《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 66


"You told him?" I slowly walk inside her room, wincing when she begins to sob harder. She was currently sat on the edge of her bed, her face in her hands.

I close the door and walk to her bed, sitting next to her. "I'm sorry I forgot I was supposed to help you tell him." I say, feeling guilty.

She removed her hand from her face, her bloodshot green eyes meeting mine. There was mascara running down her cheeks, and her makeup was all over the place.

"No." She shakes her head. "I shouldn't have asked you." She croaks.

"This was right. I had to do this on my own. But as you can see it didn't go great." She shakes her head, more tears streaming down her cheeks.

"What happened?" I gulp and she lets out a humourless laugh.

"What do you think happened?" She shakes her head.

"He told me to abort my child that's what."

"What?" Shock immediately consumes me. "H-How could he say that?"

I thought Kian was nice? Well except for the time he beat me up in Killian's car. But I thought he bettered himself.

"I know." She sniffles, wiping her cheeks. "I told him no and he started yelling at me." Her lips tremble again.

I shake my head, pursing my lips in disappointment.

"Looking at how this went, telling mum and dad is going to be even worse." She begins to sob again, and I place my hand on her shoulder, comfortingly.

A few minutes later, she looks at me, taking a deep breath and plastering a smile. "You know what?"


"I'm not telling them. They can find out themselves."

"What?" My eyes widen. "I think–"

"No, and that's the end of it." She shakes her head. "Maybe I shouldn't even care what they think." She sniffles and I shake my head.

"Don't say that. Trust me. You need them especially when you're pregnant. I get they may be angry at first but they'll accept it sooner or later."

"They won't forgive me." She shakes her head. "Besides you don't need them and you're going fine. Maybe it'll go the same for me."

I smile at her sadly. "I'm not going fine, Heidi." And she looks at me confused.

"B-But you've always seemed like you didn't care." Her voice trembles.

I shake my head in response.

"All I ever wanted was to be accepted by them." I sigh. "I'd have done anything. Everyone needs their parents, Heidi, no matter what. And you're really lucky you've had them, and trust me when I say this. You don't want to lose them."

"I thought you hated them?" She sniffles.

"Oh, trust me I do." I snort, rolling my eyes. "But I've always had something missing in my heart. Something they were supposed to fill, you know?" I sigh and she nods slowly, more tears forming in her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Layla." She sobs, throwing her arms around me, catching me off guard.

"Uh, yeah, it's okay." I smile, hugging her back.

"No it's not." She sobs louder. "How can you forgive me after what I did?"

"Heidi, stop, you might be hurting the baby." I say, worriedly. "Let's talk when you've calm–"

She begins to sob louder.

"You're being nice and I hate it." She pulls away, looking at me, her eyes red and puffy, and her lips trembling.


"I hate it because I don't fucking deserve it, Layla. I don't deserve your forgiveness but I'm too selfish because I want it." Her words confused me but I shrug in response.

"I forgive you." I say and she lets out another sob.

"I don't know Layla. I feel like I can't accept your–"

"I told you it doesn't matter anymore. You've changed and it wasn't your fault. Mom and dad manipulated you and tore us apart. You–we both were too young to understand, but I'm glad you realise it now. It's better late then never." I give her a soft smile.

She stares at me unbelievably, as more tears trickle down her cheeks. "I'd never forgive me if I was you.. I don't understand.." she shakes her head. "I did you so wrong, made mom and dad starve you, I–"

"Please don't remind me." I cringe, letting out a ragged breath.


"It's alright, Heidi. I forgive you, please accept it."

The tears slowly stop rolling down her cheeks and she stares at me for a few moments, before her whole body lurches forward and she throws her arms around me in a tight embrace.

"Thank you so much, you don't know how much I regret what I did to you, I'm so sorry." She squeezes me tighter. "I feel so bad that I wasn't a better sister to you, if I could. I would change it all–"

"Don't stress about it." I rub her back, before pulling away from her. "Do you want to go to the ice-cream store?" I smile at her.

"Okay.." she sighs, wiping her face. "Give me ten minutes." She stands up heading to the bathroom.


"You're slacking off Killian." Uncle john snaps through the call, and I grunt in response, rubbing my forehead.

"Mike's been telling me you've been ditching work for some chic, lately. Now I hope that's not true Killian, you know what I said about having relationships as a leader. It's too risky and you're not only putting the whole business in danger. You're also putting her in danger." He goes on. "I get falling in love is normal but you promised you'd always put the business first and–"

"I'm old enough to make my own decisions now, John." I cut him off, agitatedly.

