《Here comes Teddy》Please don't go Daddy... (Twenty-five)


Teddy PoV

It was a couple of hours after Ro had met her mum, it was dark outside and the it was quiet for the time it was, we were sitting on the couch and you could drop a pin on the floor it was so quiet, at this point I really wished that Ro didn't meet Megan, because just like I had predicted, I was picking up the pieces, but nobody listened to me even though I know my child the best.


"Yes Baby"

"Why would my Mummy want to meet me even though it was her who didn't want to be my Mummy?"

She started crying, it always breaks my heart when she cries, so I pulled her into a hug, and I kissed the top of her head, her eyes were pooling in sadness.

"I don't know Princess, I really don't know, (coos), please don't cry Sweetheart"

"But it hurts Daddy"

"I know Baby, I know, I know it hurts"

"Daddy, do I have to call her Mummy?"

"No Sweetheart, no, not if you don't want to Baby"

"What would I call her though Daddy?"

"Well you can call her by her name if you really want to Sweetheart"

"But wouldn't she be insulted though Daddy?"

"(Sighs), well Baby, I, uh, I really can't answer that question for you Sweetheart because I don't know how Megan feels about things, because I'm not Megan, but to be honest with you Baby girl, if I were in her shoes, I'd take you calling me my name"

"But you wouldn't leave me though Daddy"

"No I wouldn't, you're right about that Buba, shh, it's going to be ok Sweetheart, I promise"

Ro buried herself deeper into my chest, if that was even possible, I lightly ran my fingers through her hair and kissed the top of her head again, because I was worried as fuck.


"Hey, where's my happy girl gone?"

"She's not here Daddy"

"Do you know when she'll be back?"

"I don't know"

"Is there anything I can do to bring her back?"

"Please don't go Daddy"

My heart dropped to my stomach as Ro began to sob her heart out, my eyes welled up with tears, so I did what I thought was the best thing to do, which was to comfort her.

"Hey Sweetheart, it's ok, please don't cry Darling, Daddy's not going anywhere Baby, I promise, shh, shhhh, shhhhhh, you're ok Baby, you're ok, Daddy's got you, I got you Darling, I'm here, I've got you Sweetheart, I got you, shh, shhhh, shhhhhhhh"

It took 20 minutes for Ro to stop crying, and my heart was pounding against my chest like a bloody drum the whole fucking time.

"I love you Daddy"

"I love you too Baby"

"I love you more"

"(Chuckles), I love you most"


"Yes Sweetheart"

"M sleepy Daddy"

"Well Sleepy, I'm Dad, it's nice to meet you"

A small laugh came out of Ro's mouth, though I don't think it was because she found the joke funny, it's probably because of how stupidly like a Dad joke it was.

"Hey there's my happy girl, eh"


"Yes Bambina?"

"Has anybody told you that you tell silly jokes?"

"Hmm, well I gotta be honest here and say yes to your question Sweetheart, I have been told that I tell silly jokes a couple times"

"Good, at least they loved you enough to not lie to your face Daddy"


Ro then yawned, really insinuating that she was sleepy and tired, so I stood up from the couch with Ro still in my arms.

"Alright sleepyhead, I think it's time for you to go to bed"



"Yes Bambina"

"Can I sleep with you tonight?, I don't wanna be on my own"

"Ok Baby, Daddy just needs to do his teeth first, ok"

"Ok Daddy"

So I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, as ya do, and then I put Ro down so that I could actually brush my teeth.

"Have you done your teeth yet Baby?"

"Not yet"

"Ok, do you want me to put the toothpaste on?"

"Yes please"

"Ok Buba, here you go"

"Thank you Daddy"

"You're welcome Baby"

So we brushed our teeth and all that jazz, I picked Ro back up and we went to bed.

"You feeling any better Baby?"

"I don't know Daddy"

"Ok, is there anything that might help you feel better?"

"Can you sing please?"

"Sure Bambina, I am a bit rusty though so bear with me ok?"


So I sang the only lullaby that I remembered at the time, because it was the only one I used when Ro was a baby.

"Chiudi gli mio tesor (close my eyes, my treasure), dolce amor, dolce amor (Sweet love, sweet love), fa la nanna sul mio cuore (sleep on my heart), dolce amor, dolce amor (Sweet love, sweet love), fa la nanna sul mio cuore (sleep on my heart)"


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