《Sold To The Gangleader》Chapter 38


"Layla, please open the door.." I frown, twisting the knob for the hundredth time.

"She's still not up yet?" I turn at mum's voice, she had just come upstairs with a huge pile of blankets in her hand.

I shake my head. "She was upset again last night, I think she still misses Jack.." my frown deepens as I turn and knock again.

I hear mum place down the blankets before coming by my side.

"Layla, sweetheart?" She twists the knob.

"It's locked." I tell her and she frowns. "Layla?" She knocks repeatedly. But nothing.

"I'm getting worried, honey." She turns to me, her forehead creasing.

I swallow the lump in my throat, before banging harder. "LAYLA!"


I flip my phone out and click on her contact, before placing it against my ear. It begins to ring and then we hear the blast of her ringtone through the door.

"So she's definitely in there.." I wait for her to accept but she doesn't as her ringtone continues to blast.

I grit my teeth, before ending the call.

"Alright I have to break through the door." I crack my knuckles.

Mum steps aside, as I grasp the handle and then with full force, push.

The door flings open, slamming against the wall. I quickly enter and my heart drops when I see the window wide open.

I look around, clenching my jaw,


I walk towards her bed and find her phone on the pillow. I could see what looked to be dry tears printed on her screen, and the anger rises in me.

I switch it on and a note pops up.

I read the note then I read it again as I feel the tears begin to burn my eyes.

I know exactly who's responsible for this.

It's that Kieran guy or whatever his fucking name is.

"Honey?" Mum places her hand on my arm, as she tiptoes to try and read the note.

I lean it down and show it to her, as I begin to shake with anger.

"He fucking took her." I growl, as a tear rolls down my cheek.

I feel her tense up as she looks up at me, her own eyes shining with tears.




"There is no evidence for this matter, therefore it shall be put on hold. If there is any hearing, please let us know." The bald, skinny officer then says looking up from his computer.

"THIS IS BULLSHIT!" I slam my fists against the desk, causing him to jump.

"I'm sorry, sir. But please understand that we have many cases just like this and much more complex-"

"I DONT CARE, YOU WILL FIND HER!" I yell my voice becoming hoarse.

"Calm down, honey, they're doing their-"


"I'm truly sorry, sir, but thats just how-"

I grab him by the collar, grinding my teeth together. "YOU. WILL. FUCKING. FIND. HER. RIGHT. FUCKING. NOW!" I scream in his face, watching him slowly turn pale.


"Donald!" Mum gasps, tugging my shoulder.

I let go of the officer, as he slumps down in his seat, his eyes wide. His hand moves to the radio that's attached to his shirt, and he presses a button on it before murmuring something.

"You fucking bastard." I growl, ripping it from his shirt and slamming it onto the ground.

"Donald, please-"

"NO!" I yell. "IM SICK OF THESE FUCKING PUSSYHOLES AS OFFICERS! THEY'RE THE REASONS FOR-...HEY GET OFF ME!" I yell, as two pairs of hands grab ahold of my arms.

I try to push them off when suddenly the fat guy clasps handcuffs around my wrists, and I grind my teeth, slitting my eyes at him.

"Fucking pathetic. Arresting me when you're supposed to be out their trying to find her!" My voice rises once again.

"You have the right to remain silent until-"



After hours I finally get released. I walk along with mum in the dark streets, silently, as we enter her car.

We drive home and straight away I head up to my room. I flip my phone out and dial Jack's number.

After four rings he accepts.


"Do you know where Layla is?" My voice comes out hoarse from all that yelling. He doesn't reply and I grit my teeth.

"DO YOU?!" I shout, rage flowing through my veins once again.

"I'm coming over." He hangs up.

I rub my temples, closing my eyes.

I just hope she's safe.

God. I was so stupid. Layla was right about the cops, but I should've done something more to keep her safe.

I should've fucking known what was going on last night.


I had invited Cara and Kaleb, and they arrived five minutes after Jack had.

"C-Cant you just track her phone again?" Cara whimpers.

I turn my gaze to her, crossing my arms. "Funny that because weren't you always preaching about how they should get into a relationship?" I snap, at her and her eyes widen slightly.

"I didn't mean it... It was just a joke." Her lips tremble as another tear rolls down her cheek.

I close my eyes, before nodding. "You're right, I'm sorry." I rub my face.

"I can't track her, because she left her phone here." I tell her. Her face falls, and she turns away from me, sniffling.

Kaleb was just sitting there, his face void of emotion as he stared at the wall infront of him.

I turn my gaze to Jack, who was continuously running both his hands through his hair, aggressively.

I clench my jaw. He's probably responsible for this.

His head snaps up and his eyes connect with my glare.

He raises both brows at me and I fist up my hands.

I don't know why I have a sudden urge to beat him the fuck up.

Gosh I need to calm down.

I lift myself off the coach, and all eyes land on me.

"I'll be back in a bit." I force on a smile.

After ten minutes I come back downstairs and see Kaleb and Jack arguing. I slowly sit on the coach across from them.

"He threatened to kill you?" Kaleb stares at Jack, accusingly, Cara was sat next to Kaleb trying to calm him down.


Jack clenches his jaw. "Yes, but-"

"So you let him take her?" Kalebs voice raises, as he fists up his hands.

