《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 73


I had stopped crying a while ago. My eyes were left burning and bloodshot, drained from the tears, they could barely stay open.

After talking to Luca for five minutes he said he'd come in half an hour so I can have time to pack my stuff. I was so grateful.

I had a small black suitcase set up on my bed as I put in my clothes. When I come across some shirts that I had nicked from Killian, my eyes begin to tear up again. And I chuck em inside the suitcase, taking in a deep breath.

I head over to the drawer and open one up, seeing a load of trash. I chuck most of them in the bin but when my eyes land on a thin silver chain with a small heart attached to I frown, gently picking it. It was simple yet so beautiful.

My eyes then catch onto a crumpled paper inside the drawer with some writing on it.

This is sappy but fuck it, I don't have the balls to give it to you 'cause I'll look like a right fucker but thought you'd like some romantic shit, anyway the necklace I picked out reminds me of you, hope you like it, baby. & no you don't have to pay me back so don't even think about it. But if you're desperate, I wouldn't mind a kiss ;) Sleep tight beautiful. xx

I place my hand over my mouth as tears build up in my eyes. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!

Why did I have to see this now?

I take a seat on my bed as I burst into tears. I miss him so much, already.

Why does it have to end?

After another five minutes of bawling my eyes out I finally calm myself down and continue with the packing, putting the necklace into my pocket, along with the note.

When I come across grandma's album I let out another breath, picking it up as I eye it up. Its like nearly eight years old.

For the next ten minutes I distract myself by flicking through the pages and looking at each of the pictures. When I stop at a particular one I feel my heart clench, and I smile sadly. It was a picture of me as a baby in grandma's arms.

Just then I hear the door to my room creak open and I snap my head up, my eyes landing on dad as he enters my room, a box in his hands and I frown.

He closes the door shut and makes his way to me, his tired grey eyes meeting my own and he grimaces. I probably look like shit.

"You're leaving then, huh?" He asks, his gaze dropping to the suitcase as he gently puts the box down and I nod, pushing my hair back.

"Probably for the best." He responds, pursing his lips.

When its quiet I clear my throat.

"Why didn't you tell me about my real mother?" My voice comes out quiet.

He glances away from me sucking in a sharp breath. "I don't know." He scratches his scruffy beard. "I just.." he trails off.

He was never going to tell me.

I bite my lip from trembling and look away, gritting my teeth.

Another moment of silence passes.

"She was an amazing woman." He sighs and I feel my weak heart thud and I glance up at him again watching as he gulps. His face filled with guilt.

"Layla it's time for me to explain everything, properly..."

Flashback, (an insight to Layla's past)


You'll take care of her won't you?" Stella whispered weakly to Gerald who stared down at her with sadness, looking down into her big, green eyes, filled with pain.

"You're going to make it, Stel." Gerald's voice cracks, holding back his tears.

Stella gives him a weak smile, knowing she wouldn't. She thought, knowing well what terrible things she had done behind her beloved sisters back.

"I'm sorry, Gerald." She whispers, her eyes watering up.

"Stella, please.." Gerald begs, a tear slipping down his cheek as he clutches on to her shaking hand.

He knew it was wrong to cheat on his wife the way he did. But he couldn't help it. He had fallen in love with her.

And she had fallen in love with him..

Stella tried to push away her feelings, for her sisters sake. But one thing led to another.

And she had given birth to their daughter about an hour ago, who was now incubated as she was born a month early. Wires were attached to her body, and the incubator was placed next to Stella's bed.

It hurt Stella to know she couldn't watch her daughter grow up.

She refused countless of times on aborting the child, knowing well she had a chance of not surviving.

No matter how many times Gerald tried to persuade her. She wouldn't. Her pregnancy may have been unplanned but it was definitely not a mistake.

Her sister didn't find out until both Gerald and Stella had come clean about everything. Everything turned into a mess. Tears, screaming and finally.. acceptance.

