《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 60


I blink away the sleep, as Luca begins to gently wipe away the makeup from my face, cleaning out the cuts too.

"How are you feeling?" He questions, as he glances at me.

I had woken up a few minutes ago to a white thick cast around my left side, the pain now less, but I still hadn't a shirt on, causing my cheeks to redden in embarrassment.

"I'm okay." I say, clearing my groggy throat and he smiles, nodding his head.

"I hoped you didn't mind that I put a sleeping drug in you before I treated you so you wouldn't feel pain." He says softly and I nod again, smiling back.

"Thanks." I shuffle slightly as he pulls away. "What time is it?"

"Nearly midnight."he says and I groan internally, not even tired anymore.

"You've lost a lot of weight, tesoro." His voice cuts me out of my thoughts and I glance up to see him pursing his lips.

"I know, I lose weight easily." I sigh.

"Its okay." He closes the box. "Just eat healthy from now on, all your meals, 5 a day and plenty of water."

"Are you a doctor?" I laugh and he chuckles.

"Yes, actually." He stands up and my eyes widen. "You're a pilot and a doctor?!" I exclaim and he laughs again.

"No big deal, tesoro." He says and I open my mouth just when his phone begins to ring.

Luca rolls his eyes as he declines it. "I have to go." He rakes a hand through his hair, tiredly.

"Do you like your job?" I ask and he shrugs.

"You can be a legal doctor and still earn lots or you could be a pilot."

"I know but–" he groans loud when the phone rings again and he snatches it out of his pocket, declining.

"I really have to go now, tesoro, stay in bed for a week, no big movements and I've also stitched up your lip a little, should go away in a week." He buttons his blazer up, heading to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow." He smiles before leaving.

I stare at the door for a moment my mind drifting over to the event that happened with Gareth the fricking buffalo, disgust and anger running through me.

My stomach begins to rumble and I groan, pushing the duvet off me. I slowly get off my bed wincing from the pain in my rib, I then make my way to the door but stop when I realise I have no shirt on. I groan again turning and making my way to the closet wincing every time I take a step.

I open it and see it's full of men clothes. I'm in Killians room.

Oh well.

I step into the wardrobe and begin to look for some cool stuff but all I see is button ups. I shove more away groaning, but also loving the scent the clothes–


"What are you doing?"

I whip my head back, my eyes meeting Killians bloodshot blue ones.

I narrow my eyes, giving him a scowl as I turn. "What are you doing here?"

"This is my room, love." He states flatly, his voice coming out in a slight slur as he takes a step forward and I take a step back my back pushing further into his clothes.

"Well-Well– Where is Gareth?" I change the subject and he narrows his eyes.

"You mean Keith?" He rubs his eyes before stepping forward, pressing his front on mine as he picks out something from the drawer above, and I let out a growl, trying to push him away. "Yeah. you know the one who you bailed from his two year sentence and-and the one you let touch–" my voice begins to increase.

"Alright stop fucking raising your voice." He snaps as he takes a step back, glaring at me and I glare back.

"You deserve it, you wanted to punish me so you let Gareth in my room–"

"No I fucking didn't."

"I was calling for you guys!" I shout, wincing. "You-You never came and I know you didn't like me because of Matt anyway so that's why you never listened and you know what? I sorted it out myself so you don't need to–"

"Shut up." He snaps, his eyes slitting as tears form in my eyes and I turn away from him, heading to the door and leaving.

"Smelly cow." I mutter under my breath, as I head towards my door but stop when I hear loud voices downstairs.

I move towards the stairs, hiding behind the railing as I take a peek. It was dad who had just got back, yelling at mum who was yelling back. He closes the open door shut as he roughly pulls his blazer off.

"You shouldn't of fucking done that, Luise." He spits, as he throws his blazer on the railing, glaring at her.

"Why the hell not? We both hate her, she deserves everything she gets, she ruined our lives!" Mum's voice raises at every word.

Is she talking about me?

"You've got everything you've wanted Luise!" He yells. "There is no need for this childish behaviour now, you've given her away and thats what you wanted wasn't it?"

"I was happy when she didn't have to be in my face anymore! It's your fault you agreed for Killian and that bitch to stay! Now I'm stuck with her for what two fucking years? Two years to be reminded of that bitch who ruined us in the first place?" She screams in his face and before we know it dad raises his hand and backhands her across her face throwing it to the ground and I hold back a gasp.

Dads never layed his hand on mom like that before. Wait. Was she talking about grandma?


