《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 47


Killian lifts himself off the bed, buttoning up the top of his buttons, his blue eyes glued to mine. He slowly tightens his tie over his collar and I gulp, tearing my gaze off him, and looking up at Luca, who rolls his eyes at me, shaking his head with a smile.

"You have a problem with that, Layla?" I snap my head back to Killian and I shake my head vigorously.

"No, you can come." I lick my dry lips as I continue to fiddle with my hands.

He raises a brow, before rolling his eyes. "Alright lets go."

He then reaches over to his bed, grabbing his blazer, before pulling it on, walking over to us.

Suddenly the laptop begins to make loud beeping noises.

"Shit." Kian mutters, as all our gazes snap to him, Killian quickly bends down and glances at the screen his eyes widening.

Kian begins to panic, as his hand fumble all over the place.

"God damn Kian, cancel it!" Killian snaps.

"I-I'm trying!" Kian stammers.

I tear my gaze off them with a smirk and look at Luca, pointing to the door.

"You are hopeless." we hear Killian growl and look at Killian to see him back on the laptop his eyes darting all over the screen.

"Are you coming, Killian?" I ask, innocently.

He looks at me for a second before shaking his head. "You better not try anything." he mutters in a gruff tone.



I look up at the shop, scrunching my face up, as my eyes scan around the pale rocky wall, some beetles crawling around.

"It's dark in there. Is it open?" I squint my eyes at the door, before looking up at Luca.

"Definitely." he chuckles, walking forward and opening the door, causing a bell to ring above.

"Ladies first." he gestured for me to go in.

I take a look at it and see a few lights gleaming on the wall. I shake my head. "Men first."

He lets out a small chuckle, before stepping in, and I quickly follow after, the door slamming shut behind me.

I look around and see that the whole shop is cramped with boxes and shelves, the floor covered in dirty boards, creaking at every step we take.

I look around at the buckets, that are filled with sweets, some filled with small toys and some with fake tattoos.

"What's his name again?" I look up from Luca's muscular back.

"Rob." He simply responds.

"Rob." I nod, with a smirk. "Robert"

He laughs before walking further.

We stop at a desk and see it empty. Luca presses a rusty bell on the desk and soon enough, a dark haired boy enters our view, wearing a pair of shorts, his chest bare, and he's about 5'8 tall.

"Oh, Matt." Luca grins down at him.

"Alfonso!" Matt gives him a toothy grin, a thick American accent lacing his voice, as he gives him a handshake.

Matt then directs his gaze down at me, and he gives me a smile before raising his hand towards me.

I look down at it, then back him, before I hesitantly raise my hand, accepting it.

He squeezes it slightly before swinging it up and down, while I watch every movement.

"It's called a handshake."

I snap my gaze up at his green ones, a smirk appearing on his lips and I pull my hand away.


"I know what a handshake is." I glare at him, wiping my hand on my shorts, which makes his smirk widen.

"A British lady, eh?" He crosses his arms, tilting his head.

I don't respond, and simply raise my head up to Luca giving him a look that says lets get this over with.

"Matt, this is Layla, Gerald's sixteen year old daughter." Luca gestures down at me.

Matt lets out a snort, and I glare at him again. "She's pretty short for a sixteen year old." His gaze flickers to mine as he gives me another smirk.

I grit my teeth at him. "And do you have a problem with that?" I spit.

He raises a brow, and shakes his head. "Not at all, I think it's cute."

"Oh?" I clench my fists. "Shall I tell you what else would be cute?" I spit, and Luca places his hand on my shoulder chuckling.

"That's Matt, Robs eighteen year old son."

"I don't care." I turn my back to them, they both laugh before Luca begins to tell Matt about the letter.

I walk over to a shelf, my eyes scanning through the dusty books that stand on them.

"Oh my god.." my eyes light up, when I see a series of horrid Henry books.

God I used to love these as a kid.

I pluck one out and begin to read the blurb. I open the book and let out a shrill scream dropping it on the floor.

"S-Spider!" I stammer, my lips parting into a frown as I take quick steps back, watching as a big, thick, hairy spider crawls out of the book.

I let out a few whimpers before running towards Luca, grasping his arm. "Spider, a-a big cobra spider!" I tug his arm, keeping my eyes on the spider.

"A cobra is a snake, tesoro." He chuckles, and I shake my head.

"T-Trantula-Ahh!" I scream, when I see it begin to crawl towards me.

"Wrong again." American boy snorts.

My breathing increases a little, and I quickly stand behind Luca, pushing him forward. "Get it away from me!"

I have a phobia of spiders and any other creepy crawlies.

"Where is it?" Luca chuckles.

"It's not funny!" I scold, pushing him further away. "You're staying that side." I glance down and around the floor making sure it's not there before finally looking up, taking a deep breath and pushing my hair back.

"Let's get this over with." I mutter, placing my hand in my pocket fishing out the letter before placing it on the desk.

"I'd of paid to see that." Dark haired boy snorts out, as he bursts out laughing.

I groan, as I feel my cheeks heat up. "Shut up." I block out his laugh as I open the letter, reading it once over.

"What's the address?" I mumble.

"Bob street, 17." Matt mumbles when he finishes laughing. A spider suddenly springs in front of me and I let out a loud scream, stumbling backwards causing Matt and Luca to burst out laughing again.

I look at his hand again and see a green pen in his hand a springy large, fake, spider attached to the end.

I take a deep breath, which turns to a whimper as my bottom lip begins to tremble slightly. "It's not fu-Ahh!" I scream louder, when I feel something crawling up my leg, and I look down in horror as the real spider climbs up, bordering the hem of short.


