《A Senju's Family》Chapter 8 pt.2 🌟



"Alright well, is our work done here? We apprehended the villains, found your brats, and Masahiko is healing up nicely. Whaddya say Haru wanna start heading back?" Isamu asked, blinking up at my mom curiously.

Isamu was right, weren't we all kinda done for the day? We captured the two villains, and we found Masahiko!

Unless there was a to-do list I was unaware of, I'd think it's safe to say that we can start heading back home!

Expecting my mom to be the one handing out orders, I tilt my head up at her curiously. She looks deep in thought, side eyeing my father whilst coming up with an answer for Isamu.

Is dad coming home with us as well?

Haruki seemed to have the same ideas I did, as she set her eyes on our father specifically.

"Dad! I was wondering, could you maybe come back home? Just this once!" Haruki asked, addressing him directly as she whirled around to face him with big pleading eyes.

By the look on her face I could tell how badly she wants him to say yes, and it honestly takes me by a bit of surprise.

I might've underestimated how much Haruki missed dad as well, hell, she even went against our mom just to see him!

She's always acted like our moms perfect daughter though, the one who stuck to the rules and never voiced out in concern. There was no way I could've seen this coming!

My father pauses, looking down at her with slightly widened eyes.


"Yes, he is coming home." My mom's voice cuts through his own as she butts through the conversation, sending Haruki a comforting smile.

My father's gaze snapped to my mom almost immediately, surprised by her input. My eyes narrow, he looks like he never even agreed to that-

"Seriously?! This is great Sasuke! I've been waiting for you to take a day back in Konoha." Naruto smiled, addressing his best friend excitedly.

My suspicions heighten when my dad doesn't respond at all, he instead bores his eyes through the side of my mothers face.

For a guy who doesn't talk much, he sure looks like he has lots to say to my mom according to the look in his eyes.

She notices as well, but instead of scowling back like I was sure she would, she laughed at him.

....They're so confusing as a couple-

"You all stay here for a moment! Sasuke and I need to have a talk." My mom claimed, lending us all a bright smile before grabbing his hand and dragging him into the forestry so that they'd have their privacy.

I can't help but watch them suspiciously.

What could they possibly be catching up on that couldn't be talked about in front of the group?!

Naruto laughs off the situation "They'll be back in a little bit! Now Masahiko, do you need any help healing?" He asked, turning to my white haired brother.

Masahiko tried fending off Naruto's aid, but it was to no avail, Naruto seemed hellbent on finalizing Masahiko's healing process no matter how grumpy it'd turn him afterwards.

"Finally, all of the craziness was over with! I was so scared that I'd be targeted!" Cho-Cho sighed dramatically, fanning herself as she held onto her bag of chips.

A sweatdrop forms at my temple after hearing her drama filled with woes, While Haruki smiles sheepishly at the Akimichi's words.

"Hey do you think dad is gonna come back home with us?" Haruki hummed, nudging my shoulder.


I stayed silent for a moment, watching as Katsuro and Isamu forced Masahiko down so that Naruto could use his chakra cloak to heal him. I think this is the closest I'll ever get to seeing Masahiko throw a fit-

"I dunno, he looked surprised when mom said he would." I respond with a small shrug.

"I mean we kinda just came out of nowhere, he wasn't planning on us appearing so I'd understand if he couldn't." Haruki sighed softly, turning away from me to watch the spectacle involving Katsuro, Masahiko, Isamu, and the seventh hokage.

I frown a bit, shaking my head almost automatically.

"You have every right to be upset if he says no, you know that right? I get that he's busy, but is he really that busy that he hasn't tried seeing us at all these past few years?" I ask, noting how Haruki became considerably more quiet after my words.

"I just...Don't wanna be mad at him I guess." She murmurs, settling her eyes on her lap so that she could play with the ends of her bouncy hair.

I stay silent at that, wondering to myself how the hell she keeps herself from getting angry at situations like this.

Haruki and I are so different personality wise, and this is just one of the many reasons why.

I think it's reasonable at the very least to be upset with my father after not seeing him in the past seven years, but Haruki's out here physically and mentally restraining herself from feeling that way!

God, I could never hold in those levels of anger that have just built up within me-

I don't even realize it, but my brooding mood casts a shadow over my eyes, one that has Cho-Cho looking at me weirdly.

Haruki didn't notice the literal dark cloud looming over my head and the shadowed eyes, as she herself was going through her own mini sulking state by my side.

"Have I ever told you guys that sometimes you creep me out?" Cho-Cho deadpanned as she munched on her chips, to which Haruki and I nodded.

"All the time." We reply in unison, causing chills to comically run down Cho-Cho's back.

While the three of us go back and forth on how Haruki and I apparently have "Creepy twin energy" Haruki tenses up, standing from the large rock the two of us were perched up in high alert.

"What's wrong?" Cho-Cho asks with a small frown, and I stand up as well, looking around confusedly.

Haruki only ever gets like that when she's in her 'sensory mode' and finds something suspicious, and although I've only ever seen her do this when she'd train with mom, I recognized her actions almost immediately.

"I was searching for chakras while we were talking out of curiosity, but something feels off." She murmurs seriously, reaching out her hands and grabbing onto the two of us.

