《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 42


"Empty your pocket." I crack my knuckles, glaring at Kian.

"Dude, I told you it wasn't me." He argues back, in a pleading tone.

"Now. Kian." I growl, lifting myself off the coach.

By now we had arrived to the Brooks' house. Layla was still knocked out, for hours now, and was put into her room.

Everyone's here, which includes Alfonso and five other men, Kian, Heidi, and her parents.

Kian continues to just sit there, his eyes begging mine, and I fist my hands up, lifting myself off the couch, and stalking towards him.

"Alright fine." He raises his hands quickly. His eyes then gleaming with fear, and I clench my jaw, glaring at him.

"....A-Alright. It was me, okay?" He then says, warily. As one of his hands shakily dig into his pocket quickly fishing out a really small empty needle, before handing it to me.

I grit my teeth, as I inspect it then snap my eyes down at him, as anger rushes through me.


He jumps, before fiddling with his hands. "...S-She was being an annoying bitch, you know how she was, K-Killian, first she attacked me a few months ago then she graffiti'd on my face and then she makes a fool of me."

Each of his words had my anger increasing, and before I know it, I had grabbed him by the collar, and smashed my fist against his cheek, a cracking sound emitting to the atmosphere.

He lets out a loud yelp, his hand flying over to his cheek, where a purplish bruise was already beginning to form, his face scrunching up in pain.

"The fuck!" He grunts in a pained voice, his eyes falling shut in a squinted manner.

I pull him closer, all my muscles tensing as I fight the urge to beat the shit out of him

"You seem to be forgetting the fucking rules, Kian. It's me who makes the decisions here. Not you. Especially when it comes to her, you will leave her the fuck alone. You hear me?" I growl, my eyes slitting at him.

He gives me one nod, his body trembling.

"If you--"

"Killian.." a whiney voice suddenly purrs through my ear.

I snap my gaze to the source, meeting a pair of green ones.

One of her hands suddenly latch onto my shoulder, show-casting her claw-like nails, and I glare down at it, grinding my teeth together.

"You should calm down, Killian, you've--"

She cuts herself off when I roughly shrug her hand off, and growl "Sit the fuck back down."

Her smile slowly falters, and soon enough turns into a frown, as her lips begin to quiver.

Her eyes quickly wash over with tears then loud, several whimpers escape her lips before turning into a full-blown hysterical cry, as she takes steps back, almost tripping on her heels.

I let out another annoyed growl, before, raking my free hand roughly through my hair.

"Aww, Heidi, baby, come here.." I hear Mrs Brooks' voice from the back. And from the corners of my eyes I see Heidi walk over to her, her mouth wide open, while sobs escape from it.

"Killian, she was only trying to help." Mrs Brooks' voice became much sterner as she accuses me.

I clench my jaw hard, before closing my angry eyes, as I breathe furiously through my nose. Give me fucking strength.

"Luis, it's alright, he's had a long day, and I'm sure he didn't mean any harm- Heidi, dear, can you just pipe it down a little bit?" I hear Gerald's soft voice butt in, a hint of annoyance lacing them towards the end.


"B-But daddy, I was gonna say exactly that, -that he had a long day and-and should just relax." She says the last word in a long, stretched out sob.

Fucks sake.

I open my eyes, and shove Kian backwards as he lands back on the coach, he gives me a slight glare, his eyes shining with tears.

What a pussy.

I then begin to turn around but suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap over me from behind, some snort-like sniffling entering my eardrums, and I squint my eyes, grinding teeth.

"I'm sorry, Killian." She whispers, before making another- much louder- snort-like sniffle.

I close my eyes and press a finger to my temple. "It's fine." I grit out, before gently tearing her arms from me, not sparing her a single glance.

"Come here sweetheart." Luis repeats to her and I roll my eyes, before making my way to the coach and sit back to my original spot next to Alfonso.

"Kian, go get the files from the car." I order, spreading out my sore hand that I punched him with, before dropping my gaze back to his still-hunched up figure, his hand still pressed against his cheek.

I glare at him, and he lets out a grunt, as he slowly lifts himself up, his gaze flickering to Heidi then to the door, as he exits.

"So what's the plan." I turn to Alfonso, but narrow my eyes, when I see his head placed in his hands.

"...Vinnie just left the state." He slowly states, annoyance lacing his voice.

I blink a few times, as anger rushes through me once again. "What?" I grit out, balling my fists up.

"What happened?" Heidi squeaks, she was now sat on her mother's lap, her face covered with black streaks.

Ignoring Heidi's question, I turn back to Alfonso. "Did he take the drugs with him?" I growl, rubbing my forehead.

"He is smart, Killian...of course he did." he sighs, as he reaches his hand up and scratches his forehead, before turning his head to me. "He must of figured out we were coming here."

"Well how the fuck did he find out." My voice raises after each word, as my knuckles begin to turn white.

