《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 61


"Can I use you for a project?"

"Uh, what?" I frown as Heidi fishes out a large folder from her drawer.

"I'm taking Psychology for college." She says as she opens it up.

"Oh." My eyes follow as she skims the pages.

"And I was wondering if I could use you to earn extra credits."

"For what?"

"For my project."

"I know, but what project?" I narrow my eyes and she just smiles, licking her finger as she continues to skim through the pages. "You'll see." She then pulls out a paper and I lean forward.

"Not now." She laughs. "In a couple of months."

I let out a huff. "Fine." And she pulls out an ink pen, and writes something down.

"Hey have you seen Kian, lately?" She asks, as she closes the folder and looks up at me.

"Yesterday I saw him, why?"

"I need to tell him something." She flicks her hair back, pursing her pink painted lips.

"What do you need to tell him?" I raise a brow.

"None of your biswax." She smirks and I roll my eyes.

"C'mon lets go have some lunch." She giggles, moving off her bed.

"Are my bruises covered?" I ask.

"Yup." She pops the P, as she hands me a mirror and I take in my reflections.

My lips were glossed with clear lipgloss, my eyelids with a light turquoise colour, that matched my knee length dress. And my face had no bruises and cuts show although, the stitching on my lip still showed.

"You look buff." I look up at Heidi to see her wink, and I curl my lips.


"Hey you want these?" She then turns to the bag on her bed, fishing out a load of makeup and I widen my eyes.

"I haven't used them before and I don't think I ever will, so you can keep em if you want." She looks through the bag again.

"You can have these." She throws me many packed lip glosses, which land on my lap. "These." Throws me some lipsticks and two tubes of foundation.

"Uh, Heidi I don't think I need this much of–"

"These." She throws me a mascara tube, liquid eyeliner, eyeshadow highlighter– "Okay that's enough no–"

"Trust me you'll need all these for when my party comes." She throws me lipliners. "I'm loaded with makeup anyway." She chucks me a few brushes and makeup wipes.

"I don't even know how to wear makeup properly." I frown.

"Relax, no one knows how to do makeup at first, it takes practice, by a few weeks I guarantee you'll know how to do it without even using a mirror." She looks at me winking. "Just like me."

"Okay." I begin to gather up the makeup.

"Here, put them in this." She chucks me a Zoella makeup bag.

"Oh." I pick it up, running my finger against the glitter.

"I got lots more makeup, ever need any just come to me, babe." She says as I put the makeup in the bag.


"Killian." I wander into his room.

"Hey, love." He gives me a smile, leaning his back against the headboard of his bed.

"I've got a surprise for you." I move to his bed, swinging my legs over and scooting closer to him.

"Cool, what is it?"

"This." I pull out the makeup bag and he cocks a brow.


"I'm giving you a makeover." I unzip the bag and he opens his mouth to protest but I shake my head, moving and sitting on his lap.

"Don't worry, I'm a professional when it comes to makeup."


"Oh god, it's like you're giving me a fucking surgery." He groans, his whole body flat against the mattress, while I'm sat on on his chest, my face hovering his.

"No, I'm done with your foundation, but this spot won't cover properly." I put another small wad on top of the pimple next to his eyebrow, trying to make it blend smoothly with the rest of the skin.

"Get off." He begins to push me off him.

"Ten more minutes please!" I beg as he begins to pull himself off, and I fall on his lap, letting out a groan and whipping my hair back.

"You need to rest your rib." He begins to rub his hand over the foundation on his cheek, his face forming a grimace as he pulls away looking at the white stuff on his hand.

"Just one time and I won't do your makeup ever again. I was only trying to make it look nice but if you want, I can finish it off in two minutes." I try to persuade him. "You can do my makeup after and then we can take pictures together."

He throws his head back, letting out a groan and I quickly pull out a red matte lipgloss.

"You won't regret this."


"You like it?" She grins at me, as I boredly look at the mirror she hands to me.

The red shit was smeared slightly out of my lip shell, the foundation patchy, too much blush, dunno what the fuck she did with my eyebrows, and I'm pretty sure her makeup skills are equivalent to a ten year old.

"Looks great." I tell her as she smears some red lipstick onto her own lips, pursing them a few time as she looks back at me, letting out a hum as she tilts her head.

"Wait. Your lipsticks kind of..." She trails off as she scoots to me, reaching forward and flicking her thumb on my lip.

"Oops." She giggles and I glance at the mirror to see she's rubbed it on to my chin and I roll my eyes.