Jack rolls his eyes which increases Kalebs anger as he begins to shake with rage. "If you would let me speak-"

"YOU DONT EVEN CARE!" Kaleb screams, standing up and charging towards him.

Jack grits his teeth. "OF COURSE I DO!" He yells back, much louder, as he stands up aswell.

Cara's eyes widen in fear, as she tries to make Kaleb sit back down.

"THEN WHY DID YOU LET HIM TAKE HER, YOU SELFISH MOTHERFUCKER!" His face turns red with rage, as he swings his fist, landing it square on his jaw. Jack doesn't flinch, his jaw clenches as he lets out a low growl before slamming his fist into Kalebs stomach, causing Cara to gasp. Kaleb hunches over, gripping his stomach.

"You fucking bitch." He grunts, before launching himself on Jack as both land on the floor and lash out.

"Guys.." I roll my eyes, standing up.

"S-Stop!" Cara squeaks, as newfound tears appear in her eyes.

Kaleb lands a hard punch right on Jack's eye, but then Jack flips him over punching him hard on the nose, causing blood to spurt out.

Cara begins to sob loudly, and I let out a sigh.

"STOP!" I yell, as I make my way to them, I lean down and grab ahold of Jack, before forcing him off him.

He lets out a grunt before complying as he slowly lifts up but Kaleb grabs him again, landing a hard punch on his cheekbone.

"KALEB!" Cara screams and I glare down at Kaleb. He's just taking it too far now. He has some major anger issues.

Jack lets out a grunt, before kicking him on his side. "What the fuck is your problem, dude." He spits, as he pulls away once again, his face just as red as Kalebs.

"I know that Killian is your brother." He spits. "You planned this." His voice grows louder.

Jack's eyes flash with intense anger. He he spits out blood, before balling his fists.

Everything is silent for a while, as both guys glare at eachother while me and Cara look at Jack, confused.

"Brother?" I raise both brows, crossing my arms.

"Yeah. So what?" He spits back, his eyes darkening with rage.

I open my mouth to say something but then my mother walks in, her eyes widening in bewilderment, as they land on a hunched up Jack and Kaleb- who's on the floor clutching his side.

"What the hell is going on?!" She screeches, as her head bobs up and down at Jack and Kaleb.

"Ask this piece of shit." Jack growls, glaring down at Kaleb, who glares back.

"Right, that's enough. Let's get you boys cleaned up." She crosses her arms before walking towards Jack.

"Do you need help walking sweetheart?" She asks him.

Jack glances at her, his eyes softening as he shakes his head. "I'm alright" he speaks much cooler, his voice hoarse from all that yelling as he slowly limps towards the kitchen door.

"Right. Cara help Kaleb up the stairs and clean him up please, while me and Donald help out Jack." She tells her and she nods, wiping her tears as she leans down towards Kaleb. Kaleb glances at her, his eyes softening.

His lips was busted up, and he had several bruises and cuts on his face. Blood was still flowing from his nose, but it didn't look broken.

Me and mum head over to the kitchen and see Jack, sat on the stool, hunched up against the counter with his eyes squeezed closed in pain.

He also had several cuts, and a busted lip but there was a massive bruise on his right eye. Mum leans up and takes out the first aid kit from a drawer above the sink and makes her way to Jack.

"Does Layla know you're his brother?" I question him and he lets out a grunt of anger. Mum gives me a warning look before she start dabbing on Jack's cheekbone, causing him to wince.

"Yes she does." He finally says.

"Why didn't she tell us?" I cross my arms. He opens his bloodshot eyes for a moment, before wincing and closing them, and mum begins to dab on his lip.

After a while, one of his shoulders twitch up. "Fuck knows.." he manages to say, and I furrow my eyebrows, Letting out a deep sigh.

She always told me everything..

"Maybe.." he starts but groans when mum stops dabbing on his swollen eyes.

"Maybe she wanted you guys to be safe aswell.." he lets out a dry laugh.

"She's always so stubborn.."

True that..

No matter what we say she always has it her way.

I shake my head, closing my eyes. "Do you think she's gonna be okay?" My voice goes deeper, and I clear my throat.

His swollen lips twitch up into a small smile. "Of course, she will.." he lets out a cough, and winces. "In fact, I have a feeling she'll even find her way to his heart." He lets out a small chuckle.

"She has that effect on people." His eyes open, ever so slightly.

I smile at that, knowing it's true. Because once upon a time, I was her first kiss and she was mine..

But then a week later we decided we were better off as friends.

"...My brother may be cold, but I know he wouldn't intentionaly hurt her.. even if we hadn't known our parents for long, they definitely did show us what's right and what's wrong..." A tear slips from his eyes and he let out a pained cough as he clutches his stomach.

My smile drops, and I look at him confused..

His parents are dead?

I let out a sigh, shaking my head.

Jack's a good guy, I know now he never did actually mean to cause harm to Layla..

I'll have to sort Kaleb out, later.

"She'll be fine.." he croaks out. "She'll find a way..she always does.." mum smiles at him softly as she slowly lifts up his shirt.

She'll be fine.

I will hold on to his words and hope one day she'll come back..

There's nothing we can do now but just... wait..


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