《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 68


"What's her bra size?" Nicole asks Heidi, and I press a finger to my temple as anger rises through me.

"They do look pretty decent. I'd say they are D cups, or larger."

I purse my lips, crossing my arms as I glare at her.

Such a blabber mouth.

Nicole looks down at my boobs again, tilting her head. "Nah, yours is an F and they're much bigger than hers." She crosses her arms, and my nostrils flair.

"They're definitely C cups." She flicks her hair back. "If she was taller they'd look small but since she's really short they look alright and–"

"Shut up!" I burst, getting angrier the more they stare.

I do not appreciate them perving on my boobs like that.

"Chill out. We're just preparing to find you a dress." Nicole rolls her eyes, a smirk making way on her face and I glance at Heidi who just shrugs in response, smiling sheepishly.

"Well I'm finding one myself without you. So get on with with your own things." I huff, turning away as I continue to wait for Killian who went to get our food.

"She's just hungry, don't mind her." I hear Heidi mutter.

"A brat more like." Nicole scoffs and I grit my teeth.

Just then Killian and them lot arrive with the food, and I blow out a breath, smiling at him when our eyes meet.

He smiles back, as we then all make our way to our table. Killian slides in first and just when I'm about to slide in next, Nicole quickly takes my spot.

I grunt in response taking a step back, watching as everyone else takes a seat, I take the last seat which is next to Mike. Great.

Mum and dad left an hour ago since they already got their stuff.

As soon as I get my food, I begin to stuff my face with the fries. My tummy rumbling with hunger.

I then take a bite from my burger, and within ten minutes I've finished both the fries and burger and I lick the salt off my lips. Placing a hand over my tummy. God, that was so yummy.

I scratch my neck as I casually glance at Mike's plate which is still full of fries.

I glance up at him, noticing he's on his phone. And I lick my lips, glancing at his food again, then around the table to see if anyone's looking. When the coast is clear. I shuffle on my seat, raising my hand and placing it onto the table.

I slowly trail my fingers towards his plate. My tummy rumbling again and I glance at him, to see him giggling at his phone.

When my hand touches the plate, I quickly fish out a handful of his fries, dumping them into my plate, a wide smile making its way to my face as I casually begin to eat them.

"Y'all got your stuff yet?" Mike breaks the silence a few minutes later, as he switches his phone off. He looks down at his plate and frowns and I quickly look away from him.

"Got everything except a dress." Heidi responds and he grunts in response, rubbing his face and I snag a couple more fries from his plate, stuffing it in my mouth. I'm still hungry okay.

"We should get going." Nicole says, as she finishes up.

"I can't eat anymore." Heidi groans, and my eyes drop to her half eaten food.

"Shall I put it in the bin for you?" I blurt and she looks at me.


"Thanks." She smiles, picking up the plate and handing it to me.

"My pleasure." I smirk, taking it and picking up my own, as I head to the bin.

I then quickly dunk all her fries onto my plate and then chuck her plate in the bin, letting out a giggle.

"Okay, lets go." I turn, stopping when I almost bump into someone.

I look up my eyes meeting Killian's. His face showing nothing but amusement.

"It was highly amusing watching you steal Mike's fries like that." He smirks and I blush from embarrassment. He saw that?

"Just really hungry from all the shopping, I guess." I begin to pop the fries into my mouth. "And these are absolutely delish." I grin.

"I see that." He chuckles, placing an arm over my shoulder. "Finish them up before our next shop." He says, and I nod stuffing a load of fries into my mouth as we begin to walk.

As we get closer to the table, my eyes catch on to Nicole's who was giving me a dirty look, her eyes falling on Killian's arm and she scoffs.

I look up at Killian who rolled his eyes at her behaviour. "Ignore her." He mouthes to me and I nod.

I move my gaze around and find Kian staring– more like glaring at Heidi, his jaw clenched tightly, while she was sat chewing gum, and on her phone.

