《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 65


I sniffle slightly as all three, Kaleb, Cara and Donald ignore another one of my messages, leaving me on read.

I had downloaded my WhatsApp and Instagram and tried to contact them on both, and still they ignored me.

Hi, Donald what r you doing?

I make another pathetic attempt to talk to him.

Few minutes later he reads and again ignores.

I go back and dial his number, putting it to my ear but it goes straight to voicemail and a tear escapes my eye.


Please Donald. :( I miss you so much, talk to me please I can explain.

Cara, why aren't you talking to me?

Kaleb, we need to talk, please let me explain and text me back.

I turn the phone off, wiping my tears, as I remove myself off the bed.

Why are they being like this?

"You're crying is so pathetic, grow up and move on, not everything can go your way so cut out the tears, I did not raise a crybaby." I hear mums snappy voice at the door and I grit my teeth, looking up at the door to see her staring at me with a scowl.

"My tears do not concern you, If you have a problem with it then eff off, cuz one thing is for sure is that I can cry when ever I want and feel like it, regardless what anyone thinks." I snap and she sneers at me.

"And you said you were tough." She scoffs, addressing what I said a few years ago.

"I wonder who changed that." I say sarcastically.

She lets out a fake chuckle. "Hunny, there are lots of people who are going through worse than you and still they don't cry like you do. Usually they become much more mature, but you're becoming more immature by each passing day."

I purse my lips, as I glare at her angrily. "For a fourty six year old, you're also very immature, so I wonder where I got the traits from, also you being here looking for an argument is much like what stupid teenagers nowadays do in highschool." I snap back, and her eyes grow angrier, as she takes a step inside, pointing a finger at me.

"Don't act all innocent, you're no better by being a slut and fucking your owner-Killian like a desperate bitch. That desperate for love just because everybody hates you and so you throw yourself at the first person available seeking for affection, anything that can-"

"Be quiet!" I snap, my cheeks colouring red. "I never did that, you-"

"LUISE!" we hear a yell and dad appears by her side glaring at her.

"I told you to fucking leave her alone." He glares at her and I take a deep breath, but then I hear him lower his voice as he utters the next words to her.

"She's the reason we're getting money from Killian. You need to be smart here. He can easily take away everything now that he's formed some kind of bond with her." Mum nods, her eyes still glued on me, knowing that I had heard everything. But dad still seemed oblivious as he turns his head and gives me a soft smile.

They were both selfish. Greedy for money. I was just a sold object to both of them, and to think when he stood up for me, he cared. No. I was wrong, it was all for money.

"Leave." I hiss out, my heart clenching painfully.


"Yes sweetie." Mum beams, a smirk plastered on her face.

"Have fun." Dad says as they both exit, closing the door behind them.

The tears begin to stream down my cheeks, and I sit back on my bed, picking up my phone only to see all three of my friends had left me on read. Again.

A sob escapes my lips, and I grit my teeth. Whatever.

I log out of my account, and register a brand new one, making my account private.

I sure know when I'm not wanted.

I force myself to delete Donald's number, sobs and tears escaping from me as I go onto WhatsApp, knowing Killian has it as he had given me his number yesterday. I don't know where he is, but he's been gone for hours.

I click on his name that appears and begin to text him with shaky fingers, wiping my tears away.


I enter the text, and wait for his reply. Two minutes later it says he's online.

I smile in response, as I type.

Just sitting on my bed.

when are you planning on

coming back?

I enter, and he begins typing.

I begin to type my answer in excitement.

Yes, com quickly

I hit enter and then notice the typo and groan.

Come* sorry. 😡

Omg why do I keep making typos!

I make sure to click the correct one before sending it again.


When he doesn't reply I begin to type again in worry.

If you're not too busy,

you don't have to.

After a few moments he begins typing and my heart flutters at his next text.


"Killian!" I squeak, when I hear the door downstairs and I rush to the door but stop when I realise I sounded exactly like Heidi, my cheeks flushing red.

I compose myself, as I open the door and head to the stairs, looking down, and spot Killian at the bottom, taking his jacket and shoes off.

"Hi." I call out with a smile on my face and he looks up, his eyes meeting mine as his lips quirk up.

"Hey, love." He puts his jacket over the railing, as he comes up the stairs.

"Are you okay?" His eyes scan my features as he frowns.

"Yeah." I nod, my smile faltering slightly. "It's just that my friends don't want to speak to me anymore." I tell him as he reaches up.

His eyes fill with sympathy as his fingers run through his hair. "I'm sorry, love."

I shrug in response. "I don't care anyway. I deleted Donald's number and everything. I don't need them." My voice wobbles with every word as tears build up in my eyes and I take a deep breath, shaking my head.

"I'm sorry, I didn't call you over to share my problems." I force a smile.

He sighs as he wraps his arms around me. "Don't apologise, you can talk to me about anything." His hands run along my hair comfortingly, as the first few tears release onto his clothed chest, no matter how hard I tried to push them away.

I gotta quit being so weak but it's like I can't even control my emotions anymore.

"I don't know why everyone hates me, Killian." I release a small sob.

"My parents don't like me, and everyone I see decide to hate on me when I did nothing wrong, like your friends. Even you hated me when you first saw me. And now my friends hate me."


All I really ever had were my friends, they defended me all the time and I've been so ungrateful. They've been my achor all along and without them I'm nothing.