"I can't do it on other people properly I guess, but I'm kind of good at it on myself." She grabs the wipes, picking one out, and beginning to swipe at my cheek, her face hovering over mine again, her sweet scent filling my nose, and I wrap my arms around her, pulling her closer to me.

"You're alright." I raise my hand, wiping a small bit from the corner of her lips, placing a kiss on her nose, holding back a laugh, when I leave a red imprint on it.

"Hey!" She scrunches her nose up.


I exit from the bathroom, drying my hair with a towel as I make my way to the wardrobe, not before finding Layla laying on my bed, with my laptop on her stomach her head tilted slightly from the headboard. "You alright, love?"

"Hi, come here." She mumbles as I grab a shirt, putting it on.

I move to the bed, and sit next to her leaning down to the screen.

"What's EYE?" I glance at her as she scrolls down.

"Early Years Educator, It's a CACHE Level 3 vocational Childcare course."

"Nice." I nod, as she sits up. "Planning on doing an online course?"


"Uh-huh." she nods. "I want to be a nursery teacher."

"I think you'll be great fitting in with the children." I smirk.

"Thanks." She smiles, and I laugh when it slowly tugs down. "What's that supposed to mean?"


"I'm sitting by Luca." I hear Layla whisper to Killian, before making her way to me. Her grey eyes meet mine and I smile at her as she returns it.

She looks much happier than the last few weeks, her cheeks back to their natural happy flush.

"What's put you in such a good mood?" I chuckle, as she slides into her seat, shuffling closer to me.

"Killian he..." She trails off as she glances up, and I look up to the eighteen year old Nicole girl, as she sits next to Killian, both of them immediately engrossing themselves in a conversation.

"Who's Nicole?" Layla asks me, her eyes glued to them, her smile faltering.

"They're just friends I think." I reassure her.

"Oh." She smiles, picking up her fork as we all begin to eat.

The door opens and in comes Mike as he casually takes a seat next to Nicole.

"Sup, Nicci, Killian." He smirks at Killian and he rolls his eyes.

"Hey, Mikey." Nicole grins at him. "Me and Killian were just talking about the plan you guys set."

"Cool, who's birthday party is it then? Heidi's on the eighth or Killians on the fourteenth." Mike snickers.

"I told Killian we can share our birthday party on his day, but he said it's fine to be on mine." Heidi pipes in.

"What you guys gonna wear? Matching crowns?" Mike then bursts out laughing, Nicole joining.

"Shut the fuck up, Mike." Killian grunts, as he takes a sip of his juice.

"Oh, that sounds quite good actua–" Heidi begins but Killian cuts her off.

"No. We're not celebrating my damn birthday, it's just the plan we're focusing on." He snaps. "You'll barely see us anyway, me and Mike and them lot will be doing the business at the top of the avenue. You guys can have your fun then." He sips on his juice before putting it down.

"Aww. No fun for us?" Mike feign pouts.

Killian rolls his eyes, before turning his gaze to me. "Have you told the 'guests' the avenue–"

"Oh no, don't worry about that. Me and mum spent the day last week on making and decorating all the invitations." Heidi butts in again, and I turn to her to see her pick up a wad of invitations from her bag, leaning forward and giving it to Killian, who sneers at the overload of pink glitter on it, before shoving it in his pocket.

"Right, lets get to work." Killian breathes out raggedly, rubbing his eyes before standing up and leaving.

Mike, Nicole, Kian and Heidi stand up, and I push the plate back as I begin to stand but feel a cold hand grasp my left hand.

I glance down smiling when Layla's grey eyes meet mine.

"You okay?"

She nods, smiling. "I wanted to ask–" she lets out a gasp as orange juice suddenly gets thrown at her, splattering on her face and blue dress, and I raise my head, glaring at Mike.

"Oops." Mike smirks at me, holding the table as he feigns his trip. "I tripped."

"Mike be careful!" Nicole, playfully hits his arm, as she holds back a smile, while I wipe my hand against my face, my cheeks flaming red.

"It's okay." I say, wanting to swing a guitar across his head.

It was just me Nicole, Mike and Luca now. With the others left.

"C'mon Mike." Luca walks towards him, Nicole already exiting the room.

He grabs him by the neck, dragging him backwards, his heels now only touching the floor, as he practically chokes from Lucas tight grip, and I cover mouth as I begin to laugh loud at his face that was turning red.

Luca shoves Mike back, and out the door causing him to stumble and hold the wall for balance as Luca then slams the door shut. Turning to me with an amused expression as I begin to laugh louder.

