《You Give Me Problems (Van McCann)》She Always Knew How to Pull the Strings


Abby (A/N: yeah):

"I'm losing him Alice." I studied myself in the mirror, glaring at my makeup streaked face. I was too lazy to wash off the bloody makeup last night and now I looked like a complete nutter after stepping out of the shower.

"Christ, I could've told you that since the beginning. Which is what happens when you get with boys who don't love you." She sang back to me, breaking into a laugh on the other end.

"Sod off." I leaned forward, rubbing a finger down my cheek and watching the black mascara line grow longer. "Christ." I moaned.

"So what you gonna do? Shag him till he comes back to you? Oh wait."

"You call yourself my mate. Daft cow." I grabbed one of the towels and ran it under the sink water, rubbing it along my face. "Alright, I know what I'm gonna do."


"Make him feel bad for me."

"You think that'll work?"

"Just until something new comes along. You know he brought up that, that knackered twat to me yesterday? Bollocks if I let him go back to her."

"He's fit and all, but you've already had the pleasure of shagging him. Why not look for someone who just wants you?"

"Van wants me Alice. Besides, I want everything with him."


"Everything." I repeated, wiping the last stain off my face.


It was simple really. My mum had always told me I could fake cry better than any actress on the telly. And if it was gonna hold Van down, I'd shed snot if I had to.



She gripped me tighter, her sobs making her entire body tremble. Larry and I shared a look as I numbly held her, not even noticing when I'd started rocking her back and forth.

"Everything alright?" Bondy spoke up, fighting back a yawn. "Breakfast calls no? Besides, we've got the show to play in a couple hours." He paused at the end of the hallway, looking at us as if we were insane. "I'm honestly wondering what is going on right now?"

"Her parents had an auto accident." I mumbled, looking at her hunched figure, her face still burrowed in my shirt. "I'm sure that means...you have to go back." I said softly. "You have to go see them Abby."

She brought her head away from me, looking at me completely confused. "You're not coming with me?" She asked.

"I-I've got the show tonight Abby. We have to be there in two hours. And you...you have to go now. I can't keep you here. Especially when your parents need you."

"And you're not coming with me? Van, I'll wait for you. But you can't just let me go on my own. What kind of man..." She dug her nails into my arm while she stared me down, her eyes bloodshot and her voice wobbly.

"I-...." I looked at Larry. He shook his head, shrugging.

"Fine, yes." I mumbled, holding her at a distance. "I'll tell Martin to find us some tickets."

"I'll find them. We're leaving tonight. Right after the show." She turned away and went inside the room, shutting the door tightly behind her.

"Christ on a stick." Bondy sighed, shaking his head. "That's a shame. Sucks you'll be leaving us so soon, but we'll see you back home next week yeah?"

I frowned. I guess I'd thought the guys would all leave with me. We would all just go back tonight, but of course, how could I ask them to do that? Abby was with me.


I thought of Carmen, shutting my eyes and rubbing my nose.

"Mornin'." Benji yawned, blinking slowly as he scratched his nose.

"You guys grab some food, bring something for Abby. I-I have to go."

"Van." Larry said in warning.

"I'm leaving tonight Larry." I said sharply, turning to the door.

I slammed the elevator button, feeling it go extremely slow. I didn't bother bringing anything, not even my wallet for a taxi. Guess it'd be on foot.

I walked, losing myself in the crowds for a moment. It was nice to be unfamiliar right now, being able to just blend in with everyone.

It was a thirty minute walk, but I went inside her building and climbed up the stairs to the door, catching my breath for one second before knocking.

"Van, what are"-I grabbed her face, tasting her mouth against mine and feeling my shoulders drop with ease. Her hands wrapped around mine, as I stepped inside and shut the door with my foot. Guilt tore through me as I thought about the girl who was waiting back in the hotel room for me, but desperation tore through me as I felt Carmen's skin underneath mine.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"What are you talking about?"

