《BABY. ☆ wednesday addams》six



as wednesday held her hand. she swung his hand slightly as they walked, a nervous habit one could assume. it was a very sunny day outside, everything was perfect on paper. the sun was gleaming brilliantly on the pair. the lake was warm and people were canoeing quietly. there were even birds singing in the background. but the slight chill of the air was enough to send shivers down her spine.

wednesday was focused as he led her through the woods to their spot. she didn't even question it, her trust in him was growing. it was such a foreign yet beautiful feeling. but something kept telling her that it wasn't such a good day. but how could that be the case? she's finally with the boy she likes!

when they reached the archway that led them to cliff, wednesday held up the branches for her. she went first and sat down on the patch of grass, him second.

it was silent as they sat. the water was rushing below them, the woods making a semi cave that protected them from danger. nothing could be wrong. the silence didn't bother baby, she was used to it. so she just went back to her habit of pulling grass out.

"i'm leaving baby." wednesday finally spoke up. baby's grass-pulling slightly triggering a reaction out of him. "my parents had a child, and i can't stand it here. i would rather.. be miserable at home." baby's jaw dropped slightly as she turned to face him. his thick eyebrows were bunched in concentration, watching her reaction.

"i'm sorry i just," she paused for a moment as she brushed a hand through her hair. she was so confused. "what about us?" he smiled briefly, lifting his hand up to touch her bottom lip with his thumb. she leaned into his touch but he briefly pulled away going back to his cold demeanor.


"there is no "us."" he swallowed and looked away from her. her mouth dropped even lower, if that's even possible, she gave him the coldest stare she could muster.

"what do you mean we aren't a thing? you kissed me!" she exclaimed before standing up, he stood up to mimick her anger.

"i kissed you? no way! you were desperate!" he exclaimed back. and just like that, her emotions went from angry to sad. he perceives me as desperate.

"oh, i see." she said quietly as tears filled her vision. "it's a disgusting thing to lead someone on, wednesday."

he scoffed out loud. "i never led you on. you were just so naive to chase me around." her heart tore even more as he said that. what happened to the sweet boy from last night?

it was awkwardly silent as he watched her cry quietly. he watched as she lifted her hand to wipe her tears and look at him.

"i like you, a lot. you're weird, and scary, but you made me feel safe. and no one, no one, has ever done that for me." her voice broke at the last word so she stopped to regain herself. "i'm sorry if i came off as desperate, i just wanted to be loved." she finished strongly as she watched him scowl at her. she shook her head and left, walking down the trail alone. it was dark, but she didn't care. even the dark could manage to comfort her better than any of her friends could.

wednesday watched her walk away before turning back to the edge of the cliff. a small tear rolled down his cheek.

it will be better this way, he thought. i could never love her as much as she deserves.


wednesday walked empty handed out of the camp late that evening, but not before stopping at cabin four. he looked through the very last window on the right side, to see a brunette sobbing. her friend was hugging her, but she kept shaking her head. wednesday almost thought he could see her saying, why does no one love me?



okay my heart absolutely TORE writing that. like completely obliterated. baby deserves the world, and it seems no one is willing to give her it.

so i have come up with the idea that i'm going to write as much as possible, and come back and edit when the story is over. so then instead of posting every week, it'll be like every 1-2 days. deal? deal.

i have so many books that i've started in my drafts too. this is just the only one i've had the guts to post sooo if anyone thinks i should start posting my other ones lmk :) i rlly rlly want to write a ouat peter pan fic? idk robbie kay just makes my heart go whoosh and there arent too good peter pan fics out there.

anyways, thank you for reading.

much love - dee

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