《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 41


"Ten. Twenty. Thirty. Forty. Fifty-"

"What are you doing?" I ask Layla, as she counts in tens, lifting up each finger as she does so.

Her gaze snaps up to me. "Stop talking." She growls at me before starting again.

"Ten. Twenty. Thirty. Forty. Fifty. Sixty. Seventy. Eighty-"

I grab her hands, and raise an eyebrow, questioningly.

"Whats ten divided by a million?" She questions me, her eyes lost in thought.

I raise a brow, "Why?"

"Hey." She removes her hands from mine, as she scratches her chin. "I'll give you ten pounds every day. Until it's one million, yeah?" She looks up at me with a small smile.

I purse my lips. "I'm not discussing this with you again." I cross my arms looking back at the plane.

Her smile drops, but she plasters another fake one. "Why not? You're going to get your money back and I get to go back home. Win win."

Then she fully drops it, giving me a scowl. "Plus you can give that money to someone else and buy their daughter so you can--"

I snap my head to her, glaring. "You know you really are starting to test my fucking patience."

"Yeah? Well so are you. This is my life and--"

She jumps, when I slam my fist against the limo door, her eyes darting to the huge dent it caused.

"Listen here--"

Her fake laugh cuts me off. "You know what? I'm leaving." She gives me a smile before walking off.

I grit my teeth, as I lean forward and grab onto her arm. "No you're not." I pull her to me a little too forcefully as she jolts forward, her face banging into my chest.


Her face scrunches up, as her hand flies up and over her nose. "Ow" she whimpers, her eyes glaring at mine, as her they gleam with tears.

I let out a sigh, before letting her go. She immediately takes a step back, and I reach my hand forward, tilting her chin up. "Let me see.."

She lets go of her nose, and I raise both brows when I see it perfectly fine.

Oh she did not just--

She flashes me a huge smirk, and before I know it, she turns and makes a run for it.

I pinch the bridge of my nose, shaking my head. I really don't have time for this.

That fat donkey actually fell for it.

Did he actually think I would stay here just like that?

Hell no I'm getting out of here.

I continue to run as fast as my tiny legs can carry me, away from the plane and away from him. I turn my head and see Killian not too far away, walking in slow strides.

Oh wow. I'm here running and he's already catching up with me by just walking.

I glare at him once, before I turn my head but suddenly bash into another hard chest causing me to stumble back a little.

I look up and see a massive buffalo in front of me. He has a bald head, and he was dressed in nothing but some pair of navy shorts, his chest were rippling with fat muscles, and there's gruesome scars scattered across.

And it was also hairy. Gross.

I take a step back, glaring at him, I then move to the left to go over him but he follows my step, his dark green eyes following my every move.

"Stop this." I snap, taking steps back then running to the left.


"Cute. But I don't think so." A hand grabs on to my waist, turning me around, as I meet Killians bored gaze.

I let out a growl through my heavy breathing and try to pull away.

"This isn't fair. Why am I having a restricted life, I've been so good all my life and it was Heidi that was bad, I don't deserve this, Heidi does." I snap, selfishly. "Hey, here's a pointer. You can then fuck her all day--"

"What the fuck has gotten into you!" His voice suddenly grows loud, as he stops abruptly. "I was actually being nice to you and this is how--"


He grinds his teeth together, his eyes flashing dangerously. "Tough fucking shit." He spits, as he leans down so his face is directly next to mine.

"You can go ahead and act like a fucking immature child all you like. But I will tell you this. If you want to be treated well, you will have to behave."

"And if you want to be treated nicely, then you have to behave well too! And by that you will let me go! Out of all the things you could've done, you take me to my family? Are you kidding me? That is just a waste of money because you are spending two years living in my house when you could've lived with me either way if my parents had let you without payment."

"What nonsense are you talking about?! Don't you get it?" He growls, his face turning red. "You are not here for my fucking company. You are here for--"

"Oh really?" I twist on a lopsided smirk. "I sure as hell bet I am. What sort of description did they give you then? Cuz whatever it is, it isn't true."

"You don't want to know the fucking description, and I will tell you this once more. You are nothing but a simple favour I'm returning."

"IF I DIDN'T WANT TO KNOW I WOULDN'T HAVE FUCKING ASKED!" I scream in his face, his eyes flash with shock and his jaw clenches hard.

I don't know what was happening to me right now but for sure I was about to go fucking mad.

"I said you don't want to fucking know." He growls, fisting his hands together.

I puff up my cheeks, scowling, glaring.

He cocks a brow at me, and that's when I lose it.

I punch him on the chest with all my strength, causing pain to shoot up my arm but I dont show it, as I glare up at him, grinding my teeth.

He continues to stare at me, his expression back to plain.

"They said you were a slut." He rolls his eyes. "And a whore."

I blink up at him, and give him a moment to realise his mistake, when he doesn't say anything further and raises both eyebrows I sneer at him.

"You don't make sense." I spit at him, crossing my arms.

He cocks his head to the side, narrowing his eyes at me. "Do you know what either of them mean?"

I scoff at him. "I know what a war is and if you don't drop that fucking tone, me and you will have one in a minute." I snap, anger rushing through me.

He rolls his eyes, before gripping my arm. "Enough of this, you've wasted plenty of time already now let's go." He then begins to tug, but I stay firm on my spot.


"I will not--" he suddenly pulls me with such force I let out a yelp, as I almost bang it to him again, but he squats down and growls in my face.

