《QUIRK | naruto. u ✔》nine.


❝ what an idiot. ❞

roof to roof in a steady pace after she completed her latest mission. She was just doing an A-class mission with the other two elite jounin. Because of this war, the ANBU were more likely to carry out Jounin class missions.


She halted in shock. Her gaze was blank as she thought about this feeling in her chest. The two Jounins who were her teammates also stopped and turned to look at the girl curiously.

"Something wrong?"

"No, you can go first," she replied, her brain still spinning at the feeling that enveloped her.

There's no mistaking it. This feeling. Kyuubi.

Shizuka turned around and ran quickly towards the source of the released Kyuubi's chakra. She had given Naruto a bit of her chakra two days ago secretly so she could know firsthand if the kyuubi reacted again. But she didn't expect that he would react so quickly. She couldn't help but be curious about Naruto's spur to release the Kyuubi's chakra. Actually, what made his emotions run high? Or did he take it out on purpose?

Never mind. Shizuka shook her head a few more times to regain her focus and increase her running speed. No matter how tired she was after completing the A-class mission earlier.


The girl turned to the side, seeing Kakashi who was also running towards the same direction as his dog ninja, Pakkun. "Kakashi ..." she trailed off. "I don't have time for you. But we have to hurry."

After a few minutes of running, Shizuka realized that the kyuubi's chakra had disappeared. Because of that they also rely on Pakkun's smell, because she can't feel the chakra of the kyuubi and herself in Naruto's body.

The three of them finally jumped down from the trees. Standing on the cliffs of the Valley of the End, the place where Hashirama and Madara used to fight.

Shizuka and Kakashi gives each other a look before jumped down at the same time. On the riverbank, Naruto lay unconscious. "So he failed huh," muttered Kakashi, crouching down to pull Naruto up.


"What exactly happened?" asked Shizuka, observing the slight damage on the cliff before helping to lift Naruto onto Kakashi's back.

"Sasuke left the village last night," Kakashi explained, stood up and gripped Naruto's leg tightly. "And because our village is empty, Tsunade-sama ordered the rookies to stop him."

"So he went to Ororchimaru?" she muttered, there is bitterness on her tone. After her battle with the sannin, it made her hatred towards him grow. "What an idiot."

Kakashi shrugged, putting a right amount of chakra on his feet before jumping up. "Well, revenge can make people blind."

"What a dangerous emotion."


Finally Naruto was taken to the hospital to be treated, along with some of his friends who were also on the mission. From what she heard, the rookies met an enemy who was Orochimaru's subordinate. And when the corpses were brought home, Shizuka recognized the four ninjas. They are the ninja who locked her up and the Third Hokage with a purple barrier.

"Naruto, you really want to go train with Jiraiya-sama?" asked Sakura when they were in front of the Konoha's gate. Her head was slightly lowered as she hoped that Naruto would stay at the village. After Sasuke, she doesn't want Naruto to leave too. Even though Naruto would come back after a few years.

"Yes!" Naruto nodded firmly, clutching his backpack tightly. "I promised you, Sakura. I will bring Sasuke home, and the first step is to make myself stronger than before!"

"You're right," Sakura smiled gently. Then her expression turned to enthusiasm, as she palmed her fist in front of her chest. "When you're training, I'm going to get stronger too, shannaro!"

"That's great!!" Naruto exclaimed happily. Then his gaze turned to Shizuka who was still wearing her usual flat face without emotion. "Shizuka, you don't want to say anything to me?"

"Tch," Shizuka tsked irritably, finding a bit annoyed seeing his grin. "I usually don't do this. So be grateful."


Naruto took the scroll that Shizuka had handed him with a confused look. "Wind Release?"

"Why did you give that to Naruto?" Jiraiya asked curiously, looking down at the scroll, then looking back at the girl. "We still don't know what elemental chakra Naruto has."

"It's today lucky item for Aquarius, nanodayo," Shizuka replied, raising her glasses up. "If you don't want to, you can throw it away."

Naruto carried the scroll to his chest, shaking his head. His eyes shone with enthusiasm. "No-no. I'll take this, dattebayou!"

"Good then," she sighed, then giving him a pointed stare. "You better be mastering all jutsu in that when you come back."

Naruto grinned widely. "Thank you!! I knew you're so kind, Shi-chan!!"


Shizuka's eyebrow twitching in annoyance. "I gave you that because I'm tired of seeing your rasengan! And don't call me Shi-chan!"

"Just you wait, I'm gonna master this, dattebayou!" he declared, pointing her with his point finger, grinned excitedly.

When Naruto was talking to the others, Shizuka walked towards Jiraiya. Naruto often tells about him who is a perverted sage. He is even the author of Kakashi's favorite novel which she hates. Because of that, Shizuka kept her distance and cautious with this man.

"Jiraiya-sama, here..." She trailed off, pulling out a bunch of paper seals to the sage. "incase Kyuubi's chakra would leak out."

The white-haired sage stared at it for a few seconds before picking it up and nodding in understanding. "Okay, thank you."

"Please be aware of his emotions. It's the one who triggered it."

Not long after that Naruto and Jiraiya left. And team 7 was finally inactive. Kakashi often does his jounin missions, Sakura is busy studying medicine with Tsunade, and Shizuka who has returned to her ANBU.

"Shizuka!" The main door of Midorima's estate slid violently. And with her scream, it succeeded in making Shizuka who was in her room notice the pink-haired girl.

"Sakura, please be careful when sliding the door. It can be damaged if you use your strength," Shizuka scolded in a calm tone. Walking out from her bedroom to greet her teammate. "Also, can you please not to shout?"

"Sorry, sorry," the said girl apologized, rubbing the back of her neck.

"So, what do you want with me?" the green-haired girl invited her in, and led her into the living room.

"Oh that, I heard that you were leaving. Is that true?" she asked, playing with her short pink hair. Twisting it.

Shizuka sat next to her, confused about why Sakura had to go to her house. And how she looked like she was sad and alone. "Yes."

"Oh, I see ..." she trailed off. Staring down at her hands. "Why?"

The girl was silent for a moment as she remembered her conversation with the Hokage this morning. "I want to train. To get stronger."

"But, you're already so strong!!" exclaimed Sakura in surprise, her gaze immediately returned to Shizuka who slightly widened her eyes in surprise at her exclamations.

Noticing her own action, Sakura turned red. "I-I'm sorry ... I just ... I just feel lonely because you, Naruto, and Sasuke-kun left."

If she want to be honest, Shizuka actually just noticed that. All of the team 7 members left Konoha except Sakura. She will train on her own, go on missions with anyone other than team 7 and more. For Shizuka, this might be normal. But it's different for Sakura.

"No, I should be sorry. I didn't realize how you felt—"

"—no, it's okay. I'm the one who is so selfish. I won't stop you," Sakura babbled. Waving her hands in panic before deciding to change the topic. "So, when are you leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning," she sighed after seeing Sakura's dejected form. "You know that we can exchange letters, right?"

"Can I?"

"If you want to, then it's fine."

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