《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 64


"How can you be so fucking selfish, Layla?" Donald yells at me. We were in a black room, my face streaming with tears.

"I'm sorry D-Donald, I-"

"I get it, he kidnapped you. Took you away against your will but now you're fucking hooking up with him? Forgotten about us already?" He snaps, as Cara and Kaleb appear next to him.

"I haven't, I swear I haven't I think about you guys a-all the time." I shake my head, taking steps forward. "I miss you guys so much, and it's not my fault, i-"

"It's never your fault." He shouts angrily and I jump on my spot, as I begin to tremble from their hate filled gazes.

"You seem way happier with him than you were with us." His voice quietens, his gaze softening.

"D-Donald, no-"

"We tried to make you happy after what you were going through with your family." He shakes his head. "it never worked, you were always so depressed, no matter how hard I tried it was never enough."

"Donald." I sob, taking a step forward, shaking my head vigorously.

"But he makes you happy." He smiles, a tear rolling down his cheek, breaking my heart further. "I don't know how he does it, but I'm glad you're happy now." He takes a step back.

"No, No, Donald I'm not, I need you guys I was-"

"Have a good life, Layla." Their figures slowly begin to fade.

"No, please, Donald, I need you!" I sob loudly, rushing towards them. "Cara, Kaleb please don't leave me!"

They were gone.

"I'm sorry guys.." I sob, my heart clenching painfully.

My eyes flash open and a quiet sob escapes my lips, as I look around my room, light shining through the balcony doors. I look at the clock to see it's 8.03am.

I scramble to a sitting position wiping the tears off my cheeks.

I have to call Donald now.

I hear light footsteps which begin to stir me from sleep. I bring my hand forward and rub my face, groaning slightly as my eyes flash open.

"What the fuck are you doing?" My voice comes out deep from sleep as I lean forward and snatch my phone that was in Layla's hand, looking down at it and quickly declining the call as I look back at her. Her eyes were red and puffy, pooling with thick unblinked tears.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm sick of you Killian." She glares at me, her lips trembling, as my brows raise up in surprise.

"Who were you calling?" I ask as her eyes flash with anger, a tear rolling down as her nostrils flare.

"I don't have to tell you anything." She spits and I grunt in response, rubbing my eyes tiredly as I sit up, and throw my legs onto the floor.

"Come here." I reach forward, and pull her to me by her shirt, placing my hands on her waist, ignoring her restraints.

"You made my friends hate me." She glares. "Y-You can't treat me like this anymore. You can't tell me off and tell me what to do cuz you know what? I'm my own person!"

"Alright, fine." I shrug, watching as surprise crosses her features and she relaxes slightly.

"And guess what? I've been-I've been writing letters." She smirks, happily and I roll my eyes. "Have you now?"

Her smile falters. "Y-Yeah, and to Donald."

"I know you have."

Her smile drops as her nostrils begin to flare again. "You snooped on my stuff!" She shouts, whacking my arm. "Fucking bitch, I'm calling Donald." She roughly pulls my arms off her, grabbing my phone but I quickly snatch it off her.


"Alright. Calm the fuck down. You can't use my phone." I lift myself off the bed.

"Why not?!" She yells, her face turning more red with anger as I give her a deadpan look.

"Come back when you calm down and we'll sort things out." I turn away from her.

"I'M CALM!" She roars, as I feel her piercing grip on my hand and I turn to her, drawing out a loud sigh.

"You're crazy."

Give me your phone, Killian. I don't want to kill you." She grits, shaking my arm furiously like a psychotic harasser.

"Love to see you try that." I bend down, wrapping my arms around her as I lift her up, putting her on the bed.

Bitch!" Is the last thing I hear as I walk away, and into the bathroom.


"I'm calm now."

I glance away from my phone, my gaze landing on Layla who stood at the door glaring at me.

"Oh really?" I smirk, my gaze dropping to her fisted hands.


