《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 63


"Heidi have you seen Killian?" I frown, looking at the clock that reads 7pm.

"Oh yeah, he went out with Kian early in the morning. Should come in a bit though." She licks her finger as she flicks some pages on her story book.

"What are you reading?" I sit on her bed.

"I'm reading the chocolate box series from my favourite author. Cathy Cassidy." She smiles. "I'm on the first book which is Cherry Crush."

"Ooh, I've read one of her books. Think it was called Looking through Glass."

"I love that book, sad when that girl falls down the stairs and slits her cheek open." She purses her lips.

I nod in response, my mind drifting back to when me and Kaleb had a detention with Mr Headly for singing, and then were forced to read a book during that time. Oh the good old times.

I let out a sad sigh, blinking away the thin layer of tears that form. I just miss my friends so much.

I know I've been crying a lot lately and I wish I could control my emotions but ever since I left my friends they've just been going haywire. My friends were my strength they've been there for me ever since nursery. Now that I don't see them anymore, I've become weaker, I never realised how much I needed them until we parted. I'm not strong afterall like I thought I was, I realise I relied on them too much..

"Hey, you alright?" Heidi nudges me, and I look at her smiling and nodding, and she smiles back, looking back at her book.

After a moment of thinking I look back at her. "Um. Heidi?"

"Yes?" She looks at me.

"Do you have your phone–" I cut myself off when I hear the loud bang of the door downstairs.

"KIAN!" Heidi squeals, rushing out the door and I roll my eyes.

I stay on her bed for a moment, my eyes drifting around her bed until they land on her pink cased iPhone. I look at the door before quickly grabbing it and switching the phone on.

I groan when I see there's a password on her phone.

Putting it back down, I scramble off Heidi's bed pulling my risen dress down as I walk out of the room, and head downstairs. I walk to the living room where I hear a lot of chatter and enter.

I spot Heidi and Kian standing at the corner. Kians 5'6ft and she's 5'4. They look so good together. Kian whispers something into her ear and I watch her cheeks tint red as she lets out a giggle. And I smile, feeling happy for her.

I watch her standing at the door, looking absolutely beautiful with her hair down like usual, cascading down her back, some strands going down her shoulders.

Her eyes scan the room and when they meet mine, her smile widens as she approaches me.

"Hey, love." I give her a smile eyeing the well-fit dress she had on that reached down to her knees. She sits down on the couch next to me, pushing her hair back as she stares up at me curiously. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Why?" I sneak my arms around her waist pulling her closer to me and she shrugs. "You just look a bit angry."

"Nah, I'm not." Truth be told, Mike had pissed me off today, like always. Hence why he's got a new forming bruise on his old one I gave him a few days ago. He never learns.


She nods in response, her gaze moving around the room again, as I begin to play with her hair, tucking a strand under her ear as I lean down and whisper. "You look very sexy in this dress." I pull away a bit, as I watch heat creep up her neck, peaking to her ears and I chuckle, running my thumb along her cheek feeling the warmth of it.

She clears her throat, looking back at me and smiling. "Cara bought it for me."

"Yeah?" I put my face into her neck, breathing her in as I feel her nod against my cheek.

"She bought it two months ago, shall I tell you why?"

"Sure." I respond as she quickly begins to tell me one of her weird life stories. That I didn't mind at all.

I stare at Killian and that little chic Layla, as they laugh together, which was making me fucking sick.

He looked like a puppy, as he gazed down at her his eyes filled with adoration, that fucking pussy.

I knew it should've been me running his father's business after he had died. He was never cut out for this shit and this just proved it.

He was definitely going to ruin our business if he kept going like that.

"Earth to Mike.." I hear a drawry voice, and I turn my gaze towards Nicole.

"What's bothering you?" She smirks, glancing at what I was looking at.

"Oh her." She chuckles, her eyes slitting. "She's turning him into a right pussy. Look how disgusting he's acting with her. He was never like that with me." she says and I grunt in response.

She and Killian used to have a thing going on but nothing serious a few years ago.

