《Here comes Teddy》What is a Mummy? (Ten)


Teddy PoV

I was waiting at the school gates like any other parent would, most of the mums there were way, way, way older than me bar like a couple of teen mums, all the other dads were like definitely way older than me bar like Jack, not that it bothered Ro at all, (because she was 3 years old but still), it didn't usually bother me, it only bothered me if they were staring at me because of it, so anyway Ro came out of school like always, it was what came after that was unusual.

"Hi Daddy"

"Hey Baby girl, did you have good day at school today?"

"Yes I did"

"Good, I'm glad to hear it Buba"


"Yes Darling"

"What is a Mummy?"

I don't know why that question caught me off guard, as most people do have a Mum around and she saw that all around her at school, but it really did catch me off guard, denial will do that to you though.

"Uh, we'll talk about it when we get home Rowan Sweetheart, ok Baby"

"But why Daddy?"

"Because it's going to take some time to explain it Darling, ok"

"Ok Daddy"

So Ro held on to my hand and we walked to the train station to get home, because I wasn't going to walk down the London streets with a 3 year old girl, so eventually when Ro and I walked through the front door, my mum was attempting to cook, I say attempting because she would genuinely find a way to burn bloody cereal.

"Hey Mum, (sniffs), why does it smell so bad in here?"

"Well 'cause I'm cooking Teddy"

"Okay then, that explains it"

"Why are you cooking Nanny?"

"Because I wanted to"

"Oh, ok Nanny, don't burn anyfing now"


Ro then runs up the stairs as I sat down at the kitchen table, I laugh for a second about how adorable she was, then I remembered that she asked the dreaded question...

"Teddy, what's up?"

"Nothing Mum I'm fine"

"Are any of the other parents giving you a hard time Teddy?"

"(Snorts), nah Mum, they just mind their own business now, it's just I got asked a question today that kinda threw me off a bit"

"What's that then Teddy"

"(Sighs), fuck, how would you explain what a Mum is?"

"Has Rowan asked you?"

"Yes, she did, just this afternoon when I went to pick her up from school, it caught me so off guard Mum"

"It's not that question that bothers you though, is it?"

"Nah, it's the question that she will ask after that worries me Mum, because I don't want to break her precious little heart"

"Teddy, Rowan will be ok because she has you"

"Sure, thanks Mum"

Ro then walks down the stairs and then she climbed onto my lap, because apparently my lap was completely comfortable to sit on or something, (though honestly I don't know why).

"Daddy!, Daddy!, Daddy!, look! I dwawed you today!"

"You did Baby?"


"It's wonderful Sweetie"

"You fink so Daddy?"

"Of course, it's made by my special girl, (kisses cheek), Rowan Sweetheart, do you remember what question you asked me today?"

"What is a Mummy?"

"Ok, (kisses top of her head), so a Mummy is like a Daddy, the difference being that Mummy's are ladies and Daddies are men"


"Yeah Baby girl"

"Why don't I have a Mummy?"

There it was, that was question that I had dreaded being asked by her, though I honestly don't blame her for asking, I brought Ro into a hug because my instincts were screaming at me to comfort my child.


"(Sighs), you do have a Mummy Darling, she just didn't want to be a Mummy"

"Is it my fault Daddy?"

"No, Buba, it's not your fault, not at all, don't you ever think that it is, ok?"

"Ok, you're not leaving me Daddy, are you?"

"No Darling, you're stuck with me forever"

"You pwomise?"

"Yeah Buba, I promise"

We sat in silence for a while, probably because we were both trying to process what happened, it was silent until my Mum came in from the kitchen.

"Ah fuck!"

"What happened Mum?"

"I burnt dinner"

"You tried to cook us all dinner, why's that?"

"Well I was watching the cooking channel-"

"Mum, no offence but the cooking channel is made for people who have a basic understanding of cooking"

"Are you saying that I don't have a basic understanding of cooking?"

"You burnt cereal yesterday Mum"

"Ok and?"

"You don't cook bloody cereal"

"So is that why George gave me a funny look when I was cooking the cereal yesterday"

"Yeah, that's exactly why"

"I guess that answers my question then, doesn't it?"

"Yeah Mum, that definitely answers your question alright"

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