《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 62


As soon as his electrifying lips met mine, a dozen fireworks exploded inside my body. My eyes fell closed as I reach my hand forward, placing it against his muscley arm, while the other begins to play with the silver chain around his neck. His lips were soft against mine, tasting like peppermint, the cold ring on his lip pressing deeper into mine, causing a small moan to release from me.

He groans, his hand tightening around my jaw, tilting it higher and just as quick as he started the kiss, his lips begin to move faster against mine, causing more tingles to spread through my body. I try hard to keep up with his fast pace, but fail as I quickly become breathless. Im not as experienced as Killian is.

A few seconds later, I pull away, panting hard, my heart beating fast as I feel him chuckle against my lips.

"I-I'm sorry." I stammer, my cheeks flushing red.

"For what?" He brushes his thumb against my lips, his dark eyes staring through mine.

"I'm not a very good k-kisser." I state, my eyes dropping to his swollen lips.

He scoffs in response, bending down and claiming my lips again, kissing me slowly this time. Many seconds later I pull away again, giving him a smile as he returns it.

"You're fine." His voice comes out husky, as he tucks a strand under my ear, before leaning down and putting his face into the crook of my neck, his manly scent entering my nose.

I wrap my arms around him, a smile on my face but that soon fades as thoughts of my friends flood through my mind.

Will this even work out?

A few minutes later I decide to break the silence.

"Killian?" I call him, my voice quiet and he hums in response.

"D-Do you think this is right?" I stammer, as he lifts his head up, staring at me with a brow raised.

"Y-You're a gang leader and..." I trail off as he blows out a breath.

"Don't worry about it." He just shrugs it off, and I frown.


"No butts." He cuts me off firmly and I remain quiet, nodding.

After a while of silence he lets out a sigh, running his hand roughly through his hair. "You should get to bed, it's getting late." He then stands to his feet, pulling me up with him.

I nod in response, my gaze dropping to his oversized shirt I'm wearing.

"Uh, d-do you want your shirt back?" I look up at him again, gripping the hem of the shirt.

He smiles in response. "Keep it." He bends down, pecking my lips, before turning and heading to his bathroom.

I sigh, making my way to the door and opening it, but stop when a figures stood infront of me.

I glance up at the 5'10 foot frame, and see Nicole standing infront of me.

"Uh, hi.." I look at her confused.

"Hey, Hun." She smirks at me. "Where's Killian?"

"In the bathroom, why?"

"Me and Mike are going out to the pub, wondering if he wants to come." She shrugs.

"Oh okay." I nod. "He'll probably be out in a bit."


"Cool." She nods as she steps in and I exit. "See ya."

I go to my room, and brush my teeth before going to bed.



I turn my head with narrowed eyes, my mouth full of spaghetti as my gaze lands on Heidi staring at me.

"Yes?" I chew aggressively on the spaghetti as I quickly swallow it.

Its like 12pm, currently we were having lunch, I hadn't seen Killian since last night.

"Meet me in my room, after you've eaten." She whispers and I nod.

"For what?"

"You'll see." she winks before standing to her feet and leaving.

I continue to eat my lunch, quickening my pace.

"Enjoying your lunch hunny?" I hear mum's voice and I glance at her.

That's right, after that moment with dad, mum started being nice to me again. As I look closer I could still see the green marks on her cheek despite her wearing foundation, from the corner of my eyes I could see dad watching us.

"Yes." I nod, and she smiles before leaving the kitchen, now it was just me and dad left.

Feeling awkward I quickly finish my food, I stand to my feet but before I can leave dad speaks and I groan internally.

"How're you finding your stay here?" He asks, and I look at him to see him staring at me. "Settling in well?"

I narrow my eyes at him. "Uh, why are you being nice to me?" I can't help to ask and his brows shoot up.

"I have no reason not be, sweetheart." He sips his coffee, as he smiles at me.

"I'm hoping we can put our pasts behind us now that–"

"That you sold me off?" I tilt my head, glaring at him.

"Now now. No need to get upset. It was for the best, and looks like not just for us, but for you too." He puts his glass down, a smirk making way to his face.

"Looks like you and Killian have been getting comfy, lately." He chuckles, and I stare at him, confused. How does he know that?

"I–" I begin but he cuts me off.

"Aren't you–"

"It doesn't matter about that! You basically let me get kidnapped! You sold me–" I snap, cutting him off only for him to cut me back off again.

"Don't think of it as that." He chuckles. "Think of it as... Having a new home. Although you are with us for a year or two but after that I'm sure you'll have a great life with Killian. It'll be a win win."

"No, I didn't want it like this. I had to leave my friends– I-I– who is Stella?!" I change the subject completely.

His smile drops, his eyes immediately darkening. "How do you know about her?" He growls.

"I heard..I heard you and mum's conversation a few days ago." I gulp as I watch his face grow red with anger.

"She's no-one." He grits out bluntly.

"Seemed like someone when you guys fought like–"

"I SAID SHE'S NO-ONE!" He's voice booms causing me to jump slightly.

"Okay, then." I take steps back, seeing his nostrils flaring, his fists balling up.


