《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 58


It's been a week and I'm feeling much better, me and Killian haven't spoke or seen eachother a lot but I've been hanging out with Luca, and spent all my time doing work for my art course.

I drew Luca a few times, and Heidi also seemed very eager for me to draw her, so I've drawn several of her. And I also have a few drawing of Killian before.. when we were on good terms. I also drew Kian.

I think I'm pretty much finished with the whole thing now, I'll have to ask Luca to get it marked when I see him next.

I gather all my drawing up with a smile, as I carefully slip them into my folder, placing it on my bed before making my way to the door.

I exit and go down the stairs, heading into the kitchen. Immediately I stop at the door, as my eyes land on the several people sat at the table.

There's Gareth, egg head, giraffe, Mike, Luca, Kian, Killian and another girl sat next to him, both of them chatting and laughing. My eyes land on Heidi who sat opposite them, giggling down at her phone. She looks up her eyes meeting mine and smiles, patting the spare seat next to her.

I return the smile, as I head over to her, sitting down, feeling slightly uncomfortable as all eyes land on me.

"Hey, Luca." I smile at him, as his eyes meet mine and he smiles back. "Hey."

"He all you gonna greet?" I hear Gareth's deep voice, and I look at him to see him smirking.

"She's always been rude like that." Mum laughs, as she plonks a single pancake on my plate.

"No she hasn't." Heidi says, as she places her phone down, giving me a soft smile. Mum gives Heidi a questioning look, before letting out a small scoff turning away.

I look down at my plate, and break a piece before shoving it in my mouth.

"Hey, Layla, is it?"

I look up at the woman sat next to Killian who was gazing at me with her light brown eyes. She has blonde curly hair, going down to her mid back, along with a pink blouse and a pair of short. She looks about 18 with long legs.

"Yeah." I give her a smile, and she smirks in response.

"Nice to meet you, hun. I'm Nicole."

"You too." I glance at Killian, meeting his intense eyes and smile at him. But he doesn't return it as he looks away, eating his pancake.

I hear a snigger across and see Gareth who gives me a mock pout, and I glare at him, eating my food again.

"So." Gareth speaks after a while. "When is the party?"

Dad takes his last bite, as he looks up. "Heidi wants a party for her birthday so I was thinking we join both Killians and hers together. Save the trouble to arrange both." He shrugs.

"It's going to be like what we did to V. We're going to invite them to the party and pretend to negotiate a deal with." Mike smirks.

"How many people are you planning on doing this with?" Gareth smirks.

"Just the ones who stole off Killians dad when he died." Mike shrugs. "They won't just get away with–"

"Mike can you not discuss this here?" Killian snaps, and everything goes quiet.

"Whatever, man." Mike then rolls his eyes.

Killian stands up. "C'mon, lets get to work." He grunts and everyone stands up, wiping their hands.


"Let's hang out." Heidi smiles at me.



I had sat across Heidi's bed, watching her giggle every few minutes, texting on her phone for a while now and let out a sigh.

"Who are you talking to?" I ask, scooting closer to her as she giggles again.

"It's a guy." She tucks a strand under her ear. "I don't know who it is or how he got my number but he's really funny and sweet." She smiles as she texts him again, I look down and read her texts.

"He says his name is Vinnie." She smiles.

"Vinnie the Pooh?"

She laughs again, shaking her head and looking at me, her smile turning into a grimace as she takes in my features. "God, you're so pale." She pauses. "Looks like you haven't slept or eaten for days."

I roll my eyes. "Whatever."

A while later she giggles again.

I look at her, raising a brow.

"Vinnie wants to meet up with me."

I narrow my eyes. "Are you going to?"

"Nah, I haven't known him for a day yet. I'll give it time." She flicks her hair back. "Okay let's hang out now."

"What do you want to do?" I ask.

She turns her phone off and crosses her legs turning to me, her eyes scanning my face. "I could give you a makeover."

"Makeover?" I frown.

"Yup, just for fun, I can do your hair and makeup and you can do mine."

"I'm not good with hair." I tell her.

"That's okay. I can teach you." She grins brightly.

"Okay then."


"If you sneeze on me, I swear..." Heidi glares at me, as she brushes some eyeshadow onto my lid, causing my eyes to water and my nose to twitch.

"I think that's eno-" I sneeze loudly on to her and she lets out a loud shriek, jolting away from me.


I rub my eyes, and she screams causing me to jump. "What?!" I snap.