"Don't even start with that one, my boy." His voice grows angrier.

"I'm the one who gave you everything after the passing of your parents. You ought to show some respect." He states, and I sigh. Knowing he's right.

"Who's the girl?" He then sighs, after a moment of silence, I hesitate to respond but go for it anyway.

"Holy shit." He curses. "That poor little girl, I remember her..." he says and I narrow my eyes in confusion.

clearing my throat. I reply "You know her?"

"A little. I remember seeing her when she was very young, she was crying all the time and her parents never gave a damn about her." He says with a sigh. "Your parents had met her and the family too, I don't know if you know this but when I used to train you, Kate used to send Jack to her house all the time."

My brows raise in shock. "Really?"

I hear footsteps at the door, and I run my hand through my hair, as I shake my head. "I have to go."

I hear him grumble something. "I'll see you in two weeks, boy. You better pay for my ticket."


A chuckle escapes my lips. "Yeah, whatever, bye." I pull the phone away away and hang up.

The door opens revealing Layla, and her grey eyes land on me. "I'm back." Her beautiful smile appears on her face as she walks towards me.

"Who were you calling?" She stops by my side, as I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her closer.

"My uncle." I reply as I snuggle my face into her neck, breathing her sweet scent in.

"He's Mike's dad." I state, watching as her face scrunch up in distaste.

"Oh." Her voice goes bitter. "Is he like Mike?"

"Opposite, actually." I chuckle.

She hums in response, a smile tugging her lips. "Cool." Her eyes look away from mine as I pull my laptop forward, switching it on.

"Me and Heidi are heading over to the icecream shop do you want me to get you some?" She suddenly says.

"Sure, any flavours good love." I peck her cheek and she nods.

"Okay, bye." She gives me a smile, as leans forward pouting her lips and brushing them against mine, in a teasing way before pulling away.

"What was that?" I groan, pulling her closer to me. "That wasn't a kiss."

"It's a special kiss, I made it." She smiles, cheerfully.

I roll my eyes in response, pulling her closer to me until our lips are an inch apart.

"Here's a special kiss for you." I cup her jaw.

"...B-But you kiss like we're marri–" I don't let her finish, as I claim her lips with mine, causing her to let out a small squeak.

I kiss her slowly at first tasting the snicker bar she had nicked from me earlier, continuing with the pace as she soon joins in, letting out a small moan that drives me wild.

I rub my thumb along her cheek, before tilting her head and begin to kiss her at my own fast pace, moving my hand down to her sides, caressing them.

I feel her shudder against me, her hands moving to my arms before sliding up to my hair, and I release a groan, kissing her with a bit more roughness, as I bite onto her bottom lip, tugging on it, gaining another moan from her.

I manage to give her one last kiss before she pulls away. "Shit." She pants. "This is too much." Her glazed eyes meet mine, and I peck her lips once more, releasing a chuckle.

"How so?"

"It makes me feel too much." Her lips were parted as she breathed heavily and I resist the urge to kiss her again, watching as she places her hand on her stomach and I roll my eyes in amusement.

"Relax, It didn't make you pregnant."

Her eyes widened as she removed her hand. "I didn't imply that." She glares, her swollen lips turning into a scowl.

I cup her cheek, with a smirk as I lean in for another kiss.

"Oh my god that was so cute!"

Just when my lips almost touched hers, she springs away, and I groan.

We both look at the door to see Heidi stood there with her phone pointing at us.

"Heidi delete that." Layla growls, her cheeks flushing red.

"No way." She snorts, turning and rushing away.

Her nostril flare as she turns to me. "You-You are kiss obsessed!"

So innocent.

"You know you liked it." I wink at her, watching as her cheek redden even more.

"Whatever." She grumbled. "Heidi delete that now!" She then rushes to the door.

At least she didn't deny it.

"Um.." I continue to scan the ice-cream tubs, trying to figure out what flavour I want.

"Hurry up Layla." Heidi nudges my side. "You're taking ages."

"Ok ok." I push her arm away, looking up at the lady who looked kinda irritated. I clear my throat as I scan again.

"The white one please." I point at it. "And what's that one?" I point at a pale looking one.

"Cookie-dough, it's really good." Heidi says and I nod, deciding to get it for Killian. "That one too."

