《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 46


"That looks nice." I hear a deep Italian accent.

I look up meeting a pair of dark brown eyes and smile. Luca.

He had his dark hair, raked to the side and he had his usual attire, which was a black suit with a red tie.

"I'm drawing that" I point out to the clear wall show-casting the balcony along with the outside city, I'm in Killian's room since he has a much nicer view.

He follows my gaze and smiles. "I see" he takes a seat on my bed as I continue to draw.

I bought a whole load of clothes and stuff with Killian yesterday. Which consists of mostly artsy stuff, like paint bottles, colourful-paged books, notepads, HB pencils, feltips, crayons, glue, and stickers. Lots of stickers.

"How's your neck?" He asks after a while.

I look up and smile at him. "It doesn't hurt much anymore, I'm sorry for saying those stuff to you, but we're still friends."

"Good to hear." he grins, nodding his head as he looks back at my drawing.

"You're really talented, you know that?" He looks back at me and I shrug.

"I used to take art classes but they dropped me out." I continue to draw.

"What? Why the hell would they do that?" He asks in shock.

"My coursework got ruined, and I had no pieces left, my teacher said I wasn't commited and chucked me out" I frown but shrug again.

"How did it get ruined?"

"Mum tore them apart because she said Art will get me no where and is only for those who fail at everything else" I continue drawing. "It was my first year of taking art so it didn't matter that they chucked me out, they transferred me to business studies instead" I scrunch my nose up. "But I hated it, and the teacher hated me. I did my exam last month and I'm getting my results on August, but I don't think I can get them."

"That's horrible" he shakes his head, his eyes darkening with rage. "A child should never go through that, art takes time, skill and patience, Its a different form of intelligence, and your parents seem to lack that" he gives me a small smile, and I return it.

"I will figure something out for you to receive your grades." He then says.


He nods. "And you should take art further some day. You really are good." He looks down at my drawing and my cheeks redden slightly.

"I don't know about that."

He frowns. "Why?"

"I don't have my level one and I think it's too late to earn that" I frown.

He shakes his head. "It's never too late, tesoro. You can get that anytime, I could even help you pay for that." He smiles. "How'd you like to do an online course?"

My eyes widen slightly. "R-Really?" He chuckles at my reaction and nods.

"Right here, I'll book you the British version, and for the two years here, you'll be finished in no time."

My cheeks were turning even more red now.

"But will I have time? Killian said he needs me for stuff.." I look up at him and he chuckles, shaking his head.

"I think he mostly said that because he enjoys your company."

I frown. "What?"

"I'm sure you'll do him a few favours but not much you'll have plenty of time to finish the course." He grins.

I give him a slight smile before crawling over to him, and wrapping my arms around him in a hug.


"You're so kind to me" I mumble.

He hugs me back, giving a slight pat on my head. "Everyone deserves kindness, tesoro". He says softly as we pull away.

The door then opens, revealing Killian who has on a white button up shirt with a black tie along with black trousers. His blue eyes land on me and he give me a slightly smirk as he sits down on his bed next to Luca.

"You alright, love?" His deep voice breaks the silence and I nod.

"Yeah, are you?"

He chuckles slightly before nodding aswell.

Just then Kian enters, wearing casual jeans and a plain black shirt, his hands stuffed in his pockets. My gaze flickers up to his face and they widen slightly, when I see the big bruise that's below his left eye. He doesn't look at me but just sits on the bed next to Killian.

"What happened to your face?" I ask him, his eyes flicker to mine for a split second before looking away and to Killian who's already focussed on work, tapping away, with Luca speaking Italian to him.

I stare at Kian, a little more, noticing something off about him.

He has deep eye bags, his face slightly sunken. His whole posture looked tense as if he doesn't fit in.

The anger I felt for him slowly dispersers, turning to sympathy when I see sadness gleam his eyes. Sadness and pain.

Maybe I have been a little rude to him lately. He's probably going through something himself..

I look at the bruise again and wince slightly at the size of it.

"You should put something on that" I say after a while.

He doesn't look but shrugs again and I let out a sigh, before standing up. I guess I can help him out a little.

I head into my room, I open the drawer next to my bed, and furrow my eyebrows as I shuffle things around.

When I find the Vicks tub I smile, taking it out and heading back to Killians room.

I pop on the bed, scooting closer to Kian. His eyes snap over to mine and he frowns when he sees the tub.

I open the tub and stuck my finger in it, taking a wad out and quickly smearing it onto his bruise causing him to wince slightly.

I spread it over quickly then stick the lid back on. "Here, you can keep this I have a spare" I place it on his leg, and give him a smile.

"Thanks." He mutters, grabbing it and shoving it in his pocket, before quickly looking back at the laptop.

"It's fine." My smile falters when I see, his Adams apple bob.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

He looks back at me and his gaze hardens.

"Nothing." He mutter, annoyance laced in his words. His voice causes Killian to snap his head to our direction.

"You okay?" He looks at me, then glaring at Kian.

"Mhm" I nod, a yawn escaping my mouth and I slide off the bed and head into my own room, laying myself on the bed, and shutting my eyes.

My mind wanders off to Donald and I let out a sigh.

I open my eyes and crane my neck to the bedside table where my eyes land on the notepad I had bought.

I blink at it, as an idea forms in my mind.

I bite my lip, folding my hands together.

Maybe I could write a letter to him and get Luca to help me send it. Even though Killian directly told me not to try and contact my friends in anyway.


I'll take the risk.

I think again for a moment and nod to myself.