It's silent after that except for mum's quiet sobs, while dad glowers down at her, with his fists clenched.

"Don't talk about her like that." He spits, viciously, bending down to her. "I've given you everything, Luise. I've sacrificed everything for you so why don't you just do one thing and keep your mouth shut and leave that girl alone. Would you like me to do the same? Throw you in a fucking room full of pedophiles so they can each take turns in fucking you senseless?" His voice rises and I gasp at the explicit choice of words.

"G-Gerald what are you saying?" Mum whimpers. "Don't you love me?"

"Of course I do sweetheart, I am just telling you that you have went too far with her this time." He smiles softly at her and she lets out a whimper.

"Maybe you should tell her then, tell her about Stella." She then says quietly and dad glares at her again.

"No. And neither will you." He snaps at her and she whimpers nodding her head.

"Good." He smiles at her, caressing her red cheek, as he helps her up.

I see mum's wet cheeks and he wipes the tears away, kissing her cheek. "I'm sorry, honey." He wraps his arms around her waist.

I take a few steps back frowning before heading to my room, I enter and my eyes widen when I see several blood marks across the floor. I step away from it with a grimace, before making my way to my drawers, opening the last one with a smile.

Time to give Donald a call.

But that smile drops when I see it empty, the letters from Donald I once had disappeared. I open up the rest of the drawers and we enough sign of them, tears pricking my eyes.

"What's wrong now?" I hear Killian sigh as I turn to the door, seeing him stand at the threshold.

"What?" I scowl, my lips trembling. "I never asked for you to come here so you don't need to act like I bother you." I look through the drawers again.

I hear his steps come closer to me and the bed next to me dips, I turn to see him sat there his intense eyes studying me, I continue to look, moving onto my knees.

"What are you looking for?" I hear Killian ask.

And I look at him, meeting his gaze, and I hesitate to answer.

"I-I had some important papers here and I think Gareth took them and it–"

"What papers?" He cuts me off, leaning forward and staring at me intently causing my cheeks flush red.

"It-it was my..." I trail off. "It-it was, it's not your business!" I snap and his lips curl up into a smirk.

"Weren't happen to be these?" I fish out some letters from the inside of my blazer her eyes following my every move. When her eyes land on them, they widen and she nods her head, vigorously.

"Y-Yeah, it was them–" she quickly rushes over to me, but I shove em back in my pocket.

"Killian!" She snaps, landing a pathetic punch on my knee. "That's my personal stuff you can't touch them!" She shouts, her grey eyes gleaming with anger which to me looked absolutely cute.

She shoves her hand into my blazer snatching out the letters but before she can move further, I trap her by pulling my knees together, holding back a laugh as her nostrils flare.

She repeatedly throws punches at my knee, wriggling around but I still do not budge, the smug smirk remaining on my face and she glares at me. Which then goes on for a few minutes before she crosses her arms. "Have you read the letters?" She asks, trying to act like she didn't care.

"No." I lie and I can see relief flood through her eyes.

"It's just some application for my sixthform thing." She clears her throat as she opens the papers.

"Oh, so it's not a letter from Donald?" I tilt my head, and her startled eyes look back into mine.

"Oh, that letter!" She laughs nervously, pointing at one of the other papers, and I could practically see her brain trying to form another one of her creative stories.

"I wrote a letter to Donald Trump when we first got here b-because..." She trails off and I snort, letting out a chuckle.

"You're adorable." I pull her closer to me, wrapping my arms around her waist causing her cheeks to redden.

"So yeah. Th-thats what I did." She folds the papers up, leaning forward and tucking them under her pillow.

I begin to play with the loose strands that frame her face, twirling her dark hair around my fingers.

"W-What are you doing? I thought you didn't like me?" She stammers, her big eyes staring through mine.

"Why wouldnt I like such a cute emotional girl like you?" I let my fingers caress the bruises scattered across her cheek as I lean forward, placing a soft kiss on the tip of her nose.

She shrugs slightly. "You ignored me for weeks now." Her gaze flickering away from mine as she fiddles with one of the buttons on my shirt.

"I'm sorry, love." I sigh, pushing her hair back. "I've just been really busy lately."

"Oh." She gives me a smile, and I pull her closer to me, placing my face into the crook of her neck, breathing in her heavenly scent that I've missed way too much since work gathered around me.

"By the way I'm not emotional." Her sassy tone, enters my ears and I snort.

"Sure you're not."

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