《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 51


"So I see you're still the leader." Vinnie chuckles, as he leads both Mike and me through his guarded house.

I clench my jaw, glancing at Mike who simply shakes his head.

"Search them." Vinnie mutters to someone.

We both look forward and see a short guy step forward.

"That won't be needed, Vinnie." I snap. "I told you, we are purely here for business."

Vinnie turns slightly, his thin lips quirking up in a smirk. "I know." He says simply. "But I'm not stupid to not check."

The short bulky guy, smirks as he shoves his hand in his blazer pocket, fishing out a cylindrical item. He moves it closer to us, stopping it a few centimeters from my body, as he begins to scan it around, from the top slowly going to the bottom, a green light shining.

When he gets to the mid of my chest, it begins to make loud beeping noises, the green light turning red.

Vinnie watches with a satisfied smirk, as he raises his hand, signalling to give it to him.

I clench my jaw, before shoving my hand into my inside blazer, roughly, pulling out the gun and smacking it square on his palm.

The man continues to scan, and when he gets to my trouser pocket it begins to beep again. I pull it out and hand it to him, feeling slightly annoyed.

The guy then finishes the scan, before moving onto Mike, getting out a total of five guns from him.

"Now that's out of the way..." Vinnie, hands the guns over to the guard who shoves all of them in a bag.

"–Let's talk business." He flashes us a smirk, before turning and leading us across the hall of his mansion, passing several guards.

The short guard remains outside as the three of us enter the room.

"Take a seat, boys and get yourself a drink." Vinnie smirks, as he sits himself on a single black couch, while me and Mike take a seat on a double couch, across from him.

"So.." Vinnie clears his throat, as he picks up a beer.

"You turn twenty next month, don't you?" He takes a loud sip, smirking again. "I remember when my father attended your father's party for his twentieth birthday." He tilts his head, his eyes narrowing on my cheek. "We were like four years old, right?" He then chuckles.

"Shut up, Vinnie." I spit, clenching my fists and he simply chuckles.



"Hello, little boy." I hear a slurry voice, as the door creaks open.

I look up, and see a man enter, a bottle in his hand, and his eyes glazed over.

He closes the door behind him, and I gulp slightly, looking down at Jack's sleeping form before looking back up at the man.

"Daddy said no one can come in here." I say quietly and he chuckles.

"Your daddy, huh? Kygo, is it?" He slurs.

"I don't know." I frown. "But my daddy said not to talk with strangers."

"Well your daddy's stupid." He spits, tilting his head as his eyes scan over me

"Do you know what your daddy does?" He growls and I quickly shake my head, fear creeping up, as he wobbles his way to me.

"He tortures people." He grabs my arm and my eyes widen. "He tortured my father."

".. I-I don't know what that is." I whimper.

"You don't?" He chuckles, darkly, as he takes a seat on my bed.


"No, I promise I don't." I whimper again, tears brimming my eyes.

"Why don't I show you then, huh?" He smirks and I nod my head, fearfully.

He throws his bottle across the room causing me to jump again and let out another whimper, he chuckles again.

"My brother will wake up." A tear falls from my eyes. "My m-mom is in the kitchen, she's making food for daddy's party, I'll tell her to make you some."

"Your mom's a bitch." He spits, his hand tightening around my arm.

"She's my mom." I whimper as his fingers dig into my skin, and he scoffs.

"You're pretty stupid for a four year old, aren't you?" He then tilts his head to the side, I don't respond and he shakes my arm vigorously, my whole body jolting and I quickly nod my head, as tears begins to roll down my cheeks.

"Why are you crying?" He snaps. "Only girls cry, you pussy." He raises his hand and slams it against my cheek causing me to let out a loud cry.

"M-My d-daddy s-said–"

"I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHAT YOUR DADDY SAYS!" He yells and I let out a sob, my body beginning to tremble.

"SHUT UP!" He yells again, as he stands up and walks towards the broken glass of the bottle.

"Your daddy ruined my life." He growls, as he leans down, his eyes scanning the shards.

"How about I show you what torture feels like, yes?"

"Yeah." I sob, not understanding a word he's saying.

Jack stirs next to me, and I turn to him, watching as his eyelids lift up, revealing his blue eyes, he stares at me curiously, as the tears continue to pour down my face. "Killy?" He says, before he begins to babble.