So I just write a letter, find a stamp and a place for him to send me his own letters, because obviously I can't tell him this address. I'll tell him I'm fine and everything thats going on, how Killians treating me okay, how I miss him and stuff.

Okay. Let's do this the old fashioned way then.

After another moment of thinking, I slowly shuffle off the bed, and take a seat on the twirly chair before scooting myself to the table, lifting up a pink gel pen.


I fold the paper gently in half before slipping it under my pillow, letting out a sigh with a smile.

I turn and leave my room walking over and into Killians. All eyes land on me immediately as I make my way to Luca.

I lean up to his ear and whisper. "Can we talk, for a minute please?" I pull away, smiling.

"Talk about what?" Killian asks and I snap my head to him.

Right I remember. I'm not very good at whispering quietly.

He looked annoyed and frustrated with all his hair going in all directions, his tie loose, and his lip ring gone.

"Um, I want to tell him a-a secret" I mutter.

He pinches his brows together in confusion as I look back to Luca who simply smiles.

"Sure" he stands up and I nod, walking back into my room and he follows. I quickly shut the door, walking over to my bed.

"Talk quietly" I whisper to him as I pat my bed. He takes a seat and I take out the paper from the pillow.

"Um. Don't tell Killian what I'm telling you okay?"

He frowns. "What is it?"

"Please, just tell me you won't tell him first, it's not bad I swear I'm not giving him the address or anything but–"

"What?" His brows fly upwards.

"I-I..please just promise me first you won't tell" I plead him.

He doesn't say anything for a while but then sighs, giving me a slow nod.

"Thank you." I quickly unfold the paper and hand it to him.

"I-I just want to keep in contact with Donald just for the two years I'm staying here, but can you help me please? I won't tell him the address to here, or anything but I want him to contact me back but I need a place, so maybe the gangs house? also, I wrote in big letters not to come to whatever address. But not this address incase Killians finds out,"

His eyes skim over the paper, his lips turning into a thin line.

"Uh, see I said not to find me" I lean up, pointing at the paper where I wrote that. "No address to this house, either, but I'm gonna add it later, but I need a place. Please Luca, please help me with this." I plead.

He folds back the paper and shakes his head and my face falls.

"Please, Luca. I really miss him and I want to make sure he's okay, please it's just the two years for this, I don't mind it being like once a month or something or maybe like three times I would prefer it." My voice shakes as my lips begin to tremble.

"Tesoro.." he sighs, averting his gaze from me. "This is too risky.."

I gulp slightly. "Would Killian do something if you're caught?" My voice cracks.

He slightly shrugs at me, running his hand through his hair.

"What if I told him I told you to do it?"

He looks back it me, his eyes troubled.

My face sinks further, and I nod. "Okay" I push the tears down, nodding again.

"I'm sorry, tesoro.." he sighs.

I nod again, taking the paper and putting it under my pillow.

It's quiet for a few minutes before I look at him again. "I think I could do it, then." I sniffle, straightening myself up.

He looks at me with a confused look.

"But I need a place. That's it"

He sighs again, raking his hair, but then his eyes flash.

"I think I can help with that.." he says lowly.

"Really?" Excitement builds up inside me as I look up at him, intently.

He bites his lip, nodding slightly. "But I can't be here all the time, I will show you the place but it is up to you for the rest,"

I nod slightly, scratching my chin. "Where is it?"

"Five minute walk from here, one of my good friends shop. You can buy the stamps from there too"

I nod again, staring at the floor in thought.

"Uh..since Killian doesn't let me go without anyone, I guess I-I could pursuade him for those days I send." I lick my dry lips and look up at him.

He nods slightly. "There's something you should know, tesoro."

"What is it?" I pinch my brows together.

"Killian sedated you with a tracking chip, that's how he always found you"

My eyes widen slightly, but then my thoughts drift back to the first time we met in school, and a blink a few times. "Right.."

""Yeah, so it's best if you don't try to escape or anything."

I nod slightly. "I won't. Me and Killian's are friends now."

He chuckles slightly. "Do friends do this behind their back?" He says teasingly and I frown.

"Uh.." a pang of guilt hits me and I gulp. "It's not too bad, I-I just want to speak to Donald that's it, I won't plan anything."

He chuckles, nodding again. "I know, I understand." He then stands up heading over to the door.

"I'll show you the place"

"Right now?" My eyes widen slightly and he nods with a smile.

"Okay" I say quickly, standing with the paper.

"They'll have envelopes there, too"

I fold the paper again and slip it in my shorts pocket. "Shall we tell Killian first?"

He nods, opening the door and walking over to Killians room, and I start fiddling with my hands.

"Are you alright?" He chuckles as we stop at the door.

"Yes" I nod vigorously. "Why?"

He laughs again shaking his head. "Maybe you should let me do the talking."

"Yes, yes. That's a good idea" I nod again and he laughs before opening the door.

Kian was on the laptop now while Killian was saying stuff to him, he looks up at us, raising a brow.

He looked even more stressed now, his hair a lot messier. A few buttons open from the top of his shirt, his eyes connect with mine and I gulp.

"Uh, I-I–"

"I'm doing the talking remember?" Luca says lowly, with a chuckle.

"Oh yeah" I nod, a blush creeping up my cheeks.

I always feel really bad when I have to lie to someone. That's why I'm feeling so terrible.

"We need to pop over to the shops to buy a few things. Won't be long" Luca says.

Killian keeps his gaze on me, then nods. "Alright.."

"Uh, like only for like, not too long just for ten minutes I swear that's it!" I blurt out, my cheeks burning red.

He narrows his eyes at me. "How about I come with you guys"

Oh fricking great. Well done Layla.


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