《SoulSpark: Optimus Prime X Reader | Book 1》The Old Church


You had been driving for a while now. Optimus was looking for a place without humans to examine the glasses. You were tired as it was past midnight. You currently sat in Optimus' Alt mode passenger seat. He took notice of your tiredness.

"(Y/n), you should get some sleep. It's been a long day." He said.

You just tiredly shook your head. You couldn't sleep, not when your mind was filled with worry for the fate of your friends.

"Do you think they're okay...?" You asked.

He sighed and was quite for a moment.

"I cannot say... I pray that they'll make it out alright..." He said.

You nodded your head.

"I do too..." You agreed.

There was more silence.

"Perhaps since you cannot sleep, we might take the time to get to know eachother?" He asked almost hesitantly.

Was he nervous?

"Sure. I'd like that..." You said with a soft smile, patting his dashboard.

He cleared his throat nervously.

"If I may ask... What is your relationship with Sam? You too seemed very close..." He said.

Wait what? He thought you guys were dating?

"Me and Sam have known eachother a long time, since our parents are friends. So we got close over time." You said.

"I see. A-and in all that time, it would only be natural for feelings to develop, r-right?" He asked.

My god the Prime was asking about your love life! You did not expect this.

"W-what? No! He's just a friend!" You said waving your hands out infront of you.

You admit you did find the bot quite attractive, and you have developed a liking for him. Because of this you did not want him thinking you and Sam were a thing. It would ruin your chances with the prime. But to be honest your chances were probably slim as it is. I mean you were different species, and why in the name of primus would a Prime like you? He's probably just curious.

"And the other suiters?" He asked still nervous.

"What?" You said confused.

"I-i mean a femme like yourself is bound to have many suiters... I was j-just curious if you returned the feelings for any of them..." He asked nervously.

You didn't want to give yourself any false hope, but he seemed really curious. Maybe, just maybe he might like you back?

"Um, well, yeah there have been a few guys interested, like Miles... But I don't like them back. Actually I've never even had a boyfriend... Oh god why am I saying?! I should shut up now..." You said frantically, embarrassed you had revealed that last fact.

You heard him give a deep amused chuckle at your flustered state. You stopped panicking and starred at the dash board in confusion.You didn't know this off course but he found your panicked state quite cute.

"I see." He said sounding quite relieved.

"W-what about you?" You asked curious about his love life as well.

"Me?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, I mean it's only fair." You said trying to justify yourself.

"Well there was one, but she died in the war." He said solemnly.

"I'm sorry for loss. We're you two...?" You said.

"No. We were not together. The war did not allow us the opportunity." He said.


"Oh... Do you regret not trying to be together during the war?" You asked.

"For a time, yes. But not anymore. After all destiny works in mysterious ways, and we were not ment to be." He said.

You nodded you head in understanding.

"I was also wondering what your relationship with Bumblebee is like..." You asked.

"I found him as a young sparkling and took him under my wing. Over the years he trained to be a warrior and became one of my most trusted friends. Though with him being the youngest of the auto bots, I often feel like I'm playing sire/father." He said.

You smiled with a small giggle. Knowing bumblebee he must have been a handful for Optimus. The conversation had left you feeling much better than before.

"Thanks Oppy. I'm feeling alot better." You said in thanks.

"I'm glad to hear that. If you feeling better, you should get some sleep. Our journey is not over yet." He Said.

You nodded with a smile.

"Your right. Goodnight Oppy." You said.

You leaned forward a gave a kiss Goodnight to the Dash board. You felt his Alt mode get warmer, and heard those cooling fans again. You giggled at his reaction, it was cute. you lied back in the seat, and it leaned back till it was flat so you could sleep better.

"Thanks Oppy." You said.

You felt the seatbelt tighten around you, and you smiled. You were soon drifting off into sleep, and the last thing you heard were Optimus' words.

"Goodnight (y/n)." He said.

You awoke to the sound of Optimus' voice.

"Wake up, (y/n). We are here." He said gently in his deep voice.

You rubbed your eyes with a soft groan, and you were raised into a sitting position by Optimus lifting the seat back up. You looked out the window to see you were approaching a large abandoned church. The sky was lit up with the first rays of dawn, meaning the sun must had just risen recently. Optimus parked near the base of the church, and you exited his Alt mode. He transformed into his bipedal form, as did the other Autobots that were following behind their leader. His lowered a servo to the ground with a slight smile, and you Glady climbed on returning the smile with one of your own. You lifted you up and placed you on your normal spot on his shoulder plate. He and the others then began to climb onto the walls of the church. Optimus took a few moments to gaze at the scenery, and you did as well. It was really quite beautiful. You then turned his optics to you.

"(Y/n), the glasses, if you would." He asked.

You nodded and pulled them out of your pocket, holding it out to them. He took the from you with one of his servos, and held them carefully between his didgets. He took a few moments to examine them with focused eyes, examining the code on the glasses.

"Please let this work." He prayed hopefully.