"..There's a possibility they have us tracked." He frowns, before leaning down and plucking out a laptop from one of his bags.

"That's not possible, I cut off all possible connections."

"Hold on.." a look of worry clouds his features, as he begins to click away, his brows pinching together.

"Shit..Someone left an open file to our--"

"WHAT!?" I burst out, my voice echoing through the room, and I hear a gasp from Heidi.

By now I was boiling with rage, who the fuck can be this fucking reckless to leave a god damn file?

Just then Kian enters the room with a pile of files in his hands, as he moves over to the table, dumping them, carelessly.

His eyes raises up and as soon as they connect with mine- fear washes through them. "What?"

"Why. The fuck. Would you leave a god damn file open." My voice increases once again, as I feel a vein pulse through.

His eyes widen slightly, as his arms fall back to his sides. "Shit.." he mutters. "I must of forgot.."

"You forget, eh?" I spit, standing on my feet. "I don't pay you to fucking forget, do I?"

"Relax, Killian. The file was just a minor, anyway, we can get it back very easily." Alfonso reassures, and I begin to rub my temples, before bringing my gaze back to Kian.


"Kian, you're on a very thin fucking line. I am so close to just kicking your ass outta here and back to the fucking streets where you came from."

A look of vulnerability crosses his features, and he shakes his head vigorously. "No, please, I swear it won't happen again, please, I-I promise I--"

Is he fucking deaf?

"I said you're on a thin line, and you better live up to that promise." I snap.

"Or I swear, it won't be just you being back on the streets." I give him a hard glare, as he gives me a firm nod, gulping, as he scurries back to the coach.

I sit back, and face Alfonso.

"Tracking chip still there?" I question.

"...No, it's been corrupted." He mutters, before directing his gaze back to me.

I kiss my teeth, shaking my head, as I rub my face vigorously.

"Alright, then." I remove my hand, cracking my knuckles. "We'll get the file back, and try to hack back into their system and find their location." I then turn my gaze to Kian. "Get straight to work."

I then direct my gaze to the five men sat aside Alfonso. They all stand up.

"We'll be going on a short trip next week." I nod at them, and they all return it, before they all exit the room, one by one, Kian following last.

"Call me when you find anything." I nod down at Alfonso.

"Si, signore."

I slowly lift myself up, grab the files from the table, and make my way up the stairs.

I intended to go to my room, but decided to go check up on Layla instead, I begin to make my way and stop in front of her door, my own room was behind me.

I clear my throat, and rake my hair, trying to look as calm-and not angry as possible, as I slowly twist the knob, and enter.

Her small hunched up figure met my eyes, her back leaned to the headrest. She had one of her arms wrapped around her legs, her chin leaned on her knees, as she stared downwards, her hair in a tangled mess, some pieces sticking out, and a big bunch sticking upwards, and some stuck on her tear-stained face.

The other arm was clamped onto her neck- where she had been sedated. Her cheeks were flushed, her face contorted in pain, as she chewed on her bottom lip vigorously- her eyebrows together, and her nose scrunched up.

I cross my arms, as I lean my back to the door, still watching her.

"Layla?" I finally call out, my voice raspy and hoarse from all that shouting.

She doesn't look up, but remains her gaze downwards- her eyes flashing with pain every few seconds.

I run my hand through my hair, roughly- before slowly making my way towards her.

"How are you feeling?" I take a seat, before swinging my legs on top of her bed, shuffling closer to her.

A tear rolls down her cheek and she shakes her head, freeing her lip from in-between her teeth, allowing it to tremble slightly.

"...D-Donald." She manages to choke out, in a really low and croaky voice, before a small whimper escapes her lips, her hand still glued to her neck.

And I begin to reflect back to her words earlier.

My necks hurting so bad, the pain increasing rapidly by each passing second. I don't even know why.

My whole body's sore, but not as bad as my neck.

I had woken up for about ten minutes now, from the yelling downstairs.

I rub my leaking nose onto my knee, knowing full well Killian's watching me. I sniffle a little, as another tear drops from my eye.

I woke up with this heavy feeling in my chest and all I could think about was my friends and Jack. I really miss them..

My gaze flickers to Killian, immediately connecting with his dark blue eyes.

His cheeks are slightly red from previous anger, but overall his face remained emotionless.

He had taken off the black blazer, and remained in his white button up shirt,which was rolled up, flashing his big muscles, his black tie hanging loosely. His lip ring had also disappeared again.

"Stop crying." His deep voice cuts me out of my trance, and I blink a few times, reaching my hand forward and dabbing at my cheeks.

He lets out a sigh, before his hand dig into his pocket, fishing up a crumpled tissue.

He shuffles closer to me, until he's right infront of me. "It's clean." He states, before gently swiping under my eyes, and cheeks before then dabbing under my nose. And another tears spills.

"I'm sorry." he mutters, wiping the spillt tear, his eyes flashing with something before he looks away, shoving the tissue into his pocket.