"Okay." I shrug, as I continue to watch her. Her nostrils flaring slightly. "Give me your phone now."

"For what?"

"To call Donald and tell him stuff."


"And by the way I'm gonna talk to him all the time. And soon I'm going home."

"Fine." I roll my eyes, putting my phone down. "But they can't find where we are." I stand off the bed as she watches me curiously.

I move over to my drawers, pulling out the bottom revealing some unused phones.

"I'm having one." She steps in front of me, bending down and putting her hands into the drawer, her little butt sticking out.

Samsung this time." She pulls out what looks to be a s6.

"Don't you want the new-"

"I want this one." She walks away and out of the room.

"Alright then."


After finishing my breakfast, I pick up Layla's untouched plate, and walk out the kitchen heading up the stairs and to her room. I open the door but freeze when I see her sat up against the headboard, her face in her hands as she lets out small sobs.

"Everyone's stupid." She says angrily.

"What happened?" I make my way towards her, setting the plate down and sliding into her bed, shuffling closer to her, hearing sniffles.

I push her messy hair back, as she pulls away from her hands looking up at me with her big puffy grey eyes. "Donald was so blunt with me." Her lips tremble.

"He sounded bored and then said he had to go and hung up on me. I rang him again but it went to voice mail." Her voice cracks as a sob escapes her lips, as she wraps her arms around me and cries onto my chest, I run my hand down her back soothingly.

After ten minutes she finally begins to relax as I break a piece of pancake bringing it to her parted lips. She bites onto it, her eyes staring into space. I rub her back, placing a kiss on her temple.

"I'm sorry for being mean to you earlier." She says.

"You're not a fucking bitch."

I chuckle in response, watching as she pulls the plate onto her lap, rolling the pancake up and munching on it.

After a minute she's nearly done with the pancake, popping the last bit in, her mouth.



"Do you want to go on a date with me?" Her questions catches me off guard and I look down at her to see her gaze full of hope.


I clear my throat awkwardly. "Uh- sure, I'll take you on a date."

"No I'm taking you." She demands, and I narrow my eyes.


Her bloodshot eyes flash happily, as she gives me a smile, showcasing her cute little dimples.

"Great. I'll pick you up at eight." She winks at me, letting out a giggle as she gets off the bed, walking to the door I hear her mutter under her breath. "I always wanted to do that."

She's just something else.


"Layla?" I knock on her door.

"I said I'll pick you up at eight! Don't come in!" She shouts and I roll my eyes.

"I'm coming in." I twist the knob but I hear a loud thump as she pushes the door closed.

"Why won't you let me in?"

"Because you're not supposed to see me till then."

I rake a hand through my hair. "We're not getting married, love." I chuckle.

"I'm getting ready." There's a pause. "I'll see you in two hours."

I shake my head as I turn around but stop when Heidi appears in front of me.

"Is Layla taking you on a date?" She giggles and I grunt in response.

"She did promise me she'd help me today but it's alright. She seems pretty upset." Her smile falters as tears brim her eyes. "I haven't been a very good sister to her." She sniffles as I stand here awkwardly.

We then hear the door bang downstairs and she jumps. "Kian." She squeaks as she wipes her eyes and begin to fix her hair as she then rushes down the stairs.

I roll my eyes as I then head into my room.


I was flicking through my messages when the door creaks opens.

I lift my gaze up, my eyes locking with Layla's grey eyes, trailing down to her casual outfit.

"I thought you were getting ready?"

"I did my makeup, hair and changed my clothes." She walks towards me popping onto my bed. She had her hair in a side braid, with light pink lipstick painted on her lips.

"Took you five hours to do that?" I smirk at her, pulling her closer to me.

"No just three, I was looking at hair tutorials on my new phone." She says as I bend down and kiss her lips, my hands finding its way to her hair.

"Hey!" Her voice come out as a mumble, against my lips, and I deepen the kiss, pulling her closer to me, running my tongue along her bottom lip, but groan when she pulls away from me.