"A toddler is more mature than him, I swear." He chuckles, grabbing a paper towel, and handing it to me as I begin to clean my dress.

"I know right." I flip my slightly damp hair back, tying it with a bobble and he chuckles.

"Wanna come to my room and hang out?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Of course."


"And then I was holding my belly, and me and Cara went to Donald's house. Knocked the door, he opened it and immediately looked down at my belly, looking confused. And Cara wrapped her arm around me and lead me inside his house, slowly, as if I was actually pregnant. Donald was like 'what the hell are you doing?' I was like 'Donald I got something to tell you, I'm pregnant.' He stared at me for a while then at my tummy and then next thing you know he pulls the bottom of my top forward and the big bowl comes crashing down, shattering to pieces." I tell Luca the story through my laughter as he joins along too.

"I was fourteen." I choke out, falling back onto my back but wince as my rib begins to ache really bad but I still couldn't stop laughing.

A couple of minutes of clutching my rib I stop laughing and take a deep breath. "Ow that fricking hurt." I groan, breathing heavily.

Luca chuckles again, pulling me up. "Be careful of that."

I wipe the little tear off my face and sigh. "Im planning on calling him soon. On phone." I whisper.

"Who's phone?" He cocks a brow.

"Heidi's...or maybe sneak Killians.."

"You sure that's a good idea?"

"Yes. I really miss him and my friends I want to ask how he's doing and stuff." I flip my hair back. "He gave me his phone number on a letter, I don't think I can go back to Matt's for a while anyway."

He thinks for a moment before nodding. "Be careful though." he said and then stands up. "I'm heading back home, I'll see you tomorrow." He smiles and I nod, grinning back.


"Bye, tesoro."

He then leaves, and I stand up, looking at the clock. 11pm.

I draw out a long tired breath before deciding to go to Killians room. I walk to the door and exit, heading towards Killians room and stopping at it bringing my hand to the knob but stop when I hear some sounds.

My eyes widen and I swallow the lump that's formed in my throat. I could hear moans and groans from the room, and I knew exactly who they were.

Killian and Nicole.

I sniffle slightly, as tears form in my eyes for some reason I did not know– okay maybe I did, but it doesn't matter anyway, he's with Nicole.

I exit one of the spare rooms, and head over to my room, but stop when I see Layla infront of it, a tear rolling down her cheek. "Love?" I stop behind her and she whips her head back to me, confusion written all over her face as she glances back at the door then back at me, her cheeks flushing bright red as she opens her mouth but stops when sounds come from my room and I narrow my eyes, before curling my lips in disgust, taking a step forward and slamming the door open.

We hear a loud gasp and just about see Heidi jumping off Kian's lap, both of them panting and their cheeks red.

"Get the fuck out of my room!" I snap, disgustedly.

"We–Uh..." Kian clears his throat when his voice comes out deep.

Heidi gives us a sheepish grin, fixing her hair, as both of them stand up.

"Sorry boss." Kian mutters before both of them leave.

I let out a deep sigh, shaking my head as I turn back to Layla.

"What's wrong?" I ask, walking towards her and cupping her cheek, wiping away the stray tear.

"Uh.." she trails off, her cheeks reddening further.

"What happened to your dress?" I narrow my eyes at the big splotch.

"It was Mike."

I grit my teeth. "Bastard." I mutter, wrapping my arms around her and lifting her up.

I move and put her down on the bed, before pulling her dress up, carefully taking it off, and then taking my shirt off and putting it on her, her whole face now resembling a tomato and I chuckle, before sliding into the bed and placing her on my lap.

I grab my phone and start texting Mike.

A few minutes later, I glance up at Layla, to see her cheeks still burning red and I smirk. "You okay?"

She nods. "But where's Nicole?"

"Nicole?" I narrow my eyes. "She's gone."

"Oh." She scratches her chin, a line forming between her eyebrows. "Do you like her?" She then 'casually' asks.

I put the phone down and wrap my arms around her, as I raise a brow.

"She's really nice and pret–"

"I don't like her." I stare into her big grey eyes, watching them light up. "Okay." She smiles, and my eyes drop down to her slightly smudged red painted lips.

I lick my bottom lip, as I push her tangled hair back, leaning down.

"A-Are you gonna kiss me?" She stutters and I chuckle, flickering my gaze to her wide eyes.

"If you want me to." I look back down at her lips, running my thumb along them, looking up at her eyes again.

"Okay." she nods hesitantly, as I cup her jaw.

And then I put my lips on hers.


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