Luise had forgiven her but she definitely wouldn't forget..

Months passed by, and Stella became sick. It wasn't an ordinary pregnancy. The eight months were nothing but torture for her. And deep down she knew she wasn't going to make it. And now as she was dying in her bed she still did not regret a single thing.

Having a daughter was a blessing to her. And she felt better knowing she was leaving the world with a piece of herself behind.

Gerald tried his best to be there for her, along with supporting his wife with his other daughter, Heidi.

He felt terrible that he couldn't do enough and now as Stella laid in bed he couldn't do anything but cry, pathetically. "Stel, please." He repeated his face covered in tears now.

"Honey, it'll be all okay." Stella reaches her hand up wiping his tears.

"No it won't." His voice cracks. "I can't do this on my own, Stella.. I-I..." He gulps, the words he had never told her, uttering from his lips.

"I love you.."

Stella's lips began to tremble as she hastily wipes the tear that escapes.

"Don't say that now. You're with Luise, she gave you another chance.."

Her words became weaker by each passing minute and he knew her time was nearly up. They both did.

Stella slowly turns her head, looking through the glass of the incubator as her eyes soften up, a smile tugging her lips, as she reaches forward, running her fingers against it. Oh how desperately she wanted to hold her daughter for one last time.

"I'm sorry I can't be here for you, baby." She whispers, her words filled with love and pain. "I promise you'll have a good life. I'll always look out for you from above."

A tear rolls down Gerald's cheek and he hastily wipes his cheeks as he looks down at Stella with immense love. He just knew she would've been a great mother.


"Promise me, Gerald." Stella cuts him off his thoughts. "Promise me she'll have the best life, possible." Her voice cracks as a tear slips from her eyes.

"I promise." He croaks back.

"See, baby. You'll have the best father in the world." She whispers back at the incubator, caressing the glass again. Gerald's heart clenched at her words. He hated to see such an amazing woman leave his life. The pain was unbearable.

With time taking its course it wasn't long before the heart monitor to his right began to beep loudly and he closed his eyes shut, his lips trembling.

He couldn't watch as the love of his life began to grow short of breath.

The twisted, pained look on her face and the barging of the door as several nurses came in.

"Goodbye, Gerald.."

Was all she managed to say as the beeps grew endless as the flat line appeared on the heart monitor.

She was gone...

Time passed, and Luise finally arrived with her mother and father. Only to be greeted by Stella's lifeless body.

They broke down into tears, and after hours of misery. Stella's body was finally removed from the bed and taken away.

When it was time for her funeral, Gerald had been fully drained from the endless tears and remorse and as he sat there all he did was just stare at her coffin, emotionlessly. There was nothing left inside him except a dull hollowness.

Years passed by, and things were getting difficult for him. Luise refused to help take care of . He had chosen the name from her mother's wish.

And so Gerald had to juggle both his work and looking after Layla at the same time. But his struggle showed.

On the second year of Layla's life, he had walked into his home after a very tiring day at work to hear her shrill screaming and crying. He sighed, pulled his shoes off and entered the living room to see Layla face down on the carpeted floor.

Anger flared through him and he bellowed. "LUISE!" as he quickly made way to Layla, swiftly picking her up.

Luise's steps could be heard from the stairs and as she appeared inside she quirked a brow. "What?"

"Please tell me why the fuck Layla was laying face down on the floor?" He yelled.

She shrugged. "Must of fell from the sofa."

He grit his teeth, looking down at his daughters tear stricken red face, as she continued to cry. Her cheek slightly grazed.

"Did you even feed her?" He barked out, fuming with rage.

"I forgot, okay? I have my own daughter to look after!" She snapped, and with that she turned and stomped up the stairs.

Gerald looked around and found Heidi's half drunken bottle and he made his way towards it, snatching it off.

