《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 54


"Get off me!" I grunt, as he wraps his hand around my arm, and hauls me into the room.

"This chic, claims she left something in here." The rapist says smugly, as he pushes me forward, I stumble a little, my legs hitting the nearest couch, I quickly grasp onto the armrest, balancing myself.

"Fuck you Gareth." I spit.

"It's Keith." He snorts behind me.

I feel something move under my hands and look down to see my hand over another. I quickly pull it off and take steps back, my gaze meeting Killian's, who stares back at me emotionlessly, his lip piercing in between his teeth.

I purse my lips and glare at him, causing his brows to shoot up.

I can't believe he's working with Gareth.

My eyes slowly drift around the room, I see Kian sat in a single couch across us, focused on his laptop, on the next couch I catch eyes with another pair of glaring ones and I frown.

His eyes are bloodshot, his cheeks flushed, angrily. He's almost as bulky as Killian with dark hair and eyes, his whole posture rigid.

My eyes then drift to the right side of the room, where I could see two figures sat. Once my eyes land on them, they widen, as another shock wave spreads through me.

It was the two minions of the rapist behind me, who had helped drag me.

What the fuck?

Both of them give a smirk obviously recognising me, the bald one, licking his lips as he runs his eyes down my body.

Okay so I'll call the bald one, egg head and the one with the long neck, giraffe.

"Alright, whatever the fuck you left can you hurry up instead of looking like a lost puppy." I get cut out of my thoughts by a deep growl.

I snap my head to the source and meet the eyes of the angry man again, his fists clenched.

"Mike." Killian grunts, warningly.


I always saw Killian text him but I thought he was nice.

I guess all Killian's friends are mean, except from Luca.

I look away, with flushed cheeks, my eyes wandering around the room as I continue to search for nothing in particular.

I hear him grunt something while I hear the short chuckles behind me.

"Yeah, I-I forgot that." I blurt as soon as my eyes land on a pack of opened crisps next to Killian's thigh.

Ignoring everyone's stares I begin to walk towards it.

I hear Killian mutter something as I reach over and pick the bag up, before quickly making my way to the door.

"Cute and sexy." I hear a growl.

I stop at the voice, lifting my gaze from the crisps to Gareth who stands in front of the door staring at me with hooded eyes.

Disgust fills me up, and I grit my teeth, fixing a glare on him in which he smirks in response.

"Keith, fucking sit down if you want this deal to go well." I hear Killian snap, angrily.


Gareth snorts in response, his gaze not leaving me as I put my hand in the bag, fishing out a crisp and shoving it in my mouth.

He obliges as he takes steps away from me, his arm brushing against mine as he does so and I shudder in disgust.

I then quickly exit the room, moving over to the stairs, my eyes scanning the bag of crisps.

Cheese and onion flavour, 'Lays' brand. Must be the American version of walkers.

I ascend the stairs and then head to my room, just to see the door wide open. I frown, entering and looking around. There's no one in so I plop down on my bed, and begin munching on the rest of the crisps whilst staring out at the balcony view.


"The fuck you doing?" A deep voice causes me to jump, and accidentally cut across the pack.

I let out an angry huff as I look up, meeting Kian's gaze.

"Ugh, I was trying to make my name out of this." I lift up the 'Lays' cut up piece.

What? I'm bored okay!

"I'm cutting the Lay part of the logo, but.." my eyes then land on his own bag, which is in his left hand.

"I need another logo of this to make up the end bit and–"

"The fuck?" He cuts me off, both his brows raising upwards.


"You a little kid or what? Cutting up–"

"I'm bored okay!" I exclaim, rolling my eyes, as I begin to cut a curve over the piece. "I'm gonna glue this over a pink page, but can I quickly cut out the logo on yours?" I glance up at him.

His eyes narrow, and then he shrugs, throwing the pack at me.

I grin at him before quickly taking it and hastily cutting up the logo.

After a few seconds I give him the bag back and he rolls his eyes as he accepts it.

"You're actually nice Kian." I smile at him and he grunts in response as I begin to cut the 'La' off 'Lays'

"Maybe we can put our past behind us." I scratch my chin with the scissors, as I place it down.

"I know you wanted to fit in–"

He makes a loud scoffing sound, glaring at me. "Yeah, sure."

I shrug, as I place the needed pieces next to each other, which then reads 'LayLa.'


"Have you seen Heidi?" He breaks the silence after a moment.

"Mm, not for hours, I think she went out." I mumble, shuffling things over in my box until I find my glue stick.

"Right.." he mutters quietly.

"Yup, sorry." I suck my bottom lip in, as I take the lid off and carefully put glue to the pieces and glue them onto the middle of the page.

After I'm done, I look up to see his jaw clenched, his eyes glaring at the wall lost in thought.

"What's wrong?" I frown.


