesn't mean I'm weak. And whoever thinks it is are just really emotionally unintelligent people.

And that's their problem.

And I don't want anything to do with those toxic people until they fix themselves and know that insulting others is not normal, AKA, Nicole and any other bullies in this world. Fuck them! (Not literally)


I snap out of my daze. Turning my head to Luca who was staring at me, worriedly. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just feel a bit sick that's it." I force a smile, shrugging.

He nods in response, his eyes telling me he knew exactly what was up with me.

"Are you sure you don't want to see a therapist?" His question surprises me.

He hasn't asked me about that since I left that toxic mansion where my so-called family lived.


I nod.

"I'm sure. There's nothing wrong with me, I swear. I'm just having one of those bad days." I respond and he sighs.

"Alright." He says after a while and I smile at him.

"I'll go eat breakfast in a bit." I say before he can ask me. He smiles in response and nods and then leaves.

I head into my wardrobe pulling out a khaki tank top and black shorts, I pull them on and then brush my hair, tying it up into a ponytail as I put some lip balm on.

I exit my room and head to Luca's.

"Hi." I say as my eyes land on his bent up form looking through stuff in one of his drawers.

"Hey." He cranes his head to me as I walk in and head towards him, curiously.

"What's in there?"

I hadn't really been in his room that much, bout time I explore it.

"Oh." I squeak, when I see some guns in the drawer, taking a step back as he chuckles at my face.

"Just planning for next month." He says and I look down at him.

Planning to kill people next month?

"Have you.. have you ever killed anybody?" I ask, warily and he sighs, his smile faltering.

"Of course."

My eyes widen.

"Oh.." I trail off, nodding.

I just didn't think of him as a killer.

"Either for self defence or that they deserved it." He says. "It just has to be like that sometimes, I'm afraid."

"Oh, I understand." I nod.

I'd love to kill some people in my life.


Or am I?

Luca closes the drawer soon and stands up, while I look around his room.

"Hey, can I look through some of your stuff?" I ask, and he chuckles.

"Why not."

I immediately get on my knees as I curiously look under his bed.

I've always wondered what was in these boxes since I first came here.

"I'll be back in a sec." Luca says, pulling out his phone as he dials someone's number.

I nod as I lean forward wrapping my hands on either side of the box.

I try to pull at it, releasing a grunt. Oh.

Almost forgot how much of a physically weak ass I am.

I try to pull it again when my hand suddenly scrapes against a sharp edge.

"Fucking bitch!" I hiss, pulling my hand away with a glare.

Stupid dumb box.

I rub the small scrape when Luca comes inside. "Can you pull this box for me? I need to look inside." I say not caring how nosey I sounded, cuz YOLO right?

"You need to?" He asks in amusement as he bends down swiftly pulling out the box as I nod.

"What– oh and that." I say when my eyes land on a small suitcase.

He hums as he pulls that out. "Killian's old stuff." He mutters.

My ears perk up.

"These are Killian's stuff?" I ask, as he unzips the suitcase.

The corner of his lip twitches and he nods. "From his teenage years I think."

"Oh.." I lick my lips, eager to look inside. "Why is it here?"

"He makes me carry all of his stuff." He rolls his eyes and I laugh.

The next half an hour I spend looking inside. You can call me Snoop dog.

The suitcase was filled with old clothes and his addicting scent was funnily enough still strong on them.


Yes I was sniffing them like a creep. I have no shame.

Luca was watching me with amusement, chuckling. He must think I'm obsessed. Which I'm not.

I continue to sit here on my bottom as I now look through his old pictures.

Oh what a handsome lad he was and still is.

Oh god I'm such a perv.

I didn't know I was smiling when my eyes suddenly catch on to the smirk attached to Luca's face and I blush immediately.

I turn my back on him and he laughs.

I look through some more pics and smile again, putting them closer to my face as I eye him like a full on perv now.

His ashy blonde hair was a little shorter back then, and he was much leaner and less masculine than he is now. But damn his eyes.

They were so cold. And.. empty.

I flip through the pictures.

They were the same. Emotionless. He was frowning or glaring in almost every picture.

