《Rowan: Queen of Chav's》I'm a fucking Addams (Six)


Rowan PoV

I was watching Judy Garland in a star is born because I appreciate the Hollywood legend that is Judy... and I had nothing else to do since I wasn't going to sleep at that point because at this point it was 4 O'clock in the morning, this woman was talented, it's a shame that they drugged her up so much, I'm never going to be that classy though, like have you heard me speak, skipping all my h's and t's like there's no bloody tomorrow.

Shit!, I heard something, is someone coming into the flat?, oh, never mind, it's ok, it was only the couple next door that can't keep their hands to themselves, for fuck's sake, do the horny neighbours need to let the whole bloody floor know that they're fucking each other?.

My phone buzzes, and so I paused the film and checked it, as you do, and it was Bianca texting me, because she was probably bored or something.















I unpaused the movie, but then 20 minutes later, Papa came into the living room looking like he hadn't had much sleep with a glass of water in his hand, so I paused it again because I'm nice.

"Morning Papa"

"Morning Sweetheart, why are you up so early?"

"Well, next door really don't know what privacy is when it comes to fucking each other so that was bloody fantastic"

Papa then spat out his water like he chocked on it, for some reason as he should have been used to me being too much like an Addams would be at this point in time.

"What!?, I'm a fucking Addams, I'm shit at sugar coating things though Papa"

"You sounded just like your Dad then"




"Can I ask you something?"


"How did you meet Dad?"

"We both went to the teen parent group that school made us go to, and Auntie Jade was also there with us"

"Was Dad like how he is now?"

"Well yes and no, he was a bit more of a player when we first met"

"I did not know that about him"

"He doesn't like talking about it ever Sweetheart as he doesn't want you to think that it was ok for someone to treat you the same way as he had other people"

"Knowing Dad though, he told them from the get go and they didn't listen because he's too honest for that to happen"

"(Snorts), you're probably right about that Poppet but you know what your Dad's like when it comes to himself"

So then I popped the kettle on and waited for it to boil so that I could make Papa and I a cup of tea, and when I had finished making the cups of tea I then brought them over to where we were sitting.


"Yes Sweetheart"

"Do you remember when you knew that you were in love with Dad?"

"I do remember, it was a couple of weeks after your Dad and I got together, well he was actually collecting you and Mikey from school, and seeing how caring he is just made me realise that I love him so much"

"That's actually adorable Papa"

Papa then brought me into a hug, which reminded me about the fact that Dad wasn't always a cuddly person, which to this day I was actually shocked about, probably because he gave the best hugs ever.

"Papa did you know that Dad didn't used to do hugs?"

"Yes I did know that"

"How come I didn't notice this before?"

"Sweetheart the reason why you didn't know is that for a while you were the only person he would hug until you were 3"

"I want to be like 'oh' but then I remember that his parents are a bunch of dicks"

"(Snorts), Honey you're not wrong but you don't need to be so blunt about it"

"But then I would be lying Papa, and I'm not a liar"

"No I would never and could never accuse you of that Sweetheart"

"I know, I love you"

"I love you too Poppet"

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