《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 74


16 months later...

It's been over a year since then and I'd say time had definitely changed me..

As I sit down in front of the mirror, I take a look at my reflection. Picking up a brush.

I mean it didn't change me completely, I was still me, obviously. But I was mentally better. My self esteem had risen, and so had my confidence.

I didn't give a shit about what others thought of me anymore.

My sensitivity had decreased but not fully, that was okay for me, It was just a part of who I was and I managed to accept that and if anyone had a problem with it then fuck them, I wasn't made to please anybody.

I also learned to stand up for myself, I was no longer that weak girl who let people walk all over her.

I hadn't completely recovered from my past, obviously. I still had my down moments and that was completely normal. I managed to stop hating on myself for who I was and just accepted that everyone reacts differently and that it can take time to fully move on.

Like my feelings for Killian, for instance.

My eyes drop down to the silver hearted necklace I was wearing as I begin to fiddle with it, letting out a sigh.

I hadn't seen him since we broke up and I still missed him like crazy, but I managed to cope. He would always be in my heart and I could never hate him after all we've been through.

Deep down I knew he was a good man, despite him kidnapping me, he had his reasons and I guess I wouldn't have met the wonderful people im with now if it wasn't for him. So in a way I was grateful. Because in the end he had let me go and that was what counted. And that's why I had forgiven him, we all make mistakes and he realised his.

Deep down I saw what was in him within the wonderful times I spent with him. He was always such a private guy, he didn't really talk much, I realised. Funnily enough, It was all me and my big mouth that did all the talking in our relationship, I didn't mind that though.

I also didn't realise that he may be going through his own problems too, I felt bad when I finally came to that a few months after I had left, I was so absorbed with my own problems I selfishly didn't think of how he may have been feeling, and I feel really bad about that.

And now all I could do was just wish him well. He deserves as much as me, and he was genuinely a nice guy in my eyes.


After I'm done with my hair I put the brush down, deciding to leave my now short hair out.

I had decided to stay with Luca in America and my long thick hair had bothered me during the hot days here so I decided to cut it down to just below my chest, in layers.

I looked much older, I even grew a few inches and gained a whole stone. I still haven't reached my average weight but I'm getting there.

I had turned eighteen a few month's ago, and I'd say its been my best birthday so far.

My seventeenth turned out to be crappy, because of all the shit that had happened. Some golden birthday that was.


I bring my hair over my shoulders, as I apply some pink lip balm on my lips, pursing them together.

My phone pings, and I drop my gaze down to my phone, to see a text from Matt, and I pick it up clicking on it.


Let's go clubbing,

I'm in need of a chic.

I roll my eyes at that, as I begin to type, a smirk tugging at my lips.

You won't find one there,

try the pet store.

I can't help but to let out a snorted laugh from my own joke. A second later his respond comes.

I don't believe you're

eighteen, That joke is

almost as lame as you

I let out another snort, as I twirl around in my chair, typing up a response.

Me and Matt had grown very close over the year, and our friendship was filled with banter and us annoying the shit out of eachother. He was a great friend but sometimes we felt like killing eachother. Out of love, of course..

I still missed my old friends so much and here and there I try to contact them, but they just wouldn't respond. I don't know if they're mad at me or... But I was definitely not going to give up on them, I mean they were my bloody childhood friends for God's sake. When I'm ready, I'll definitely go back, I just hope they forgive me..

After I typed up the text I hit send.

Fuck yourself

And a minute later Matt responds.

Show me how ;)

I roll my eyes again, standing up as I exit my room, going downstairs for breakfast while typing out my response.

Shove this 🗡 u bitch

I smirk, and put my phone back into my pocket.

I enter the small kitchen, heading over to the cereal boxes. I spot Luca sat on the table, doing his usual work on his open laptop.

"Hey, Luca." I smile at him as I begin the process of making Weetabix.

"Tesoro, hey. I didn't see you there." He glances up at me, smiling then looking back at his laptop.

"Don't you ever get a break?" I cock a brow as I head over to him with my bowl. Sitting next to him and glancing at his screen which was filled with complicated shit.

"This case is too complicated." He sighs, rubbing his jaw. "Been on it for over a year and still can't..." he trails off, as he begins to type again.

"Can't what? maybe I can help?" I ask, as I begin to eat.

He lets out a chuckle, shaking his head. "It is too complicated for you."

"Let's see." I lean in, looking at the screen with narrowed eyes. It was like a map, with green and red dots around. The fuck?

"What are those?" I ask, pinching my brows together.

"Those green ones are our accomplished missions the red ones we are still working on." He sighs. There were more reds than green. "These are the things that need to be done in America before we go back to England."

"Oh." I frown, biting my lip. "How long do you think it'll take?"

He runs his hand against his face again. "Original plan was to stay for two years. But I think we will need another year and a half." He sighs, looking stressed, and I feel my heart clench at his tired look.


"Oh.." I frown, feeling bad for him. "I'm sorry, Luca." I place my hand on his arm. "I..I think you should really have a break..." I say softly.

He looks at me, shaking his head. "Killian pays me a lot for this, I can't let him down."

