《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 69


"What dress did you get?" Heidi repeats, smiling at me as I continue to glare at the necklace, my gaze flickering up to her eyes as I curl my lips into a sneer, causing her smile to falter.

"Did I.. do something wrong?" She frowns, her eyes filling with confusion.

"You're wearing my fucking necklace." I snap out, angrily.

She glances down at the necklace as she begins to fiddle with the chain. "Oh.. I-I was just borrowing it, I didn't think you'd mind–"

"You never fucking asked in the first place, you can't just go through my stuff like that." My voice raises and her eyes flash with hurt.

"Damn. Tomato face, relax it's just a necklace." I hear Mike chortle at the front seat, and I ignore him as I continue to gaze at Heidi.

"Here.." she says quietly, slowly unclasping the necklace and handing it to me. I take it, glancing down at it as memories of grandma floods through my mind and I try to push back the tears.

"Is it special?" Heidi asks me in a small voice and I take a deep breath, as anger floods through me again, and I turn my head to her, giving her an icy glare.

"It was supposed to be for my grandmother." I spit, watching as her eyes widen in shock, before she quickly lowers her gaze, as she fiddles with her fingers.

"I...I'm sorry." She whispers, and a few seconds later she looks up at me again. Her green eyes now shining with tears and guilt.

And I scoff. "For what exactly?" I try hard not to raise my voice again. "For–" before I can finish she cuts me off, her voice filled with guilt and regret.

"Layla. Please l-listen to me, I-I need to tell you somethi–"

"I don't want to hear it." I snap. "I don't want to hear any pathetic excuses you're going to come up with."

"Please, Layla." A tear trickles down her cheek and I immediately look away, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"I shouldn't have forgiven you."

She doesn't reply for a moment, before she speaks in a cracked voice "W-What?"

"You've hurt me too much. And today what you did to me at the store just proved it." I push back my own tears as I glance at her again.

"B-But, I d-didn't do anything?.." She stutters, her eyes filed with tears and confusion.

"You humiliated me." My blood begins to boil at her innocent act as I grit out.

"Deliberately choosing that dress knowing it was too big and even laughed along with those three dickheads." I snap, clenching my fists.

"Wh–I didn't do it on purpose, believe me I got confused with the sizes. I'm so sorry." She lets out a sob. "I'm sorry for laughing, I shouldn't have, I just thought it looked funny which I know was wrong, and I didn't mean to make you feel like–" a scoff cuts her off.

"Heidi, hun, don't hurt yourself over a pathetic human. You did nothing wrong she's just overly sensitive about everything which is stupid." The feminine voice comes from across our seats, and I look up to Nicole who's staring at us with amusement, and when her eyes meet mine, her lips curl up into a sly smirk.

"Go fuck Mike." I spit at her and her eyes flash with amusement.

"For a prude, I'm surprised you know about such things." She chuckles and I hear Mike snigger from the front.


Jokes on her. I know plenty of dirty and bad stuff.

"At least I'm not a-a slut." I fight back and she immediately stops laughing, her eyes beginning to darken.

That's right. There's more from where that came from.

As soon as the car comes to a halt, I unclasp the belt, and stand up, slipping my phone into my pocket and picking up the carrier bag that contained my dress and head to the door, opening it.

But before my foot can touch the first step to exit, I feel a sharp nudge on my back, jolting me forward and off my balance.

But before I can hit the ground a pair of muscular arms wrap around my waist, putting me back on my feet. I look up and see an angry Killian, who's jaw is clenched tightly as he glares at someone behind me, who I'm presuming is Nicole, which is confirmed as I turn around, my eyes locking with her burning gaze and I glare at her.

"What's your fucking problem?" He snaps out at her, as she steps onto the first step of the three step set, her nostrils flaring.

"She's my problem. And you're starting to piss me off yourself, Killian. What happened to the thing we used to have?" She snaps out angrily.

"No, he's with m–"

"Shut the fuck up!" She screams at me causing me to jump on my spot.

"We all know you're just using him like a fucking gold-digger, no love no money from your own family. You're nothing but a fucking reject using him for your own needs." She sneers at me, her eyes filled with hate, her hurtful words seeping it's way to my chest.

