《The Last line of Uchiha》Part 10



~"So you accept your new mission?"

"I do, I'll make the preparations,"

"We leave in two weeks. I trust you will be ready."

"Of course."

"This will not be easy Sasuke, you might not make it back."

"So be it."~

Ukai was frozen in his place. His Father was leaving on a mission. In 14 days! And wasn't afraid that he might not come home. Was that why Ukai was kicked out of the kitchen? So they could discuss this? Was he not supposed to know.

"What about Ukai and Sarada?" Sakura spoke.

"Hinata and I will help as much as possible Sakura, we're family after all." Naruto placed a hand over Sakuras.

"Maybe this is for the best, it might be better for all of you if I leave," Sasuke spoke again.

Ukai had to stop himself from barging in there and calling out his Father. Sasuke might not always get along with Ukai, but he was his Father! Ukai needed him! Ukai gritted his teeth, hugging Sarada closer to his chest as he tried his hardest not to cry. Ukai shut his eyes, feeling more than betrayed, his Father, HIS DAD, thought Ukai would be better off without him!? Ukai felt his chest tighten and his whole body shake, he felt his eyes burn when he opened them. Sarada pulled back to see why her brother was shaking and she stared up at him with worry when she saw his red eyes were glowing and had three little black specks in them. She put her hand to her brother's cheek, causing the older Uchiha to look down at her. He had tears along his cheeks and his teeth were shut together so hard Sarada though they might break.

"Very well," Sakura sighed.

Ukai stopped shaking, but his mouth fell open and his grip on Sarada faltered slightly. His Mother was going to allow this? Having heard enough, Ukai crept back upstairs and ran to his room. He placed Sarada on his bed before beginning to pace.


"Wha~? Why? Why would he need to leave? Why would he even think that's ok!? What did I do, to make him think it be better if I grew up without him!? I don't~, I don't understand." The young Uchiha exclaimed.

Ukai was having more than a hard time accepting what he had just heard. Did Sasuke not wanna be around his family?


The Young Uchiha's attention was brought back to his sister when she called out for him. Ukai watched Sarada as she sniffed and used her small hands to wipe the small tears from her eyes. The older Uchiha sighed, walking toward his bed and picking his sister up. He set himself down, crossing his legs and placing Sarada in his lap.

"It's gonna be ok brat," Ukai hushed the smaller child.

Sarada clung to Ukai's shirt, pulling her body into his and placing her small head in the crook of his shoulder. Closing her eyes, Sarada heard Ukai sniff and she tried her best to comfort her brother. Emotions were not something Ukai was good at, growing up with Sasuke Uchiha taught him that your problems are exactly that, 'yours' and if you chose to show weakness that was your mistake. Everyone knew Sasuke grew up as a cold child, but Ukai didn't want to end up the same.

"It's gonna be ok," He repeated, more to himself than his sister this time.

Ukai turned his head to look around his room, his eyes locking on his mirror when the bright red of his eyes caught his attention. He stared at himself, bringing the hand that wasn't supporting Sarada to his face, dragging his fingers under his eyes lightly before placing it back on Sarada's back. Ukai sneered at his reflection, turning his head away, closing his eyes and hugging his sister tighter. Thunderstruck, resulting in a whimper from Sarada and a slight jump. Lightning lit up the sky and rain began to fall. Ukai stroked his sister's head, calming the frightened little girl while comforting himself. The sky was black and seemed to fit the emotion of the night perfectly. Ukai rocked himself and Sarada back and forth slowly, humming softly to Sarada, the way his Mother did when he was a baby.


(The song at the top is the one he hums)

"Ukai! You and Sarada can come down for dinner!" Sakura called her children.

"Sasuke will be able to come back right Naruto?" Sakura asked.

This whole mission didn't sit well with Sakura. The village needed Sasuke, but so did his children, so did she.

"When this is all over, of course." Naruto nodded.

Sakura sighed, hugging herself but nodding. Sasuke wrapped his arm around his wife, giving her a reassuring smile and a kiss to her temple.

Light footsteps alerted the three parents that Ukai had reentered the room. Sakura smiled at her son. Sasuke looked toward Ukai when he walked in, his sister still in his arms.

"Alright, I'll be off then, have a good night." Naruto waved walking to the door.

"Bye Naruto," Sakura called.

The seventh Hokage waved again before he was gone.

"Ok, dinner is ready so, let's eat!" Sakura cheered.

Sasuke nodded and so did Ukai. Sakura took Sarada from her brother -much to Sarada's dismay- and placed her in her chair. Dinner was quiet, no one said anything, the only sound heard were the tiny clinks as chopsticks met dish and the thunder and rain outside.

Sasuke ate in silence, Sakura ate in silence and fed Sarada in silence, but all Ukai wanted to do was scream. He wanted to give his Father the whole lecture, to spit the mouthful of pain he had at his Dad. But he decided against it. He would let this play out, if Sasuke loved him, he would tell him and Ukai was gonna wait for that. Sasuke has 12 days to speak with Ukai, after that, it was Ukai's turn.

Ukai looked at his Father with cold eyes. Normal families discuss things like this over dinner, so why isn't his Dad saying anything!? Sasuke, feeling Ukai's stare looked at his son. Sasuke was confused as to the hate that filled his boy's eyes, he furrowed his eyebrows at Ukai but the young Uchiha simply stared at the elder Uchiha, not blinking and not showing any sign of backing off.

Sasuke looked toward Sakura who was already looking at him. She gestured to Ukai with a head flick before looking at her son herself. Sasuke pondered for a moment on what exactly he was going to say to Ukai, He couldn't simply say he was leaving, that would put Ukai in an even fouler mood. It was strange, Ukai was perfectly happy an hour ago, now he looked like he wanted to kill someone. Ukai's temper was as bad if not worse than Sasuke's and Sasuke didn't know what to say.

"Are you alright Ukai?" Sakura broke the ice, seeing her husband's trouble.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Ukai answered turning to his Mother

"You sure? You look, upset." Sakura said.

"Oh, I was just remembering something that happened at school, it's nothing." Ukai waved off and smiled.

The young Uchiha looked to his Father, smiling a closed-eyed before turning back to his meal.

"Sorry if I made it seem I was angry at either of you, I'm not." Ukai lied.

Sakura nodded, seeming ok with her son's replay at this stage in time. Sasuke, however, was still skeptical. Ukai smiled and said it was ok, but the second he looked away he frowned again.

After dinner, Ukai stayed in the kitchen to clean up again while his parents put his sister to bed. He stood washing dishes before he paused, sighing and dropping his head.

"Maybe he isn't gonna tell me." He mumbled to himself.

The young Uchiha swallowed hard, taking a deep breath before continuing his clean up. Ukai found himself thinking if his Father wasn't going to tell Ukai what he wanted to know on his teams, Ukai would have to make him tell him on his terms. He was going to make his Father tell him everything and he was going to tell him before he leaves.

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