《Rowan: Queen of Chav's》Don't fuck with an Addams (Fourteen)


Rowan PoV

I walked in through the school gates, to find Bianca waiting for me, which was unusual as she was normally late for school, I was also shocked that Becca wasn't there yet as she normally would have been there already.

"Oi Ro, so how was your weekend?"

"My weekend was shit Bee"

"Why was that Ro?"

"My fucking Nan and fucking Megan"

"Why, what happened?"

"Well my Dad and Papa were doing something together as a couple without us, as their entitled to do because they're adults who do adults things sometimes, so my Nan was there looking after us, though let's be honest here and say she was there for Mikey, my Nan decided to let Megan into the flat, even though I said many a time to her that I wasn't talking to Megan, but my Nan thought that I 'should hear Megan's side of the story because what if your Dad lied' even though it was actual bullshit because Dad actually despises when people lie to him, plus Megan is a compulsive liar, so then Megan started to shit stir, like the bitch usually does with her compulsive lies, so I slapped her to shut her up and I was M.I.A for like 8 and a half hours to get away from the Bitch"

"Fuck, you've must've been in a lot of shit"

"Yeah, that's fair to say Bee, but Dad and Papa understood why I did it after I explained it to them, you know"

Then some white boy that was trying too hard be hard that was a not so little shit then decided to grab Soph's arse even though she didn't want him to, I knew this because I saw the the look on Sophie's face and I saw the fucker do it, and so I marched over to give him a piece of my mind, as you should when these sorts of things happen.


"Oi!, you motherfucker!, what the fuck do you think you're doing to my sister you sick fuck?!"

"Nothing Rowan"

"That's bullshit!, now fucking try again!"

"I ain't done nothing Rowan"

"I'm giving you one more strike dickhead!"

"But I told you that I ain't done nothing Rowan!"

"Fuck you!, you fucking perv!"

"Oh shit!"

I then punched his ugly arse face and broke his fucking nose, because you don't fuck with an Addams and get away with it, he then ran away from me like a coward would do.

"You fucking Coward!"

"Holy shit!, Ro that was fucking wicked!"

"Ro, you know that I could've handled it by myself"

"Did you give him shit for it Soph?"

"Well no"

"So much for 'I could've handled it', Jesus Soph"

"Hey!, that's not fair"

"Do you remember what Dad told us?"

"Dadala said that if someone ever decides to mess with you, me or Mikey then give 'em hell because they should learn that you don't fuck with an Addams"

"Right, and what either Dad or Papa says goes, duh"

Soph just rolls her eyeballs at the comment and stuck her tongue out at me, Chloe then runs towards us like a madman, because that's just how Chloe was.

"Yo!, Clo is in the house!"



"Guess what Ro did?"

"I dunno Bee, broke somebody's nose"

"Well yeah that what she did"

"Wait, oh shit, I just said that as a joke, what the hell happened?"

"Some fucking dickhead grabbed Soph's arse without her permission, I gave him 3 chances to fucking admit it, because I'm nice, and then I broke his ugly arse nose as a way to say don't fuck with an Addams, ya know"


"Ro, again I could've handled myself"

"Soph, did you give him shit?"

"No Clo, I didn't"

"So how else is he going to learn that you don't fuck with an Addams?"

"See, it's so much of a fucking family motto that Clo knows it"

"Oh fuck off Ro"

"(Snorts), it sounds funny when you swear Soph"

"Oh screw you Ro"

I knew that Soph was joking around with me, because we joked around like that all the time, as anyone would do with their sister.

"How do you 2 go from kind of bickering to full on banter?"

"Well Clo, that's what it's like to have a sibling full stop"

"Ro that makes no sense"

"Well actually it perfect sense"

"Not you too Bee"


"It's not funny, why is that the case?, is it because you're blood related?"

"Nah Clo, it's just a sisterly bond that you develop with your sister"

"Oh that makes a bit more sense Ro, but why is it that way?"

"I don't know, it just is, there's no other way to explain it to an only child like yourself other than it just is that way"

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