"Lord seventh!" Haruki calls out, addressing him by his hokage status. The action takes me by surprise as usually Haruki would rather call him 'Uncle Naru' in comparison to his official title.

Damn, she must be extra serious-

I look over to the seventh hokage cautiously, and notice that he's suddenly on high alert as well. My surprise is even furthered when I look at Isamu and the boys who seemed just as alert.

What the hell is going on?!

And no fair! Katsuro isn't a sensory type but he looks just as on guard as everybody else!

I totally gotta ask him how he does it later....


Speaking of sensory abilities, everybody who has them suddenly turns to me in mixed looks of shock and urgency. I frown, confused by their faces.

Why are they all turning to me-

In under a second my eyes bulge out of my head at the feeling of somebody grabbing the back of my shirt and yanking me backwards. It all happened so quickly I barely registered that it was Naruto who pulled me away!

He made sure I was behind him and stood in front of me protectively, taking me for a complete loop just because of how fast everything was happening!

On the same note, my father appears out of nowhere as well, appearing just in time to pick up Haruki and jump away from whatever they were pulling us from.

My mom suddenly arrives as well, taking Cho-Cho in her arms and shielding her protectively.


From behind Naruto (Who picked me up faster than I could even blink) I finally see what it was that had everybody and their mothers freaking out.

I gawk at the sight of an odd little figure, dismorphed and tiny but with humanoid features at the same time.

Well, by humanoid, I mean a mouth and eye.

And the one eye that the creature possessed was a sharingan at that!

The creature with the blazing red sharingan smiled creepily, inciting insane levels of nightmare fuel within me.

Whatever that thing was, he seemed to know he was cornered with my parents and Naruto all here to protect us, so to my surprise he just....teleported away?

How the hell?!-

"Whoever that was, they took the bodies." My father sighed, carefully letting Haruki back on the ground after making sure that the coast was clear.

My eyes snap over to where the bodies of the self proclaimed Shin Uchiha and the younger boy (also ironically named Shin), only to find that my father was right.

They're gone!

"Is everybody alright?!" My mom asked, quickly checking up on Chocho before glancing between the rest of us kids.

"We're good auntie Haru! What was that thing though? it was so creepy!" Cho-Cho exclaimed, munching on her chips curiously. My father, Mother, and Naruto all shared concerned glances.

"Looks like things with Shin weren't as over as we thought they were." Naruto sighed, running a hand through his blonde hair.

Honestly, there's nothing I love more in the world than my kids. They're my loves, my lives, my everything!!!

However, Sasuke is a really close second.

I've just missed him so so so much! I've spent literal years without him! And although we loyally send each other letters every week and he always sends me small gifts that remind him of me during his travels, it just doesn't compare to seeing him in person.

Seriously, was I royally pissed at him for keeping the Masahiko situation from me? Hell yeah. However...

For fucks sake is it a crime to miss my husband?!

That exact sentiment is what led me to drag him into the woods and away from the prying eyes of everybody else.

Do we have to discuss an important matter? Yes

Could it have been discussed in front of the group? Yes

But could I have kissed him silly in front of the group? Nah

Therefore one priority outweighed the other and here we are now!

With me, pushed up against a tree, and Sasuke locked against me with his lips on mine. His hands are literally holding me up by my ass and my arms are wrapped around his neck, nails scratching down his back. Yeah this definitely couldn't be done back there.

I lean away with a furious blush spread across my cheeks, only to gasp at the way his teeth tugged at my bottom lip....I definitely felt my stomach flutter after that-

I unwrap my arms from his neck, instead leaning back against the tree as his hands slowly trail up and down my toned sides.

"You know, everytime I thought about seeing you again, I didn't think it'd be like this." I say, chuckling at the odds of it all.

If somebody told me last week that I would see Sasuke, only reuniting after beating the shit out of an akatsuki/Uchiha fanboy who kidnapped our son, I wouldn't have believed it at all.

Firstly, the thought of being away from the village was incomprehensible to me since I'm always so busy with Daisuke and the girls. However, I didn't count on Runa and Haruki literally running away so-

The world has a funny way of working sometimes.

"Trust me, I was shocked to see you too." He replied quietly, hands still roaming over my body as he speaks. I tense up a bit when one of his hands glides across my inner thigh, dangerously close to my center.

Oh my god what am I thinking?! Forest sex was only hot when we were younger! Now that we are grown adults we have to be classier!

....Would a forest moment really be that bad though?

He notices me tense up and smirks a bit, but he ultimately decides to stop teasing the hell out of me by simply wrapping his arms around my waist. He hugs me to him, and my legs tighten around his slim waist. I just sigh, happy to be in his arms again after so long.

This is a lot more stress free than whatever it was he was planning on doing to me.

I lean my head on his shoulder as his hands glide over the curves of my hips.

"I seriously didn't think Ruki and Runa would go this far to see you." I murmur, looking up at him through my lashes.