"I guess I have to find out about her myself." I mutter quietly, before turning and exiting the kitchen.


I knock on Heidi's door, putting my hand on the knob as I just about open it.

"WAIT! DON'T COME IN YET!" Heidi shouts and I freeze.

I hear shuffling and after a moment she talks again. "Ahem. Come in!" She says in a cheery voice.

I open the door slowly, with narrowed eyes. I spot her seated at the end of her bed with a chair infront of her.

She had on a pair of black big glasses that were placed at the tip of her nose, with a pen tucked under her ear, her legs crossed with a notebook on her lap, along with a big folder next to her legs.

"Um..." I trail off, staring at her confused.

"Layla Brooks is it? Take a seat." She gives me a soft smile, nodding towards the chair infront of her.

"What are you doing?" I question as I slowly sit down on the chair.

"Hmm..." She analyses my face. "How are you feeling?"

"Good. Are you uh..pretending to be a therapist or something?" I narrow my eyes and she giggles.

"You're funny." She takes the pen from her ear and jots something down on her notebook.

"Now I'm going to be asking you a few questions is that okay?" She glances at me and I roll my eyes, nodding.


"This is ridiculous." I remove myself from the chair.

"Oh c'mon tell me!" She jumps on her bottom. "Did you kiss Killian last night?"

"Stop!" I cross my arms and she squeals. "You so did, oh my God!"

"You were spying on me!" I glare at her and she laughs.

"I didn't have to, it's clear in your eyes. Your pupils are dilated, your–"

"It's not! we kissed yesterday not today!"

"Ah-Ha!" She smirks, and I glare at her.

"Oh c'mon! Still. You're an open book. I can see everything." She giggles again and I open my mouth to speak but she cuts me off.

"So how was the kiss? I bet it was clumsy and awkward, knowing you–"

"Shut up!" I snap, my cheeks reddening. "Why do you sound so excited? I thought you liked Killian?"

"I mean.. he is smoking hot, I won't lie about that." She winks and I glare at her.

"But I've moved on like two weeks ago, I found someone else." She bites her lip. "Me and Killian never had a shot, he's always been into you so no point wasting time." She giggles again.

I then remember the kiss she shared with Kian last night.

"To Kian?" I cock a brow and she giggles and I take that as a yes.

"I mean I've kind of liked him for a few months. Along with Killian. But Kians really really sweet and kind. He literally does everything for me." She bites her lip, her cheeks tinting red.


She then looks at me and stares at me intently. "I have to tell you something." She whispers, her eyes gleaming with excitement. And a little bit of nervousness.


"I-Im pregnant." She blurts and my eyes widen at the abruptness.

"Uh, what? Y-You're pregnant?"

She nods her head vigorously.

"B-But you're not even married! You're only seventeen–"

"Eighteen next week." She states defensively. "I'm basically an adult. And it wasn't planned I just realised Kian forgot the condom last week–"

"Stop!" I yell, feeling sick at her words.

"Relax!" She rolls her eyes. "I'm ready for this baby, I don't care. I've always wanted a baby before twenty and I'm so happy." She grins. "I'm so ready for this, Layla. I swear I am capable of looking after this child, I've heard many stories on teen pregnancies but I will be fine, I will make sure the baby will be healthy and have a good life." I see tears pool her eyes.

"I haven't told Kian yet." She gives me a wobbly smile. "Do you think he'll be happy?" She asks.

"I don't know Heidi.. you've only been together for two weeks? Don't you think–"

"But I've known him for years!" She exclaims. "I know that I love him. He loves me too. We can make this work, but I need as much support as I can. Please Layla. Be happy for me! You're going to be an aunt!"

"Yeah, I-Im happy for you, I'm glad you are too but, I don't know about mum. But dad's going to be furious.." I state, hesitantly.

"H-He is. Definitely." Her eyes flash with fear.

"I-I don't want to tell him.." her eyes swell with tears again.

"I'm sure he'll be fine with it after a while." I reassure her, patting her shoulder.

"Do you think?" She sniffles, and I nod hesitantly.

"I'm more scared for Kian's reaction." She sniffles.

"How old he is?" I can't help to ask.

She sniffles. "He turned eighteen a few months ago."

"Okay." I scratch my chin. "You should tell him really soon, before mum and dad.."

"Okay." Her voice cracks, as she gives me a smile wiping her cheeks and eyes. "I'll tell him tomorrow. Can you come with me?" She looks at me hopefully.

"Okay." I nod and she hugs me.

"Thanks so much!" She pulls away, smiling widely and I smile back.

"I swear I'm going to be the best I can for my child." She says, taking a deep breath.

"I'm sure you will." I pat her shoulder.

"So.." she sucks in a sharp breath, a smirk appearing on her face.

"Yes?" I smile at her.

"I'm wondering how long it'll take before Killian impregnates you."

I pull my hand off her immediately my smile turning into a scowl. "Shut your mouth."

"A year? A month, a week?" She chuckles as my cheeks turn bright red. "You say it's too early for me. Watch how quick you'll–"

"No!" I shout walking to the door and opening it.

"I WANT TO BE AN AUNTY TOO!" I hear her shout before I slam the door shut on her.

She is just...


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