"Stop rubbing my hard work off!" She runs back to me, pulling my hand away. She groans loudly.

"Great now I have to start again."

"Go ahead if you want me to sneeze on you again." I roll my eyes, slumping back onto her bed, closing my eyes.

It's silent for a while and I open my eyes but end up screaming loud when Heidi suddenly jumps on me, a tissue pressing against my nose and mouth, as she presses the brush against my eyelid.

Is she trying to kill me?!

"WHAT THE HELL? ARE YOU CRAZY?" I scream from under the tissue, my nose twitching again.

"It'll only take three minutes!" She narrows her eyes on my lid as she swipes. And then I sneeze into the tissue again, jolting Heidi and she ends up brushing my eyeball and I scream.



"See, was that so hard?" Heidi smirks, finishing off my lipstick and pulling away.

"It took you four hours!" I snap.

"Two actually." She smirks. "Now let me do your hair."

"No! You're going to end up pulling my hair out."

"You're exaggerating." She rolls her eyes. "Now turn around."


"AAAAAAAGH!" I scream loud, when I feel a sharp scratch on my scalp.

"Why is your hair so thick?" Heidi groans.

"Get your fake nails out of my scalp you idiot!" I snap.


"These are not fake, they're natural!"

"I sure bet they-AAAAAAAAGH!" I scream again.

"Ugh, you're so annoying!" She tugs my hair back.

Half an hour of endless torture later Heidi finally removes her hands from me and I slump in relief.

"Turn around."

I turn, and her eyes scan my face before a huge grin spreads.

"You look absolutely peng!"

"Uh, what?" I furrow my brows.

"Don't tell me you don't know what peng means!" She exclaims and I roll my eyes.

"I need to order myself an urban dictionary."

"You're looking at one right now." She smirks. "Want me to teach?"

I sigh, shrugging. "If you want."


"Who fucking taught you all that?" I scrunch my nose up after her teaching me slang session.

"Picked it up from school." She shrugs, with a smile. "You must of been living under a rock all these years."

"Maybe, but I'm glad." I sneer.

"Now let me tell you what a boner–"

"Heidi, please. I don't wanna hear anymore crude words." I groan.

"Fine but let me tell you some important things for when you get a boyfriend. You need to know what a boner–"

"No! I'm fine with just English, I don't need to know these disgusting slang words."


"If it's not from the actual dictionary, I don't wanna know!" I cover my ears.

"Fine. Whatever." She smirks.

"I'll do your makeup another day." I stand off the bed. "I'm tired and I need to send off my art."

"Alright, but make sure you don't ruin your makeup or hair. It looks really good."

"Yeah, yeah." I roll my eyes, making my way to the door. And exiting.

"Luca, hey!" I grin, as I see him stop infront of Killians door.

"Hey, tesoro." He grins, turning around. "How's the art coming up?"

"Great, I think I've finished actually. Do you want to come and look?"

"Of course, give me fifteen minutes and I'll be right there." He ruffles my hair and I nod, my smile spreading as I make my way to my room, and opening the door.

But my smile immediately drops when I see the scene infront of me.

My folder was ripped up. Along with all my weeks worth of hard work torn up in pieces, scattered on my bed and on the floor.

Tears brim my eyes, as I walk forward looking around. I stop infront of my bed, squatting down and picking up the pieces, a tear rolling down my cheek.

Who did this?

"Didn't I say art was for little children?" I hear a smug voice and I turn my head to see mum smirking, as she stands at the threshold.

"You did this?" I glare at her.

She scoffs. "No, why would I waste my time on a pathetic little child like you, anymore?" She smirks, and I grit my teeth as I wipe my cheeks.

"Leave, now."

"Sure thing, hun." She smirks. "Hope you have fun." She lets out a light laugh before closing the door.


The door behind me opens as I continue to try and tape up my drawings.

"Hi Luca." I say, as I rip a piece of tape with my teeth.

"Aww, well aren't you adorable." I hear a low chuckle behind me. I turn my head to see Gareth, but release a gasp when he snatched the taped up drawing and rips it up again.

"What are you doing!?" I shout, standing to my feet, but he shoves me back, causing the table leg behind me to scrape against the back of my leg and I wince.

"Now isn't payback a bitch?" He smirks as he towers above me.

I then realise it was him, who destroyed my work and glare at him. "It was you who ruined my draw–"

"Your tiny brain just realised that now?" He chuckles darkly, as he takes a step forward.