"I have to talk to you. I have to leave tonight."

"Why?" She looked at me, confused.

"Things came up."

"Well," She paused, looking at the ground. "I don't know what to tell you." She tried to laugh, but stopped. "I thought we could talk about some things, more. What we couldn't talk about last night."

"I know, I thought I'd be able to stay longer. But I'll talk to you later. I won't let you go now." I brought a hand to her face.

"Maybe I can take you to the airport or something?"

"No. That won't..be necessary. Martin likes to keep tabs on us." I responded, feeling my neck grow hot.

"Oh ok."

"Carmen, I wish I could stay here with you, especially now. I don't want to feel so far away from you ever again."

She pushed her hair back. "I know Van."

"Do you?"



"I do." I turned away from him. "Did you walk here?"

"Forgot my wallet for a taxi." He admitted.

"I'll take you back if you want."

"Sure, I'd love that. But right now just let me be here with you." He hugged me from behind, planting a massive kiss at the side of my forehead. I fixed my hands around his, shutting my eyes for a second. The same feelings came rushing back, even some of the ones I'd been trying to so hard to forget now that he was leaving.

"What happened with Abby?" I finally asked, curiosity coursing through me. "You never said?"

"What happened with Abby? What do you mean?"

"You know what I mean." I looked at him. He stared back at me, blinking.

"What had to happen." He responded, shrugging.

"Is she still with you?"

"Why would she still be with me?" He smiled.


I sat in the car, watching him disappear within the doors to the hotel. I'd asked him if he was leaving straight from the show's set, and he'd said he thought they'd come back to the hotel. Maybe I couldn't say goodbye to him from the airport, but I'd stop by after the show for one last time, and say hi to the guys.




"There's a red-eye for four."

"In the morning?" I asked.

"Yes." She'd answered, looking at me like I was mad. "It was the first one available." Abby had stood up from her spot on the couch and walked to the window. "Can't say I liked it much here. I'm glad we're leaving."

"Your parents were in a car accident." I responded. "Are you really glad to be leaving under those circumstances?"

"Of course not." She'd responded thoughtfully.

I thought about that exchange now, as I hoisted the guitar up and heard the banter coming from behind the curtain. Laughter rang out, and the clapping of the audience made the whole room vibrate.

"Commercial break, up in five." One of the girls spoke behind me. I dunno if she was talking to us though, a few minutes ago I'd mistaken one of the questions being directed towards me, but the girl had smiled apologetically and tapped the earpiece I hadn't seen.

I looked behind me, making faces at the guys while Bob tapped his drumsticks impatiently. I ran my pick along the strings, hearing the intro music start up again.

"They're blowing up all over the UK with their debut album, The Balcony, and they're here right now to share some of the love here. Please help me welcome, Catfish and the Bottlemen!"

We launched into Kathleen. I shut my eyes as I brought my lips to the microphone, nodding my head to the tune.

Opening them, I looked glanced into the audience, then at the many cameras being directed to me.

And I'll come

You can leather me with your lips

I thought of Carmen's hands on my face as she brought her lips close to mine just a couple of hours ago, her smile brighter than the headlights that had washed over us while I wished of nothing more than to be stuck in the car with her for another couple of hours.


"Massive job boys." James Corden clapped a hand along my back.

Abby had been standing near Benji, but now she made her way to me, setting her face on my shoulder. "Bloody massive."

"Are you Van's girl?" The host smiled at us. "Lovely couple. Anytime you boys want to come play in the area, I've got my stage ready for ya."

"Class, thanks sir. Really." I watched him turn around, ambushed by all the producers and show people.

"Guess we should go back then?" I looked at Abby. She hadn't even seemed remotely down.

"Yes." Her smile disappeared and she got serious again.

"You guys should hang around, grab a drink. We're just gonna stop for our bags at the hotel anyway?"