"Nothing." He snaps, before he turns and walks out the door.

I sigh, shaking my head.


I jump off my bed and head to my drawer, pulling out the letter I wrote for Donald.

Yup I'm going to Matt's shop again.

I slip the envelope into my pocket, and exit my room, scurrying down the steps then slipping my shoes on.

I exit through the door, and let out a breath, thankful for not running into Killian.

I close the door shut, and turn but let out a gasp when a bulky figure stands too close to me, I gulp looking up and meeting a pair of green eyes.


A devious smirk is spread across his face, his eyes running along my body.

"Um, what..." I trail off, my breath hitching, when he takes a step closer.

"I've been waiting for you to come out." He chuckles darkly.

I swallow the fear down, and take a step back, my back touching the door.

"Just leave me alone." I manage to say, feeling awfully intimidated.

He chuckles again, his hand reaching forward. I flinch when it touches my cheek, trailing down from my cheekbone, leaving me nothing but disgust.

"Where's the feisty girl, I met a few hours ago, eh?" He smirks.

"Stop." My face scrunches up. "Why aren't you in jail? You're supposed to be in there for another year and–"

He barks out a laugh, covering up my voice and I glare at him.

"You think they actually put me in that shit?" He says through his laughter. "Killian paid them off."


"You're working for him?" I croak out.

"I guess pretty girls really don't have brains." He chuckles.

"Yes I'm working for him, it's just coincidence that you were apart of the Brooks' family." He smirks. "Now I can finally have my way, consider it punishment for what happened back then."

"No, please–" I wince when his fingers dig into my cheek.

"Stay quiet and we won't have a problem." He gives me a deadly grin.

"Gareth, I didn't mean–" I whimper when he digs it even more.

"It's Keith." He spits.

"Layla?" I hear a feminine voice and immediately Gareth removes himself off me.

Revealing Heidi behind him, with a frown.

"Is he your new boyfriend?"

What's wrongs with her!?

"No, he-he tried to–"

"I'm, Keith, working for Killian, you must be Heidi." He smirks, stepping towards her, his body covering mine.

"He–" i make a hissing sound as he suddenly claws onto my wrist, his nails digging in sharply.

"I was just talking with Layla about something, isn't that right?" He cranes his neck giving me a forced smile, his nails digging deeper and I try not to wince, nodding. "Yes."

"Well, I'll be off now." Gareth chuckles.

"See you girls." He removes his hands from me, stuffing it in his pockets before walking off.

I glance down at my wrist and see dots of blood on the area he dug his nails.

"Was he hurting you?" I hear Heidi ask.

"Like you care." I snap, blinking away tears.

"Of course I do." She muttered, making her way towards me. But I keep my gaze on my wrists.


I snap my gaze up at her to see her staring intently at my cheek with a grimace.

"You have deep bruises on your cheek." She points out. "I think you should tell Killian."

"I'm not weak, I can handle myself." I glare at her, and she purses her lips.

"Okay, whatever." She turns and walks to the door, leaving.

I rub my bloody wrists, pushing back the tears as I walk away.


I step into Matt's shop and my eyes widen.

"Do you like it?" A voice behind me causes me to jump and I turn to see Matt grinning.

"Yeah it looks really good." I smile, looking around again. Everything has changed, the walls are painted white, the floor has smooth tiles, there's much more space. Everything's clean and there's no sign of any creepy crawlies.

"How long did it take you?"

"Just a day, mates helped."

I nod. "It looks really good."

"I know you already said that." He laughs. "Hey what happened to your cheek?" He says leaning down, his eyes narrowed at my cheek, and I take step back.

"I just fell." I lie, firmly.

He raised a brow and shrugs. "Alright." He responds, unbelievingly.

And it's quiet for a moment while I continue to look around.

"Do you go school here?" He breaks the silence.

I shake my head. "I'm going back home soon, I'm on a holiday here."

He hums in response. "With who?"

"Just my family." I look away from his searching eyes. "I'll be staying for two years."

"And your school allowed that?" He continues with his interrogation.


"Well British lady, I didn't take you as a liar."

I snap my gaze to him but he simply smirks.


He opens his mouth when suddenly to guys barge into the room.

They both greet Matt, looking excited.

"Who's this chic?" The curly haired boy says, whilst the blondie just stares at me with a smirk, I quite recognised him.

"This is Layla, she's a mate."

"Well does she wanna join us?" He says, grinning at me.

"What?" I frown.

"We're having a gathering at his." He points his thumb at Matt. "His mom's out tonight, we have the house to ourselves."

"Uh.. No thanks."

"C'mon." Matt chuckles. "It'll be fun, and I can drop you back home whenever."

I purse my lips, as I begin to think about it. Could use some fun right now.

"It's just going to be us four, don't worry about it." curly says, and after a moment of them staring I finally come to agreement and nod.

"Okay then."


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