《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 48


I hear a soft groan beside me, and some shuffling causing my eyes to snap open, immediately greeting Layla's small form. Her back is pressed against the board, as she shuffles into a comfortable position.

She lets out another groan, as her hand makes it's way to her hair, pushing it away from her face, revealing her flushed cheeks, a small sweat bead trickling down her temple, her pouty lips, etched into a deep frown.

Probably not fully used to the temperature here, yet.

Her pink lips part slightly, as she lets out a small breath, rubbing her hand over her face, her big eyes wandering around the room, before making it's way to me and I quickly close my eyes shut.

I feel her presence coming closer, her arm slightly brushing over my sides, before, both disappearing.

I open them again, and immediately roll my eyes when I see my phone grasped in her small hands, as she begins to fumbles with it, switching it on, her brows furrowing and her pink lips pouting slightly, as she begins to tap away.

I tear my gaze off her cute face, dropping it to the phone, squinting as I try to get a better view of what she's doing. Sure enough she taps onto something, the background of candy crush filling the screen, and my lips tug up, in amusement.

Her one hand, begins to play, as her other hand raises up to her dark hair, running through the knots, her concentrated face still intact.

She is gonna kill me with her cuteness.

I continue to watch her play, her lips tugging up in a small smile, every now and then as she passes through a level.

My gaze flickers back to her face, just as her tongue pokes out, running along her bottom lip, before she gently bites it and I let out a groan, tearing my gaze off her.

She lets out a startled noise, the phone dropping from her hands and onto the bed with a bounce, whilst I push myself from my side and onto my back, running my hand through my hair.

"Oh, hey, I just woke up too."

I can't help the chuckle that escapes my lips, as I shake my head.

"I actually– wait is this your phone?" She chuckles, nervously, and I crane my neck to her just when she picks up the phone, scooting closer to me, her cheeks now fully flushed.

"I don't know how this got here, not like I went on it or anything." She places it over my torso, letting out another chuckle, whilst reaching up and scratching her chin.

"You sure?" I cock a brow, as I give her a small smirk. Her eyes widen, and she shakes her head, her long hair, flowing with the act. "No, I swear. I literally just woke up."

She's a terrible liar.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes, before grabbing the phone, and switching it on, candy crush immediately popping up.

I glance at her to see her bunching her hair up whilst mumbling something to herself.

I shake my head in amusement, as I click off it and go over to my messages, where a few pop up from Mike.

Ok, where is he? 10:51am

I type back, I see Layla's head turn towards me, and then she shuffles closer, her head bending down as she too looks at the screen.


I quickly respond before turning the phone off, rolling onto my side again.

I glance up meeting Layla's gaze and raise a brow.


Her lips twitch slightly, before she lets out a sigh. Her eyes troubled.

"What is it?" My voice comes out deeper and I clear my throat.

"We're moving again?" She mumbles, lowly, her eyes wandering around my face, before meeting my own again, and I let out another chuckle, shaking my head.

"No we're not." I gaze into her eyes and they light up.

"Why?.." I narrow my eyes. "I thought you didn't like living here."

Her eyes widen slightly. "Um, yeah, I don't like it here." She mutters.

"No?" I tilt my head and she shakes her head, visibly gulping.

"Alright we'll move then." I smirk and her eyes widen again.

"I don't like it here but I don't like it anywhere else too." She blurts out, her breath hitching as her cheeks redden further.

I hum in response. Although her gaze is unreadable, her posture says it all.

She's hiding something.

And I'm going to find out what.

His gaze continues to pierce through mine and I begin to fidget with my fingers, looking away.

"What does the text mean? Going where tonight?"

"Just some place, for a few days." He responds, curtly, his tone holding suspicion, as he lifts his arms up, placing it behind his neck.

"Just a few days?" I breathe out, rubbing my eyes.

"Yes." I look back up at him to see him still staring at me, which slightly gets on my nerves, and I clear my throat, hardening my gaze.