"Yeah, man. She's a fucking twig. No curves what's so ever. Makes me sick just looking at her." I cringe at her body, honestly don't know what he sees in her.

She feign gags. "Tell me about it." She turns to me. Nicole is a very attractive woman. With a very curvy body. She's much sexier then that ugly bitch.

"I have a plan." I smirk at her. And after a while she catches on, a sinister smirk appearing on her face.

"Let's do it." She smirks.

"you got any chocolates?" I shove my hand into the inside of his pocket, leaning upwards, while he was too busy focused on his phone.

"Nah, you ate them all already." he mutters, as he continues tapping away.

I narrow my eyes. "I did not." I put my hand in the bottom front of his blazer, pulling some random stuff out and groan.

"I'll be back." I get off him, pulling my dress down as i make my way to the door. I exit while hearing chuckles behind me and i frown. I close the door and stay on my spot.

"Its funny how she thinks she looks so good with that dress. It just makes her look more like a stick." I hear a hushed whispered voice, that sounds like Mike. My cheeks flush red at his cruel words as i look down at my clothes.

"Seriously though." I hear Nicoles feminine voice. "Ive known Killian all my life to see that hes more into tall curvy girls. Not short sticks. I mean literally theres nothing likable about that girl. Shes so annoying and acts like a fucking clingy baby around Killian." She chuckles nastilly. "It makes me wonder does he really like her? Maybe hes only being nice so she could just stop whining and forget about her friends. Theyre the main threat to him afterall.''


"He's a good actor though." Mike chuckles. "So when shall we carry out the plan?" His voice goes quieter.

"I dont know. In a couple of months?"

I stop listening after and slowly head to the kitchen. I know its not true but i cant help to be hurt by their cruel words.

I go inside and head at the end. My eyes meeting mums who stood there staring at me. "Hey sweetie." She smiles.


"I want to say sorry for slapping you the other day." She says as i climb the highstool and open the drawer above the counter.


"I'm sorry what Keith almost did to you. You didn't deserve that." She says. "How are you feeling. Is your ribs okay?" She pokes my rib hard and I flinch looking down at her in disbelif, not missing the smirk that appeared.

"Fuck off." I snap and her eyes flash with shock before anger replaces it.

"How dare you talk to me like that after all i did for you!" She yells.

Stupid bitch.

I pull out a crisp packet and jump off the chair. Heading towards the door.

"Dont walk away from me. You selfish brat, i gave you a home to live in. Food to eat and this is how you act all because your hooking up with--"

"Yes." I slam the door shut, rubbing my rib feeling a sizzle of pain as I continue to walk when suddenly I bang into a chest stumbling back.

"Oops, sorry hun." Dad takes a step back smiling at me but narrows his eyes. "Anything happened?" His gaze flickers to the door where mum is in.

"No, im just going out in a bit." I open the crisp packet popping a few in my mouth. "So excuse me please."

"Does Killian know?"

I grit my teeth. "He isn't my dad."

"But he is your owner." He smirks.

"Eat my shit." I snap and his eyes flash with anger.

"Whats going on?" Killian comes out of the room slipping his phone into his pocket, his eyes landing on me.

"Lets go." I walk to him grabbing his hand and walking to the door pulling him with me as I open the door exiting the house.

"Uh.. Love?"

"We have to get sweets. Where's your car?" I look around the curbs.

"In the garage." He lets go of my hand, heading towards it and clicking some buttons. It begins to slide open as i walk and stop aside him.

My eyes widen at the largeness of the garage. Three cars inside and.. woah is that a motorbike?

"C'mon." He goes inside walking towards his black car, opening the door

"Wait. Dont you want to go on that one?" I point at the motorbike walking towards it. I hear the door of his car shut as his steps follow me.

"You wanna go on that?" He stops next to me raising a brow.

"Yeah." I nod. "Lets go on it."

"You sure? Its a bit fast."

"Yes! I want to go on it." I step on the leverage, feeling his hand come over the either side of my waist, balancing me on the seat.