He must've been a really grumpy teen.

"I want to keep these." I blurt, wincing.

I didn't want to sound like a creep even though I am. Hehe.

I wonder what Killian would think if he knew what I was doing right now and how I'm acting.


Okay maybe it's obvious, but. I'll admit it...

I wasn't over Killian yet.

I missed him a lot and I wasn't ashamed of it, he was such a good guy honestly.

What me and him had was special. No one would ever understand, not by reading or watching.

No one would ever understand how much I felt for him. It's so easy for people to point fingers and judge but for me I see the good in him.

Okay I'll stop blabbing now. I've done that enough today. Mentally.

But honestly...

Low-key I just want to see him again...

Okay I'm done now.

"Yeah, you can keep them." Luca chuckles. "You seem to still really like that boy, don't you?" He asks in amusement.

"Yeah I do." I admit proudly, lifting my head up.

And if anyone has a problem with it then fight me right now!

Okay why am I suddenly so high?

I giggle and he cocks a brow.

"I'm glad this put you in such a good mood." He chuckles and I blush.

After a silent moment he smiles.

"He's a good lad."

Luca's a wise guy so I know he's right.

"Deep down he is. And you're good for him." He continues. "He'll soon realise it himself." He shakes his head with a smile.

I nod, smiling. "So..." I clear my throat.

"...When are you seeing him next?"


Couple of hours later I'm sat on my bed painting my nails neon blue when suddenly my phone pings.

I put the nail polish down as I turn it on.

I roll my eyes, as I begin to type.




I cringe, shaking my head.

You're so desperate.

He types more.


I begin to type but then my ringtone fills in the silence as he calls me and I roll my eyes accepting the call.

"I really don't want to have to break your pinky." His deep voice enters my ear and I roll my eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"Its the old golden rule back in the like.... fifties." He responds, exasperatedly.

"Break the pinky promise then I break your pinky... Or was it chop it off?"

I scoff.

"I'd love to see you try that."

"Please!" He whines almost annoyingly.

"Please, please, please–"

"Fine!" I snap out.

"Yay!" He cheers. "Wear something hot."

"I always do." I say and he sniggers.


"What's that supposed to–"

"I'll pick you up at six." He says and then hangs up.

I sigh.

He's such a busarah, honestly.


I take my tank off as I put on a thick pink jumper. Then my shorts, replacing them with some grey sweatpants, the outfit totally contrasting.

Matt said to dress hot so that's what I'm doing. Cuz I know I'll totally die from the heat of them later.

I put on some spotty socks, smirking as I tie my hair back.

Thank God I'm not Mr blurry face who cares what people think anymore. I'm so over that.

I leave my hair unbrushed hoping I look as unapproachable as possible.

I hear the door bell ring.

I head downstairs as I pull on some boots, and then head to the door, opening it.

Matt's smiling face greets me but when his eyes give me a once over the smile drops.

"...What the tramp– I mean hell–"

"Oh shut it." I roll my eyes. "Let's go."

"But don't you want a man? You literally have a jackup!" He exclaims. "You'd definitely get all the men if you dress–"

"Less?" I laugh. "I'm not that desperate. I don't want anything I just want to see how it is. And I'd feel more comfortable in these." I look down at my clothes. Honestly they didn't even look that bad to me.

He looks down at my clothes again with a grimace. "Whatever, bro." He shakes his head and I smirk.

"Hey Matt." We hear Luca's voice behind me as he steps forward and next to me.

"Hey man." He greets.

"You guys off to the pub?" He cocks a brow, crossing his arms.

"Yeah bro."

Luca looks down at me then back at him, nodding. "Just make sure to take care of her."

I roll my eyes. "I can look after myself Luca, I'm eighteen now."

"Of course. I know that, tesoro." He smiles down at me softly. "Have fun."

I smile at him, stepping out and head to Matt's car.

"You will look after her right?" I hear Luca mutter quietly to Matt and I shake my head.

"Of course, man. I'll make sure she's stuck to me like super glue." He responds and I scoff.

"Let's go!"


