《Here comes Teddy》Mum comes around (Nineteen)


Teddy PoV.

It was a rare moment of silence for my Nana and I since Ro was surprisingly still asleep at 8 O'clock in the morning, that silence didn't last that long because then Mum decided to come knocking on the door.

"Teddy, your Mum is here"

"Uhhhhh, why?"

"If I knew that Bambino, I would have a job as a mind reader or something and not just a widower of an Irish man"

"Thanks anyway Nana"

So I walked to the front door, opened it and started to talk to my mother, because I had questions on her motives, I know that it doesn't sound great, especially when you say that about your own Mum but I knew her habits very well at this point.

"Hi honey"

"Woah, what the hell?, when did this honey shit start?"

"Does it really matter Teddy?"

"No no not really as long as you don't call me that again, anyway why are you here?"

"Mrs Grant called me"

"Did she now?, and what does that have to do with the reason you came here?"

"She wanted to meet Rowan"

"Does she now, well her and her husband didn't want to know about Ro the day she was born, so why start now?"

"You didn't tell them that you and Ro moved"

"I don't have any obligation to tell them shit about where I fucking live"

"But you have an obligation to tell them where their granddaughter lives"

I rolled my eyeballs, because I was still a teenager and shit, that and I didn't want it to get violent, because that wouldn't be settling a good example for Ro, even if she was still in bed.

"No, I'm pretty sure that I don't have to tell them where my daughter lives because they are not part of her life Mum"


"But they're her Grandparents"

"So what if they're her Grandparents, she has never fucking met them, ever!, and they blamed her for something that her Parents did, so how 'good' are they at being her Grandparents?"

"They're sorry about that Teddy"

"Because that is so going to help with everything that they have fucking said about my kid!"

"Sarcasm gets you nowhere Teddy"

At that moment I didn't give a shit about how my Mum felt about something, my blood was boiling, the anger rising from the pit of my stomach.

"No no no, it's not as fucking simple as 'I am sorry', I don't fucking care about what they say about me, if anything I encourage them to say whatever the fuck they want to say, because I'm a grown arse man and I can take whatever they want to throw at me, but what got to me the day that Ro was born, was how they held her responsible for 'ruining their daughter's life' even though she didn't ask for Meg and I to not wear a fucking condom, they were ok with blaming a newborn baby instead of the almost adults that actually fucking made a baby, so if they expect to able to just waltz in after the shit they've said, I might be younger than most but I don't have stupid written across my fucking forehead"

My Mum looked so pissed, I didn't give a shit though, I still don't give a shit, because she sees the best in the wrong people and the worst in the wrong people.

"Teddy, I personally believe that Rowan needs to meet her grandparents"

"I don't think that it should happen, I'm not dragging my child in the fire pits of hell, Nana, what do think?"

"I wouldn't until you are sure that they wouldn't hurt her"


"Thanks Nana, Mum can you leave if you're still going to side with them?"


And with that she left, I felt shaken up after that 'meeting' with my mother, but who wouldn't be.

My Nana made me some tea because she has like a tea needing sensor or something.

"You know that you won't be able to protect Rowan forever?"

"I know I can't Nana, but I don't get how Mum can just disregard her completely"

"No no I get that completely Tesoro, I think that you have made a good decision in a bad situation, but I just wish that you didn't have to make that decision in the first place, you're barely an adult yourself Tesoro"

"I'm used to it by now Nana, very little surprises me anymore"

"That doesn't make me feel any better about how the world has treated you Teddy"

"(Sighs), I know Nana, I know"

Ro then sleepily came down the stairs, and then climbed onto my lap.

"Morning Darling"

"Morning Daddy"

"Did you sleep alright?"


"That's good to hear"

"Morning Nana"

"Morning Sweetheart, have you been awake long?"

"No Nana"

"Ok Sweetheart"

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