《Saradas twin》NARUTOOO!


y/n POV

"are they gone" metal whispered giggling a bit as i shushed him keeping in my laughter, eventually it all went quiet so we lifted the floorboard up and went back up.

checking there was no one there we bursted into laughter trying to stay a little quieter but failed horribly.

"they haha a-actually thought we left" metal laughed while i was just joining in with him amused at the fact we managed to get undr the floorboard in 2 seconds, it sounds stupid but we did it. i got the rest of the stuff from under the deck although i couldnt say metal was helping much cause he was just rolling on the floor laughing silently, its honestly quite funny.

"y/n where are we going to go now, im sure they'll come back so they'll find us easily?" he asked after finally calming down. i actually dont know where to go, there are probably jounin all over the village looking for us but i do have an idea well kinda.

I have a plan, since they don't trust us I'll just hand ourselves in and then we'll probably have to be put in a team so then we'll just trust the process.

time skip to the next day

"i had suspicions from you two from the beginning, i should've known. who are you two really?" right now we're stood in tsunades office with jounin surrounding us after we handed ourselves in. dont the jounin have better things or missions to do besides watching over some 'teenagers'.

"i wont ask again, who are you!" tsunade slammed her hands on her desk breaking it in half, well i see what they mean by hot headed, she has a very bad temper but theres no doubt that shes a strong woman that could pulverise anyone with one hit of her fist, even so im not afraid of her cause compared to what ive seen shes nothing. plus at this time shes only just gotten over her fear of blood and lets face the fact that she would never dare conflict much pain upon a child that she barely knows, she doesnt have the guts to do that sort of thing.

"i wasnt lying when i told you my name, you just cant bring yourself to believe me but thats not my problem grandma, its not like we want to be here anyway isnt that right metal" i said confidently not giving a care in the world while metal was shaking because of the death glare tsunade had been giving her.

"y-yeah we dont wanna be here, you can kick us out of the village and we wont care!" hold on i never said that "you dont scare me or y/n so do what you like cause we've told you everything that we want you to know so the rest is none of your bussiness old lady!" im glad he grew his confidencee but uhh how do i say this.

i looked at him dumb founded soon feeling the anger radiating of a certain blonde hokage.

"i agree with you metal but i think you went a little too far" he looked confused at first but not util he heard the shouts of tsunade.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME!" she was about to full on attack metal but shizune attempted to hold her back while other jounin tried to calm her down. Ya know what maybe she does have the guts when it comes to metal Lee. metal doesnt look like he cares and strangely enough hes standing in the exact same position as i am not that im bothered by it at all.


"i must say you've got some real nerve talking to me like that, you see im not afraid of you either so i'd appeciate if you helped me out here, all i need is the truth okay i did search into you two and found nothing about a y/n haruno or a metal with no surname" tsunade said aggrivaredly but seemed to have cooled down a little more now, i could tell them but i cant if theres so many people in the room, if i ask them to leave they'll obviously be listening from the outside because they need to 'protect the hokage'.

"..." i wont say anything now, theres nothing i can say that wont ruin everything, that wont ruin time. if i seek help i need to do it privately and so thats what i'll do, i just have to be patient.

boruto...mitsuki..shikadai, sarada, rock lee ill bring metal home to you but please forgive me if i don't, my priority is getting metal back but that doesnt mean i'm going with him, some things just aren't meant to be.

"since you two obviously wont comply to my request ill have a few people observing you 24/7, come in......team 7" tsunade announced, we heard a creak and looked to see the one and only team 7 but without sasuke it would seem.

"you'll be going on their next mission with them as well just thought youd like to know" she said in a sarcastic sweet like voice

she explained the mission to them while me and metal were just touching random objects around the room, i could tell tsunade was annoyed by our actions but i couldn't care less.

all i need is to get out of here, get metal home and then i can go and find KARA.

every time i mention something about KARA i think about kira and marcel, now that i'm really thinking about it i remember the hatred i have towards the people who did kill them, all those children and adults they killed.

i could barely see what was hidden underneath those cloaks but i did, they all had different colour hair, one of them i think even had a pair of red glasses. one that i definitely remember was the blue eyes i saw, one was more pale than the other.

i never really thought about their looks much since i haven't heard about them in years but when i do they will suffer. they were so strong, the chakra radiating of them was extremely powerful, anyway back to the main problem here, i need to get us out of this time era.

I've been thinking a lot these past few days and I have an idea, I think if we go back to where it all happened I can get us home.

It would all make sense since we're going to a village that's just a little further than doukutstgakure, escaping should be easy.

"Now get out and stop touching my stuff!" I heard tsunade shout once more and with that we left.

"Right is everyone ready to go" kakashi and Yamato said,and with that we took our leave.

As we walked me and metal stayed a little behind with them glancing back at us every second they can.

I explained to metal what the plan would be, when we get to the middle point I'll put them all in a genjutsu and then we'll leave.


