《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 52


"And then Jack came to the rescue and hit his head with a bat, he was wearing a superhero cape and everything. The buffalo started crying like a baby then Jack slammed it on his head again and he died." I read out the half fictional, and half none-fictional story I wrote.

Killian chuckles in response, as he continues playing on the laptops while I'm sat next to him.

"A cape?"

I nod with a grin. "Yeah, there was some other buffalos, but they all got scared of Jack because he looked really scary, so they ran away. Jack called the police and they came. While he was talking to them, the buffalo woke up, so he actually wasn't dead, but the police quickly grabbed him and put him in the car, before he could do anything. Then Jack helped me buy my stuff, and then he dropped me back home, he then kissed me on my cheek and I was like oh my god did he just kiss me on my cheek? and then he asked to be friends with me and I was like okay, then we were friends and then for three months me and Jack hung out a lot and he was really nice and fun to play with," I say, laughing slightly at the end, as I put the book down.

He lets out another chuckle, as he continues to click away. "What did you guys play, then?"

"A lot of things." I say and he chuckles again.

"He taught me how to play rounders because, you know what happened?"

"What?" He scratches his forehead, as he continues to tap away.

"Well when I was in year eleven, which by the way I literally just finished last month. I used to have PE, which I really really hate–"

"No kidding."

"–and we had a rounders term, you know? And it was my turn to bat, I missed it but I still ran those stick things, and while I was running, I slipped on the grass and hurt my arm really badly, turns out I didn't have–"

"Do I really need to know this?" He chuckles.

I let out a huff. "Yes, because it's interesting!" I snap, he glances at me, giving me a smirk, before looking back at the coded screen, tapping away.

"Yeah so, that happened.." I pinch my brows together, but then my eyes widen.

"OH MY GOD! Yeah, so after the three months of us hanging out he actually asked me out!" I squeal, and he rolls his eyes.

"Whoopie." he says, dryly.

"Oh my god. Shall I tell you when?" I pat his shoulder, lightly, grinning wildly.

"No, but I'm sure you're going to tell–"

"–Basically I was playing on the swing and Jack was playing on the slide, and then suddenly Jack came over to me and said we needed to talk, I got a bit upset, because it sounded like he didn't want to be friends with me anymore, but then he said it wasn't that and I was like oh, and then he bent down on his knees and I was like, oh my god oh my god, literally. I was like, yes I'll marry you! But he started laughing and said no it's not that, and then he said will you be my girlfriend, and then he took out a big strawberry candy ring and I was like aaaah oh my god oh my god, yes, I'll be your girlfriend! And then he put the ring on my finger and I was like oh my god it's so pretty!" I say excitedly, as I look up at him, laughing a little.


His lips twitch up slightly as he rolls his eyes.

"And then I ate it."

"Shocker." he lets out a chuckle. "You guys were so–"

"It was really yummy."

"Sappy and–"

"–Then we started dating, and we told everyone about it, but then you came and you said you were gonna kill Jack if he didn't break up with me! Jack didn't want to, so I told him lets just–"

"Hold on." he cuts me off, both his brows shooting upwards.

"What?" I laugh, scratching my chin, in confusion.

"You guys didn't break up then?" He asks, crossing his arms.

My eyes widen and I shake my head. "WE DID BREAK UP I SWEAR, SO HE THEN BROKE UP WITH ME AND I CRIED A LOT AND–" I raise my voice, but he cuts me off, his face scrunching up as I practically scream in his ear.

"Can you relax? I was–"

"No, please. Please don't kill him, I swear we did actually–" My voice comes out panicked, but he cuts me off with a groan.

"You are really–"

"UHHHH, HEY!" I laugh. "DID YOU KNOW MIRANDA'S PREGNANT?" I quickly snatch the laptop from him, going on YouTube, in order to distract him.

He doesn't say anything for a moment before he finally speaks.

"Who's Miranda?"

I frown. "Miranda Sings, don't you know her?"

"Uh. No?"

I snort. "She's really funny, but that's not her real name. Her name's Colleen Balinger, she's really pretty." I quickly search up Miranda Sings, scrolling down to a really old funny video about periods, and clicking on it. Her lipstick smeared face popping up.

He lets out a snort. "What kind of freak–"

"Shut up, she's a comedian." I snap, before laughing when her ranting starts.

"That's so true!" I laugh, turning to Killian to see him sneering at the screen, his brows scrunched up.

"What kind of shit do you watch?"

My laugh quickly dies down, replaced with a frown. "It's funny look." I point at the screen and begin laughing again.

"Oh my god, yeah, so true, why do boys not get periods-OH MY GOD!" My hand flies to my mouth as I remember something.

"Boys actually do have periods! So basically, I was in Asda once and I was looking through pads and I saw FOR MEN pads and I was like OH MY GOD, I read through the description and I was completely mind blown so what I did was.." I pause to take a breath. "I bought a pack and gave it to Donald."

I place my finger to my chin as I think back to how much it cost.

Killian lets out a chuckle, shaking his head. "You are one crazy little chic, you know that?"

"Umm.. no I think it was about four pounds I don't know, but I buy my pads for one pound."


"Miranda's pregnant, look." I click off the period video and begin to type Colleen Balinger, with my brows furrowed.

"You're such a fucking cutie." He pokes my cheek.