"You're not gonna drink are you? I can't drive." I ask Matt as we head towards the pub where we could hear loud music coming and a few people going inside with two bulky security guys guarding the doors.

Even though I did drive illegally a few times back in England, I was never any good and so I'm not gonna risk it cuz it's been two years since I last drove.

"Nah, relax. I'll drink a little and that's it." He assures and I nod, he puts an arm over my shoulder as we stop in front of the men.

"Hey Scott, Andrew." Matt nods at the two guards with a grin.

"Hey, bro." They do some handshake with him while I stand here awkwardly.

"This is Casey, the 21 year old I was telling you about." Matt nods down at me and the two of them look down at me as if just realising I'm here.

I roll my eyes, playing along as I reply. "Yes, I am Casey. Nice to meet you."

The two look to eachother before eying me up and down.

"She looks like a kid." Scott says, with a smirk. "Sure she ain't twelve?"

I glare at him. "Are you sure you're not one hundred with all those wrinkles–"

"Nah bro, here's her I.D." Matt cuts me off loudly, handing him a card and I huff.

Scott accepts it as he eyes the details.

He shares gazes with Andrew again before nodding. "Pass."

We enter and Matt sniggers and I glare at him.

I look around, feeling the music thump against my chest.

My eyes fall on several drunken people who take swigs of their beers swaggering around.

They look like fricking zombies.

"Matt please don't tell me you're going to turn into a zombie as well–" I turn and my eyes widen when I see him making out with a blondie right next to me.

Oh great.

I head over to the bar thing and sit down on a stool, looking around the drinks.

"What would you like, sweetheart?"

My head whips to the bartender and I look around the drinks again.

"Strawberry fruit juice please."


An hour later I had just about enough of this place as I finish screaming at this random stranger who tried to drug me. Did he think I was an idiot?

He looked at me clearly upset from the yelling and I sigh, shaking my head as I point at the drink on the counter where I could see the white druggy thing stuck on the side of the glass.

"This–" I tap the glass. "Is not good, okay?" I say more calmly as he blinks up at me, looking really drunk.

He looked quite innocent with those big black rimmed glasses. And he sniffles slightly. His lips trembling as he stares at me, apologetically. His eyes going behind me every few seconds.

I look behind and see two boys staring at us and when they see me looking they quickly walk away, muttering things to eachother.

I turn back to the guy, shaking my head.

He's probably just a fifteen year old teenager that just hangs around with the wrong people.

I've seen it plenty of times back in highschool.

"Look." I sigh. "I'm sorry for yelling at you but you need to learn that this is not right, I get it. You hang around with the wrong people but you also have a brain to realise what is wrong and what is not. And you trying to drug me because 'your friends told you to do it' is just a pathetic excuse." I state.

He nods, sniffling again, on the verge of tears.

"You seem like a good person inside, just with the wrong crowd. Its okay, it's just best if you find better friends." I then say. "And I won't tell anyone if that's what you're afraid of."

He nods.

"I-I'm really ssorry.." He finally speaks in a slurring voice, spit hanging from his mouth as he spoke and I cringe.

Man, he was totally wasted and zombified. I feel sorry for him.

"Yeah... You're forgiven.. Bye." I roll my eyes, as I walk away leaving him standing there like a dope.

When I spot Matt across the room snogging the shit out of a girl, I sigh, walking towards him.

"Matt please." I say when I stop next to him, tugging on his sleeve.

He pulls away from the girl and looks down at me his eyes hazy.

Great now he's a zombie too.

"Home please, Matt." I beg him.

He nods in response, he speaks to the girl and she walks away.

"Let's go." He slurs stumbling towards the door while I follow, pinching the bridge of my nose as I realise he can't even drive in this state.

And to think I was actually a tiny bit excited to come here.

This place is like a replica of a zombie asylum from one of those movies.

The first and the last time I'm ever coming here again.


Probably about twenty or less chapters left. Next one's probably up next Saturday or Sunday and there will be some Killian in it. Hope you enjoyed the chapter and let me know what you think. ❤

Also I edited a bit where Layla drove back in England. She didn't have a car and she only drove a few times.

Have a good day/night. (:

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