"You sure?" Larry asked, the guys looking at me.

"Yeah, I'll call you guys once we land over there."


I let Martin know Abby and I were leaving, and we grabbed a taxi back. I watched the lights of the city while Abby remained quiet. "Hear anything from them yet?"

"No." She said.

We got to the hotel and she grabbed my hand in the elevator, leading me out to the hall. I saw a flash of dark hair walking past our room, but she stopped, studying the room. My heart sunk.

Carmen turned our direction, her mouth falling.

"Think you've got the wrong room." Abby said crudely. I pulled my hand away from hers, but not before Carmen's eyes flashed to them.

Carmen stepped to the side. "Van"-

"Van babe we've got to be at the airport in like thirty minutes." Abby looked over at Carmen,who was still standing at the side. "Van really can't see any fans right now, we're on our way out." Abby grabbed the key and threw open the door, stepping in.

I turned to Carmen, who was looking at me in a way I couldn't even describe. "Carmen"-

"Carmen?" Abby looked at me. She looked at Carmen, studying her. "You're Carmen?"

"Carmen, I"-

She turned, striding away from us.

"No, Carmen, wait!"

"Van!" Abby stepped out and tried to grab my hand, but I pulled away from her.

"Carmen!" She was slamming the button to the elevator, arms crossed. "Carmen, wait, don't go yet, I"-

"Is this some sort of payback?" Her eyes were on fire. She shook her head, this time fully turning to look at me.


"For me right? Because of what I did with Zach? You decided to sleep with me and do everything to fuck me over, but you have Abby now! I get it." The elevator doors opened and she stepped in.

Abby strode over and yanked my arm back, but I pulled away. "Van, this bitch"-

Carmen paused the elevators, stepping out. "This bitch slept with"-

"Carmen." I interrupted her. "I am begging you, to listen to what I have to tell you. But don't say anything right now"

"I don't have anything to say to you Van. I get the message loud and clear."

"He's with me now! Look at how you treated him, what did you expect you dumb cunt?" Abby cut in.

"Abby!"Carmen slapped Abby across the face. I stood between them quickly, pushing Abby back with both hands and shaking my head at Carmen. "Carmen, Abby and I"-

"Van, are you really going to let her treat me like this?! Van and I are happy together, why won't you leave him alone?!" Abby shrieked like a maniac, trying to claw at Carmen, who had now relaxed, turning to push the button to the elevator again.

"Abby, quit it!" I shoved her back. Her eyes locked on mine, betrayal moving through them. "Quit it? Van, she wants to steal her away from me! She can't find any other lad so she wants to take you from me! Daft cow, he's mine!"

"I'm not yours."

The elevator door opened and Carmen stepped inside. I followed her. Abby kept her eyes trained on us while she began to step forward. "Go to the room and get your things ready." I said.

"But Van.." Her voice got small again, needy.

"Go back to her Van." Carmen spoke up, tired. "She's your girlfriend."

"Carmen, I have a reason why I haven't had the chance to break up with her."

"Give me it then."

"Her parents were in a car accident."

"That's terrible. Last night?"

"This morning I think."

"But last night, I, you could've done it. Don't lie to me Van."

The doors slid open and she stepped out, but turned to wait for me. "Carmen, I want to tell you, just hear me out."

"That's what I'm doing."

"She showed up and Larry convinced me. No, it wasn't completely Larry, it was me too. She was here in this strange country she's never been in, and I didn't know what she'd do if I did it then. She's a little off sometimes, and I know it wasn't good to sneak around like that, but the truth is I was worried and I didn't want you to think it wasn't something I wanted to do. Carmen you mean so much to me, do you think I'd want to lose you over someone else?"

She looked at me, arms crossed. She blinked quickly, looking away. "I don't want you to leave Van. I guess that's something I always wanted to tell you, even before. I don't want you to leave me, ever."


"Please, don't let me go." She said, shutting her eyes.