My cheeks turn red and I scowl. "Shut up" I swat his hand away, as I scroll.

I click on the I'm Pregnant video, and show it to him.

"It feels so recent but she actually divorced this other YouTuber guy because she wasn't ready to marry back then but.. now she's engaged to her best friend, see that's him." I point at the brunette guy.


He hums, in response watching the video.

"Look, look! Pregnancy test." I point at the screen, smiling, and he laughs.

After a few minutes, Killians arm wrap around me, as he pulls me closer to him, his lips finding its way to my ear.

"Do you want a baby?" He whispers huskily, and my eyes widen, causing him to chuckle.

"I-I can't because I d-don't want to do th-that thing." I stammer as my cheeks burn ready. "A-And Jack doesn't want one too."

"You broke up with Jack didn't you?"

I shrug in response. "I still like him." I say quietly. "I want to be with him after two years here."

He doesn't speak for a moment before nodding. "I see.."

"You won't kill him right?" I look up at him.

He shakes his head. "I lied when I said I would. I would never kill my own brother." He sighs, pulling away.

"So you said that because.." I trail off feeling slightly angry.

"Yes." He simply says, looking at me once before going back on the laptop, clicking off the video and going back to work.

"It's fine I guess." I say after a while, still frowning and he doesn't respond.

"I'll be back in a bit." I then say.

I get off and walk to the door. "Where?" He asks just when I'm about to leave.

"I just need to see something first." I leave and go over to my room.

I open the door and enter, heading over to the bottom drawer, I open it and fish out Jack's crumpled letter with a smile as I take a seat on my bed and I smooth it open.

My eyes begin to scan each word, as I begin to read.


I heard you haven't been going so well with our part, I am sorry this had to happen, Layla. I will always have you somewhere in my heart, although we haven't properly broken up yet I guess this letter will confirm it. I know that Killian will be here for you soon, and I'm sorry it had to end this way. Killian won't hurt you I assure but please take care of yourself, I still can't believe you agreed to not fight anymore but I understand why. I hope your life goes well and maybe one day in the future we can see eachother again as friends, which probably won't be for another six years. Remember the college I was talking about in Canada? I got accepted. I want to thank you for encouraging me to do the best for myself, you'll always be a big part of my life and I've loved our every moment together and I will forever cherish it. I love you, Layla and I honestly do hope we can see eachother again, whether you have someone new by your side or whether I have someone new. I hope you have nothing but happiness, and please don't cry...


I read it over and over again, the tears slowly forming in my eyes as my breathing picks it's pace.

I try to calm myself as I take deep breaths, placing my hand over my chest, as a tear slips from my eyes, my lips beginning to quiver.

"There is no point crying, Layla." I hear Heidi's voice and snap my head up, seeing her stand at the threshold at the door.

"There are plenty of boys out here, you know. Why cry about one when you can just get another?" She smirks and i glare at her, tears still rolling down.

"Sam will get your mind off him." She grins and I grit my teeth.

"No, j-just leave." I spit, and she giggles.

"Just don't forget the promise, meet me in my room tomorrow." She then walks away towards her own room.


I continue to take deep breaths in and out, as I slowly calm myself down my mind still full of memories of Jack.

I guess this is for the best then.

He is happy, and is doing what he loves. That's all that matters. He is making something out of his life and I'm happy for him.

But I still can't help feeling so hurt and heartbroken. I loved him..

I let out another sob, as more tears spill down.

No I need to calm down.

I carry on taking deep breaths, closing my eyes shut.

Everything is fine maybe one day we can see eachother again.

Ten minutes later, I have fully calmed myself down, I take a deep breath, rubbing my eyes, and fixing my hair, before I stand up.

I make my over to Killians room, opening it, Killians head snaps up to me as I walk over to his bed.

"H-Hi." I swing my legs over his bed and move closer to him.

"You okay?" He questions as I look down at his laptop.

"Yes." I nod. "I-Im thinking we can play some games on your laptop." My voice comes out croaky, and I clear my throat.

"...Alright, what game do you have in mind?" He reaches his hand towards me, tucking a strand under my ear, as he begins to caress my flushed cheeks.

"Maybe f-find some on Friv." I reach forward to the laptop and tug it closer to me, as I click on the web, and shakily begin to type.

He sighs. "Do you want to tell me what's wrong?" He mutters, his hand continuing to caress me, his thumb swiping under my wet lashes, as he brushes away a small tear.

I shake my head, my lip trembling again.

"Alright, I'm sorry." He leans forward, placing a kiss on my cheek.

I nod in response, letting out a shaky breath. "Do you have any chocolates?"

I hear him shuffle towards his drawer, while I look around for a good game.

"Here." He comes back, swiftly opening the pack of stars, placing it on my lap.

"Thanks." I look up at him, giving him a small smile.

I look back at the screen, looking again. "Uh, you wanna play this one?" I point at the Fire Boy and Water Girl game, glancing at him again, as I put my hand in the bag, popping a few stars in my mouth.

"Sure, How'd you play?"

"Me and you work together to get away through obstacles and then into a door to win a level, you have to jump over the puddle or else you'll die and we start the level again." He nods in response, as I click onto it starting it.

"Which one do you want to be?" I ask.

"I'll be the Fire Boy."


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