《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 59


I land a hard punch on Mike's face, causing him to grunt loudly, stumbling backwards.

"You fucking set this shit up, didn't you?" I stalk towards him, losing the little patience I had, gritting my teeth and he rolls his eyes.

"Thought you didn't care about that bi–" I slam my fist into his stomach and he groans again, leaning down.

"I don't give a fuck if you're my cousin, I won't hesitate to kill you." I spit and he barks out a laugh.

"Whipped mother fucker." He sneers, spitting blood out.

"Get out."

"Answer my earlier question first." He smirks. "If that kid ain't working for you, what you gonna do with her?"

"I won't say it again, Mike." I take a step forward.

"Could've made some real money by sending her off to Keith." He kisses his teeth. "300,000 is worth more than that little bi–FUCK!" He shouts, after I shot a bullet into his left bicep.

"What are you doing?" I lift my gaze up when I hear a blast of music.

"Jamming to some tunes what else?" Mike smirks, as he increases the volume.

"Turn it fucking down." I snap, and he lets out a laughs. "Lighten up, dude. Just enjoy it." His smirk widens and I grit my teeth.

"You still working on this?" I hear Kian's voice as he sits next to me, stuffing his face with a banana.

I roll my eyes as I stare back down at the laptop. It had been two weeks since I was trying to find out where this Ashley dude was, who were one of the guys who raided my father a day after he was pronounced dead.

That motherfucker was going to be dead when I found him.

"Killian why don't you relax?" A hand lands on my thigh and I look up at Nicole who was smiling up at me, she was an old friend I had met through Mike, in my early teenage years along with a few other people I have lost in touch with, except her. "You did agree for us to hang out, yeah?"

I smile at her, as I casually push her hand off my leg. "Maybe some other time."

Her smile falters and she shrugs. "Alright then."

"Did you find anything, Alfonso?" I turn to him as I rub my forehead tiredly.


"Not yet, I'll carry on looking for another ten minutes then I have to go." He mutters as he continues to tap away.

"Hey, where's Keith at?" Kian questions as he looks around.

"He left something at the gangs house." Mike quickly says, increasing the volume of the music and I wince.

"Lower the fucking volume before I–"

"Relax, Killian." Nicole laughs. "Stop being such a mood kill."

The door suddenly opens, revealing Heidi, her face laced with fear. "Killian, I just came back from a mates house and I can hear Layla screaming in her room, I don't k-know but everything's gone quiet, I-I–"

Her voice sounded quiet from the loud music but I heard her clear enough as I jolt off my bed, storming towards the door.

"Heidi what are you saying? Layla's fine." Her mother appears next to her, as she lets out a laugh. I push past, nudging the mothers shoulder in the process as she lets out a gasp, stumbling back.

I slam Layla's door open to see her laying on the floor, her hand clutching her bare side, her front covered by nothing but a Mickey mouse bra. Her bleeding lips were parted as she breathes furiously, tears running down her flushed cheeks, which were covered in purple swollen bruises.

I clench my fists as my eyes land on her ripped up shirt, along with Keith who was also laying on the floor next to her, his face bloody, his nose looking broken, his head covered in bald patches, his eyes squinted shut, and his hands clutching his balls, as grunts and curses escaped his busted lips.

Alfonso soon enters, rushing to Layla's side as I slowly make my way to Keith, anger pulsing through me.

Alfonso's face showed nothing but concern as he begins to talk softly to Layla, his hands trying to remove her small ones from her rigid side, but she shakes her head, whimpering again.

I stop at Keith's side as I glance down at him, with a blank face.

He forces his bloodshot eyes open, letting out a groan. "You see what that crazy bitch did Killian?" He rasps. "She randomly attacked me, and obviously I had to fight back–"

God he sounded like a fucking pussy.

And with that thought, I slam my foot onto his side, causing him to choke on his words, a blood curdling scream erupting from his mouth.


I squat down, glaring murderously into his eyes. "What did I tell you about touching her?"

"Dude, I thought you didn't give a shit about, and I did say I could give you the–" I slam my fist onto his already broken rib and he screams, a sob ending it. "Fuck, man. I thought we were friends?" The twenty eight year old cries and I scoff.

"You don't know what you've got yourself into." I put my hand into my pocket.

He composes himself, as he turns his head up, as he tried to mask his face with braveness. "I bet you don't know why I was locked up back in England." He gives me a weak smirk.

"Attempt of rape. I was going to take her in a parking lot." He chuckles darkly. "You didn't even ask what happened when you bailed me." He smirks. "You know you can't do shit to me, anyway, you know I can destroy everything you–"

And that's when I lose it and beat the fucking shit out of him.

"Killian, get the fuck off my cousin!" I hear Mike try to pull me away from Keith, as I continue to throw punches everywhere as he cries in pain.

"I'm going to kill him" I growl, ignoring everyone's shouts and screams.

"Woah, relax, Why don't you just take all his money and everything and dump him back in England, he's not worth it." Kian pulls me back from Keith's limp body, and I shove him back as I stand myself, turning, and raking a hand through my hair roughly, trying to calm my anger down.

"Where's his minions?" I ask, hoarsely, through my ragged breathing, as I turn to Kian.

"They're back at the gangs house."

"Knock them out and take both, along with this shit bag, out of the country after inserting a chip in them."

I look back to the spot Layla was, to see her disappeared along with Luca. I let out a short breath, before nudging past Mike, and going into my room.


"I always knew you had a thing for her." He spits through gritted teeth, as he continues to clutch onto his bicep.

"Talk one more time and I'll give you the same fate as Keith."

"Like hell you'd do that. I am the son of the man who took you in after all." He then smirks. "You know.. when your parents–FUCK!" He shouts as I shoot his other arm.

"Get the fuck out, Mike." I spit and he scoffs, making his way to the door, holding both his arms. "Bastard." He mutters under his breath before exiting.

Alfonso soon enters, his eyes glaring, I grunt in response, rubbing my forehead.

"You really do have your father's anger." I hear a rattle and I snap my head up to him holding a small white box.

"The fuck is that?" I narrow my eyes.

He rolls his eyes. "Some pills to help cool you off–"


"Take it every three days and–"

"No, I told you, I don't need that shit anymore." I snap, and he raises a brow.

"I know you've been through a lot, Killian. And all this gang stuff is stressing you out but you–"

"I'm not taking the damn pills, Al!" I snap, my voice increasing, and he gives me a disapproving look and I let out a sigh.

"Just get out, I'll see you in the morning." I turn away.

"Suit yourself." He sighs, and I hear a clatter as he chucks the pills box onto my bed, before I hear the door shut.

I glare at the pills, as I run my hands through my hair.

I need a drink..


I don't care if this chapter is short or whatever. (To those people who keep on telling me this, I get it, okay?)

Expect chapters to be short and slow updated–

(Or some rather, again, depending on when I have time or whatever)

–If I had however pursued your requests, I'm pretty sure the plot would be all over the place (already is apparently)

(Bare in mind this is to those who ask rudely of me to update, I don't mind the comments in which you ask nicely but to the point you actually start cursing at me and stuff like that, it just pisses me the hell off, and is just not on, cuz if it does anything, it's discouraging me to write)

So by writing this note I hope you guys understand.

I don't want to block people but I will if I have to just use your manners next time, yeah? (:

Anymore issues just comment right here and I'll sort them out.


*Alfonso is Luca btw. Layla just calls him by his last name, dunno why.

*Keith is the buffalo who attacked Layla at the shops a few months ago

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