"My hair!" Her hands fly to her hair, as I look at the strands coming out of her braid.

"Looks fine." I shrug "Now come here." I lean forward but she jumps off the bed.

"No, I'm taking you on a date first." She pats her hair back.

I grunt in response, removing myself off the bed, when my phone begins to ring. I pull it out and put it to my ear.


"You coming over or what. We've got a lot of work to do." Mike's annoying voice comes through.

"Tomorrow." I then hang up, heading towards Layla.

"Who was that?"

"No one, lets go." I lean down, pecking her lips once, before we both walk out.

"Where we going then?" I ask looking down her and she grins.

"It's a surprise."



"I want a fish fillet burger with medium fries and ketchup please."

That's right. I chose McDonald's for our date.

"Killian what do you want?" I turn to him as he takes a step next to me and orders double the amount I'm having.

"Come." He swings his arm around my shoulder leading me to an table.

We take our seat as our food comes to us and we begin to eat.

"So what's your favourite colour?" I ask him, after taking a bite out of my burger.

"Don't know." He shrugs. "What's yours?" he takes a small bite from his burger.

"Blue, purple, yellow and green."

He looks at me with raised brows.

"I can't choose but.." I lean up to his ear. "I like blue because your eyes-"

He laughs in response. "I forgot how corny and sappy you are." A smirk appears on his face and I roll my eyes as I go back to my food.

"But I guess I can say my favourites grey." I feel a whisper against my ear and look back at him to see him smirking as my cheeks begin to colour red.

"Like fifty shades of grey?"

"..what? You watched that movie?" He asks in surprise.

"No I don't know what it is but Cara wanted to watch it with me." I shrug as I shove some fries in my mouth.

"That's like 18+"

"Like you care what the law says." I snort and he scoffs in response.

"So anyway, I like yellow because-" I cut myself off when a tall chubby girl appears in front of us. She had on a pair of black glasses, her hair tied back and she was wearing a puppy jumper she looked about twenty with dark brown eyes, as she chewed loudly on her gum.

"Hi." I smile at her.

"Hello." She smiles at me her eyes drifting to Killian. "My friends asking if you're single." She begins to twirl her hair, flashing her braced teeth.

My smile drops. "Which friend?" I scowl, grabbing Killian's hand.

She looks at my hand on Killian, giving me a dirty look as she continues to chew open-mouthed.

"It doesn't matter. Like are you guys a thing or what?" She scowled. "Cuz let me tell ya. My dad's an officer and your relationship is illegal."

I grit my teeth wanting to knock her out. "We're British not American. We don't have to follow these kind of rules-"

"We're not together." Killian cuts me off and she smiles smugly as she walks away, after dropping something on our table.

I look at the napkin to see her number on it and I let out a growl, as I glare up at Killian.

He rolls his eyes leaning down and kissing my lips. "Just relax."

I finish my food looking at Killian as he continues to eat his, much slowly and mannerly than me, my eyes drop to his food.

"You want some?"

I snap my head to Killian who was staring at me from the corner of his eye and I shake my head.

"No, it's yours." I say.


"Okay, fine. Just a little bit." I dig my hands into his fries, taking out a handful. "Thanks."


We enter Killian car and I let out a sigh, Killian turns to me, and leans down to kiss me.

"Wait, you can't kiss me yet." I lean away and he frowns.

"Why not?" He wraps his arms around my waist.

"Because we can't kiss anymore until we're girlfriend and boyfriend." I say and he smirks, pursing his lips as if to hold back a laugh.

"And why's that?"

"Because it's wrong to keep kissing without a proper relationship." I respond.

"Alright then. You're my girlfriend."

I think about it for a moment and then nod. "Yes."

"Cool." He chuckles, his hand moving up and pushing my hair back, as he leans forward and puts his lips on mine, causing the usual fire to erupt in my stomach as he kisses me deeply.


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