It's time. I gave metal the sign and he stopped which caught the other's attention.

"What are you two doi-" Yamato tried to ask, me being the person I am I didn't give him any time to finish his sentence I quickly initiated the plan.

"Metal look away, Mangekyon sharingan" I said calmly watching their eyes widen as they all collapsed to the floor.

"Wow did you just put them into a sleep" metal asked in awe.

"Hn, well I guess you could say that" I answered, he's not wrong, a nightmare is still a dream.

Taking just a few steps we heard a poof, already knowing who it is I called.

"Naruto you're being smart for once I'm surprised, like I'm really surprised" I wasn't being sarcastic, I'm honestly surprised he's actually done something smart.


"WHAT DID YOU DO TO THEM! AND HOW HAVE YOU GOT THE SHARINGAN?!" He screamed In anger but I could tell he wanted answers.

"Is y/n haruno and metal even your names!" Impatiently said again at a loud tone.

"Metal go on without me, I'll meet you at the front of the cave, 100 meters to the east and you'll recognise where to go next, no buts just go" hesitating a hundred times by looking back and forth until he went in the direction I appointed him.

Now then let's get this over with, how annoying.

"Hey answer me dattebayo!"

"Y/n is my name, y/n Uchiha daughter of Sakura haruno and Sasuke Uchiha, does that answer your question?" I asked as if I'd just told him how to open a book.


I'm crazy? Look at yourself

"Tell me the truth!" He argued like a child.

Tch this boy, my mind is about to explode but I have to stay calm.

Me: I am

Naruto: No you're not!

Me: yes I am Naruto

Naruto: that's impossible! I refuse to believe it! Sakura would never do that to me.

You've got to be kidding me

Me: look at me, take a close look at me and then say I don't look like them.

He went close to my face and gave me a weird look.

I gave him a disappointed look, I mean seriously there's no way this guy is beyond 5 years old.

Naruto: why looking at me like that! STOP IT!Anyway I guess you do resemble Sakura facial features and Sasukes eyes and colour skin along with the hair and that boring face you have on all the time

Me: so your saying that my mums face is boring?


is he seriously crying right now, no surely not, no wait hold on never mind he is, a grown ass man right here is crying because I'm his crush's kid.

Naruto: tell me it's not true

He clinged to my leg and sobbed like a big baby.

Me: sigh* I'm from a different time line, I'm from the future. So yes it is true


That's enough I've had it now, I'm seriously about to punch his brain out. You know what that would be useless because he doesn't have one!



He did not just .call.me.Sasuke.

He tightened his fists and looked down, it would seem his childish mood has disappeared and he is serious now.

I can feel a demonic chakra radiating of him.

"Sasuke.." he clenched his teeth and said it in a whisper barely hear able.

"If you really are who you say you are then did I bring him back" he stared me dead in the eye not afraid of what would happen.

"..." I said nothing, he did not stay in the village, Naruto didn't bring him home but he did show him the good side, and that's why I'm here today because Sasuke saw the light and finally decided to take a step into it and it was all because of Naruto.

"Goodbye Naruto I hope we never see each other again" it's not that I hate him but he's not the Naruto from my timeline. If I stay any longer it'll just mess everything up.

"Wait bu- ack!" I hit his vital point on his neck which knocked him out, he was so caught up in his thoughts he left himself vulnerable.

If he was focused he could've defeated me, that's the difference between this past version of him and the future version.

That's the difference between him and Sasuke, two complete opposites. they remind me of the yin and yang, two half's of one whole.

I'll have to do one more jutsu-spell for them, to erase everyone's memory of me and metal. The story of why their here will change and this will all go unnoticed as if it never happened. Orochimaru taught me that, being honest I quite like the guy.

I was about to cast it but a small voice stopped me just before.

"Is it true are you really my daughter" that whisper was none other than Sakura herself, she must be really good at getting out of genjutsus or she was never in one of them in the first place.

I gave her a small but warm smile and walked over to her, she reached out her hand and put it on her cheek.

"I bet your happy you got with your dream man in the end huh" I gave a slight giggle but she didn't seem fazed by it.

But she hugged me.

"I knew something about you reminded me of him, not only the shape but the same look in your eyes are the same as Sasuke's, you haven't had it easy have you. I'm sorry that I wasn't a good mother" I was shook at how mature she is right now, this is completely different from when I told Naruto.

"It wasn't your fault, it was never your fault. Goodbye mother you'll see me again, in the future" I said soothingly

"Mother...I'd never thought I would have been capable to raise such an amazing girl, I guess I'll see you again someday" and with her last sentence I cast the jutsu and laid her down next to the others.

I'll be heading over to metal now, he's been waiting long enough.

Through these past days I've realised how much my mum loves Sasuke as well as the brotherly bond naruto feels with him aswell.

If only reality wasn't so cruel, it won't be forever I promise.

Now then let's get out of here...


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