《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 56


"Luca?" I glance up at him as he places a brown envelope onto my drawer. My head is pounding and I could feel an unpleasant itch on my throat.

"Hmm?" He turns to me, sitting onto my bed.

"Do you think I should cut my hair?" I run my hands through the strands with a frown.

"No.. why?" He raises a brow.

"But-but, then I'd look older right, if I cut it like Heidi's?"

"You are beautiful just the way you are, tesoro." He gives me a smile. "I think long suits you better."

"Oh." I give him a small smile, as I look back to my hair.

"Want to play stop the bus?" He asks after a moment of silence. I look back up at him, and chew my lip.

"Uh, I-I don't know. I think I'm too old for that now. M-Maybe we could do something else?"

His smile drops and he nods slowly, his eyes searching my face and I look away.

"What do you want to do?" He then asks.

I think hard for a moment my frown deepening. "What do people do?" I scratch my chin.

"Uh, tesoro. What's this?" I snap my head to him, to see him leaned down on my bed, to the bin.

"It's just t-trash." I shrug as he sits up, a crumpled sticker sheet in his hand. He uncrumples it and when his eyes land on it, they narrow and he glances back at me.

"I don't need it, it'-it's uh.." I trail off my cheeks reddening, and look back down, shrugging.

He lets out a sigh as he leans back down, picking out the rolled up coloured pad from the bin.

"Tesoro, you shouldn't force yourself to grow up."

I snap my head to him. "What?"

"I heard Killians-excuse my language- Bullshit, last night." He purses his lips.


Knowing he heard makes my cheek redden even further and I shake my head. "No, he was right. I..I need to act my age, I-I'm turning seventeen in a couple of months." My voice turns into a squeak, and I clear my throat.

"Growing up takes time, tesoro, some mature earlier some later in life, You've had a tough childhood, it's alright to–"

"No." I cut him off, as tears brim my eyes. "It's not, I've been thinking and I know I need–"

The door suddenly opens, and Killian pops his head in, his eyes set on Luca as he speaks. "Ready for work?" He asks, bluntly.

"Give me one minute." Luca responds and Killian's give me one blank glance before leaving.

"It's because I went to Matt's house." My eyes water again.


I nod, placing my face in my hands. "Killian got mad at me, It's true." My lips tremble. "I'm stupid."

I feel Lucas arms wrap around me, in a comforting hug. "You're not."

"I am." A lump forms in my throat. "I don't know what-what–"

Luca pulls away and his eyes widen when they catch a glimpse of my eyes. "Tesoro, have you not had any sleep?"

"I just don't-don't feel okay." I swallow the sob, and scoot away from him, placing my face onto the pillow as the tears rush out.

"I miss my friends." I croak. "A-And g-grandma." I squeeze my eyes shut, as more tears spill. "And G-Gareth he–"

The sound of his phone ringing cuts me off and I take a deep breath.

"I'm okay now, thanks. You can go back to work." I clear my throat, as I pull myself up, rubbing my eyes vigorously.

"I'm sorry you're feeling that way, tesoro." He sighs, closing his eyes and ignoring his ring.


"Who is Gareth?" He places a hand on my face, wiping my cheeks.

"I will tell you later. I think K-Killian will be mad if you stay longer." I rub my eyes again, blinking away tears.

"I think I should sleep now." I sigh, looking at the clock that reads 8.30am.

He looks at me sadly, nodding, declining his call and leaning forward placing a kiss on my forehead.

"Don't think too much, okay? Don't stress yourself out. You're beautiful and fine the way you are." He gives me a squeeze on my shoulder, before lifting himself off the bed.

"Get some sleep, I'll see you later." He says softly, as he makes his way to the door and leaves.

Tears fill my eyes again and I let out a small sob, burying myself under my duvet, and cuddling with my pillow.


The sound of someone moving stirs me from sleep. I let out a small groan as my eyes open.

"Oh, you're awake!" I hear Heidi, and I snap my gaze to her sitting form, and glance at my clock with a frown. 12.04pm.

"Mum's calling for lunch." She gives me a bright smile. "Oh, uh. You look.."

I grunt in response, pulling my duvet over my face.

"What's wrong?" She asks.

"Sick. Feel sick." I croak. "Head hurts too."

"Are you contagious?" She squeaks and I roll my eyes.

"Yes. Very. Please leave."

I feel her lift off my bed. "Are you coming for lunch?" She questions again.

"No. Not hungry." I rub my temples.

"Okay. See ya." I hear her walk away.

"Oh and by the way.. you have to retake maths." And with that I hear the door closed.

"Huh?" I pull the duvet off, and see the brown envelope in front of me.

I grab it, and rip the envelope off, taking out the paper.

Oh my GCSE results. Luca must of got it.

I unfold it, and scan the paper.









I stare at the Maths grade a little longer, with a dull expression, before finally putting it down letting out a breath, and rubbing my face. I failed 2 subjects.

I may not have gotten straight A's like Heidi, but I did my best. That's all that matters to me.

I've never really been clever with studies, but at least I passed almost everything.


Another sneeze escapes from me, then another. Then another and I let out a groan, as my eyes become watery.

I sniffle, and feel sweat bead my face.

The door opens and Killian comes in. He glances at me as I sneeze again and he sighs, making his way to me.

"T-Tissue, now, please." My voice comes out hoarse, my throat burning with pain, and I let out a pained dry cough.

"You have some in here." He opens my last drawer, pulling out a pack of soft tissues. He hands it to me, and I take it breathing heavily, as my head becomes to thump hard.

"I've got a cold." I mutter, as I blow my nose.

"I think it's the Flu." He sighs, rubbing his face.

"I-I'm sorry." I croak, and let out a strangled cough. "C-Can you get me some warm water please?" I pinch my throat.

"Have you had anything to eat?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Okay, I'll be back." He gives me a tight lipped smile, before turning to the door.

"Thanks." I whispers slumping back on my bed.

"I'm sorry for what happened yester–" the sound of the door closing cuts me off and I sigh, reaching over to my drawer and picking out a tub of Vicks.


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