"Shut up kid." The man snaps, as he comes over to us again, grabbing the duvet and throws it covering Jack's whole body, causing Jack to babble louder. "Killy, Killy, Killy!"

"You are making him not breathe." I cry, as I begin to crawl closer and reach my hand forward, but just then, the man grabs ahold of my arm, jolting me back to my spot, as he takes a seat again, a sharp shard of glass held in his other hand.

Jack begins to kick at the duvet, his arms flying upwards as he tries to push it away. "Killy!" He begins to cry, loud.

"He can't breathe, I have to save him." I cry again, trying to pull away but he tightens his hold, letting out another dark chuckle.

"Do you know my son, Vinnie?" He smirks and I shake my head, crying silently.

"He is a strong boy and is the same age as you. He is not a pussy." He grins, flashing me his rotten teeth.

"This will make you stronger." He lifts the glass up. "Do you want to be stronger?"

I stare at the glass in fear. "I want to be strong but I don't want-AAAH!" I let out a scream, as he lodges the shard into my cheek.

"KILLY!" Jack sobs louder, as he fights harder over the duvet, before he finally pushes it off.

"I am simply making you strong, my boy." The man chuckles darkly, through his bared, clenched, teeth as he begins to slide the shard across my skin, my cries growing louder as the tears run down, and into the wound adding on to the pain.


"D-DADDY!" I half scream and half sob, as blood begins to pour down my shirt.

I see Jack stand up, on his small wobbly legs, his cries mixing with mine, as he begins to walk toward us, tears running down his cheeks.

"Daddy can't hear you, boy, he's too busy celebrating–"

The door slams open and before I can comprehend what happens, two loud shots ring through the room, and the mans eyes roll to the back, the bloody glass dropping onto the bed as he falls to the ground.

I continue to cry, as I watch the blood flow out of the guys head.

"I'm sorry son." Dad rushes over to me, my toy gun in his hand. He wraps his arm around me, his hand tilting my face.

Mum soon enters, a loud gasp emitting from her mouth, tears beginning to run down her cheeks.

"I knew we shouldn't of invited him, we shouldn't of trusted him!" She cries, as she runs over to Jack's crying form and picking him up, placing his face in her neck, before she comes over to my side.

My eyes begin to blur slightly, as my head begins to feel fuzzy.

"We need to get him to hospital!" Mum screams, before everything goes black.

End of flashback.

"The plan." I feel a nudge on my shoulder.

I turn my head to Mike and give him a nod, before clearing my throat, turning back to Vinnie, who's staring down at his laptop.

"So what's the deal, Killian?" He lifts his head up. "What are you willing to pay, for the drugs?"

"How much do you want?" I fold my hands together.

"Who said anything about money?" He throws his head back, as he lets out a chuckle.

"I have plenty of that, of course." He then smirks.

"What do you want then?" I purse my lips.

"I quite like the girl you're staying with." His smirk widens, as he licks his lips.


Anger rushes through my veins, and I fist my hands up, I open my mouth to speak but he cuts me off.

"What was her name again." He furrows his brows. "Heidi was it?" He smirks. "Heidi Brooks, I want her."

I remain quiet for a moment before I turn to Mike, and nod my head. He raises a brow, as I stand up and make my way over to Vinnie who has a wide grin on his face.

"Is it a deal?" He tilts his head.

"Yes, now give me the drugs."

"Alright." He stands up, and makes his way to the left side wall, where there's a steel square. He flips it open and begins to punch out numbers, before opening it up, he takes out the drugs and makes his way to me all the while I begin to fiddle with my ring, staring at it intently.

"Before I give it to you.." he stands infront of me. "I want you to sign a few–" I don't give him a chance to finish, as I raise my hand up and make contact with his neck.

His eyes widen slightly, and I smirk in response, waiting a few moments before pulling my ring out, closing the black gem over the tiny sharp needle.

I look straight and see a small trickle of blood seep out, his face remains frozen as if in shock.

He probably thinks I've given him some sleeping drug. But that was just the tracking chip I inserted in him. Which is also the same one I put in Layla the first day I met her at her school.

Mike comes to my side, his hand behind his back.

"Dude we had a deal." Vinnie spits, his hand pressing against his neck.