"Here." His voice comes out gruff as he puts it into Layla's mouth who shuts up immediately as she begins to drink it quickly, the hunger evident in her face, causing a heavy weight to land on Gerald's chest.

He blinks away the tears as he sits himself down the sofa, as he continues to feed her and stares into the distance.

He had failed his daughter who couldn't even speak yet, nor walk.

Failed to keep Stella's promise.

Everything was becoming too much. The stress of his job, and the stress of his daughter weighing him down, while his wife had been given the maternity leave in which she just used to neglect Layla.

But he knew he couldn't give up his job as he was the only provider for his daughter.

And so the years passed..

It was the fourth year of Layla's life, she had started her first school year in nursery. And as Gerald quickly made his way to the school, he looked at his watch and cursed. He was late. Very late.

Whenever Layla's grandma had visited she would make sure to pick her up on time and take care of her effectively while he was at work. They had both grown very fond of eachother.

But Patricia couldn't stay long as she had to go back to her own home, with her husband who lived an hour away.

As he quickly parks on the curb and rushes out, he catches sight of Mrs Stroud, his daughters teacher, giving him a stern look.

"I'm so sorry." He runs a hand through his hair as his eyes drop down to his daughter, holding a Barbie lunchbox and some crumpled up colouring sheets. Her big grey eyes meet his and she gives him a wide smile.

"Daddy!" She rushes over to him, wrapping her slim, small arms around him, and he lets out a chuckle.

"Hey sweetheart, how was school?"

"I-It was fun, I played with Dondild and–" he droned out her next words, too tired to understand, as her speech wasn't all that developed yet.

"Wow, that's wonderful." He nods when she finished, giving her a smile, as he takes the lunchbox from her hand and wraps his hand around her cold one.


Gerald groans inwardly as he glances up at the stern lady.

"Look, I'll just pay the late fine again." He fished out five pounds from his pocket but the woman purses her lips.

"Not the case this time I'm afraid. This has been going on for too long, you are nearly twenty minutes late! I'm going to have to call–"

"I'll pay extra and I promise it won't happen again." Gerald panics, as he fishes out another fiver and the lady gives him a pitiful look.

"One last chance." She sighs, taking just the fiver from him.

As they enter the car, Gerald straps the seatbelt on Layla, sitting back on his seat, and sighing out, stressfully.


"Yes?" He glances down at her, noticing some brown smudges around her mouth.

"I eated chocolate cake today."

The corners of Gerald's lips tug up.

"You ate chocolate cake?" He grins, no matter how stressed he was. He still loved his daughter to bits.

She bobs her head up and down. "It Cara birday. And she my best friend so she gaved me more for my daddy and my mummy and my sister."

"How generous of her."

"Her name is Cara." She repeats, putting her tiny hands into her lunch box, pulling out a piece. "Here go." She places it into his hand.

She was happy starting school, and had made many friends, she got along fondly with her teacher too, but the teacher had grown concerned with certain things Layla had shared, particularly about Luise, her so called mother.

"Thanks, sweetheart." He looked down at it and grimaced, noticing the dirt scattered around.

She waits for him to eat it and he smiles ruffling her hair. She just loved it when he did that.

"I'm a bit full right now so I'll save it for later."

She grins nodding her head, as he starts the engine and when she isn't looking, he opens up the window and chucks it outside. Before driving off.

Once they got home, Layla rushes over to Luise who had Heidi on her lap. "Mummy!" She yells, happily.

Luise looks away from the TV glancing down at her with distaste, and when she catches Gerald's glare, she rolls her eyes lifting her lips into a sultry smile.

"Hello, sweetheart." She greets, her voice filled with boredom and disinterest, in which it didn't take Layla's notice as she pulls out a piece of chocolate cake, pushing her arm forward, causing Luise to grimace.

"I bringed you and sister a cakes from school–"

Luise sighed, rubbing her forehead, already getting a headache from Layla's voice. "Lovely, put it in the bin for us and I'll get it later." She responds, sarcastically.