"I've been thinking about what you've said." He purses his lips.

What did I say?

"And I've decided I will let you go after two years."

I snap my head towards him but immediately regret it, as pain shoots up my neck, a loud cry escaping my lips, as I grip onto my neck again.

"Shit." I hear him mutter, before grabbing something from the counter to my right, before moving over to me.

I scrunch my face up as the pain continues to soar through my neck, it's so painful that my breathing started to pick up it's pace.

I force my eyes open, and see Killian move closer to me, his rough hand, gently cupping my jaw.

"No m-more, no m-more no more no more no more no more no--"

"It's just some healing creme, it won't hurt." He tries to reassure me, as he shows me a silver tube.

He tries to move my jaw, but I tightens my hand around my neck, shaking my head slightly.

He lets out a sigh. "C'mon love, remove your hand for me."

"N-No." I can't help the painful sob that escapes from my lips. "H-h-hurts." A tear trickles down, as I squeeze my eyes shut.

His hand suddenly presses over mine and I let out a loud whimper, as it puts more pressure on to the area- he immediately removes it, and I open my eyes.

He reaches his hand forward, brushing away my tears with his thumb. "It won't hurt afterwards, alright? I'll do it gently." His blue eyes stares at me for a moment before he reaches his hand and peels my hand from my neck.

I let out a whimper again, as I begin to chew on my bottom lip, watching him proceed on.

He cups my jaw again, before slightly tilting it, his eyes narrowing on my neck.

"Alright." his gaze flickers to mine. "Lay down for me, love."

I nod my head, weakly. "O-Okay." and he nods back, as he quickly pushes my hair back, as I slowly begin to lay myself down.

I stare up at him, as he begins to unscrew the lid to the tube, his lips pouting slightly, "Alright, good. Stay still, yeah?" He looks back at me, as he squeezes the tube a little, a clear liquid seeping out.

I nod my head briskly, already used to the toxic pain.

He scoots to my side, and cups my jaw again, gently turning it so he could get a better view, leaning his head down slightly which causes his blonde hair to fall across his forehead.

I feel his thumb press on the painful spot, and my eyes widen as it electrifies the pain once again.

Okay maybe not totally used it.

"It's gonna be oka-"

A cold liquidy substance suddenly presses into the area and immediately a long loud whimper erupts from me, tears spilling down.

okay not at all.

"Shh.." his thumb lands on my lips, silencing me, before he lightly begins to run it along my full lips, in a soft caress, creating tingles as it follows the rhythm of his other thumb that's slowly spreading the liquidy substance further around.

My eyes flutter shut, as the pain slowly reduces to a bearable amount, my chest rising and falling heavily.

"Why does it hurt so much?" I breathe out.

He narrows his eyes, as he quickly finishes off, looking back at me. "You don't remember?" He gently helps me sit me up, and I shuffle around, craning my neck to the left and right, the soreness already reduced.

I squint my eyes, trying to remember, but then shake my head.

He reaches forward, quickly swiping the tears from my cheeks.

"Kian drugged you something that could've killed you, worse than cocaine, so Alfonso injected some strong drug into you right here " he points to my neck.

"Which flows through your blood and quickly kills the drug Kian gave you."

"...Oh." I blink a few times, still not remembering.

"You seriously don't remember?"

"Maybe later? My heads kinda hurts." I shrug, sniffling and giving him a small smile.

His lips quirks up, before he nods. "Tomorrow, we will discuss it."

I nod my head, my smile turning into a scowl. "Kian's such a donkey."

He lets out a laugh, nodding his head, before placing his hand in his pocket.

"What is it?" I crawl closer to him.

He fishes something out, and shows it to me.

"Plaster?" My eyes light up. Plasters are cool!

"Yep, pick one." He brings them closer, and a grin spreads across my face. As my eyes quickly scan through them.

There was an orange one covered in bananas, a pink one covered in hearts, and a blue one covered in berries. Where did he get these from?

"Um.." I put my finger on my lip, as I begin to scan all over again.

"..Ugh, I can't pick!"

He lets out a chuckle, shaking his head.

"This one's..." He clears his throat.. "..pretty?" His voice turns awkward as he points at the pink heart one.

I stare at it intently. "Umm, yeah, I like that." I nod my head, looking back up at him, to see him already staring at me, with a smirk.

"Sweet." He peels the paper off, before reaching his hand and cupping my jaw.

"Do it properly, and don't ruin it, I want it to look nice."

He cocks a brow, before letting out a small chuckle. "Alright then." he slowly sticks it onto my neck.

I smile, running my hand on the plaster, before looking down at my arm.

I then look up at him, to see him staring at the wall behind me, his lips etched into a frown, as he rakes his hand through his hair.

"Killian?" I call him, and he hums, looking back down at me.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, take rest, I'll be back in an hour." And with that, he stands up and leaves.

Okay then.


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