"I'm sitting at the front." I say.

"Whatever." I feel his front touch my back as he swiftly sits behind me.

"You wanna turn around?"

"Ok." I shuffle around, wrapping my around his waist.

He leans forward slightly, and I feel the motorbike jerk to life.

"Ready?" He asks.

"Yeah." I say excitedly, tightening my hands around him.


NO!" I scream, my hair whipping behind me as the force tries to throw me off the bike. This was a bad idea.

"PLEASE KILLIAN MAKE IT STOP!" I sob, my hands scrunching his shirt as i tighten my grip.

"Relax we're nearly there." I barely hear his voice from the loud roaring of the engine, the speed we were going was unreal i felt tears fall from my eyes.

"Please stop, Killian." I sob, pushing my face into his chest.

"Hang on." I feel the bike speed up and sob louder. But soon the bike becomes slower and comes to a halt.

I cling on to him as i hear the engine switch off.

"You alright?" He asks after a while, humour clear in his voice.

I rub my face on his shirt as i compose myself. Slowly i remove myself off the bike, feeling shaken up. "Yeah that was fun." My voice shakes and i clear my throat as I push the hair from my face.

"Can you call Luca if he wants to shop with us? Tell him to bring his car with him."

He laughs in response, as he swings his long legs off the bike. "Lets go." He wraps his arm around my waist leading me to the Walmart shop.


"Wait a sec." I walk over to a random section my eyes scanning the shelves but I gasp when I see a load of guns hung up which did not look like toys.

"K-Killian there's guns here!" I whisper shout, as i watch him come towards me.

"So?" He raises a brow.

"What do you mean? They're illegal!"

"Not in America."

"What?!" I exclaim. "So people are allowed to carry guns around here?"


I look around and catch a man looking at something my eyes land on a gun in his waistband and they widen.

"Okay. Lets go." I look back at him to see him scanning the guns.

"Killian. What are you doing?!"

"These are crap." He says as i pull him away and to the sweets section.

"Alright. Hurry up it's nearly dinner time." He says as I look around the shelves, some unrecognized sweets.

I pick out a jolly rancher pack, Hersheys and some others putting it into the trolley.

"Wait here." Killian mutters as he heads at the end of the shelves.

"Okay." I continue to look around the shelves when my eyes spot a brown headed guy that looked like Matt.

I look back at Killian who was busy looking at something.

I make my way to Matt with a smile. "Matt." I tap his shoulder and he turns to me in surprise.

"Oh why hello British Lady!" He exclaims. "Hows it going? It's been like two weeks?" He gives me a nudge on my shoulder. His eyes drifting up and landing on something as they widen. "Oh shit. Hes with you."

"Yeah. Uh--"

"I didn't cause too much trouble when I invited you over, right?" He looks at me again with a frown.

"Not really." I shrug, looking back at Killian. "I have to go I'll see you--"

"You're going to Heidi's party right?" He asks, crossing his arms and I nod.

"She's invited me. I'll see you there, Yeah?"

"Okay." I smile at him, turning to head back.

"Oh wait!" He calls again and I turn to see him fishing out a crumpled paper from his pocket.

"Sorry about the condition but here." He shoves it in my hand. "I just picked this up for you, It's from your mate Donald I think." He smiles at me and my eyes light up.

"Thanks." I grin at him we then bid farewell and I turn and quickly head back to Killian.

"Hey you ready to go?" He turns to me a snickers pack in his hand.

I think its his favourite

"Yeah." I shove the paper in the pocket of my dress and his eyes drop to it, but he doesn't say anything as he begins to move forward.


The motorbike stops and I take a deeo breath as Killian helps me off, chuckles escaping his lips.

"You alright?" He pushes my messy frizzy hair backwards, caressing my cheeks with a smirk on his face.

I grunt in response, rubbing my eyes tiredly as I feel them droop. "What time is it?"

He looks down at his watch. "Nearly nine."

"I'm going to sleep." I yawn heading to the door.