"Nicole, stop fucking pushing it." Killian snarls, taking a step towards her, his fists clenched.

"No. No, I don't understand it, she's just a kid." She spits at him. "You can do way better and you know it." She looks down at me again.

"This midget can give you nothing. And I remember when you told me what you hated the most." She looks up at him again. "Weakness."

"This-This girl. Is the definition of weakness." She points at me her gaze filled with hatred.

"She's clingy, a crybaby, so damn childish and corny, how can you even think about liking her the slightest?" She goes on, her voice rising. "She's turning you into a pussy."

"And from what I know from the past Killian, she is definitely not your type." She steps off the car steps, and Heidi and Kian silently exit the car and I ignore Heidi's longing stare on me, my mind surrounded by Nicole's hurtful words.

"Look at her." She scoffs down at me. "Crying already."

My hands fly up to my cheeks, realising now how hot tears were rolling down, and I quickly wipe them away, clearing my throat.

"I've had enough of your bullshit." Killian growls, storming towards her and grabbing her by the shirt and she lets out a gasp.

"Get off me!" She shrieks, as he shoves her against the car, his face hot from rage in more than one way.

"Who the fuck do you think you are, speaking to me and about her like that? " He practically yells. "You've been pushing it way too far these past few months, I'm starting to think you've forgotten what I'm capable of."

I clear my throat again, rubbing my cheeks, as I make my way towards him.


Nicole tries to hopelessly push Killian off her, as her face begins to turn red and she looks up at him with anger. "Im just trying to help you." She screams.

"If her own parents couldn't even handle her worthless self, what makes you think you can?!" She continues and if not already, Killian's eyes darken even more, a vein popping from his temple.

"Admit it. Its clear she has some serious mental issues, and you're wasting your–" she gasps when Killian shoves her again and I quickly stop by his side, trying to think of a way to just stop the whole thing.

"Hey, Killian, lets just go up–" I begin but he cuts me off.

"Say one more fucking thing about her and I won't hesitate to ruin you by sending you back to where you came from." He snaps at her, and her eyes widen in fear before they begin to gleam with anger.

"You bastard." She spits out. "A-And to think we had–"

"We had nothing." He barks out at her, causing both of us to jump at how loud it was.

"You're nothing to me. The only reason you're here is because you work for me. If you can't do as you're told then you know what will happen, understand?"

Nicole remains quiet as a tear runs down her cheek, and a small part of me felt bad for calling her a slut which started this whole thing.

"Do you fucking understand?" Killian snaps again, losing his patience and after a moment she nods her head.

And with that, he releases her, taking a step back and turning around, our eyes meet for a fleeting second and I see just how mad he looked, before he calmly walks to the house, running a hand through his hair.

Nicole just stood against the car, tears trickling down her cheeks while Mike went to her side with a sympathetic look as he begins to chat quietly with her.

I turn away, heading to the house where I see mum, dad, Kian and Heidi stood who probably watched the whole thing, and when they see me coming they immediately disappear except Heidi who had a sad look, blocking the entrance as she waits for me. I sigh, stopping in front of her.

"Please, Layla. I need you. Please forgive me for everything." She whimpers.

"No. You have Nicole." I say, my voice coming out weak. My legs and abdomen aching with pain and my eyes feeling droopy.

"Yeah, but you're my sister." She says.

"A sister who you helped to ruin."

Her eyes flash with pain. "I told you I was sorry.." she whispers. "You forgave me for that."

"Yeah, well I'm starting to reconsider if that was the right choice." I close my rock-felt eyes for a moment, before opening them, watching as a tear trickles down her cheek.

"You guys tore me a part. And now I'm thinking something's wrong with me. I'm weak, I cry too much. It's not normal."

Her face twists in pain as I continue to speak.

"I'm struggling. I've been struggling with myself for a few years now." A tear slips down my cheek. "I hate being like this. Overly sensitive, not being able to control my own emotions." I wipe away the tears.

"I get hurt easily and it doesn't take a genius to figure out what caused all this." I say and she sobs.

