《The Last line of Uchiha》Part 3



"Morning Ukie," Mother sang as she walked into the dining room.

"Morning," I respond taking a sip of my water.

"How's training going?" She asked beginning breakfast for herself and Father.

"Good, only a few days till exams, and I think Yuto, Minka and I as ready as we can be."

"That's good." Mother said as she walked past me again.

"Hmm." I hum, finishing my breakfast.

"Hey Ukie, your Father and I need to tell you something." She said.

I look over my cup at her, she had a nervous smile on her face and she was playing with her fingers.

"Umm ok," I say sitting straight.

"It's nothing bad don't worry," She chuckled.

"Ok..." I sit back in my chair.

"Ukie, you're going to~"

A knock at the door interrupted Mother and she got up to answer it.

"Morning Mrs. Uchiha!" Two voices sounded.

"Oh good morning Yuto, Minka." Mother said.

I jumped out of my chair, grabbing my sword and bag before running up behind her.

"Hey, Ukai!" My friends smiled.

"Hey, guys!" I ducked under Mother and joined my classmates on the street.

"Come on Ukai, let's go!" We began to head to school but I stopped and turned to face my Mother.

"Oh wait, what was it you wanted to tell me, Mother?" I ask.

"Hmm? Oh nothing Dear, it can wait." She smiled.

I nodded, running off to my friends after saying goodbye. We were all talking about who we thought we were going to face in the exams, you won't know exactly till the day but you can always guess.

"Ow!" Minka walked into someone.

"Lord Naruto!" Yuto exclaimed bowing.

"Oh, I'm so sorry Lord Seventh." Minka rambled bowing over and over.


"It's ok, really," Uncle Naruto smiled awkwardly rubbing his head.

"Where are you headed in such a rush?" He asked us.

"We have final training before the exams," I say.

"Working hard, that's good." Uncle Naruto nodded.

"And how are your families?" He asked.

Yuto and Minka rambled on about there, but when it came to me,

"They're ok." I shrug.

Uncle Naruto looked at me for a second before saying he needed to be off and we were back on our way to the training grounds.

"Gosh, Lord Naruto is so cool! He's totally into it with the village people." Minka sighed staring off.

"Geez, get a hold of your hormones Minka, he's way older than you." I raise an eyebrow at her.

"EH!? That's not what I mean idiot!" She yelled blushing.

"Right!" Yuto said winking at me.

"Moron!" Minka punched his head.

"Ow!" Yuto whined.

I chuckled as we made it to the training grounds.

"Finally! You three made it," Mamoto-sensei yawned, jumping down from the tree he was laying in.

"We got caught up talking to Lord Seventh," Yuto said.

"Ahh, alright then, excused, now!" He clapped his hands together.

"Final training, you need to ensure you three will pass as a team. Remember, no trust, no team, no team, no victory." Sensei said.

"That is why you will be redefining your team strength today, by fighting each other," Sensei added.

"What?" Minka jumped.

"Fight? Each other?" Yuto seemed to be stuck like he couldn't comprehend what was just said.


I looked from Minka to Yuto and back. We all stared each other down before sensei yelled start.


"Ow ow ow!" Yuto exclaimed.

"I can't believe you can do that!" He complained as we walked home.


"Did your Father teach you that?" He asked.

"No, I learned myself," I say rolling my shoulders to free myself from pain.

"What!? You taught yourself!?" He stopped in front of me.

"Yeah, why?" I continued to stretch.

"Teach me!" He said looking me dead in the eye.

"Really?" I chuckled.

"Yeah!" He said.

"Why me?" I ask.

"Because you understand me, you know how to teach me in a way I understand, it has to be you." He said looking at me determined.


"Please, Ukai! I'll do anything! Just please teach me to be as good as you!" He pleaded, bowing with his hands up in the please pose.

"It won't be easy," I say walking past him.

"So you'll do it?" He asked running up behind me.

"Yes, I'll help you, you're like my brother remember." I smile.

"Yes! So, when do we start? What do we start with? How much do you know? Do you know any~" I cut him off.

"Yuto! I said I'll teach you but please, be quiet!" I say holding his lips together.

"Hmm ghmm hm Umhm!" He saluted.

"Good. But not today, I'm too tired." I say.

"Yes!" He cheered.

"Bye Ukai!" He cheered again running off.

"Bye!" I wave stopping outside my house.

I opened the door, pulling my shoes off before walking in.

"Mom, Dad, I'm home!" I call walking into the living room.

I paused and stared at Mother and Father as they stared at me. Both were standing in the doorway looking at me. Mother was smiling and Father was being, Father.

"Uhh, what's going on?" I ask stepping forward.

"Ukie, your Father and I have good news!" Mother smiled, placing her hands on my shoulders.

"Is this the same good news as this morning?" I ask.

"Yes," Mother smiled.

"Ok, what is it?" I ask looking between the two.

"You're going to be a big brother." Mother said.

WHAT!? I stood still looking at Mother before turning to Father.

"Are you serious!?" I ask.

"Yes, you're getting a sibling." Mother chuckled happily pulling me into a hug.

I pulled back from Mother's grasp, running both my hands through my hair.

'A sibling!? I don't want a sibling! It's hard enough trying to get approval around here now and now I need to complete with a younger child!?' I thought to myself.

"I'm going to be a big brother!?" I asked, faking happiness.

Mother cupped her hands over her mouth as she smiled and laughed. Father smiled, taking hold of my Mother's waist.

'How can they look so happy? Why do they need another child? Am I not enough?' I stopped pacing and looked at my parents.

They were smiling at me, both looking so happy. I smiled, I like it when they're happy, but...

I grabbed both of them, hugging them as hard as I could. Mother instantly hugged me back, Father standing there smiling. I smiled up at them before turning my head down to lay against them. My smile instantly dropped and I felt my eyes grow cold.

'A sibling. I don't want a sibling!'

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