"I swear I will ask one of my men to kill Jack and Donald and everyone you're ever close to."

I was beginning to get angrier by each of his words, and I fist up my hands, forcing away from his grip.

"You know you make me fucking sick, right? You think you're so tough just because you have muscles but you're just a pathetic little boy who has no one but--"

His eyes flash with anger, his jaw clenching. "Layla." He cuts me off.

I don't finish the sentence and just let out chuckle. "You know--"

"You've been drugged." He states, as he grips onto my arm and I flinch hard, when I feel pain spring through my arm, he inspects the spot, before looking back at me.

I shrug my shoulder, as I don't tear my gaze off his face. "What do you want me to do? Jump up and down in muddy puddles?" I spit.

His brows shoot upwards, "You don't--"

"No, in fact, I'm glad I'm drugged." I growl. "What ever it is you drugged me with."

"I didn't." He grits his teeth.

"Whoever then." I snap. "I have been nothing but a weak wussy these past few months and--"


"Let me finish!" I snap he sucks in a sharp breath, rolling his eyes.

I sniffle, my eyes suddenly clouding up. "I never had a perfect life to begin with, you know? But I was fine with it, I guess. I got used to it. At least I could see my friends." My voice cracks.

"But then my family had s-sold me." I cover my face. "I didn't even do anything to get this. I have been good, always. You took me away and restricted my life." A sob racks through me. "You locked me up like that, I felt lonely."

"Layla.." his jaw clenches, as he runs his hand over his jaw.

"Everyone I meet hates me." I cry out. "Do you know how much it hurts me? When you be mean and-and I don't want that." I begin to tremble. "You took everything from me Killian." I cry harder, removing my hands and looking up at him. "Please take me home." I sob. He was looking behind me lost in his own world.

He wasn't even listening.

"KILLIAN!" I yell, tears streaming once again. He didn't tear his gaze and continued to ignore me.

I let out a loud sob. "It's not fair." I grit my teeth.

"I just want to be happy, that's it." I stare at him, taking steps back.

I'm going to run again. "Can you take me home." I repeat.

"I'm sorry." He tears his gaze from behind me and at my face, his face still showing no emotion.

I scoff. "You're sorry?" I glare at him through tears. "That's it?" He begins to take steps forward and I shake my head.

"YOU DON'T EVEN CARE!" I scream.

He lets out a sigh. "You're not in the right state right now."

"How am I not?" I spit. "What's the difference without a drug in me? I am speaking my mind to you, Killian." A tear rolls down my cheek.

"Oh wait. You don't care." I swallow the sob down.

"No one cares. I am just a mere object to you all." My lips tremble even more, he frowns at me, as he reaches for me but I shake my head.

"What happens when you're done with me, huh? Abandon me? Or what..even kill me?" My voice shakes.

He runs his hand over his face shaking his head. "We'll discuss this later." He mutters.

"You are forcing me to live with people who hate me, Killian. I WANT TO DISCUSS THIS NOW!" I wanted to fucking kill him.

He takes more steps towards me and I sneer at him.

"I never even did anything to you." I place my hands over my trembling lips. "You can't even justify what--"

"I know that, but I will explain later. I won't kill you Layla. I won't hurt you either but you need to understand."

"No!" I sob. "It's not fair. I don't want to stay here." I cover my face again as the tears pour out. "I can't believe I was so calm in that fucking plane. This drug is making me realise that--"

"The drug is doing nothing but destroying you Layla." He snaps. "Which is why I'm going to get rid of it."

"You will not!" I cover my mouth so he can't put anything in it and take steps back.

"Why can't you just take me home? I will pay you back, Donald will help me pay I'm sure and--" suddenly I feel a sharp pain erupt from my neck, and I let out a gasp as I practically choke on the air.

"What.." I breathe out, as the pain soars through me in a wavy rush.

"...Drugging me again?" I choke out. "Quite p-pathetic." I spit out, sweat trickling down my forehead.

"Now I know you don't care." I force my eyes to remain open, as I glare up at him through tears, his eyes flashes with something before he closes them.

"I'm sorry Layla, but--"

"You just get..." I feel my head begin to pound and I force out a laugh. "Just get to.." my breathing speeds up, and a tear drops from my eyes.

"You think I'm just a little toy, I..I am not." My breathing becomes uneven.

"I know." He takes steps towards me, but I move back with my shaky legs.

The drug hadn't fully taken over me yet.

"You're nothing but weak, Killian." My voice comes out hoarse, as I tear my gaze off him, craning my soaring neck.

When my eyes land on Luca, they widen in shock, as a tear rolls down.

"You were my best friend." My voice cracks. "I th-thought you liked me."

His eyes showed guilt and sympathy, his left hand holding the large needle he had struck me with.

Fake. Everyone is just fake.

"Huh." I begin to wobble on my feet. "Pathetic. You all are just pathetic." I lift my hand up and point at both of them.

"Tesoro, I'm--"

I scoff, again. "Never call me. Tes-or-o, I am not a tes-o-ro, okay?" I blabber.

I wanted the full effect of what he gave me, right now. I just wanted this to end.

"You're not k-kind, L-Luca." I glare at him, my vision blurring.

Luca opens his mouth but Killian gives him a look, before turning his gaze back at me.

"Oh so th-that's what it is, huh?" A tear spills down. "I am nothing but for your amusement." I choke at the end of the sentence, as a sob racks through me.

My sob stops short as a piercing pain shoots through my head, my body then collapsed as a wave of darkness quickly takes over me.


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