"Were they at least happy to see you? It wasn't awkward right?" I ask, hoping for the best answer possible. Some would think that after years apart, Sasuke and I would grow further from one another emotionally, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

If anything, I feel more connected to him now than ever before! It's weird, and honestly I don't even know how it works. All I know is that everything feels right when I'm with him, and there wasn't a bone in my body that felt awkward seeing him again.

We just automatically clicked.

But the thing is...I can't be so sure that he 'automatically clicks' with everybody else. Sasuke's a difficult guy, one who's been through a lot and has a real tough demeanor about him.

Just because I've broken through that barrier and have gotten to this point with him doesn't mean everybody else has.

And by everybody else I specifically mean the girls.

I wanted to be with them the day they met Sasuke again so I could help navigate the situation. Knowing that Sasuke wasn't the most extroverted person around, I was worried about him easily communicating with the girls without some help.

It wasn't that he didn't love them, that wasn't it at all!

He'd die a million times before ever even thinking of hurting them, but he's just awkward. And Runa is critical. And he's blunt. And she's sensitive. And he's quiet. And she's curious. And he's just difficult, and so is she.


"It's fine, I was surprised to see them." He responded, eyes trained on my face as he spoke. I nodded, toying with the fabric of his cloak.

"They're so big now hm? Sometimes I look at them and I could barely believe it." I chuckle, raising my head from his shoulder to address him properly. He nods, looking off as he thinks of his twin daughters.

"Runa..she looks so much like my mother, you were right." He claimed quietly, mentioning how in the letters I'd write to him I'd always scream about how the days passed Runa looked more and more like her grandmother.

My eyes softened, smiling at his words. "She really does, and her hair's getting so long too. I had to trim it the other day." I sigh, talking to him casually as if we were back home and it were just any other day.

"And Haruki looks just like you too, I think she surprised me even more." He claims, earning a small laugh from me.

I always hear that Haruki looks just like me from everyone around me, but I honestly always saw her as a little blend of Sasuke and I when she was little.

However, the older she grows, the more my features seem to outweigh Sasuke's.

"I can't wait for you to see Daisuke when we go home, he's so sweet and cute!" I exclaim excitedly, looking up at him expectantly.

There's no way he's going back to traveling after this, I will literally chain him to me somehow-

He stays silent as I stare at him through narrowed eyes.

I get closer to his face, to the point that our lips are almost touching, but I don't let that happen. If we kiss, there is a 99% chance I will forget what we were talking about.

"We are going home, right my love?" I ask, raising a brow as his silence only continues. After a few moments, he finally breaks.

"Haru I can't-" He starts off with a regretful tone, but I don't let him continue, positive that I need to get my side of the argument in before he does.

"Listen buddy, ignore the fact that I have the hottest fucking lingerie set ever calling your name back home, think about Haruki and Runa's little faces! They want you home! Do you wanna be the reason they cry? Hm?" I ask, jabbing a finger in his chest.

"What about Daisuke?! He literally idolizes you and the kid barely knows you, do you want him to grow up resenting you?! Because that's literally one of my biggest nightmares!

I love you Sasuke, you know I do. But it's unfair of you to distance yourself from those innocent babies! I will not stand for it, do you hear me?! I understand you're trying to help me and Haruki, But this is hurting everybody!

Runa thinks we don't care about her, all because you constantly have Katsuro around! Haruki's been asking more and more about you, and the look on her face kills me everytime I tell her I don't know when you're coming home!

Do I even get started on little Daisuke?! Oh my god he's so proud to have you as a father but the boy barely knows your fucking name!

And oh my god what about me?! I'm literally going fucking crazy! I need you home and that isn't even an exaggeration.

It's too much, Daisuke's sick! The girls don't deserve the short end of the stick. But there's nothing I could do!! Am I supposed to just ignore his problems?! God I can't do this anymore!

I feel like a shitty mom for leaving him in surgery all alone, but I'd feel like an even shittier mom if I didn't come here to get Haruki and Runa back!

And it's unfair that I'm being put in that position! I have a husband who's supposed to help me be a parent damnit!

I refuse to feel like a single mother any longer, either you're coming home or I'm dragging your ass home. Kaguya's shitty curse be damned." I sternly rant, my gloved hand gripping onto his shirt so tightly that my knuckles turn white.

Sasuke's jaw subtly drops at my mini rant, and a sense of weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. Ah finally!

Also....I can't help but feel a bit of pride swell up in me because of Sasuke's dumbstruck face hehe!

"So? Whaddya say?" I smile, placing a sweet kiss on his lips before blinking up at him expectantly. He barely even reacts to the pop kiss, blinking down at me stoically.

Oh no- Did I break him?!

"I'll...come home." Is all he manages to utter out before I'm smiling brightly as if I didn't just threaten him.

"Great! You have a king sized bed calling your name tonight babe." I smile, patting his chest before unwrapping my legs from his waist and letting myself down.

"Maybe the lingerie I talked about too! But I'm honestly kinda tired so we should take a nap before- Wait, what's that?" I freeze, twisting around to the direction where we came from confusedly.

Sasuke stays silent, activating his sharingan and eyeing the direction I turned to.

"Do you sense that?" I whisper, slowly stepping towards the direction of the eerie chakra I managed to locate out of nowhere. It just appeared out of thin air! How?-

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