"Well I lied." I shrug. "Now Mike."

Within a second, Mike has the the needle jabbed in the other side of his neck, causing him to stumble back, his other hand gripping onto it.

After a moment Vinnie speaks again.

"You won't get away with this." He chokes out, his eyes slowly losing focus.

"Watch me." I smirk, as he drops to the ground with a thud. I quickly lean down and take the stash of drugs from his open hand.

"Mike, get the rest from the safe." I nod my head up to the wall and he nods, quickly making his way over.

"Is everything okay in there sir?" We hear one of the guards say after a while.

I look at Mike who grabs the rest and comes to my side, I turn my gaze to the open window and nod, before we both make our way towards it.

"Ugh I can't find it." I mutter to myself in frustration, as I try to find Jack's letter.

"Can't find what?" I hear a sly tone.

I snap my head up and find Heidi standing against the wall, as she stares down at me.

Probably wondering why I'm in Killians room.

"I left my letter here the other day, and I can't find it." I clear my throat as I begin to search through the drawers again.

"What letters?" She laughs. "Jack's?"

My hand freezes and I slowly turn to her. "Y-You have it?"

"No but I've read it." She smirks.

"Where is it?"

"I'll tell you." She leans off the wall, making her way to me and I smile.


"If you let me have Killian." She smirks. And after a while I nod.

"Yeah, I swear me and Killian don't like eachother like that, were just friends."

She gives me a satisfied smirk, nodding her head. "You have to help him like me too."

I nod again. "I'll try."

"Seriously?" Her smile widens and I nod, smiling back.

"Even if you get disappointed by the letter?" She continues to speak with that happy tone.


"Nothing." She shakes her head. "You got yourself a deal." She smiles as she pats my shoulder, and goes over to Killians wardrobe.

"It's not in there, I checked." I tell her.

"Hush." She opens it up, shuffling things around.

A while later, she turns and comes to me with a smile. "Here you go." She hands me a folded and scrunched up piece of paper, before making her way to the door.

"It came in an envelope didn't it?" I frown.

"Well yeah, it did but obvs I ripped it off when I read it." She says opening the door. "I trust you not to break the promise, Layla." She says before she exits.

I look down at the paper with a smile.

I still consider Jack my boyfriend since we didn't really properly break up. I still love him, he's done so much for me and I hope he still likes me. I hope we can be back together after the two years..

That is if he doesn't find someone else.

Just when I'm about to open the letter up, I hear the downstairs door open and Heidi's shrill scream, causing me to jump out of my skin.

"Oh my god, Killian! I thought you were coming tomorrow!" She then begins to giggle."I get it, this a surprise!"

I roll my eyes and begin to quickly make my way out the room, and into my own, I jolt the bottom drawer open and shove the letter in, letting out a breath.

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs and I quickly try to compose myself. I sit myself down on the bed, picking up a random book from the counter and flipping it open.

I hear the footsteps stop at my door and I whip my head up, my eyes meeting Killians blue ones.

"Oh hey, Killian!" I grin. "I was just reading this book but hey you're a bit early aren't you? Weren't you supposed to come tomorrow? Not that I mind or anything but yeah we can hang out again! So.." I take a pause to breathe. "Yay."

He crosses his arms with a frown, as he takes a step forward, closing the door whilst I continue to grin.

He stops infront of me, and looks down at my book. "You're reading blank coloured pages?" He questions.

I look down and I let out an awkward laugh, my cheeks heating up. "No I wrote a story in the next page, but it's a secret one." I then gulp visibly.

"A secret one?" He tilts his head and I nod.

"I can read it to you tomorrow if you want."

"How about now?" His lips quirk up, as he takes a seat on my bed.

"It's-It's a challenge to keep it a secret for a day." I close the book, still smiling.

Okay, maybe I should've kept quiet at the beginning. I can't help it.

"Oh, a challenge?" He asks, and I nod my head, vigorously.

"Alright then." His lips tug up, and he bites his lip, holding back a smile.

"Yeah, s-sorry." I laugh.

"Its fine." He stands up, making his way to the door. "I can't wait to hear it." He flashes me a smirk, before closing the door behind him.

I quickly grab the pen on the counter and flip over to a pink sheet.

"Okay, so I panicked, whatever, I don't mind writing a small story for him." I laugh to myself.


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