You patted his shoulder plate in a comforting manner, and gave him a reassuring smile when his optics turned to look at you. This seemed to give him a but more confidence, and he gave a slight nod in gratitude. He let out a long breath to calm/prepare himself. He turned around to face the others, jazz, Ratchet, and IronHide.


"Fire it up Optimus." Said Jazz.

Optimus raised the glasses to his eye level, and blue beams shot forth from his eyes, and threw the glasses, creating a projection of the earth. On the projection of the earth were a set of coordinates.

"The code. The code on these glasses indicates the All Spark is 230 miles from here." Said Optimus.

The beams from his eyes turned off, and the projection disappeared.

"I sense the deceptions are getting ready to mobilize." Said Ratchet.

How he could sense that, you had no idea.

"They must know it's here as well." Said IronHide.

Well the cubes settled, but what about bee and your friends? Before you could speak, jazz beat you to it.

"What about Bumblebee? We can't just leave him to die, and become some human experiment!" Said Jazz.

Fear and guilt rushed through you. Fear for your friend and guilt that your race was the one hurting him.

"He's right Optimus. We can't leave him! They'll dissect him or something if we don't save him!" You said your voice filled with concern.

"He'll die in vain if we don't accomplish our mission. Bumblebee is a brave solider, this is what he we want." Said Optimus seriously/sternly, pointing to the ground for emphasis.

Was there really no way to save him and accomplish the mission? Optimus turned to face away from the others.

"Why are we fighting to save the humans? They're a primitive and violent race." Said IronHide.

They all glanced at you, the only human in thier presence expecting you to defend your race. But you didn't. Instead you looked down with guilty and solemnly. This one action of yours let them all know that you didn't disagree with IronHide's statement. While you knew that not every human was bad, as a whole you agreed that humans were violent, attacking anything they don't understand. Optimus didn't like that you looked like you were blaming yourself for everything that's happened. He looked away and spoke.

"Were we so different?" He said.

This made you look up at him.

"They're a young species. They have much to learn." He said.

"But I've seen goodness in them." He said locking eyes with you.

They're was no hate for you or humans in his eyes. Instead his eyes only showed warmth and care for the femme he gazed at. You gave him a grateful smile, and looked back at him with slightly teary eyes. You were so thankful that he was willing to forgive you race, to care for them, to protect them. To care and protect you. You knew he did not blame you for anything your race had done, and you were beyond grateful for that. You noticed he had a small smile on his face plate and that only warmed your heart more. He turned to look back at the sky.

"Freedom is the right if all sentient beings. You all know there is only one way to end this war. We must destroy the cube." He said.

"But don't you need the cube to restore your planet?" You said confused.

Was he really willing to give up his home for yours?

He glanced at you.

"As long as the cube exists, this war will never be over." He said.

You nodded your head in understanding.

"If all else fails, I will unite it with the spark in my chest." Said Optimus, pulling aside his chassis armor to reveal his spark chamber for a moment. You saw the glimpse of the blue energy of his spark. You were shocked.

"W-what?! You can't Optimus, you'll die!" You said with worry and concern.

Optimus glanced at you seeing the sadness in your eyes, before everyone turned to Ratchet as he spoke.

"That's suicide. The cube is raw power. It could destroy you both " said Ratchet.

Optimus once again turned from everyone, looking at the sky with determination.

"A necessary sacrifice to bring peace to this planet. We cannot let the humans pay for our mistakes." He said with a certain finality.

You knew nothing you said would be able to change his mind. He paused for a moment looking at you, and then the others. He turned back around to face everyone.

"It's been an honor serving with you all. Autobots!" He said.

He looked at you to finish.

"Roll out!" You said.

"We rolling!" Said Jazz.

They all then jumped down from the church and began running back to the nearest rode. They them all transformed into their Alt modes, except Optimus. He gently took you from his shoulder plate, and placed you on the ground. He then transformed into his Alt mode, and opened his door for you. You quickly got in, the door closing behind you and your belt securing you Into place automatically. Optimus them began to drive off down the rode following the coordinates, the others driving behind him. As he drove, you looked to dash board with a determined look.

"I know I can't say anything that will change your mind Optimus, but know this. If another way to destroy the cube that doesn't involve you dying presents itself, no matter how small the probability of success, I'm going to take it. I refuse to let you die." You said with determination.

You have grown to care to much for this mech. You wouldn't let anything take him from you, if you had anything to say about it. He was your friend, and maybe one day yous could be more than that. If you made it out alive of course.

Optimus was silent, stunned at the amount of care you were showing him. He was truly grateful for it.

"I understand." He said.

It had been such a long time since he felt warmth like this in his spark. He really had fallen for you, hadn't he?

After a few moments of silence, you felt the seatbelt around you tighten like a hug.

"Thank you (y/n)." He said in a tone that showed how truly grateful and touched he felt.

You gave him a soft smile, and patted his dashboard. No more words were spoken, as the two of you just enjoyed each other's presence and the comfort that came with it.

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