Layla frowns, her innocent eyes filling up with confusion. "But the bin dirty–"

"Just put it in the bin, I said." Luise ends up snapping, pushing Layla's arm away which causes her to stumble back, her face sinking.

"O-Okay." The four year olds' voice cracks, turning into a sob as she begins to cry. "I sorry mummy."

"Oh for goodness sake!"

Gerald makes his way to Layla picking her up, with a look of anger.

He just couldn't understand why his wife wouldn't accept Layla like her own.

"It's okay sweetheart, I'll have it if she doesn't." He wipes away her tears and then glares at Luise who glares back.

Layla's sobs die down, and she nods, her lips still trembling. "I feed." She says as he walks into another room.

Despite the obvious hate her so called mother sometimes showed towards her, she would always forgive her, because sometimes, she would be nice to her and that's why she still loved her. But what she didn't know was that it was all forced.

As Gerald takes a seat on the sofa, placing Layla on his lap, he sighs. Running his hand through his hair.

"Daddy, will you love me and I love you everyday?" Layla asks, the question catching Gerald off guard. As her big grey eyes look up into his, curiously. Some tears still brimming her lashes.

"Of course, sweetheart." He responds immediately, he really was astounded by the weird questions she often asked him.

Layla's eyes light up. "And me too, daddy. I love you." She throws her arms around him and he lets out a chuckle.

"I love you too, hun."

"Do you love mummy?" She suddenly asks, surprising him again.

"O-Of course I do." He stammers. His eyes narrowing. Or did he?

Layla looks up into his eyes again, just staring at him. And he looks away. He found it weird how a small four year old could make him uncomfortable so quickly.

"Daddy, my teacher said love is when–"

"Alright." He quickly cuts her off and she frowns.



"I love you in my heart." She points at her chest with a smile. "I can feel it."

Gerald's eyes prick with tears and he quickly blinks them away.

"I love you, t–" and then she suddenly shoves some chocolate cake into his mouth, letting out a giggle.

"I love you daddy more than mummy is that bad?"

She definitely did get her craziness from her mother, Stella. Gerald thought, as he smiles through the cake.

Years pass by and Gerald notices how Layla slowly grows up to be just like her mother. Her personality, her looks, it was all there.

Things began to change. Gerald barely coping. It started to hurt him every time he looked down at his daughter. Because he saw Stella.

He began to grow snappier throughout the years, spending less time with her.

And when he arrived home one day, tired as ever. He seemed to lose it when he saw his work laptop crashed on the floor, while seven year old Layla was bent down, picking up a piece of the broken laptop with a frown.

"What have you done, Layla!?" Luise screamed down at her from behind and she jumped, looking up at her with a small look on her face, her big eyes filling up with confusion.

"B-But m-mummy you did it, y-you–"

Gerald was too angry to listen as he stormed towards Layla, who turns to look at him, just noticing he came.

Her eyes widen in fear. "D-Daddy it wasn't me–" she jumps when Gerald roughly snatches the broken piece from her tiny hand, feeling so angry.

"DO YOU KNOW HOW EXPENSIVE THIS LAPTOP WAS?" He bellows, yelling right in her face and she lets out a gasp, immediately breaking into tears and sobs.

"She really is unbelievable! I just came here from the kitchen and saw her pull the laptop from the table!" Luise exclaims, glaring at sobbing Layla.

"But m-mummy you breaked it! With hammer–"

"Shut up!" She screams at her and she cries harder, her small face scrunching up in pain as she looks up at Gerald.

"I'm sorry daddy, I can fix it, please love me again." She sobs desperately through her tears, as she wraps her small arms around his legs, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Gerald swallows down the lump in his throat, feeling guilty. He had never yelled that loudly at her before.

I guess the stress of everything caused him to snap so badly. Ever since he lost Stella, his temper grew shorter throughout the years.

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