I sigh. Should have a chat with him soon.

I finish up the fries, and place my hand over my stomach that was slightly fat from the developing food baby.

I clear my throat, wiping the salt off my lips. "Is there toilets here?" I look up at Killian who looks down at me then around.

"Should be around the corner."

"Wait for me, here." I tell him and he nods, taking the plate from me as I wander away.

I finally find the toilets that are actually called Restrooms in America. Who knew?

I do my business, washing and drying my hands and then look at myself in the mirror. I still have eyebags but not as bad as before. My face is still pale, and I have a few fading bruises left here and there from Gareth or Keith, he likes to be called.

I run my fingers through my messy hair bunching it up from behind and tying it to a bun with the bobble from my wrist.

I tuck the extra strands under my ear when suddenly my bun falls out of the bobble and I growl, pushing the fallen hair back. A minute later I head to the door and exit.

I spot the crew at the entrance, and I quickly walk towards them.

"Alright, no more stalling." Nicole glares at me. "We still need our dresses and we've only got three hours left."



I quickly purchase a large hair clip, ripping off the tag as I clasp my hair into a bun blowing out a breath. My neck and ears were literally burning from the heat, more so from the shade of my hair.

As I make my way back to the crew, I notice Killian, Kian and Mike gone probably to buy their boy stuff. Heidi and Nicole both stood, staring at the big mirror, while pressing a bra against their chest with a store assistant stood next to them.

As I step next to them, the lady assistant looks down at me, giving me a soft smile and I return it.


"Would you like a free bra-fitting as well?" She asks, and my smile drops.

"Uh what?" I take a step back, flabbergasted.

"A bra-fitting." Nicole deadpans, staring at me through the mirror. "It's a thing in case you're wondering."

"Uh, no. I don't want... that."

She scoffs in response, muttering under her breath. "Pussy."

I glare at her in response. What's her problem?

"That's okay." The lady says. "If you want any, our finest selection of bras are just that way, Hun." She points to the back and I just nod in response.


"Bitch get down here." I grit, as I stand on my toes, trying to reach up for the black bra seven rows up, anger rushing through me.

I've spent almost five minutes trying to reach for it, and I can't even find Killian anywhere.

"Swearing at garments, never seen that one before." I hear a scoff behind me, and I turn, looking up and meeting Nicole's patronising gaze as she smirks down at me.


"Oh this looks cute." Her gaze goes up, and I turn to see her eyes on a red lacy bra, she comes aside me and casually flicks till she finds a size G, then taking it off its peg, two rows above the black one, before walking off with a smug smirk.

"Have fun."

I swallow the angry lump in my throat, glaring down at my short legs.

I take a deep breath, running my hand over my face, feeling a slight pain in my abdomen. Great my periods due.

Ugh. Forget the stupid bra.

I walk my aching legs towards a random rack picking up a random dress before heading over to the public changing rooms, letting out a tired sigh.

It had been almost two hours since we came to this shop and currently I was skimming through the dresses, trying to look for a decent dress for Layla. I'm at the petite section which is right at the back of the store.

I flick through the dresses, picking one up, as I eye the size.

Although it was zero, the dress did look a bit wide for her. And I run my hand through my hair, as I look around the shop.

Where is she anyway?

I pull out my phone as I dial her number, letting it ring a few times as I begin to walk around, my eyes raking through the people.

I cut off the call when my eyes land on Nicole and Heidi, who just came out of the changing cubicles in tight dresses, with a lady assistant in front of them.

I make my way towards them and as I get closer, Nicole turns around a smile tugging at her lips.

"Oh, hey Killian." She flips her hair back as our gazes meet. "How do I look in this?" She gestures to her green dress.

"Fine." I clear my throat. "Seen Layla anywhere?"

Her smile falters, before turning into a small sneer. "No I haven't." She spits out, before turning around and I scoff.

"Um. I-I think I saw her go into that changing room over there." I drop my gaze to the shop assistant who was blushing furiously, as she points at the end cubicle. "B-But it's been a while."