I had things to say, but I'd already said too much and these things building up in my throat seemed almost excessive. So I wrapped her in my arms and held her close to me, pressing my lips against her forehead.

"Why didn't you say anything upstairs, with Abby?" She asked, not looking at me.

"Because I'm a fucking coward." I said. "But if it means I might lose you, then Abby will have to hear me out now."



Fucking wanker. I threw the room door open and slammed it shut behind me, grabbing my suitcase from the bedroom and looking at Van's bag. I kicked it, feeling a wave of tears hit me.

Here she was. Waiting for him, waiting to take him from me. I dropped my suitcase in the living room and walked to the door, already knowing what I had to do.

Van was on the other side, ready to knock. "You came back." I felt relief. "Van, come on, we have to grab a taxi to the airport."

"Abby, I'm not going with you."

"What? Van, my parents are in the hospital. We can't wait anymore."

"Well then go."

"Van." I whispered helplessly. I wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my lips against his face.

"Abby." His hands reached to pry me away.

"Van, don't do this."

"I'm sorry."

"Van, my parents were in an auto accident. You can't just leave me like this."

"I'll call my mum, and I'll tell her about it. Your aunt and uncle must know already right? They'll be with you. They'll be there to offer more help than I will. Besides, you and I...we're not good together Abby, and you know that." He began to reach for his phone.

I grabbed it from his hand and threw it over my shoulder. "Van you can't do this! It's because of her right? You're mine Van!"

"Abby, why don't you just admit to me that your parents really weren't in an auto accident?" He snapped, voice changed.

I clasped my hands together, taking a deep breath. "W-What the bloody hell are you talking about?"

"I called my mum already on the way back here. She had no fucking clue what I was going on about. Your parents are perfectly fine paying a visit to your aunt and uncle across from my parents. My mum met your mum and said she's lovely."



She opened and closed her mouth, looking at her feet.

"How fucking mad are you that you had to make something like that up? Why?" I demanded. She still wasn't looking at me. "Abby!"

"Because she wants to take you from me Van! She thinks she can walk in and say she loves you and have you back just like that! Well that's not bloody ok because you're mine."

I rubbed my face, taking a deep breath. "Go back to London Abby. We're done. Completely."

"Van, I"-

"We'll change your flight. But I really don't want to see your face around here anymore."

"You're making a mistake." She suddenly jerked forward and wrapped around me, pressing her face against me. "You're making a mistake Van." She began to cry again, her fingers digging into my shirt.

"I'll get you a ticket right now. And then I'll call you a cab."


"I called you a cab. Your flight leaves in two hours and the cab will be here in five."

She didn't look up at me from where she sat on the sofa, her eyes trained on the carpet. I walked back into the bedroom, sitting on the bed and taking a deep breath. I reached for my phone, opening a message.

I'm sorry. I love you

I waited five minutes before walking out, where Abby still hadn't moved from her spot.


"I'm going to leave when I want to." She said in a low voice, standing up. "So get your refund, because I'm going to hang around here for a bit."

"Abby, just go."

She grabbed her suitcase and walked to the door. "I swear to god you're going to come crawling back to me Van. But you choose, good or bad terms." She threw open the door and stepped out.

"Abby, you get on that plane and go back to London. You said it yourself, you hate it here."

She didn't say another word, closing the door behind her.

I collapsed on the sofa, shutting my eyes. My mind refused to stand still, and I replayed Abby's words. Good or bad terms?



I found it surprising I could concentrate on the drive home with my mind over analyzing everything.

I parked and locked the car, crossing my arms as I walked to the apartment building. There was a lot I had to sleep off, my arms and legs tired. But first, something to soothe my nerves.

The apartment was quiet, Jesse was spending the night at her boyfriend's house. I lit a cigarette and stood near the window, blowing a puff of smoke out while fighting back a yawn. I shut my eyes as I took another drag, exhaling slowly.


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