"I'm so sorry."

"I thought I was dealing with this all fine, when I had my friends. Turns out I was nothing without them." My voice cracks.

Even when I got taken away from them by Killian, I thought it would be awful with him. But it isn't. And now I'm falling for him and I don't care if it's wrong or whatever because he makes me happy. But deep down I know if he wasn't here for me, I'd be an even more of a mess than I already am.

Nicole's right. I am weak.

"There's something wrong with me, Heidi." I sniffle. "And I don't know how to fix it."

"Let me help you, then." Heidi's voice cracks, tears running down her cheeks. "You don't know how much I regret everything, Layla. I'm so sorry." She lets out a loud sob.

And I wipe my tears, just when I feel something in-between my legs. Oh god.

"Let me help you Layla." She takes a step forward and I shake my head.

"After grandma died–"

"Listen to me Layla." She places her hand on my shoulder and I flinch.

"No." I push her off me. "I don't want to hear any excuses."

"I-I need to tell you something important, please just let me explain–"

"No excuses." I snap. "There's nothing you can say that can justify what you were a part of that night."


"No!" I snap, as my head begins to pound. "Just-Just please stop talking."

"Please." She sobs as I try to pass through, but she stops me.

"Heidi let me pass." I grit.

"You need to listen–"

"NO!" I scream, wincing when I feel it again and I take a deep breath as my abdomen pain begins to increase.

"Please just move, I don't want to talk right now." I say more calmly.

"Fine.." she whispers, stepping away from me.

I walk through the door without another word, heading up the stairs and into my room, my eyes landing on the clock that showed it was nearly nine o clock and I sigh. Might as well skip dinner and have an early night..

I pull out grandma's necklace, her pale face flashing through my mind and an uncontrolled tear trickles down my cheek.

God, I wish she was still here..

At this point, Layla knew something was wrong with her. Despite her undiscovered suffering of CEN, there was something much deeper going on. And probably had been for years that she was unaware of.

It all explained it, her endless tears; her anxious thoughts; her never ending pain, even when she was happy, it never lasted. She still felt alone, knowing she didn't have a proper family she could always go to, despite having her friends and Killian.

It just wasn't the same compared to what you'd expect with real loving parents.

It never took long for her toxic thoughts to barge in every now and then, her only wish had always been to have a proper family to care for her, to love her.

Even a small part of her, the one she kept pushing away, trying to avoid, but keeps coming back to her, the feeling of ending her life.

The thoughts had begun as soon as she witnessed her own grandma slipping away. The brutal murder etched into her mind, causing everlasting pain and grief. At times she felt it was too much to bare but yet she tried to push them away. But they just kept coming back stronger and stronger.

How much of the little strength she had, would she finally let the thoughts slide in and finally consume her?

Her tragic childhood filled with physical abuse and severe emotional neglect had led to one thing. And that my friend, was depression. Which she wasn't yet aware of and it could've been living inside of her for years.

But little did she know what would come for her next. Something that could completely shatter her to pieces and push her off the brink.


Helloo, so if you didn't know, I had included at the very start of this book at the end of the prologue that Layla is suffering from CEN^ Which she obviously doesn't know about. And there's some info over there if you wanna look.

Sorry, if I didn't really include obvious symptoms- or less of them throughout the story of Layla's developing depression. And if I got anything wrong let me know.

Not everyone is like you. Just because you don't cry over such things Layla does about, doesn't make it alright to cuss on her, or anyone who's like that, for that matter. Also you should think about how she's suffering from a ruined childhood along with grief of her beloved grandmother, which adds up to the cause of her depression. Again, even if you'd act differently doesn't mean it has to be the same for others. I get that crying in view of some people who don't have an emotional connection to them can create an image of weakness, and that's why I am writing this so that you can have a better understanding of how everyone reacts differently to certain situation such as abuse, abrieavement, bullying ect.

And if you don't like this type of reaction then it's your option to leave. :)

Not trying to offend anyone just needed to say this to make you guys understand that crying is just a way some people deal with things and just because you don't react that way, doesn't mean you should expect others to be the same. :)

Have a good day/night.♡

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