As soon as I hear his name I feel my heart do a flip, and I frown, looking down at it in confusion. What? Its not like I can control my heart, for God's sake.

"O-Oh.." I snap out of it, quickly clearing my throat, blushing, and his brow cocks up, his lip tugging up into a small, knowing smirk, and he quickly purses his lips.

"Maybe if you ask, he'll let you off a day or two. You've been working so hard, you deserve a break." I smile, squeezing his arm.

He thinks about it, running a hand through his hair. And I notice a few grey strands that hadn't been there before.

"I really appreciate your concern, tesoro, but I can't.." he sighs. "Now is not the time, this case is too important."

I frown but nod.

He did have a few breaks throughout the days but never a complete day off which was concerning.

"Please, soon. Me and you can have a relaxing day out to the beach or something." I plead him with my eyes, but he doesn't look convinced so I continue.

"Y-You need a break, and this –It can be dangerous for you." I move closer to him, desperately trying to convince him as I wrap my arms around him. "I don't want you sick, and your eyes–"

His soft chuckle cuts me off, as he hugs me back. "I'll be fine, tesoro." He says as I pull away with a frown.

After a quiet moment he nods.

"I will ask Killian."

My heart flips again.

"T-Thanks!" I blush and he chuckles again and I clear my throat. "You really need this break, trust me. It'll be good for you." I place a kiss on his cheek as I quickly finish up my Weetabix.

I head upstairs to my room, and plop onto my bed. Taking a look around my room.

Luca had bought this apartment for the both of us a week after I had left that horror house. At first I had stayed with him and the 'gang' in a big old mansion but, God.

They were so horrible!

There was like six of those buffalo's living there and throughout the whole of my stay they did nothing but bully me, and make me feel stupid.

It was Luca's idea to move out and God, was I grateful. I couldn't stand those stinking men.

My phone suddenly rings, and I pull it out from my pocket, accepting the call.

"Hey donkey, what's up?"

I hear Matt's short scoff. "Glad you asked, freak." He responds and I laugh in response.

"What is it?" I lay myself down, looking at my drawings on the ceiling.

"Me and the boys are chilling at my place. Planning on going to the pub tonight, wanna come?"

"I'll come to your house." I say. "But I'll leave when you guys go to the pub."

"Aw c'mon." He whines. "You're eighteen, you need to let loose and have some fun." He states and I roll my eyes, with a smile.

"American law states no entry until the age of twenty one, so we're both underage–"

"Fuck the law." He cuts me off. "I got some fake IDs and I've been there plenty of times."

Typical Matt.

"Besides you're British, and the entry there is eighteen, right?" He questions.

"Yeah, but–"

"Ay." He cuts me off as if he realised something. "You ain't even got a citizenship here."

I wince. Right, I'm still living here illegally.

"Quit pulling the cards, Matt. I'm not going somewhere that's probably filled with pedos." I roll onto my side.

"No offence. Since you know.." I shrug. "You're a pedo and everything–"

"Hey!" He exclaims and I release a chuckle.

"I'm joking." I respond and then sigh. "I'm just scared."

"I know." He says more softly now. "Trust me though, it's nothing like what you've seen in the movies. There are a few guards around, even one who keeps watch of everything so if anything happens..." he trails off and I wince.

I mean I know all the consequences that could happen in a pub, I've read the news and movies don't really present a cool image of it either.

"I'm not going to force you it's your choice." He chuckles. "But I'd think it would be really good for you, don't you think so?"

"Hmm.." I purse my lips, thinking about it.

"Who knows you might even find a guy that's almost as hot as me." He jokes, cockily and I release a laugh.

"Shut up." I was definitely not looking for a guy. Not now. Not soon.

"I'm not in the mood for it today." I say and I can just imagine him pouting over the phone.

"Maybe next time?"

"That'd be sick. Yes." He responds, excitedly. "You can even stay attached to my hip if ya like. I'm a tough man, I can look after my baby." He says proudly and I scoff.

"And watch you have a snog fest?" I gag. "Yeah, no thanks."

"You know me too well."

There's a silence while I begin to think about it. The more I think the more the excitement sparked through me.

"Okay. I will go some other time." I nod, feeling brave.

"My baby's growing up.." He feign cries and I scowl.

"Shooshpulla, Matt." I spit and he laughs loudly.

"You too, bitch." He responds. "Whatever that is."

"You'll never know." I respond, sassily. "I'll be over at yours in half an hour. Bye bye." I pull it away and decline before he can respond, a small smile still attached on my face as I release a satisfied sigh.

Life was finally going great.


I'm not sure about this chapter.. what do you guys think? 🤔🤔 Any input?

But hey,

Layla's finally happy and emotionally stronger! 🎉🎆

Sorry if you expected me to take away her childish trait, I just couldn't..lmao.

And I read through your suggestions, I'm sorry I couldn't meet some of y'all's expectations, ❣ like her becoming a gangleader, that was a big one. But it gave me serious writers block so I couldn't do that. I'm sorry.♥

A curious question, where are my readers from?

Have a good day/night.💕😘

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