"Please would be nice." She snaps as she scoops it up and puts it on a cone then putting it on a holder.

"Please." I reply, awkwardly.

"Don't talk to my sister like that." Heidi suddenly snaps back and I glance at her, my eyes widening. "It's okay, I–"

The lady scoffs in response, her eyes slitting. "I'll do whatever I damn want thank you." This causes Heidi's nostrils to flare.

"Shut it you old hag, you can't talk to us like that, it's against–"

"You know what!?" The woman's voice rises and the whole room goes quiet and I gulp, glaring at Heidi.

"I quit. I'm so sick of these rude teenagers always showing attitude. I'm done, I'm absolutely done with this crap I have to face everyday." And I watch in horror as she pulls the apron off herself, throwing it on to the counter while shoving the ice-cream holder into my hands.

"Load of delinquents." She spits, before turning away and storming towards the back.

Another worker immediately rushes after her while another comes to the till, glaring at us. "That'll be seven dollars. On the go please."


"I can't believe you Heidi." I groan as we walk back home with our ice-cream. Feeling guilty for causing that woman some trouble even though I just forgot to say please.

"She deserved it!" She huffs.

"You and your pregnancy hormones." I mutter to myself.

After twenty minutes, we arrive home and I head straight up to Killian's room, opening his door.

I see him on the same spot, still on his phone.

"I got you some ice-cream." I walk towards him, picking up his cookie-dough flavoured cone from the holder.

His eyes move over to me, landing on the ice-cream his lips quirking up, as I hand it to him. "Nice."

"I know I am." I shrug picking up my own vanilla ice cream. I look back at him to see him back on his phone, while licking his ice-cream.

"Do you want me to stay?" I ask, I know I've been way clingy to him lately.

"Don't ask dumb questions." He rolls his eyes. "Come here."

A wide smile appears on my face and I climb on to his bed and on to his lap. "I like hanging out with you as well."

"Yeah." He runs his fingers through his hair, as he continues to tap on his screen. "Do you like sitting on me as well?"

I roll my eyes at his sarcastic response, as I make myself comfortable.

I lick my lips before raising the ice-cream to my lips, and then I taste it taking a small bite and swallowing.

My eyes widen, and I hold back a gag from the absolutely disgusting taste.

Is..is this pineapple flavour?!

I scrape my teeth along my tongue trying to rid the taste, averting my gaze to Killian's cone. My face falling. It looks delicious.

"Um.. I-I think that was my one." I frown, as I look up at him and then back at his cone, repeating the action.

He doesn't respond, still stuck on his phone. And I let out a grunt, leaning forward and gently taking the ice-cream from him before handing him mine.

A smirk forms across my face as I taste it. Yummy.

Killian raises his head and glances at me. "Did you say anything?" He asks, as he casually licks on his ice-cream, and I await for the disgusted expression that.. doesn't come across his face.


He actually likes it?!

I shake my head in response, cringing slightly.

I grab the phone from his hand as I search something up to show it to him.

"What do you think of this case?"

"Let's see." He stretches his legs out, as he finishes his ice-cream off and I cringe again.


He brings his legs forward and I remove myself from him, plopping down next to him. He takes the phone off me and takes a look at it while I finish my own ice-cream.

"Quite an eye sore, not gonna lie." He snorts, staring at the bright glittered case and I frown.

He runs his hand through his hair as he scrolls down the other cases, then he shakes his head. "This is from eBay..."

I nod. "Yep! Cheap stuff right?" I grin and he raises a brow.

"You haven't bought it yet have you?"

"Uh.. no but--"

"Forget it. This looks dodgy." He continues to stalk the website, looking at the reviews. "Besides, this item requires you to collect it yourself."

"I'm sure they're not an undercover gang leader who'll kidnap me when I arrive." I smirk and he rolls his eyes.

"Ha-ha very funny." He then clicks off the website and goes onto another.

After a minute or two he brings the phone to me. "Here." He shows me the same case but from another website for $10.

"What?" I exclaim. "That's so expensive!"

"Hardly." He then begins to type stuff and a few minutes later he turns his phone off, placing it into his pocket.

"It'll come in a few days." He says, leaning his head back on the headboard and shutting his eyes.

And I watch him silently, a smile forming on my face as my gaze lands on his slightly messy hair, an idea popping into my mind. "Can I–"


"Fine." I fall onto my back, as I release a tired sigh.

A nap wouldn't hurt.


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