《The Last line of Uchiha》Part 26



~"I have extra duties after school today so don't worry about fetching me, I'll come home on my own."~

Sarada told me that this morning. Before saying I should starting keeping my promise and train Mino and her friends for the day instead. I still walked her to school though, all her young female friends greeting me while the boys stayed at a distance, only Mitsuki had greeted me, before they all disappeared, but that was expected, we grew up together after Maru took me in. He was like a younger brother.

'Train Mino huh?' I think heading for the lake again.

Mino looks about 6 maybe 7, she isnt in the Academy yet so I don't exactly know what she wants me to teach her. Chakra control would be a start, learning at a young age is good but then what, she won't be able to do Jutsus for a good 5 years. Maybe I'll just make them read about them like I did instead.

"Big brother Ukai!" I lifted my gaze from staring at the lake to see a group of small children run to me.

"Mino, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"I got away from Mommy to play with my friends, then we saw you here and you promised to train us remember!" She smiled.

"Yeah," Her friends cheered.

"Right," I sigh.

"Well then, let's get started," I say.

The children cheered and ran toward me.


"Um, are you sure about this big brother?" Mino asked as she clung to my shirt.

"Yes, don't worry, you control is excellent for your age, and I will be here to catch you if you fall," I tell her walking onto the lake.

All of her friends watched as I slowly placed Mino down on the water.

Her right foot touching the water first, slightly going threw so she pulled it back up.


"It's ok, it's just water, it's not going to hurt you," I smile at her.

She looked back down at her foot before placing it back on the water, it stayed above the water line this time, causing Mino to smile. She put her second foot down and now she was standing.

"Ha ha! Look guys! I'm doing it!" Mino waved to her friends.

"Your awesome Mino!" Her friends cheered back.

"I'm doing it!~" She looked up at me.

"Thank you Big brother," She smiled.

I smiled back.

"Who's next?" I look at the group of children.

"Me! No me! I wanna go!" The all cheered.

"I'll take the next person who can prove like Mino did that they are ready!" I told the children, watching the rush to get some water and pour it on the ground in front of them, stepping on/in to try and be first.

"Big brother?"

"Yes?" I looked down at Mino.

"Can I try and walk?" She asked looking at her feet.

"If you would like to," I say stepping back.

"Walk with me!" She looked absolutely terrified that I had stepped back.

"Hey no worries, I'm right here," I step behind her.

"O-ok," She breathed, taking a small step forward.

She started by scrapping her feet on the water before gaining the courage to lift a foot. Her legs shook and her arms were out for balance, but she was doing amazing, other than myself I've never seen such talent at such a young age. This next generation shows great promise.

"Look Big brother! I'm doing it!" Mino cheered looking up at me.

"Yes you are," I smiled down at her, my arms behind her to catch her if she falls.

I slowly halted my walking, watching as Mino continued on, walking farther and more confidently as she got her water legs.


"Ukai-sensei?" One of Mino's friends walked up to me.

"Just Ukai kid, or Big-brother, I'm not a sensei," I pat his head.

"Ok, umm, why do Aunt Minka and Uncle Yuto not want you around Mino?" He asked looking at his friend.

"It's more, they don't want to see me more than they don't want Mino to see me, but, it's because they were my team, they were my family," I say watching Mino walk.

"Then why don't they wanna see you?" He asked.

"Because I left." I deadpan.

"Well, left them specifically," I add.

"Where did you go?"

"Away, I had... some family, issues, and left without telling them, so, they resent me for it, it's understandable..." I look off over the lake, the images of hurt on both their faces when they saw me again flashing through my mind.

"Oh," The young boy whispered.

"What's your name kid?" I look down at him.

"Toru Daisuke," He looked up at me.

"Well Toru, do you know what a Nindo is?" I kneel down to his level.

"No," He shook his head.

"It's a moto, a promise a ninja makes to themselves for how they want to live," I say.

"Really? What's your Nindo?" He asks.

"Always protect the ones you love, and never forget them," I answer.

"That's so cool, can I use that to?" He beamed up at me.

"If you promise to live by that," I look at him.

"I will! Always I promise!" He gave me a face splitting grin.

"Ok then," I place my hand on his shoulder before standing.

"Yes!" He cheered.

I looked around, noticing the sun begin to descend and the winds pick up.

"It's getting late, we better get all of you home," I say continuing to look around.

"Yeah, our moms are probably gonna wonder what happened to us." Toru agrees before running off.

I walked forward behind Mino and speedily picked her up.

"AHH! Big brother!" She laughed hugging my neck.

"Come on, time to get to and your friends home," I say walking off the water.

"But I don't wanna go home!" Mino whined.

"Now now Mino, we wouldn't wanna worry your parents now would we?" I look at the small girl.

"Guess not," She sighs.

"Ok everyone, we're done for the day, you should all head home," I call over the group of children.

"Awwwwwww!" They all whined.

"Ok ok, we'll meet here again two days from now, once the weekend is over," I say to the children.

"Ok," They all reply before running off.

"You two too," I say placing Mino done next to Toru.

"Bye Big brother!" Mino called, taking Toru's hand and running off.

"Bye Big bro!" Toru called too before they both dissapeared.

"I'm going to end up being the big brother to all those kids when this training is over," I close my eyes and sigh.

'I should head home to, the sun is already half set.' I think beginning to walk.

On my way home I see Boruto walking along the roads. His head was down and his hands in his pockets as he kicked stones.

"Why the long face 'young Lord'?" I tease the blonde, making him look up at me.

"Oh, it's just you Ukai," He mumbled before he went back to sulking.

"Wow, I didn't think you could be this sad," I teased again.

"Knock it off man, leave me alone," He groaned.

"Fine, you want to sulk on your own I got the hint," I hiss walking past him.

"Sarada was right," I heard him mumble.

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