I scream even louder, squeezing my eyes shut, as I begin to jump up and down, swatting my leg continuously.

"GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" I scream, tears pricking my eyes as the others continue to laugh.

Luca stops a second later before placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Shh, tesoro. It's gone now."

I peel my eyes open, sniffling as I look down, seeing the spider out of sight.

I take steps back, shaking my head."I hate this place. I'm finding my own way to post the letters, now." I frown, my lips still wobbling as I quickly, make my way to the door.

"Layla wait." I hear Luca chuckle after me, and I turn slightly, wiping my eyes.

My eyes widen when I see the spider in the lanky kids hand, blocking out his laughter as I stare in horror at its crushed up form, as it dangles lifelessly between his fingers.

My breathing increases and I shake my head, taking a steps back.

"Please can we just..." I trail off when I feel something brushing against my leg. I turn my head around and my eyes grow wide when I see a massive black beetle running up my leg and I scream louder than ever, my voice echoing through the shop.

"LUCA!!!" I scream, thick tears forming in my eyes, as I begin to run over to him, shaking my left leg and swatting the back of it in the process not caring how embarrassing I look.

Matt hollers out with laughter, bending down. I stop in front of Luca letting out several whimpers.

"It's not funny!" I growl, which turns into another whimper. I look back at my leg, a tear falling from my eye.

"It's gone." Luca smirks and I glare at him, rubbing my leg once again before heading over to the desk.

That's the last time I'm ever wearing shorts outside again.

I wipe my eyes, sniffling before shakily grabbing the spider pen, jotting down the address, before turning to Luca.

"Leave now." I grab his hand, dragging him to the door as Matt continues to laugh.

"Happy to help, little girl!" Matt says through his laughter, as I open the door and slam it shut, blocking it out.


I stare down at Killian's sleeping form, playing with my hair nervously.

"Killian." My voice comes out croaky and I clear my throat. It was past midnight now and I just woke up from a horrible nightmare.

You probably can guess what it was about.

He remains asleep, with his hair pointing in all directions, one of his arms swung over his face. I try hard not to trail my eyes down his topless chest, and slowly swing my legs over his bed, crawling closer to him.

"Killian." I whimper, looking around the dark room.

I hear a deep noise come from Killian and I snap my head back to him, as he slowly begins to stir.

His arm drops to his side, his eyes fluttering open, which are glazed over with sleep.

"Killian." I whisper again and he turns his head to mine, our eyes connecting. He raises a brow at me, as he moves over to his side, facing me. His other hand combing through his messy hair.

I gulp slightly, as I scoot closer to him. "... I-I want to sleep with you.."

He blinks a few time at me. "What?" His voice comes out deeper and he clears his throat, as he continues to stare at me.

"Please.." I shuffle closer to him. "Can I sleep with you?" I mumble again, looking downwards.

"Sleep with me?" He mutters, his voice laced with confusion.

"Uh-huh" I nod my head, I slowly lay myself down, my head hitting the pillow.

"Oh, you mean next to me." He chuckles. As I get myself comfortable.

"It's the same thing." I pinch my brows together, and he rolls his eyes.

It's silent for a while before I shuffle even closer to him, looking around.

"I've had a nightmare." I mumble, looking back at him.

He doesn't say anything for a while but lets out a deep chuckle, his hand landing on my waist.

"About?" He cocks a brow.

I don't respond for a moment as I stare down at the bed.

"I was drowning in a pit of spiders." I whisper, rubbing my eyes, before placing my head on his neck.

His chest rumbles against mine as he begins to laugh again and I groan.

"Not funny." I mutter, my heart still thumping against my chest.

Curse that shop. Curse Matt.

"That's not that bad." He pushes the hair from my face.

I furrow my eyebrows, shaking my head. "You serious?" I flicker my gaze up to his with a frown.

"I was drowning in a pit of spiders, Killian. Think about it." My eyes then drop to his, masculine, hairless chest, trailing over the curves and bumps.

He says something that I don't catch as my eyes continue to trail over to his arms, his broad shoulders, before dropping back to his chest.

"You're such a fucking cutie." I snap out my daze and look at him just when his hand reaches over and his two fingers clamp over my cheeks as he gives it a squeeze.

"Ow! What the fuck?" I push his hand away, rubbing my cheeks, while glaring at him, and he smirks reaching over and giving my cheek another poke and I swat it away again.

"Do you know what's worse than spiders?" He asks.



"Clowns are nice." I frown.

"Haven't you heard about the killer clowns that invaded us back in England?" He cocks a brow, his lips twitching up.

"W-What?" My voice grows quiet.

"Yup, eating lots of innocent–"

"No, don't tell me!" I squeak.

Even in the dark I could see his dark blue eyes staring back at me.

"...Who's to say, I'm not one of them?" His tone grows darker and so does his eyes.

"Killian, please don't do this now." I shake my head, vigorously.

First a vampire now a killer clown. Is he serious?

"Do what?" He gives a squeeze on my waist.

I swallow slightly, before glaring at him. "Stop, seriously. I'm not scared." My voice ends up wavering a little.

He doesn't reply and simply just stares at me. His head slowly tilting itself.

"Killian, I swear..." I trail off when his face comes closer to mine, his tongue darting out and running along his bottom lip.

It's quiet for a moment before he breaks it.

"You look absolutely delicious." He says in a low growl, and my eyes practically bulge out.

Alright, remind me never to seek comfort from Killian again.


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