"Cool." My voice comes out blunt, and I give him a fake smile, which immediately he sees, both his brows fly upwards, a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Getting sassy, are we?" He questions me, challengingly.

"Shut up." I scowl, shuffling away from him, and he lets out a laugh, his hand snaps over to my waist and he roughly pulls me to him, causing me to fall onto his chest, with a grunt. His cologne filling in my nose.

"Killian!" I growl, pressing my hands against his chest as I lift myself up.

"Hmm?" he pulls me back to him, his face finding its way to my neck, causing my breath to hitch.

"W-We need to get ready to leave, and–"

His chuckle cuts me off, his hair tickling my neck as he shakes his head.

"You're not going anywhere, love." His deep husky voice vibrates through my ear and I shudder.

"Get off me." I force myself out of his grip, moving at the end of the bed glaring at him. He simply smirks back before letting out another laugh.

"What do you mean I'm not going anywhere? I'm going with you." I frown.

"Nope." He simply responds, as he throws his head back onto the bed, closing his eyes.

"But I need to work, you bought me..." I cringe at the word, before shaking my head. "–So I can work with you."

"I did." He simply says, causing a pinch of annoyance to run through me.

"Then I'm coming." I say through gritted teeth.

"No you're not." His lips tug up, as he opens his eyes, giving me a sudden urge to beat him the fuck up.

He's doing this on purpose to get on my nerves.

"I am." I growl, fisting my hands together.


And that did it. I let out a loud growl, before storming–more like crawling- angrily, towards him.

"You asked for it!" I growl, lifting my hand up, but then his hand quickly grabs onto it, his other arm wrapping around me, as he pushes me on my back, his own body hovering over me.


"You are so fucking cute when you're angry." He chuckles, as he places his head in my neck, his breath tickling my skin but I ignore it.

"I am not cute." I spit.

"No you're not."

I furrow my eyebrows in response, as silence emerge us both, until he breaks it.

"You're fucking sexy." He breathes into my ear and I suck in a sharp breath, as I feel heat crawl up my neck.

"No. I'm. Not." I keep my voice firm, as I push at his chest but he simply chuckles in response.

"What are you then?" His lips brush against my neck and I squint my eyes, as I feel a bunch of tingles spread through me.

"Ugh, stop this I'm normal, that's it." I say and he hums in response.

"Just normal?" He murmurs and I nod briskly.

"What are you doing?" I try to push him off again, and he groans into my ear. "You smell good."

"Stop smelling me!" I exclaim, earning another laugh.

I let out a huff, but then my eyes land on something under his ear, looked like a small old scar.

I reach my hand up, placing the tip of my pinky on it, as I brush along it, causing him to take a deep breath.

"What happened he–" I cut myself off when he falls onto me, putting the whole of his weight on me.

"Killian!" I practically choke out and he quickly rolls himself off me, chuckling.

I take in deep breaths, shaking my head. "Such a buffalo." I mutter under my breath, sitting up.

"What was that?"

"Nothing." I roll my eyes, as I look at his dark ones. My eyes then land up to his blonde hair, and I scoot closer to him.

"I'm playing with your hair." I place myself on his lap.

I let out a groan, as I realise he's still too tall for me to reach. I lean upwards, placing my knees down and reach up his to hair, my face in front of his.

"Your hair is really soft." I tell him again, as I begin to twirl them around my fingers. "Hmm." I lick my dry lips, as I narrow my eyes. "Do you want me to plait your hair, or..."

He mutters something gruffly and I look at him just when he pushes me off him.

"Huh?" I frown, as I watch him quickly get off the bed and head over to the bathroom, watching as his back muscles ripple at every step.


"Just go have breakfast." His voice comes out deeper, as he opens the door to the bathroom, and shuts it closed, causing my face to fall slightly.

"Okay." I swallow the hurtful lump down and after a few minutes, I slowly get off the bed.

I walk out the door but stop when suddenly Heidi steps in front of me, causing me to stumble back and look up at her.