"Alright. Thanks." I nod, as head to the end. Once I arrive, I tug the curtain to the side, and there I see her laying on the cushioned seat, fast asleep, and my lips tug up in amusement.

I take steps forward but stop when I feel something at my feet. Looking down I see that it's a red dress, that looks twice the size of her and I roll my eyes.

So this was her let in.

I lean down and pick it up, placing it on the hooker on the wall, before I walk forward and bend down, tapping her cheek twice. "Wake up."

Her eyes open ever so slightly, before they close again, her hand reaching up and grabbing my hand.

"Sleep with me." She says sleepily, her voice barely above a whisper, as she turns her body facing me letting out a slight groan.

I scoff. "How long have you been in here?"

She lets out another groan, cuddling with my hand as she mutters something inaudible and I sigh.

"Come on. You haven't even gotten a dress yet. Let alone some heels or whatever footwear you–"

"Sleep with me." She moans. "It hurts." She moves my hand to her abdomen and I narrow my eyes, clearing my throat.

"Uh...Are you on your period?"

She groans again, shrugging her shoulders.

"Alright, let's go." I stand up, grabbing her waist and her face scrunches up as I lift her up.

"Five more minutes, please."

God, she's insane.


After another ten minute nap on me, she finally gets off.

"Sleeping in a store. By far the craziest thing you've ever done." I cross my arms, watching as she fixes her hair in the mirror. Her face all puffy, swolen and cute with her cheeks flushed in light pink.

"Cuz I was tired and annoyed and I sleep when I'm that." She rubs her eyes, letting out a yawn and then a groan, placing her hand on her abdomen.

"I still got a couple of hours till I start, I think." She mutters to herself, addressing to her period.

"Then let's quickly find your stuff." I stand up, slipping my phone into my pocket.

"Okay." She clears her throat rubbing her face once more. "Ugh, been asleep for nearly two hours and my face looks like a baby."

I glance at her face and shrug. "You have a natural baby face."

She scoffs, making a face. "I do not."

"You so do. Some would say you even act like one." I joke watching as her eyes widen.

"No I don't!" She exclaims, and I chuckle.

"Relax, I'm only joking." I tell her and she glares at me.

"Okay, maybe I do act a little childish sometimes but at least I'm not boy obsessed like most girls these days. And a bully." She huffs and I nod, as we continue to walk out the changing rooms.

A few minutes later, she breaks the silence.

"I'm not even that childish actually." She says and I look down to see a frown on her face, surrounded with her thoughts.

"I remember my teacher once telling me when she was my age she used to play with dolls and that was two years ago and I was basically fifteen so technically I'm not childish, I'm just not up the league's of–"

"Yeah, I get it. I was just joking." I rub her back.

"I mean sure I cry sometimes. But that's normal, I mean they're just tears, not like it's killing anyone if it comes out cuz it's my body. Like seriously. Mum once called me a–"

"I get it." I cut her off, noticing the anger that began to lace her voice, as I look down at her red-forming cheeks.

"What's her problem, anyway? They're my eyes, I get to decide what comes out of them. Not her." She growls, her voice increasing but then she takes a deep breath, blinking a few times then looking up at me.

"Let's just find a dress." She smiles and then walks ahead of me, and I don't miss the flair to her nostrils.

Period hormones sure kicking her hard this month.


It's been an hour since my nap, and we had switched shops, with everyone already gotten their stuff except me.

Which is why they were acting all snappy with me, which was getting me really pissed off since everything I tried on was too wide on me, regardless them fitting my height.

"It's because you're underweight. Feed yourself for god's sake." Nicole snaps behind me, as I flick my fingers through the racks, the ache in my abdomen increasing and I grunt in response.

"Shut the fuck up Nicole." Killian snaps, who was also getting snappier than usual.

