《Rowan: Queen of Chav's》Birth giver at the gates (Nine)


Rowan PoV

Bianca, Becky, Chloe and I were on the way out of school, since it was the end of the day, (to which I was grateful for since school was not my favourite thing ever, lol).

And you know who showed up at the fucking school gates?, my mother, like what the fuck Megan!.

"Ok girlies, here's the thing, we have a code red-"

"What's a code red?"

"Well Bee code red is that my birth giver has decided to show up here at school for some fucking reason, so I need you to hide my short arse self here with all your tall arse selves"

"Ro, call either your Dad or your Papa?"

"I will Clo, after we get to the train station, because they're both loud on the phone"



"So are we legging it or walking it?"

"We'll start by walking, because if we run straight off the bat then it'll look suspicious Bee"

So we all start walking out of the school gates, the girls being strategically placed to hide me from Megan, we got about 50 yards away and then we legged it to the train station, (because we all knew that Megan could never run that fast even if she saw me because she always wore stiletto heels).

"I'm fucking knackered"

"No shit Bex"

"Oh fuck off Clo"

"Oi!, stop fighting you two!, or I'll fucking slap ya"

"Yes Mum"

"Ha, ha, very funny Clo, Bee have you got any chewing gum?, these two are wreaking my fucking head"

"Sure Ro"

So after Bianca gave me some chewing gum, we got onto the train, shortly after that my phone starts ringing, yeah all the old people were silently judging me because my ringtone was Roman's Holiday by Nicki Minaj, (it's not old people friendly).



"Hey Ro, so uh, Megan's just called me saying that she was at the school gates looking for you"

"Dad, she ain't gonna find me at the school gates 'cause I'm on the train home, why the fuck was she even at the gate?"

"Why the fuck would I know?, I only had a one night stand with the woman, look Sweetheart, if you don't want to see her, why don't you tell her?"

"Because she doesn't listen to me Dad, look can we talk more about it when I get home?"

"Sure Buba, right, I'll see you when you get home"

"Ok Dad, I love you"

"I love you too Bambina"

I ended the call, and I swear all three of my girlies looked sad for me, because friends do that for you sometimes.

"I'll be fine once I get home girlies, don't look at me like that, I ain't dying or anything"

"But you're sad Ro"

"Yeah I know Becca"

"Becca she has Teddy-"

"It's Uncle Teddy to you Chloe"

"Oh piss off"

So eventually I got home from school, Dad was on the couch, so I took a seat next to him on the couch as I wanted to.

"Hey, you ok there Darling?"


"You wanna talk about it Baby?"

"Might as well, you're not gonna take no for an answer anyway"

Dad held me in his arms, obviously knowing that I was going to cry, because Dad's apparently have emotion sensors or something like that, (or he's just really Mumsy, I haven't decided on that yet).

"Why doesn't she love me?"

"What do you mean by that Sweetheart?"

"Megan comes back only to leave again, surely if she actually loved me Dad, she would either stay or leave rather than all this fucking yo-yoing in and out of my life"


"I know Miele, I know"


"Yes Sweetheart"

"Does it ever hurt less when your Mum disappoints you about what a Mum should be?"

"I don't know the answer to that yet Buba, I'll let you know when I do"

"(Snorts), that's such a Dad answer it hurts"

"It wasn't supposed to hurt Munchkin"

"I didn't mean literally Dad, I meant metaphorically"

"Well that's good to know Baby"

Dad then made me a cup of tea, he then came back with 2 cups of tea and sat back down on the couch, as you do when your kid needs comfort.

"Are you feeling any better Sweetheart?"

"A little bit as you're here"

"I'm glad that I could help you a little bit, is there anything that you want to watch?"

"Can we watch Tom and Jerry please"

"Sure Baby, some things never change huh"

"What's that supposed to mean smart arse?"

"(Snorts), I'm just pointing out that no matter how old you get, your go to thing to watch is Tom and Jerry"

"Well yes Dad, it's a fucking classic"

"(Snorts), Jesus Christ Ro, you are too much like your old man for your own good"

"I love you too Dad"

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