She was fully dressed, with a black dress, and a pair of white heels, makeup already on and her hair out, naturally.

Her green eyes showed anger, her lips pressed in a thin line.

"Yes?" I blink a few times.

"What were you doing in there?" Her voice comes out a little harsh.

I roll my eyes at her. "Nothing."

She grits her teeth, her eyes darkening. "You did something." She growls, signalling something I completely get.

"We just slept that's it." I roll my eyes.

"Slept?" Her jaw clenches. "Slept together?"

"Why does it matter?" I snap, crossing my arms. "Stop interrogating me all the time, it's annoying."

"What's the problem?" I hear Killian's deep voice behind me, and I sigh.

"Nothing, I was just–"

"She told me you guys slept together." Heidi cuts me off, plastering a smile.

Killian chuckles, and I feel his hand on my lower back, and I furrow my brows in confusion.

"We didn't." He simply says and I frown.

Heidi's eyes light up, and she nods, before looking down at me.

"I was wrong about you Layla." She crosses her arms and I smile slightly.

"You really are a slut."

My smile immediately drops, as a heavy weight drops to my chest.

"I'm not." I glare at her and she chuckles lightly.

"Why would you lie about sleeping with him? You probably had a wet dre–" she cuts herself off immediately, when Killian steps in front of me, his jaw clenching.

I look up at his tall frame, his hair freshly washed, as drips of water fall; his shirt half buttoned as he glares down at Heidi.

"Enough of this childish game." He snaps at her and her eyes widen before they begin to tear up, and Killian scoffs, taking another step, he opens his mouth to say something but I beat him to it.

"Um, Killian?"

His head snaps to me, anger still burning in his eyes.

"Lets just–"

"She is such a fake." Heidi suddenly spits. And both our gazes snap to her again.

I sigh again. "Heidi, can we talk for a bit?" I say.

She grits her teeth before nodding, and walking over to her room.

I follow after her, but Killian grabs my arm. "What are you doing?"

"I'll just calm her down and tell–"

"Why?" He growls and I let out a sigh.

"She's clearly upset and I know she didn't mean to hurt me, she's been nice to me these past few days and I think I upset her." I mumble, looking up at him. His jaw clenches before he turns and walks into his room, slamming the door shut.

I take a deep breath, before I make my way to Heidi's room.

She's sat on her bed, sniffling, her eyes red.

"What's wrong?" I walk over to her, taking a seat next to her bed.

"It's just that.." she sniffles. "I really like Killian. I've liked him for years and he doesn't feel the same. He likes you more.." her eyes water, and my eyes widen.

"No we're just friends, he doesn't like me like that."

"He does!" She raises her voice.

"I see it. I see it. He's always so defensive over you." She cries. "He went completely mad that day when mum had a go at you about pancakes." She wipes her eyes, smudging her eyeliner.

"He didn't, I–"

"Oh how would you know?" She snaps. "You ran away crying, How'd you see what happened?" She takes a deep breath. "You've become such a crybaby you know that?" She then glares at me and I frown.

"I haven't." I look away from her and she scoffs.

"You have. You're weak."

Tears brim my eyes, but I push them down, shaking my head slightly.

She's right. I am weak.

What happened to the tough girl you use to be, before?" She taunts, as she continues to make loud sniffling sounds.

"It was fake wasn't it? You've always been weak, I see now that you fighting back, back then was just to make yourself feel–"

She stops talking when I stand up abruptly, anger and hurt running through me. I remain there for a moment trying to gather myself up, before I slowly make my way to the door.

"I'm sorry." I hear her quiet voice and I stop.

"It's just that.. I don't know what he sees in you, like.. I am clearly–"

The sound of the door slamming, cuts her off as I stalk out and into my room, taking a seat on my bed, and taking deep breaths.

After a few minutes of calming myself down, I let the tears sink in again, and rub my face.

A couple of minutes pass and I stand up and make my way to the bathroom, stripping myself, before entering the shower, and turning the water to cold.