I take a step back, my hand landing on the table as I try to find a weopon, my hand soon clasping around a cylindrical object.

"You have to leave." I glare at him, and he cocks a brow, his eyes running up and down my body, as he licks his lips.

"Not before I get what I want." He smirks.

"What is it?" I tighten my hold on my weopon.

He laughs again, his hand reaching forward but that's when I raise my arm and swing the object that's now identified as a brush, onto his face. It makes a loud thump then drops to the floor. He lets out a grunt, his hand making its way to his bleeding lip. His eyes darkening.

"I really didn't want to mess up that pretty little face of yours..." He growls, a he storms towards me and fear washes through me as I look around again but suddenly I'm pushed roughly, causing me to fall onto the table, pain soaring through my back.

But as quick as that I shuffle off the table and run towards the door. "HEIDI!" I scream, as my hand just about lands on the knob but then I'm hauled away, my back hitting the wall, more pain adding to my back.

"I'm really sorry I-I didn't mean it please don't–" I get cut off by a hard punch on my cheek and I scream as my head bangs onto the wall, my eyes blurring.

"Shut the fuck up." He spits, wiping his bleeding lips as he leans down.

"LUCA!" I scream loud but gasp when my shirts suddenly gets ripped open, revealing my Mickey mouse bra.

I try to push him away as tears brim my eyes but he then chuckles as his hands begins to run all over me and I let out a sob. "Please I–" I choke on my words as his nails claw down my stomach and tears begin to spill.

I try to push him away and he lets out another cold laugh.

"Really think you can push me away with this anorexic little body of yours?" his arms moves and circles my arm. "You've become disgustingly boney this past week, I should've taken you earli–"

"Fuck you!" I scream, anger rushing through me as I try to get his arms away from me, he tightens his hold, his eyes darkening.

"Talk like that again and I swear I'll make your virgin ass–"

I block out his words as bile rises to my throat, and I raise my leg up but he pushes himself closer to me, his fat body crushing mine and I whimper again.

"KILLIA–" Suddenly his lips smash onto mine and I let out a loud scream, as I punch at his chest. This causes his teeth to crunch between my bottom lip, and I scream louder as I taste blood, feeling it drip down my chin.

"Shut the fuck up." I feel another punch on my face, whipping my head back onto the wall.

"KIAN!" I scream, before his lips smash onto my wounded ones again.

His hands runs all over me again and I grab his hands trying to get him off me.

"Please move." I cry, as my body begins to tremble.

"Aww, bitch." He pulls away with a smirk. My blood on his lips. "I haven't even started."

"I suggest you keep your mouth shut, here on if you want to keep that cute little face of yours in shape." He smirks, his smelly breath fanning my face.

"Okay." I whimper.

His eyes flash with confusion and he opens his mouth but I use the chance to successfully knee him in the balls, he grunts loudly as he stumbles backwards, and I push him hard causing him to fall on the floor.

I then jump on top of him, rage flowing through my veins as I start by poking him hard on both of his wide open eyes.

"FUCK!" He shouts as he raises his hand but I stomp my foot onto his balls again and he screams again, his hand flying back to its position.

I then swing both my fists onto his face with full force repeating the action, making myself look like an angry gorilla.

"HOW DARE YOU RUIN MY WORK!" Punch. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH ME!" Punch. "HOW DARE YOU FUCKING–" I repeatedly punch his face. "RIP MY FUCKING SHIRT YOU FUCKING–" Punch. Punch. Punch. "UGLY, PEDOPHILIC BUFFALO!" I scream, moving my hands and tugging the hairs out of his ugly head. When he moves again I stomp on his balls twice and he continues screaming his hands clutching back onto it.

I continue pulling out his hair until I see bald patches all around moving onto his eyebrows, and pinching them off.

"Want to mess with me again?!" I shout, not knowing where this braveness and adrenaline was coming from. But it felt good.

He continues to let out groans, his eyes squinted and glued shut. "Fucking crazy bitch, I'll ruin you." He growls, and then he raises his foot and before I can act out he connects it to my rib, pushing me off him. I hold back the scream, as I close my eyes for a few seconds, taking in deep breaths, before I glance at him with gritted teeth. With all the energy I have remaining, I slam my foot onto the side of his face causing him to scream loudly, just when the door slams open.

Feeling satisfied I slump back on the floor, gripping my rib, while breathing furiously.

"I think she's broken a rib."

It was worth it.


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