"Sure. After you've eaten." I hear him follow me and i groan. "No, I'm not hungry."

He unlocks the door and we both enter.

"Killy!" We hear a sarcastic voice and look to see it's Nicole who rolls her eyes when Killian gives her a look.

"Don't call me that."

Nicole chuckles.

"Forgot about our plans?" She tilts her head and I sneer at her. Stupid backbiting bitch.

Before Killian can say anything, I step forward, taking his hand into mine. "He's with me." I say and I watch as irritation flashes in her eyes.

She then lets out a flat laugh. "I can see that, hun." She looks back at Killian. "Is she your neice, Killian? She's so cute. How old is she? Twelve?" She smirks as she looks down at me again and I glare at her.

"Stop messing around, Nicole." Killian sighs, as he pulls his hand from mine and places it on my back instead.

Nicole eyes the actions and she clenches her jaw, when her eyes meet mine she smiles again. "Sorry what was your name again, Linda was it?" She ask in her sickly sweet voice.

"It's Layla." I roll my eyes. "And I'm sixteen." I correct her and she chuckles.

"Oh sixteen, why aren't you a big girl." She flips her blonde curly hair back, as she looks down at me, condescendingly.

"Nice dress by the way. Where did you get it from, the charity shop?" She laughs again.

God, why is Killian even friends with this bitch? If he had a different friend girl I wouldn't mind.

"Nicole what the fuck has gotten into you?" Killian snaps at her and Nicole scoffs.

"Can't I make conversation?" She rolls her eyes as she smirks at me again.

Killian's eyes fill with disgust. "I didn't expect this from you." He tells her.

Nicole's smirk falters as she looks back at him. "You're the one who ditched our plans." She snaps at him and he scoffs.

"Did I ever say yes to any of your shitty plans?" He raises a brow and hurt fills her eyes.

"Whatever." She then storms past us.

Killian rolls his eyes as he looks down at me, his hand tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Can I ask you something?" I say and he nods.

"Do I look twelve?" I question and his lips tug up into a smile.

"No, of course not." He replies and I sigh in relief.

"Thanks." After a long pause I turn to him again. "How old do I look?" I then question, and his blue eyes begin to scan me up and down.

"You look young, but that's because you are. You're only sixteen, love. You still have a few years to go." He then answers and I narrow my eyes.

"Um okay. By the way you look twenty three."

He chuckles in response. "That's very specific." He then heads towards the living room and I follow him.

"I'm going to be turning seventeen in a couple of months, you wanna hear the cool part?" I ask as he opens the door and raises a brow as he waits for me to continue.

"It's my golden year."

"Basically 17 on the 17th October- would be so cool if it was 2017." I sigh and he gives me a weird look.


"Three Seventeens?" We hear a deep voice and turn to Mike who smirked.

"Seventeen is the unlucky number in Italy, you know?" He looks down at me smugly. "What does that say about her, eh, Killian?"

"Oh stop with that bullshit." Killian rolls his eyes as i let out a laugh. And they call me immature. Well i am but hes worse.

"Just saying." He winks at me. "Never know what could happen." And with that he smirks and walks away as i look back at him confused.


"Dinners ready!" We hear mum shout.


It was just past ten now when I flop onto my bed letting out a tired sigh.

I pull the duvet over me pulling out Donald's folded letter with a small smile on my face.

I open it slowly, and when my eyes land on the words my brows draw together as a heavy feeling lands on my chest.

Seriously, Layla? Fine, whatever do what you want.

I recall my previous letter to him talked about how i was okay and fine and that they didnt have to worry about it. Now i realised how selfish i had been. How it sounded like i didnt think of them or cared about them.

He was probably fed up me. Along with my other friends. I knew i had always been a burden to them. A drama queen.

I sniffle slightly as tears build in my eyes.

And a crybaby.

Everything was becoming muddled up. I felt confused.

Is it right to form this kind of relationship with Killian?

And with that thought i fold the paper up and drift off to sleep.


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