As I take a step back, rubbing my face Heidi pops up in front of me a red dress in her hand and she shoves it to me. "Just try this on." She begins to usher me towards the changing room.

And I watch as Killian walks away somewhere. And Kian and Mike follow us, their gazes on their phones.

"Probably not going to fit her." Nicole scoffs, following us too.

"Hurry up, the store closes in an hour." Heidi smiles at me, as she pushes me through the curtained cubicle.

I let out a tired whimper, as I slowly pull my shirt off.

I lift up the dress, and slip it on but frown when it flows past my feet, the top bit really baggy on my chest.

What size even is this, cuz it's definitely not mine!

I turn to the mirror and grimace. I looked like a little kid trying on her mother's dress.

"Are you done?" I hear Nicole's lazy voice after a moment.

"Uh, no not ye–HEY!" I yell when the curtain suddenly flings open, and I clutch the dress against my chest. My eyes widening as Nicole and Heidi's eyes land on me.

Nicole's lips begin to twitch up, and she lets out a snort as she burst out laughing, earning the gazes of Mike and Kian who both look up from their phones and at me, then at the baggy dress.

"Well don't you look sexy." Mike smirks letting out chuckles, which triggers Kian, who covers his laughter with his arm.

My cheeks flushes red with embarrassment, as my eyes land on Heidi who was also struggling to keep her own laugh in.


"My size isn't a four, Heidi. It's–"

"Yeah, yeah. It's a zero. Big deal, she must've got it mixed up, chill out." Nicole cuts in after recovering from her laughter.

"Oops." Heidi shrugs, her eyes still staring at the dress on me as she releases a giggle.

Fucking bitch.

"Don't know what you're getting angry about. You looked the same–"

I fling the curtain in her face, as I roughly remove the dress off my body, a tear slipping from my eyes.

I was humiliated and crampy. Which is not a good combination.

I sit myself down on the cushioned seat, sniffling as I hear their sniggers continue from outside.

After what felt like ten minutes later, I hear the curtain open up and I stand up, my eyes meeting with Killian's, who stepped inside, a black and grey dress in his hands.

"I'm not trying any more." I state, as my lips begin to tremble.

"Everything's too wide on me cuz they don't sell any dresses for underweight people." I cringe slightly, as a tear trickles down my cheek.

He sighs, as he bends down on his knees, his thumb swiping the tear off my cheek. "Try this last one, and I'll see what I can do." He says and I shake my head, he glances down at the dress, as he picks up something under it, revealing a black lacy bra.

"This is what you wanted, right?" He asks and I frown, wiping my cheeks.

"I wanted the plain one." I take it from his hand, as I look at it.

28C. Wait How'd he know my bra size?

I feel the inside of the cup, and notice how thickly padded it was. But the cups looked smaller than usual.

"It's too small." I say, handing it back to him and he looks at it, chuckling. "It's supposed to be like that." He states and I frown again.

"I think it would look really sexy on you." He smirks, looking down at the peach spotty bra I currently had on, and I blush, glaring at him as I put my hand over it and he chuckles again, putting the bra on to the hooker.

"Come on, baby. Try this dress on." He attempts to put it on me again and I shake my head. "I'm not a baby." I cross my arms and he smirks at me, placing his arms on my waist as he pulls me closer.

"But you're my baby." He brings his face closer to mine and I blush.

"N-No, I–" he puts his lips on mine, and my breath hitches as he begins to kiss me, that is until a loud hiccup releases from my lips from my previous sob session and I blush as I quickly move away from him, while I could tell he was trying not to burst out laughing, covering his mouth with the back of his hand.

"Not funny." I glare at him, which causes him to release a few chuckles and I turn away from him, picking up the dress.

"I don't want it." I give it to him, and he takes it.

"This is the sexiest dress in the store." He shrugs. "I'd even say it's better than what those two picked up." He says, trying to persuade me.

I look down at the dress again, pursing my lips, a I take it off him. "Okay, I'll try it."

"Good girl."

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