《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 53



I hear Heidi's voice behind me and I sigh, turning around, meeting her green eyes, a frown etched on her face.

"Why are you avoiding me? I thought we were on good terms now." She crosses her arms with a sigh.

It had been three days since the Jack situation and I was still feeling pretty suckish about it.

I purse my lips, rubbing my eyes tiredly. "I haven't, I've just been–"

"Mourning about your ex?" She cuts me off, cocking a brow.

I roll my tongue over my teeth, and turn around.

"Okay, I'm sorry!" She shrieks, taking a step forward.

"It's just that.. I thought that we could be proper sister's now and talk to each other, but you're always avoiding me.." she says quietly and I turn, furrowing my eyebrows.

"Heidi, I can't help you with Killian, I seriously–"

She rolls her eyes before cutting me off. "Alright, fine. You don't have to help me, I'm sure I can manage on my own... but promise me you don't like him?"

"I promise." I say truthfully and her eyes flash with happiness.

"Right now I don't think I can like anyone after Jack, I can barely move on from him." I then sigh, shrugging.

"Don't be silly." She giggles. "It won't take too long to move on and I'm sure you'll find someone at my party."

"Party?" I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Layla, you haven't forgotten have you?" She giggles, placing her hands on her hips.

"Uh.." I scratch my chin with a frown.

"My birthday!" She laughs shaking her head. "I can't believe you've forgotten."

I force out an awkward laugh. "Oh yeah, uh.. August the sixth?"

"Eighth." She rolls her eyes, her smile unmoving. "I guess I'm not too surprised I mean we weren't the closest sisters, but oh well, we can still try." She smiles, her eyes glowing.

When I don't respond, she takes a step closer.

"Will you forgive me for everything, Layla?" She says, her voice holding sincerity.

I stare at her for a moment, searching her eyes, but they give nothing away.

"I don't know if you're being serious." I frown.

Her smile falters and she takes a step forward, placing her hand on my shoulder.


"I know I really haven't been the best sister but I really do regret everything and-and.. I miss you.." her voice trails off and she bites her lip.

"...I miss how we used to be when we were younger." She murmurs, and I can't help the slight annoyance that washes over me.

"Then why did you treat me like that?" I cross my arms, my eyes not leaving hers.

She shrugs, fiddling with her fingers.

"Well that's not good enough." My gaze hardens, and I walk away.

"No wait!" I hear her heels clicking after me and I turn again, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Please can we just talk in my room?" She asks, desperately, her eyes shining with tears.

"I know I've still messed up when you came here, but I can't help it, I-I.." she sighs. "You know what I mean, right?" Her voice cracks slightly, her brows furrowed.

"..No I really don't." I rub my forehead.

"Please come to my room, and I'll explain." She begs, pouting.

I stare at her again, before giving a small nod, and her face lights up.

"Thank you, come follow me." She says excitedly, trotting towards her room, and I sigh.

Maybe she really does want to fix this?

I follow her over and we both enter her room.

"I've been doing some thinking.." She starts, as she sits on her bed.

"Thinking about all the stuff we used to do together when we were younger." She stares at me, as I walk to her bed, swinging on top of it.

"I actually couldn't sleep last night, I was thinking about how bad I've treated you..." She continues to give me those big sad eyes, and I roll my eyes.

"And I had many sleepless nights thinking about how my life sucked." I can't help to blurt out. "How you guys treated me."

Her eyes fill with regret and she places her hand on my thigh, and I quickly push it off, feeling slightly annoyed, her eyes then flash with hurt.

I sigh again. "Look, I'm sorry but I'm finding your apology very hard to believe, I can't trust you–"

"Please Layla–"

"No, stop!" My voice comes out louder. "I don't believe this, you called me a slut the other day and now you're here–"


"I'm sorry Layla! Please believe me, I didn't mean it when I called you that I was just..." She trails off her cheeks reddening.

"What?" I glare at her.

"I was just jealous." She squeezes her eyes shut like that was the hardest thing she ever had to say.

"I really love Killian and he always liked you he never likes me and I've loved him for years."

"That's no excuse." I snap. "You can't treat me like that every time you're jealous that's just ridiculous."

"I know I really do regret–UGHH, why can't you accept my apology!?" She groans in frustration, tugging at her hair.

"Why should I trust you?" I snap. "After these long years of making my life a misery, the day you leave me is when you apologise? And now–"

"Yeah because that's when I realised!" She exclaims.

"Well you should've realised earlier." I snap.

She gives me a deep frown, her brows slanted, as she stares at me.

"Can I make it up to you?" She then says.

I roll my eyes, ignoring her question as I begin to speak. "Look, I don't mind acting civil with you but we can't.. we can't have what you want, we can't act like sisters after what you've put me through." I begin to get off the bed and make my way to the door.

"Please, Layla, I want us to be sisters again." I hear her call out desperately.

"I really regret–"

I block out her words as I hesitantly close the door. I didn't want to be rude but I just can't forgive her right now.

I make my way down the stairs, just when I'm about to make my way to the kitchen, I hear some deep voices in the room I'm next to. I stop, and look at the door that's slightly open.

"So is that chic of yours gonna do some shit for you or what?" I hear a deep voice say and I pinch my brows together, stepping closer to the door, and placing my ear against it.

"Her name's Layla." I hear Killian's voice come out gruffly. "And no, I changed my mind, she won't."


"What happened to the pick-up-drugs plan? Weren't she gonna do that?" The voice replies, in a mocking tone.

"It's too dangerous, I can't let her do that." He says sounding frustrated, sounds of clicks emitting.

I hear several cackles and I narrow my eyes.

How many people are in there?

"Since when did you care about her?" The guy barks through his laughter. "You're not growing soft are ya?"

"Can you drop it, Keith? We're here to work and no, I don't give a shit about her, I'm saying it's dangerous for me because she might mess the whole thing up, I can't risk that." He snaps.

My face sinks slightly, my cheeks reddening at his words and I purse my lips, trying not to let his words get to me. And I thought he was my friend.

"What are you doing, Layla?" I hear dad's loud voice behind me and I jump slightly, turning, and meeting his smug face.

"I-I was j-just–" I stammer but the door suddenly opens and my cheeks redden further, but I keep my gaze on dad who continues to smirk.

I see what he's doing.

"Well?" He cocks his head, and I scramble my brain for something, ignoring the stare of the bulky guy standing next to me.

"I–uhh..forgot something in there." I stammer, forcing a smile.

He hums in response, his smirk unmoving. "Well then, I'll leave you to it." And with that he walks away.

I let out a breath, rubbing my hands against my hot cheeks.

"Well hello there, pretty girl." I hear the same voice from earlier.

I lift my gaze up, but as soon as my eyes land on his face, I let out a short gasp, my eyes widening and he simply smirks.

The guy who tried to rape me, months back, who was supposedly in jail. Stood there, right in front of me.

His brown eyes glint with something as he continues to stare at me, his eyes immediately holding recognition.

I begin to take steps back and a deep laugh erupts from his mouth, as he tilts his head.

It's quiet for a moment while I try to recover from the shock.

"So what did you forget?" He breaks the silence, giving me a devilish smirk.


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