I open the door hesitantly, as I step into Killian's room.

I see the small black luggage on his bed, as he begins to pack his stuff up, his blonde hair falling over his forehead every time he packs something.

"Killian?" I mutter after a moment, and his head snaps up to me, his dark eyes meeting mine. His face still emotionless.

After a moment I let out a small breath. "Um.." I begin to fiddle with my hands, glancing away from him. "Are you mad at me?" I look back at him, and he raises a brow, as he straightens himself up, crossing his arms.

"You're not my friend anymore?" I pinch my brows together.

He doesn't speak for a moment.

"Friend?" He tilts his head, his gaze still unreadable and I nod.


My face falls, and I nod. "Okay." I mutter, as I turn for the door.

I hear him chuckle behind me. "Where are you going?"

I turn around with a frown, as I watch him close his luggage, before he looks at me again with a smile. His hands fixing his collar.

"You said you don't want to be friends with me anymore, so I have to–"

"Yeah." He cuts me off, as he walks over to me. "Cuz I thought we were 'best friends'." He raises a brow as he stops in front me, his hands moving over to his red tie, as he begins to fix it.

My cheeks redden, and I let out a small laugh. "Oh."

He begins to laugh too, shaking his head, as he buttons up his blazer, before bending down kissing the side of my jaw, his hand caressing my cheek as he pulls away.

"Your cheeks are burning." He smirks, when he's straightened up.

I let out a half-hearted laugh, my thoughts drifting back to Heidi's words.

"What's wrong?" Killian's deep voice counters.

I look up at him, swallowing the lump in my throat. Have I really become so weak?

"Nothing." I force on a smile.

"...You don't have to stay here. Do you want to stay at the gangs house?"

I think for a moment, before shaking my head. "I'll stay." I say and he just nods, with a frown.

"I've spoken to them already, they won't cause you any trouble."

I nod again. "Can I go out to places while you're gone?" I clear my throat.

He narrows his eyes, crossing his arms. "I'll have Kian or Luca assist you."

I blow out a breath as a pinch of annoyance hits me and I clench my jaw. "And whys that?" I spit and his brows fly upwards.

"Is there a problem?" He cocks a brow.

"Yes there is." I growl. "I am old enough to go to places myself, I'm not a small child where I need adult supervision at all times, I can manage just fine on my own."

"Oh really?" His voice hardens, his gaze darkening. "If I recall, you almost got raped the last time you left on your own and–"

Oh. So he thinks I'm weak too.

I grit my teeth, before cutting him off. "That wasn't my fault, and still, it doesn't mean I can't step foot out on my own without me being raped, it is not my fault some men can't handle–"

"Layla." He takes a step forward. "Your vulnerability makes you–"

"STOP!" I scream. "You're not my dad, you're not the boss of me, I can go wherever, whenever the hell I want, on my own!" I feel the anger increasing.

He simply stares at me, his jaw clenching. "You will not."

I fist my hands up, breathing furiously. "You can't treat me like this." I growl. "Heidi can go wherever and I can't?"

He rolls his eyes. "She doesn't belong to me."

My nails dig into my palm, as I tighten my fists. "I do not belong to you." I spit.

"No?" He tilts his head.

I blow out a breath, as my lips begin to tremble, a tear slipping from my eyes. His eyes follow the trail and he lets out a sigh.

"Fine." He takes a step forward, his eyes staring into mine, and the anger slowly washes away.

"You can go alone, if you're that desperate but that doesn't mean I won't keep an eye on you." His hard gaze continues to stare into mine and I nod. "So you better not try anything."

I nod again, taking deep breaths as I calm myself down. "I won't."

"No socialising with anyone. No making friends and no doing anything behind my back." He takes a step closer, reaching his hand forward and softly brushes it against my cheek, his hard eyes staring into mine.

"If you break any of the rules you'll see what happens."

I nod again and he smiles.

"Good." He leans down, kissing my cheek. "I'll see you in three days, love."


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