"I never hated you." I pull away slightly, as I bend down to her bloodshot eye-level. Pain swarming her beautiful grey eyes.

"Yes you did." Her red nose lifts, as she sniffles, her gaze constantly moving to both of my eyes. "You said I was childish and that I needed to grow up."

"Did I?" I frown, running my thumbs against her flushed wet cheeks, guilt immediately rushing through me.

"Yeah." She nods, tucking a strand of her hair under her ear. "You said that after I went to Matt's house, and when I asked if you were my friend because I didn't know and I thought it was normal but clearly not. Considering we're three years apart but in my age people ask-"

"Oh." I cut into her mid-rant. "I didn't mean that. I was just a little mad and-"

"But you knew it was Luca's friend and he said I could trust him and you said I was naive for-"

The ringing from my phone cuts her off and she quietens down as I look at my screen, Nicole popping up.

I decline the call, slipping the phone back into the pocket. "Come." I hold onto her cold hand, as I lead her to my room.

Her brows furrow in suspicion. "Why was Nicole calling you?"

I glance down at her to see her slightly relaxed, her hand wiping away the leftover tears, and a scowl forming.

"She's such a--" she cuts herself off. "Nah, I'm not gonna say it."

I chuckle at that, as she opens the door to my room, and enters, while I follow behind, closing the door.

When I turn I see her nick one of my snickers from the pack on top of the drawer, as she rips off the wrapper, taking out a massive bite.

"And Mike." She rambles, with a sour look. "He's the biggest jerk I've ever met. Her and Nicole. I don't know how you ended up friends with them." She takes another bite as I watch her in amusement.

"I wouldn't call them my friends." I tell Her as I begin to loosen my tie, pulling it over and off my neck.

"More as business associates."

She looks at me in surprise. Her brows drawing together. "I'm sure Nicole told me you guys used to date." She says as I glance back at her, as she swallows another bite, her eyes glued on me.

I roll my eyes. "We never dated. " I begin to head towards my bed, watching as her eyebrows raise.

"She told me that you like 'bad girls' and that you wouldn't want someone like me, because I'm-I'm not that."

What on earth...

"Love, come here." I tug on her hand and pull her towards me.

She takes the last bite of the chocolate bar, as she wipes the crumbs from her lips, her soft innocent eyes meeting mine.

"Don't listen to anything Nicole says, okay?" I place my hand against her cheek, running my thumb along her lips.

She remains silent and I raise a brow.

"Okay." She whispers placing her hands against my shoulders.

I lean forward and place a soft kiss against her cheek and she gives me a warm smile.

"So it's your birthday in two weeks right?"

"Yeah." I twirl a piece of her between my fingers.

"I can't believe you're turning twenty." She grins, and I chuckle in response.

"We don't really have much of an age gap." She says. "So I dont know what that girl was on about yesterday. A three year gap is not a lot at all." She frowns. "Right?"

"Three years is nothing." I roll my eyes. "My parents were six years a part."

Her eyes light up with curiosity in mention of my parents.

But then I change the subject.

"So how are you feeling now. Any better?" I raise a brow and she nods.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that." She chuckles in embarrassment.

My lips tug up into a smile as I wrap my arms around her, pressing a quick kiss to her temple. I didn't have enough sappy words to describe how I felt for this girl. But I knew I was falling deeper and deeper for her, with each passing day...

Killian had ordered us pizza a while ago. And currently we were feasting on it for our lunch, in his bed.

I pick out the mushroom, sweetcorn and pepper off my slice, putting it on top of Killian's slice, as he takes a bite out of his. He liked the stuff but I didn't, I only liked my pizza with cheese (obviously) and chicken tikka.

I shove my own into my mouth, as I crawl onto Killian lap again, his hand wrapping around me and landing on my lower back.

I grab my phone again, going onto my contacts which only had Luca, Killian, Heidi and Kian on it.

Tears build up in my eyes, and I begin to dial Donald's number again, I had remembered his digits this time and I did not know why I deleted his number in the first place, I guess it was just due to my frustration but I'd never give up on my friends, no matter what. I had to keep trying.

I put him back on my contacts, before switching my phone off again. Taking another bite from my slice, looking up at Killian and smiling at him when our eyes meet.

"So are you going to invite Mike and Nicole here again or..."

I guess he could see the sour look on my face as his lips quirk up, his eyebrows raising. "I need to work with them, love."

Damn it.

He chuckles at my expression. His hand reaches up, swiping his thumb along my lower lip.

"Do you like them?"

"Not really." He bites into his pizza.

"You shouldn't let them come here anymore, then."

"But then I'd have to be at their house, more." He says and my eyes widen.

"Oh, never mind then." I lean up, looping my arms around his neck and he chuckles, hugging him as my cheek presses to his.

When we pull away his finger reaches to his cheek, wiping away the sauce I left on him. Oops.

"I need to go to my room for a bit. I'll see you in five minutes." I smile, getting off his lap.

"Alright, love." He gives me a quick peck on my lips, as I get off his bed, heading to the door.

I walk out of the room, when I suddenly see Kian storming out of Heidi's room, looking extremely mad.

I hear faint sobbing as I begin to walk to her room, stopping at the threshold and find Heidi looking like an absolute mess.

Oh no. Guess the pregnancy news didn't go too well.


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